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Managing anti-consumption in an excessive drinking culture   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A major contemporary challenge facing governments and health professionals is that of promoting sustainable and healthy approaches to alcohol consumption in a context where excessive alcohol consumption is the dominant trend [Plant M., Plant M., Binge Britain: the need for courage. Alcoholis 2006; 25, 3: 1.]. This article reports the results of a qualitative study examining the experiences of Higher Education students in the United Kingdom who are identifiable as anti-consumers because of their opposition to the alcohol norms that predominate. The article focuses on how these students deal with the challenges and consequences that can arise from resisting the prevailing norms and practices. This article demonstrates that existing frameworks and categorizations in the contexts of anti-consumption, product and brand avoidance and coping are capable of providing useful theoretical tools for the examination of anti-consumption within the social marketing context. The article identifies some of the implicit tensions of being an anti-consumer in an environment of excessive consumption and provides examples of how consumers seek to manage these tensions. The use of the above theoretical perspectives can usefully inform policy that aims to promote sensible drinking among young people and students in particular.  相似文献   

This article focuses on a particular form of anti-consumption; brand avoidance. Specifically, it explores why people may avoid some brands, even when their financial circumstances allow them the option to purchase. The authors use qualitative data to develop a conceptual framework that helps clarify why consumers avoid certain brands. This study reveals three types of brand avoidance: experiential, identity and moral brand avoidance. Experiential brand avoidance occurs because of negative first hand consumption experiences that lead to unmet expectations. Identity avoidance develops when the brand image is symbolically incongruent with the individual's identity. Moral avoidance arises when the consumer's ideological beliefs clash with certain brand values or associations, particularly when the consumer is concerned about the negative impact of a brand on society. Finally, this study highlights potential strategies that managers could implement to deal with brand avoidance.  相似文献   

This article documents the relative effectiveness of the various marketing strategies, in particular the public relations strategies, that firms use to combat the likelihood of boycotts as a politically motivated form of anti-consumption. This study focuses on boycotts that relate to corporate practices and aims to provide a rationale for appropriate publicity-based responses to the threat of corporate practice related boycotts. The purpose is to determine whether the techniques that firms use to mitigate the detrimental effects of negative publicity will be similarly effective for a boycott situation. The authors use two experiments to investigate the influence of publicity-based strategic responses to boycott requests on consumers' perceptions and behavior.  相似文献   

赵倩 《商业研究》2008,(3):129-132
在经济高速增长的形趋下,社会消费的蓬勃方展和全面升级促使社会消费水平一步步攀升,消费取向逐步理性和成熟,有质量的消费群体逐步形成。现今的消费群体与20世纪90年代的消费群体已经有了天壤之别。就整体消费取向而言,人们对品牌的要求已越来越高,对品牌的消费偏好也越来越固化,真正意义上的品牌忠诚也在逐渐形成。  相似文献   

As demand for secondhand fashion grows, the objective of this study is to examine consumer orientations of secondhand shoppers to determine whether they differ by shopping frequency, and store type. Hypotheses were developed for orientations of frugality, ecological-consciousness, materialism, nostalgia-proneness, style-consciousness and fashion-consciousness. A quantitative online survey of female-identifying participants (N = 515) was administered. All consumer orientations, except materialism, varied according to secondhand shopping frequency and store type. Orientations generally increased with shopping frequency. Nostalgia-proneness was associated with shopping at thrift stores, ecological-consciousness was associated with consignment stores and markets, and style-consciousness was consistent across shoppers for all store types.  相似文献   

The authors apply consumer theories of cognition to event marketing specifically in relation to corporate sponsorships. Upon conducting field surveys with attendees (n = 1636) at an international sporting event with a multinational sponsor, the authors demonstrate the pivotal roles that 1) attendees' knowledge regarding the sponsor's product, and 2) perception of the sponsor's commitment to corporate social responsibility have on successful event sponsorship. Specifically, structural model results show how attendees' knowledge of the event sponsor's products and perceptions of the sponsor as socially responsible enhance attendees' commitment to the sponsor and intentions to purchase the sponsor's products. These results provide scholars and managers with means of improving event marketing communications.  相似文献   


