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Brand extension feedback: The role of advertising   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Firms often use brand extensions as a way of introducing their new products, although they also risk diluting their brand image. In order to understand how consumers assess extensions and extended brands, the present work proposes and estimates a theoretical model, using the structural equation methodology. The results of the estimation indicate that the attitude towards the extension influences brand image and that this attitude is a consequence of the initial brand beliefs and the coherence of the new product. A multisample analysis also reveals that favoring the introduction of extensions through adequate advertising constitutes an efficient way of protecting brand image.  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship between board structure and ownership structure for firms listed on the stock exchanges of twelve Sub-Saharan African countries, using data for the period 2006–2009. We find that ownership concentration, foreign ownership and managerial ownership are negatively associated with board size. We also find that government ownership is positively associated with the proportion of outside directors while ownership concentration is negatively associated with the proportion of outside directors. These results emphasize that board and ownership structure are both corporate governance mechanisms that are used as substitutes to one another in reducing agency problems.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the determinants of risk-taking in Spanish financial intermediaries, with special emphasis on the ownership structure and size of the different entities. On the one hand, the specific legal configuration of Spanish Savings banks may lead them to differ from Commercial banks in their risk behaviour. In particular, they may invest in riskier projects. Nevertheless, other theories indicate that greater stockholder control in Commercial banks may induce them towards greater risk-taking in certain situations. In this paper we test these hypotheses with a dynamic panel data model (1993–2000) for Spanish Commercial banks and Savings banks. We analyse whether differences in risk behaviour are related to different ownership structures or to other factors such as the size of the entity.  相似文献   

《Journal of Retailing》2022,98(2):335-355
Researchers have recently begun investigating how visual elements affect brand positioning. However, little is known about the effect of brand typeface features on brand premiumness. This paper proposes and verifies that letter case affects consumers’ perceived brand premiumness. Eight experiments, including one eye-tracking experiment, reveal that consumers perceive brands that use all uppercase letters (“uppercase brands”) as more premium than those that use all lowercase letters (“lowercase brands”). We refer to this effect as the “uppercase premium effect.” This effect is induced by the perceived conspicuousness of uppercase brands, a process which in turn is moderated by the product's social visibility. The effect is reversed for consumers who prefer subtle signals (“inconspicuous consumers”) because these consumers are likely to perceive a conspicuous uppercase brand as gaudy. Whereas status-motivated consumers are more likely to choose uppercase brands due to the increased premiumness perceptions, the increment in such perceptions does not further influence the purchase decisions of consumers indifferent to expressing status. We conclude with a discussion of theoretical and practical implications and offer suggestions for further research.  相似文献   

This paper examines how the provision of venture capital to small- and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) is influenced by the ownership structure of the venture capital provider. We introduce a new and unique dataset from the Japanese venture capital market, comprising data on investment and venture capital activities of 127 Japanese venture capital funds. The data allow us to provide a direct comparison of the behaviour of individual owner-manager venture capitalists versus financial intermediation (e.g., bank’s venture capital divisions). The data indicate owner-manager venture capitalists (financial disintermediation) give rise to much smaller portfolios of SMEs and more advice to entrepreneurs. Across the scope of different financial intermediation structures, including banks, life insurance companies, securities firms, corporations and government bodies, there are further differences in the provision of governance and value-added advice provided to SMEs. Also, the data indicate US-affiliated funds in Japan are more likely to have smaller portfolios and tend to provide more advice to SMEs.
Armin SchwienbacherEmail: Email:

A tool retailers often use to improve their negotiating position with brand manufacturers is to delist - or threaten to delist - the manufacturers’ brand. Because brand manufacturers rely mainly on retailers to sell their products to consumers, a brand delisting will cause a sales loss for the brand manufacturer. Therefore, many brand manufacturers feel enormous pressure to give in and improve buying conditions to favor the retailer. The question thus emerges: Can a brand manufacturer resist a retailer's threat to delist its brand(s)? If a brand delisting severely hurts retail sales, it is easier for a brand manufacturer to resist. The authors study the impact of brand delistings on store switching and brand switching using a controlled online experiment and in-store shopper survey. They develop and test a conceptual model with several antecedents of consumers’ reactions to a brand delisting and conclude that brand equity, market share, and the products’ hedonic level drive store and brand switching.  相似文献   

