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In this article the authors focus on the emergence, or disappearance, of notions of responsibility in social dynamic processes. Hence, the starting point in this article is concrete behavior within organisational settings. This article presents a systematic overview of mechanisms related to acting upon a sense of moral responsibility. Some of these mechanisms are based on individual characteristics, others are embedded in the social context wherein responsible behaviour emerges or disappears. In this article, various mechanisms are identified and labelled in order to analyse what types of processes are behind the mechanisms. In this way, the article yields important understandings for the conscious use of these mechanisms to strengthen responsible behavior within organisations.  相似文献   

This article presents a structured process to make facility location decisions based on regional industrial capabilities. It presents a framework for collecting business intelligence on major cities of the region of interest. In the next step, the collected business intelligence is incorporated into a quantitative decision analysis model for facility location. While the proposed framework is generic and builds on the existing international business and supply chain management literature, the article mainly focuses on the facility location problem of a distribution firm that is not well represented in the literature. Two cases—one each for new and established distributors who are trying to sell to the Mexican market—are presented in the article.  相似文献   

遗传资源来源披露义务是否能够得到TRIPS协议的支持,不同国家态度不一,这取决于对TRIPS协议第29条是否能够涵盖该义务的不同解释。TRIPS协议第29条规定的是作为可专利性条件的专利公开充分性标准。发展中国家试图建立遗传资源来源披露义务的四项目标中,前三项与TRIPS协议第29条是兼容的。我国专利法第26条第5款规定了符合前三项的遗传资源来源披露义务,但其法律效力不同于公开充分性标准。为了实现该义务的法律目标,我国专利法应该予以修订,规定违反该义务而获得的专利权不予执行之法律后果。  相似文献   

This article brings together insights on the global challenges of achieving a safe food system. Through looking at examples of food safety initiatives, relevant success factors are identified and then distilled into five essential elements for developing a robust and safe food system. While much of the work in this area looks at government initiatives, this article looks particularly at industry-led initiatives. The article includes a brief look at the importance of food in Chinese culture and the current structure of the Chinese food chain. Specific initiatives from other markets are reviewed, and the five elements are outlined.  相似文献   

GATT/WTO多边贸易体制关于关税同盟和自由贸易区的纪律规定于GATT第24条。然而,在GATT缔约之日起,直至如今,GATT第24条一直是人们苦恼和迷惑之源。人们认为,由于充满"模糊"和"含糊其词的用语",该条的规定"极端宽松"、"异乎寻常地复杂"、"充满漏洞";有人甚至批评说该条是"荒谬的"和"自相矛盾的"。GATT第24条诸款中,引起争议最大的莫过于该条的第8款,该款规定了关税同盟和自由贸易区内部深度区域自由化的义务,本文称之为实体内部标准。本文首先探讨了GATT第24条关于区域贸易安排法律制度的逻辑框架和实体纪律。重点就"深度区域自由化的义务"(内部标准)尽可能全面地加以评释。  相似文献   

中国入世十年主动参与WTO争端解决机制实践述评   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
自2001年12月11日中国正式加入世界贸易组织以来的十年内,中国主动或被动地参与了WTO争端解决机制。本文首先对中国入世十年以来参与WTO争端解决的实践进行了总体评价,然后就中国入世十年来作为申诉方主动参与WTO争端解决案例做了述评。本文认为,入世十年来,中国在WTO争端解决诉讼上,基本维持着攻少守多但又不失均衡的状态。中国发起争端解决的案子主要集中在贸易救济领域,起诉案子的质量有待提高,需要各方更深入地发掘欧盟等国违反WTO规则的措施。  相似文献   

本文拟对去年以来出现的所谓“消费储值”、“消费计点”行为对比 80年代末期 90年代初期曾经风靡一时的“还本销售”等商业欺诈行为进行理论分析 ,讨论其发生、形成、演化的背景、原因、模式和机制。同时对某些似是而非的观点进行分析。最后 ,本文也提出了一定的对策建议。  相似文献   