This paper explores the factors that drive consumer demands for alternative food consumption (AFC) options in western society (i.e. plant-based, organic and local diets) as means to achieve sustainability and a state of food well-being. Specifically, we propose a holistic framework in order to identify factors that influence its adoption: idiocentric (functional, ideological and experiential) and allocentric (situational, sociocultural and institutional). The proposed framework provides a basis for discussion on how marketing can contribute to the establishment of AFC in western society and contribute to sustainability and food-well-being among low socio-economic status (SES) consumers. Marketing and public policy implications of this framework are discussed in light of food consumption by low SES consumers, a target particularly vulnerable to flawed states of food well-being.  相似文献   



Interorganizational (IO) cooperation has been examined primarily as a role-based concept. This research seeks to extend this concept by examining a distinct mode of IO cooperation: favor-based cooperation. This concept refers to voluntary exchanges of preferential treatments between boundary personnel across organizations that are perceived as going beyond the requirements of their role relationships.  相似文献   

Citing difference between emerging and developed markets, scholars highlight need for different approaches to marketing in emerging markets. In this paper, we argue that while there are some unique characteristics of emerging markets, all countries within emerging markets do not have similar levels of product penetration and consumption. As a result, it is wrong to assume that emerging markets are untapped and under-served across the product categories. To a list of characteristics identified as unique to emerging markets, we add large population as an important characteristic and discuss its strategic implications. We develop a conceptual framework that factors in combined effect of varying degrees of product penetration & consumption levels with large population of emerging market countries. The conceptual framework identifies four strategic alternatives for marketing in emerging markets. Instead of recommending any generic marketing strategy, we propose that marketers need to choose an appropriate mix of strategies aimed at primary and selective demand creation in emerging markets.  相似文献   

This paper aims: (i) to characterize the priorities designed and implemented by grocery retailers concerning relationship marketing with customers; (ii) to analyse customers’ relationship with their grocery store and to evaluate store format and loyalty programs as key determinants of this relationship. Exploratory interviews were conducted with grocery store managers. Two independent samples of Portuguese customers answered a questionnaire and collected data were analysed using Structural Equation Modelling. Main results suggest that supermarkets lead to higher levels of customers’ trust (directly) and customers’ loyalty (indirectly). Furthermore, the positive effect of customers’ satisfaction on customers’ loyalty is higher for members of grocery store loyalty programs.  相似文献   

This article extends social psychological research on the motivations for sustainable consumption from the predominant domain of ecologically conscious consumer behaviour to socially conscious and frugal consumer behaviours. A UK‐based survey study examines relationships between socially conscious and frugal consumer behaviours and Schwartz's value types, personal and socio‐political materialism, and demographics among the general public. Socially conscious consumer behaviour, like its ecological counterpart, appears to be an expression of pro‐social values. In contrast, frugal consumer behaviour relates primarily to low personal materialism and income constraints. As such, it does not yet represent a fully developed moral challenge to consumerism.  相似文献   

The study adapts the theory of planned behaviour and proposes organic food-related attributes that constitute perceived behavioural control and individual attributes influence quality assessment and purchase intention. The study analyses these relationships separately for individuals who have purchased organic food and those who have not. Data were collected in two stages and conducted in both online and face-to-face formats. The findings show that surface food attributes in general have no significant influences on either quality assessment or purchase intention for both groups of consumers; whereas the attributes that are reflective of food safety and environment issues do. The latter explain additional variance in both quality assessment and purchase intention. Consumers’ purchase styles have significant moderation effects on product quality assessment and purchase intention in both groups. Implications are provided for researchers and practitioners to conclude the paper.  相似文献   

