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One key strategic decision in a firm's internationalization process is the international market selection (IMS). IMS must match the firm's own-specific resources and capabilities for optimal performance. This research, drawing on the resource-based view, investigates how a firm's market orientation (MO) resources and capabilities influence the firm's IMS between culturally close and distant markets and how the matching of MO and IMS impacts on its international performance. We hypothesize that market-oriented firms tend to choose culturally distant markets that help them exploit their MO. Firms with a fit between MO and IMS tend to perform better internationally than those without such a fit. Both hypotheses are supported by our database of Chinese manufacturing firms expanding internationally.  相似文献   

Although international joint ventures (IJVs) provide many benefits to multinational enterprises (MNEs), IJVs continue experiencing high dissolution rates; there is a pressing need to re-evaluate the partner selection process for IJVs. In this article, I utilize constrained systematic search (CSS) as the proposed process by which to improve the partner selection process and reduce IJV dissolution rates. CSS is a process MNEs can utilize to gain private information about potential IJV partners. The implementation of CSS can improve the success rates for an MNE entering an IJV in two ways: MNEs can more effectively identify (1) information withholding/misleading behavior of potential partners and (2) complementary resources in potential partners.  相似文献   

卢晓 《财贸经济》2012,(8):105-112
本文选择3个具有典型意义的国际奢侈品牌,以交易成本理论和市场进入理论为框架,采用多案例研究方法,从品牌管理、分销零售和财务运营3个核心方面对国际奢侈品牌中国高端消费市场成功进入模式进行分析,提出奢侈品牌市场进入理论,其具体包括3种模式:(1)全直营模式;(2)直营和代理并存模式;(3)全代理模式。通过对其他多个国际奢侈品牌案例进行的确认性研究,验证了以上典型模式分类和奢侈品牌市场进入理论。基于研究发现,结论部分对中国品牌管理提出了适合中国国情的建议。  相似文献   

Prior research comes to different conclusions as to what country characteristics drive diffusion patterns. One prime difficulty that may partially explain this divergence between studies is the sparseness of the data, in terms of the periodicity as well as the number of products and countries, in combination with the large number of potentially influential country characteristics. In face of such sparse data, scholars have used nested models, bivariate models and factor models to explore the role of country covariates. This paper uses Bayesian Lasso and Bayesian Elastic Net variable selection procedures as powerful approaches to identify the most important drivers of differences in Bass diffusion parameters across countries. We find that socio-economic and demographic country covariates (most pronouncedly so, economic wealth and education) have the strongest effect on all diffusion metrics we study. Our findings are a call for marketing scientists to devote greater attention to country covariate selection in international diffusion models, as well as to variable selection in marketing models at large.  相似文献   

The ventures of transnational entrepreneurs (TEs) are a new business phenomenon, representing a fluid context in which established arrangements may be expected to change. In terms of one particular relationship, motivation has been found to be a key construct in international entrepreneurship (IE) research, with two established features of motivation comprising entrepreneurial vision and its implementation. At the same time, nationality has been found to be a consistent influence on entrepreneurial orientation through the impact of culture. Employing qualitative case study methods, this paper investigates these relationships in the new context of the internationalization of Chinese TEs socially embedded in their host and home countries. Subtle changes in established patterns of IE motivation are detected, and Chinese cultural influence may also be weakening to meet the environment of host countries.  相似文献   

A person-situation segmentation framework is proposed. The demographic variable 'income' and the situational variable 'time pressure' were integrated and applied to grocery retail shopping. Using a combination of individual scanning data and a mail survey, we divided a sample of moderate to frequent grocery shoppers in a large Belgian retail organization into four grocery-shopping segments - 'money-poor, time-rich', 'money-poor, time-poor', 'money-rich, time-rich' and 'money-rich, time-poor'. Significant differences existed between these segments in several demographic, behavioural and attitudinal characteristics, including: demographic - age, composition and size of household, number of children at home, marital status, location, education and occupation; behavioural - amount spent in the store, buying pattern for different product categories and different task definitions; attitudinal - overall attitude towards grocery shopping and different grocery-shopping attribute saliences.  相似文献   