What determines the composition of companies' boards in the context of high ownership concentration? Are independent directors important as an internal governance mechanism in companies with high ownership concentration? Do markets favor companies whose controlling shareholders use voting rights to elect professional directors?Using a four-year, 160-company panel data, and controlling for endogeneity, this paper addresses these three related questions, finding that an increase in the proportion of outside directors affects company value. The paper also finds that companies that present more exacerbated agency conflicts tend to incorporate professional directors to the boards, in an effort to improve corporate governance and ameliorate the agency problem.  相似文献   

The goal of this research is to develop and validate a multi-dimensional scale measure of brand fidelity. This paper reports the rigorous process of scale development, through two separate studies involving 592 US consumers. Study 1 involves scale item generation, content validation and scale purification, while Study 2 involves a two-wave data collection method, evaluating the refined brand fidelity scale within a nomological network of relationships. The results demonstrate the 20-item brand fidelity scale to have strong construct validity as a first-order reflective, second-order formative scale. The findings suggest that if consumers engage in the behaviours/cognitions (as defined within the brand fidelity scale), then consumer/brand relationships are likely to be stable and predictable; are likely to endure the ravages of time; and, importantly, are likely to remain monogamous. For practitioners, the overall brand fidelity score can be used to track brand performance over time and for industry benchmarking purposes. Additionally, the measured brand fidelity dimensions provide specific direction upon which remedial marketing action can be implemented.  相似文献   

中国是制造大国但不是制造强国,面临利润微薄、产品低端和自主品牌少等诸多尴尬。从“中国制造”向“中国创造”的转变是中国经济的未来发展战略,但目前“中国创造”凸显三大软肋:缺乏核心技术、缺乏全球知名本土品牌和缺乏品牌建设的观念和体制。中国的品牌建设之路势在必行。以企业为主体,品牌建设的路径依赖与品牌建设者对品牌个性的独到理解、品牌策略的灵活运用和品牌战略的长远规划分不开。  相似文献   

本文首先对品牌和关系这两个元概念进行演绎,提出“品牌即关系”的论断。并从社会学和公共关系学的角度切入,结合蒙牛和耐克的实例,证明了该论断提出的必要性和正确性;并在“品牌即关系”的论断下,重新挖掘和认识品牌的新涵义——品牌的内在运营机理和外在运行状态,为各社会组织制胜于品牌竞争环境之中提供了一条新的思路。  相似文献   

Brand crises, defined as well-publicized claims of unsubstantiated or false brand propositions can do severe damage to brands. Yet, the damaging effects of brand crises may not always be uniform. In other words, the effects of crises may be subject to moderators such as the relevance of the crisis to the brand and brand familiarity. We propose a framework that helps us understand the effects of brand crises on consumers' brand evaluations. We test the hypotheses that crisis relevance interacts with familiarity in its effect on brand evaluations, and that this effect is mediated by perceptions of the seriousness of the crisis. Results from two experiments support these predictions.  相似文献   

Industry informants suggest that the equity of well-known, established brands can be leveraged to create value for unfamiliar or less-established brands. To the extent that cues in the retail environment imply some commonality between the high-equity brand and the less-established brand, benefits to the less-established brand may be expected. We refer to this implied commonality as strategic equivalence. Sharing the retail brand portfolio with high-equity brands is one way of establishing strategic equivalence. Display structure—whether the brands are displayed separately or intermixed—can also affect perceptions of strategic equivalence. In two studies, we demonstrate the ability of high-equity brands to increase the value of lower-equity brands in the same retail department and the ability of display structure to moderate this effect.  相似文献   

Building on information-processing perspectives and the Japanese contextual factors, this study investigates the relationships between firm strategy and executive bonus pay as well as the moderating role of foreign ownership on the strategy-compensation relationship in Japanese firms. We focus on R&D investment and product diversification as strategy variables and investigate their direct effects on executive bonus pay. Further, we examine the moderating effects of foreign ownership on the strategy-pay sensitivity. The results, based on a sample of the 148 largest industrial firms in Japan for the 1990-1997 period, show that both R&D investment and product diversification are positively related to executive bonus pay. Our findings also indicate that foreign ownership negatively moderates the relationships between the strategy variables and executive compensation, suggesting that foreign investors play an active monitoring role, reducing cash bonus payments when their invested firms choose to increase R&D or pursue diversification strategy.  相似文献   