There is a growing body of research on the theory and practice of sustainable supply chain management (SSCM). However, relatively little research has been conducted on the extent to which corporations have integrated sustainability principles into the management of their supply chain and the evaluation of supplier performance. The purpose of this article is to explore the extent to which corporate sustainability principles are integrated into supply chain management (SCM) in corporations. Canada is used as a case study in this article. The study included a content analysis of one hundred Canadian corporate sustainable development reports and in-depth interviews with 18 Canadian experts on SSCM. The article highlights the wide array of ways in which Canadian corporations address SSCM issues. Amongst other topics, issues associated with supply chain governance, standards for SSCM, collaboration with suppliers, performance measurement, and accountability within the supply chain are explored. The findings reveal that there are many challenges in integrating sustainability into SCM. These challenges shed light on possible future directions for research in SSCM. This article underlines the need for research that reflects the interconnected nature of the economic, environmental, and social dimensions of sustainability, particularly as it relates to measuring supplier performance on sustainability initiatives.  相似文献   

This article explains who Corporate Psychopaths are, and some of the processes by which they stimulate counterproductive work behaviour among employees. The article hypothesizes that conflict and bullying will be higher, that employee affective well-being will be lower and that frequencies of counterproductive work behaviour will also be higher in the presence of Corporate Psychopaths. Research was conducted among 304 respondents in Britain in 2011, using a psychopathy scale embedded in a self-completion management survey. The article concludes that Corporate Psychopaths have large and significant impacts on conflict and bullying and employee affective well-being; these have large and significant impacts on counterproductive work behaviour. There is no difference between male and female degrees of negative reaction to the presence of managers who are Corporate Psychopaths.  相似文献   

This article addresses the relationship between the ethics underpinning leadership and change. It examines the developments in leadership and change over the last three decades and their ethical implications. It adopts a consequentialist perspective on ethics and uses this to explore different approaches to leadership and change. In particular, the article focuses on individual (egoistic) consequentialism and utilitarian consequentialism. The article argues that all leadership styles and all approaches to change are rooted in a set of values, some of which are more likely to lead to ethical outcomes than others. It also argues that all stakeholders in an organisation have a role to play in ensuring ethical outcomes. It concludes that in order to achieve sustainable and beneficial change, those who promote and adopt particular approaches to leadership and change must provide greater ethical clarity about the approaches they are championing.  相似文献   

Efficiency and security are often regarded as opposing factors in transport operations, with increased security causing decreased efficiency. The use of information technology holds the promise of enabling improved efficiency in freight transport operations and this article suggests and elaborates on the proposition that “An increased focus on efficiency will result in improved security for carrier operations.” The research for this article involved a literature review, the collection of empirical data through one in‐depth case study, and elaboration on a proposition through a field pilot implementation. The selected focus was carrier operations in connection with port terminals carrying out RoRo operations on trailers. The article explores and describes how measures to increase efficiency result in increased security.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to explain various aspects of Chinese and Japanese business negotiating styles. Both the Chinese and Japanese have a reputation for being tough negotiators, but their strategies and tactics are neither unpredictable nor insurmountable. Although they share similar cultural traditions, they do have some notable differences. This article begins with an analysis of general perceptions of the Chinese and Japanese on negotiations, and then goes through different stages of the formal negotiating process while focusing on some of the tactics used either commonly or respectively by the Chinese and Japanese. It ends with a discussion on conflict management. Throughout the article, similarities and differences between the Chinese and Japanese are highlighted. The article presents a conceptual framework for understanding and comparing Chinese and Japanese negotiating styles. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

This article evaluates the state of the art and provides an interdisciplinary framework for game-theoretic and behavioral negotiation theory. The former is based on concepts like extensive form, payoff and information structure, and equilibrium concepts. The latter has a foundation in psychology, organization theory, sociology, and related fields. The objectives of the article are to build upon recent advances in both game-theoretic and behavioral negotiation theory, bring the disciplines closer together, and generate a foundation for future research in interdisciplinary negotiation theory. The article develops two interdisciplinary frameworks for game-theoretic and behavioral negotiation theory. Implications of the frameworks are discussed to illustrate their applicability and superiority over earlier frameworks.  相似文献   