This paper relocates the recent wave of internationalization in retailing in a much longer historical context. Utilizing a newly compiled database of all foreign entrants into British retailing since 1850, the paper reviews trends in overall entry patterns before considering the entry patterns in different retail trades. New empirical data on the branch counts of foreign entrants from 1850-1991 are presented. These data clearly indicate that what was new about the 1980s was not their number per se but the concentration of large numbers of relatively small entrants in clothes retailing. This analysis of the very long term developments of international retailing in Britain therefore concludes that any account of the upsurge in foreign entrants into British retailing in the 1980s needs to take the concurrent developments of high street demand for clothing more fully into account.  相似文献   

With its focus on locational context, International Business (IB) is a prime candidate for the application of Case Study (CS) methodology. Yet many IB scholars still have doubts about CSs, possibly because strategies for their selection and disclosure procedures may lack rigor. The purpose of this article is to document and discuss CS selection in IB research, make suggestions for improvement, and thus raise the standard and status of CS research.Using qualitative content analysis, this paper examines CS selection strategies in four IB journals (1995–2014), relating them to chosen theoretical purposes and logics employed. Our results indicate that 12% of the 333 investigated CS articles lacked a section on methodology, and 41% of papers reported no indication of how CSs were selected. Drawing insights from the dataset, we propose and distinguish between theory-driven and phenomenon-driven CS selection approaches. In light of our evidence, best-practice papers are identified and apportioned to coherent pathways connecting theoretical purpose, logic and CS selection strategies. In doing so, we address the link between case selection and theorizing in CSs and advocate greater methodological sophistication and transparency of CS selection reporting in IB research.  相似文献   

The distinction between domestic and international market activities has an idiosyncratic meaning for international business research. This study examines the significant yet unclear role of domestic market activities for the internationalizing firm through the theoretical lens of exploitation and exploration. By means of five qualitative case studies, we show that both the dynamics between domestic–international market activities and the interplay between exploitation–exploration are intrinsically concerned with synergies and tensions. Our findings uncover how firms leverage these synergies and manage these tensions that manifest between and within their domestic and international markets. Synergies and tensions are found to revolve around ambidexterity, networks and organizational market information processes.  相似文献   

Fresh meat product retailing at traditional markets in Taiwan causes concerns over meat safety issues.The agricultural administration has established programmes to raise consumer awareness of potential risks of fresh meat that have remained at room temperature for several hours. Although supermarkets sell chilled and frozen meat products, the majority of grocery shoppers in Taiwan still prefer purchasing fresh meat products at traditional markets where meat is displayed on counters or hung on hooks. This study utilizes survey data to segment meat shoppers in Taiwan. Results indicate the shoppers who purchase meat products at supermarkets tend to continue shopping at that location. Potential shoppers of supermarkets, who may switch from traditional markets to supermarkets for meat products, are identified and the major concerns of this group are the meat safety issues. Factors that influence the possibilities of selecting supermarkets for meat products are examined.  相似文献   


International market selection is discussed in general, particularly in respect of decisions on evaluation stages, selection criteria and evaluation methods. The present analysis focuses on the configuration of country selection models, which has received little attention in international retailing research. In order to illustrate the special features of market selection in retailing, we have used an innovative approach. Following a review of general theoretical perspectives, a case study of the Metro Group addresses the process used, inter-country selection and country-specific selection, and also shows the role of corporate principles and firms' situational factors. Based on existing literature and the case study information, we propose a strategic approach in modelling country selection processes. Three steps in the construction of a selection model are discussed and related to corporate principles and situational factors of a retail firm. The analysis is a further step towards understanding the processes of retailing internationalization.  相似文献   

In this paper, pro-cyclical market entry acts as an international transmission mechanism for business cycle shocks. In an imperfectly competitive dynamic equilibrium model, an expansion in one open economy leads to additional business formation in a parallel large open economy through demand spillovers. Business formation causes a decline in markups leading to an expansion in employment, production, and investment in both economies. The modeling of the entry decision is critical. Only when the entry game is modelled as sequential (with incumbents enjoying a first mover advantage) are markups sufficiently elastic to cause international comovement.  相似文献   