Creating meaningful brand names for international markets can be particularly challenging because translation may distort intended meaning. To mitigate this issue, marketers can imbue meaning into a brand name with sound symbolism, which refers to the direct linkage between sound and meaning. The aim of this article is to examine whether sound symbolism effects are maintained after translating a brand name from English to Hindi. Results of an empirical study with Hindi-speaking subjects indicate that the sound–meaning relationship can persist after translation. A primary contribution is that sound symbolism can help create global brand names with consistent meaning across languages.  相似文献   

Creating Brand Names With Meaning: The Use of Sound Symbolism   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
The staggering level and rate of growth of brands being introduced to the marketplace suggests a heightened need to understand how to create effective new brand names. Limited academic research, however, has been conducted in this area. This paper investigates the use of linguistics, specifically sound symbolism, in order to create brand names with inherent meaning. Results of two studies indicate that the sound of a brand name can communicate information about the product, e.g. its size, speed, strength, weight, etc. Brand name sounds can convey product-related information either in the presence or absence of supporting marketing communications.  相似文献   

品牌市场生命周期管理理论论纲   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本文基于对品牌生命周期规律的认识,以灰色系统中灰色关联熵理论与和谐矩阵理论为分析工具,提出一种品牌市场生命周期管理理论研究框架。文章认为,品牌市场生命周期管理理论分析框架由品牌市场生命全周期研究、品牌市场生命周期残期研究、品牌市场生命周期各阶段评价指标体系研究、品牌市场生命周期管理战略和策略研究、典型样本品牌跟踪实证研究等构成。  相似文献   


Brand love is a phenomenon that is experienced by a group of satisfied consumers. The construct brand love is of great importance to academics and practitioners because a group of satisfied customers become loyal customers, thereby reduce several costs and also enhance several marketing activities. Since the research paper of it can be observed that there has been a surge in the number of research publications pertinent to brand love literature. Through this systematic literature review, we comprehensively review seventy six articles pertinent to brand love literature, published in various scientific journals there by presenting the key emergent themes, extensively used methodologies and analysis approaches, key variables observed, dominant theoretical underpinnings and a strategic conceptual framework.  相似文献   

小微企业在经济发展中有不可替代的作用,它是大企业产生和经济发展的坚实基础。小微企业的品牌建设状况决定了企业的发展状况。但在激烈的市场竞争环境中,小微企业的品牌建设举步维艰。从品牌生态位的视角看,可以从品牌定位差异化、品牌创新动态化、利基市场专业化和品牌成长集群化四个方面建设小微企业的品牌。本文的创新点在于,小微企业品牌战略创新应注意品牌的"态"即地位,又要注意品牌的"势"即潜力,"态势"关系需关注。  相似文献   

The present research aims at examining the role of consumer-brand identification (CBI) in attitude toward brand extension regarding the congruency between the values of consumers and brands. In this way, the benefits of CBI to consumers and brand managers are outlined. This research has been conducted through designing a survey and collecting data through a questionnaire. For data mining and investigating the model, the SEM approach is implemented. According to the findings, high levels of CBI lead to positive attitudes toward the brand extension, and that value congruity positively impacts this relationship. The results outline that CBI impacts fit and tie in separate ways, so that CBI effect on fit is more substantial. Furthermore, according to the results, in comparison to the role of tie, the role of fit is more significant in predicting attitudes toward brand extension. The sample from university students is appropriate for testing theory, but limits generalizing the results of the research. In addition, this research has studied one product category and is limited in this perspective. The findings have remarkable recommendations for implementing brand extension as they emphasize the role of perceived fit. Moreover, by reexamining CBI in a less known market, the research has outlined its positive outcomes for firms. This research has used perceived tie in a brand extension context and, similar to perceived fit, has implemented it as another factor to predict attitude toward brand extension. In addition, this research is unique, as it has investigated CBI in a new context.  相似文献   

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