现行刑法第306条——判处辩护人、诉讼代理人毁灭、伪造证据,妨害作证罪的立法根据在于,该罪行具有侵害国家司法作用的高度危险。由于辩护人、诉讼代理人在刑事诉讼中的特殊作用,决定了该罪行应当从重处罚。引诱行为的实质内容在于使证人违背事实改变证言或者作伪证,而不在于引诱的具体行为方式,即使是诱导式询问的某些特别类型也存在构成刑法第306条罪行的余地。刑法第306条与第307条是特别犯与一般犯的关系。辩护人、诉讼代理人藏匿、隐避证人的,属于本罪的毁灭证据的行为;辩护人、诉讼代理人明知是他人伪造、变追的证据而使用的,应当属于本罪的伪造证据的行为。  相似文献   

The traditional boundaries between trade policy and competition policy are becoming fuzzier and less valid because firms increasingly compete at the same time in many different markets and in different ways. The following article examines a number of policy areas in which trade policy has significant effects on competition, and competition policy has significant effects on trade. It concludes that new ways of multilateral cooperation are necessary if trade and competition policies are to complement rather than contradict each other. This article was written while the author was a senior lecturer at the European Institute of Public Administration, Maastricht, the Netherlands. He is now Minister Plenipotentiary at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Nicosia, Cyprus. The article is a revised draft of a paper that was presented at a seminar organised by the OECD on 6 July 1993. The author is grateful to participants of the seminar for their comments and suggestions. The views expressed in this paper are the responsibility of the author and should not be attributed to any institution.  相似文献   

This article examines the impact of discoveries and methods of neuroscience on marketing practices as they relate to the exercise of individual free will. Thus, our focus centers on ethical questions involving consumers’ awareness, consent, and understanding to what may be viewed as invasion of their privacy rights. After a brief introduction, the article turns to scientific literature on the brain, followed by discussion of marketing persuasion models. Ethical dilemmas within the free will paradigm and Rawlsian justice developed in moral philosophy are delineated next. The article closes with policy implications and a revised consideration of consumer privacy.  相似文献   

The Ukraine and Russian conflict is one of the most pressing current global business issues. It has become a political and social issue that is influencing business practices around the world. While the topic is popular in the mainstream business press, there has been relatively little academic work on the topic. To address this gap, this article discusses the impact of the conflict on international business in terms of the perception by society about Ukrainian or Russian business activities. This means highlighting how a conflict can involve direct military intervention but also social interaction. This article reveals that there are many effects on global business stemming from the Ukraine–Russian conflict many of which are currently known, but others will be known in the future. Managerial implications are stated in the article that highlights the cultural and social impact of the crisis as well as future research suggestions for international business researchers that stress the importance of the conflict.  相似文献   

This article examines the determinants of technology development and acquisition for companies based in a newly industrializing nation. The actual selection of a method for acquiring a technological capability has to be analyzed at the firm level and is influenced by attributes of the technology in question, as well as by the attributes of the technology-receiving organization. This article demonstrates that the selection of a technology transfer method has to be done on a case-by-case basis and provides several criteria. These criteria are, however, conditioned by the economic environment faced by the company, and government policies. Taiwan is chosen as an illustration in this article because it is a country trying to formulate a technology policy for its economy. Its days as a low-cost producer of relatively unsophisticated goods are almost over. Yet the small scale of much of Taiwan's industry, growing technological protectionism, as well as changes in marketing and business organization in principal overseas markets, are some of the constraints on the ability of its companies to reach the cutting edge of technology in most industries. The article concludes by examining the role of the Taiwan government and indicating some policy directions. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

我国金融服务外包发展分析:基于人力资源的视角   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
宫冠英 《财贸经济》2011,(4):91-95,137
本文从金融服务外包的实质切入,分析了国内外金融服务外包产业发展的新态势,针对金融服务外包产业的知识特点和对人才的要求,探讨了我国金融服务外包人力资源的现状及瓶颈问题;通过深入分析传统人才培养模式的缺陷与不足,结合部分高校与企业在金融服务外包人才培养模式方面的创新实践,提出"校企联合,专业融合,分类培养"的金融服务外包人才培养的新模式,提出了解决金融服务外包人才瓶颈的对策与建议。  相似文献   

In the context of the New Economic Geography literature, this article focuses on the consequences of decreasing external trade costs on the localization of manufacturing activities within a single nation. The article studies how the internal economic geography of a specific country is affected by the reduction of trade barriers with other economies. Italian geographical employment data are used to test whether the changes in the industrial structure of Italian regions between 1971 and 1991 are consistent with those proposed by the theoretical models.  相似文献   

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