This article proposes a model of international strategy of retail companies. It has been developed and tested by studying the international activities, both successful and unsuccessful, of 37 international companies for more than a decade. It defines the most important components of a successful strategy and, for each component, it evaluates the importance of this variable in connection with the others. The model proposed is able not only to explain the internationalization process of many important companies during the 1990s and at the beginning of the 2000s, but also puts forward to the managerial sector the strategic variables for both the companies that have already started an internationalization process and those that wish to begin it.  相似文献   

This article reports on an experiment in external facilitation of international project marketing activity. The case involved a large, World Bank funded project in China aimed at upgrading grain storage and handling facilities. An organization was established in Australia to bring together and support efforts by Australian firms to win a share of this project. Network-building, at a number of levels both in China and Australia, emerged from the qualitative study as a critical factor in effective project marketing. External facilitation played a positive role in the network-building process.  相似文献   

Using mixed methods is an often proposed but rarely used research design. In this paper, I describe a mixed method approach to research on international entrepreneurship. Using a mixed methods design with a case study and a mail survey, I show how the two methods make it possible to reach a better understanding of the antecedents of organizational memory and how organizational memory affects perceived costs of further international expansion of Swedish small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). I also propose research designs for studying both novel phenomena and for developing established theory through a combination of case studies and structural equation modeling.  相似文献   

Although many researchers have noted the widespread adoption of managerial intuition in choosing retail sites, few empirical studies consider the construct and those that do tend to examine it in isolation. Here, intuition is investigated in conjunction with the more quantitative variables typically used to model site selection and it is found to make a significant contribution to the choice process. Data collected from 253 individuals responsible for leasing/real estate decisions in the U.S. retail sector were analyzed. Findings confirm the widespread use of intuition in making site selection decisions, but further indicate that decision-makers may not be fully attuned to their decision making process. Counter to prior research, the use of intuition in this study does not differ based on the size of the retailer or the experience level of the decision-maker. The theoretical and managerial implications of these findings are discussed and ideas for future research are explicated.  相似文献   

This article aims to analyze innovation barriers and drivers in the retail sector and report on a successful product innovation case study of a leading grocery retailing firm in Spain. The firm, Mercadona, successfully launched an original co-innovation initiative with its customers consisting of bringing consumers to co-innovation labs set up by the company, having them analyze, in a home environment setting, how they use the firm's products and what suggestions they have for alternative methods, improvements, or completely new developments. The research findings were conclusive that a combination of customer focus culture, brand development, and cooperation with suppliers was crucial for the success of the project. Technology contributed as well as a supportive tool of the communication with consumers. The method followed a new and unique ethnographic approach.  相似文献   

温州市民营企业进入国际市场战略及其演进   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本文在国际商务相关理论的框架下,借助实证研究方法,就温州市民营企业国际市场进入战略及其演进作了较为深入的探讨。民营企业国际市场进入战略的选择经历了三个不同的阶段,在起源阶段政府的默许和支持起到了关键的作用,发展阶段很大程度上取决于企业对国际市场进入的途径创新,而演进阶段与国际知名企业的结盟有着直接的密切关系。不难看出,在温州市民营企业进入国际市场的战略演进过程中,不仅具有对出口式国际市场进入的偏好,同时具有国际市场进入过程的渐进性特征,这些都是由民营企业所具有的优势和对国际市场的认识过程的渐进性所决定的。  相似文献   

This article investigates the substance of arguments about an experience-oriented economy and experience-seeking consumption in retailing. Employing a case study research approach (n=7) and the Critical Incident Technique (n=252), we show how retailers as well as consumers relate to in-store experiences. The results point out that retailers’ use ever more advanced techniques in order to create compelling in-store experiences to their consumers. In contrast, the depiction given by consumers reveals that their in-store experiences to a large extent are constituted by traditional values such as the behavior of the personnel, a satisfactory selection of products and a layout that facilitates the store visit.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to formulate a theoretical framework for studies of antecedents and consequences of discoveries during international expansion. By introducing market discovery it seems to be possible to offer a richer understanding of the pattern and pace of the international expansion of a firm. Market discovery is the result of both exploration and exploitation activities, but in order to exploit market discovery, a firm must learn to handle the discovered opportunity. A discovery, usually made while a firm is conducting daily activities, occurs in connection with search, planning, routine, and improvisation. The resulting learning can lead to changes in pace, orientation, and extension of the international expansion of the firm.  相似文献   

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