The purpose of this empirical study is to operationalize the relationship of green marketing's influence on consumer attitudes via the mediating role of marketing mix towards green products to validate the proposed research model in the Taiwanese context of explaining consumers' willingness to be environmentally friendly. The model is based on structural equation modeling (SEM) from data collected from 977 online consumers. The findings revealed that green consumption intention was significantly and indirectly driven by attitude to green products. Additionally, the effect of perceived quality on marketing mix and consumer willingness in environmental concern is both significant and positive. However, when a restaurant has high consumer social responsibility (CnSR) for marketing mix, the consumer attitudes of cognitive, affective, and behavioral model (C-A-B model) is less effective. These findings have contributed to the revival of the theory of planned behavior (TPB) and offer a comprehensive understanding of consumer attitude, consumer social responsibility, marketing mix and perceived quality impact that a restaurant has on the ability to raise consumer willingness to purchase green products or food. We provides valuable suggestions to marketers to design from the perspective of green marketing policies and strategies in order to accommodate Taiwan's indigenous green restaurants.  相似文献   

在校大学生的消费心理特点及企业营销策略   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
我国高校在校生人数的增加和购买力的增大 ,孕育了一个庞大的、极具开发潜力的消费市场。在校大学生的消费心理有着与其他社会群体不同的特点。为了有效开拓大学生消费市场 ,更好地满足大学生消费群体的需要 ,企业必须根据大学生的消费心理特点制定适宜的营销策略。  相似文献   

This study investigates the influence of three cognitive and attitudinal factors on gender differences in green purchase behaviour. Using a large sample size (n = 1093), a survey has been developed and administered across Egypt. The findings from the multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) confirm the influence of consumers’ ecological knowledge, concern and attitude on gender differences in green purchase behaviour. Consistent with previous studies, this study found that women appeared to be less aware of environmental issues compared with men. However, contrary to other studies conducted in the West, men showed more environmental concern and more positive outlook towards green purchase compared with women. The study discusses how the present findings may help policy makers and marketers alike to fine‐tune their environmental and marketing programmes.  相似文献   

赵凯 《商业研究》2007,2(5):176-178
20世纪90年代至今,一方面,以计算机和因特网的普及为标志的信息革命,为大众和层阶市场转变为个体市场提供了技术和经济性支持。另一方面,实物性商品总量趋于饱和,不断积聚的物质财富和创新的生活体验驱动人们追求商品的独特性和消费过程的自主性,追求与他人有着明确差别的特征,出现需求的“自我”演化,使得消费者和网络销售商互动共同参与构思与方案的提出、改进和实现活动,营销模式从大众和层阶营销,演变为面对个人的“一对一”的个体营销模式。  相似文献   


We studied consumer perceptions of celebrity endorsements from a cross-cultural perspective. In empirically examining consumer perception of celebrity endorsement, we used Hofstede's cultural dimensions to develop research propositions and examined these propositions through focus group discussions involving consumers from India and the United States. Findings indicated that specific differences and similarities exist in how consumers across India and the United States perceive celebrity endorsements. There is a positive, although moderate, impact of celebrity endorsements on attention and exposure of consumers. Implications for marketers as well as suggestions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

通过构建消费观念的品牌性消费观念、超前性消费观念、实用性消费观念,并在"新消费文化观念构建"的调研数据的基础上,本文对消费行为和消费意向展开实证分析,研究结果表明品牌性消费观念和超前性消费观念对消费意向和消费行为均有正的影响,实用性消费观念对消费意向有负的影响,对消费行为有正的影响。  相似文献   


Willingness to engage in exchange is based on desired benefits. In typical commercial transactions, restricted exchange benefits dominate. However, public policy, social marketing situations might require consideration of both restricted and generalized exchange benefits. Applying factor analysis, cluster analysis and cross-tabulation, this paper reports research that has successfully segmented a young adult target market regarding interest in military service based on considerations of generalized and restricted exchange motivations. This research contributes to a growing body of literature on generalized exchange as a key conceptual element for social marketing. Results demonstrate the utility of the generalized exchange concept in identifying a market segment distinguished by strong interest in military service and positive perceptions on several key generalized exchange factors.  相似文献   

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