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近日有媒体报道,拥有日化用品品牌妮维雅(NIVEA)的德国公司拜尔斯多夫(Beiersdorf)公司,以近20亿元价格收购了国内最大的洗护发企业丝宝集团旗下舒蕾、风影、顺爽和美涛四个护发品牌。  相似文献   

近日有媒体报道,拥有日化用品品牌妮维雅(NIVEA)的德国公司拜尔斯多夫(Beiersdorf)公司,以近20亿元价格收购了国内最大的洗护发企业丝宝集团旗下舒蕾、风影、顺爽和美涛四个护发品牌。  相似文献   

复兴“天桥”,从梦想向现实又迈进,了一大步。6月20日,北京市西城区政府分别与国家大剧院、中国对外文化集团及19家在京演艺团体签署北京天桥演艺区战略合作协议,就进一步推进天桥演艺区建设达成战略合作意向。  相似文献   

2009年3月3日,中国工商银行股份有限公司天津分行与天津产权交易中心签订了并购贷款合作意向协议,同时两家机构又与天津创业环保股份有限公司签订了三方合作协议,这是天津首例并购贷款合作业务,标志着天津地区并购贷款业务正式开闸,也使天津成为首批开展并购贷款业务的城市之一。  相似文献   

朱茜 《产权导刊》2008,(4):58-58
2008年初春,中国产权市场可谓热闹非凡,高潮迭起。为落实国务院国资委2月3日发布的《关于建立中央企业国有产权转让信息联合发布制度有关事项的通知》,近日,京、津、沪、渝四大产权交易机构与五家媒体共同签署了中央企业国有产权转让信息联合发布合作协议。  相似文献   

孙玉敏 《上海国资》2013,(11):64-65
一家传统区域商业企业,如何杀出日渐式微的传统商业,迎来新辉煌?  相似文献   

<正>2014年9月4日,扬州与澳大利亚维克多利亚州巴拉瑞特市签订了科技合作协议,双方约定将在创新平台合作、国际技术转移、产业技术交流和科技人才培训4方面开展合作,主要是借助巴拉瑞特市的相关创新资源,提升扬州创新水平和产业技术研究院的发展建设,吸引澳大利亚墨尔本大学、巴拉瑞特大学赴扬设立国际技术转移机构,加强矿山机械、农业机械制造、IT产业、新能源、健康、旅游、食品加工等产业领域的技术交流与合作,组织扬州科技企业家、科技工作者  相似文献   

11月23日,天津滨海高新区管委会与三维丝环保股份有限公司签署合作协议,该公司北方总部落户高新区。  相似文献   

靳暄 《中国经贸》2009,(1):23-23
日前,中国进出口银行与奇瑞汽车股份有限公司《战略合作协议》在北京签署。协议金额为100亿人民币,主要支持奇瑞公司在更高层次和更广范围地实施“走出去”战略。  相似文献   

万昌科技,以及万昌股份、山东华冠之间究竟有何纠纷?万昌科技如何顺利跨越第三次举报成功上市?  相似文献   

港口经济率先与世界经济接轨的若干思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国加入世贸组织,成为这个号称“经济联合国”组织的正式成员,标志着我国对外开放和发展开放型经济进入新阶段,必须积极加快国民经济同世界经济全面接轨的步伐。而港口经济作为对国内国外的双向  相似文献   

随着时代的发展,科技的进步,各项学科的教育方式也在不断的发生变化。在工商管理中引入案例法,可以对学生的实践能力进行有效的培养和提升。文章主要针对工商管理中案例法的重要性进行了讨论分析,并对工商管理教学中案例法的具体应用进行了阐述,从而使工商管理专业得到更好的发展。  相似文献   

高校应成为培养和造就创新型人才的摇篮   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
会计准则取代会计制度是经济发展和会计改革的必然趋势。应采用逐步完全替代的方式,实现两者的平稳过渡。  相似文献   

Canada's public sector debt has increased from 5 percent of GDP in 1974 to 64 percent in 1994 on national accounts. The paper provides a summary assessment of the relative contributions of changes in taxation, program spending, interest rates, and economic growth and fluctuations to this explosion of public debt. By far the most important source of debt accumulation has been the anti-inflationary recessions of 1982 and 1990. Higher world interest rates and slower trend productivity growth have been significant, but secondary contributing factors. Lax spending has definitely not been a net source of debt over the period.  相似文献   

Conclusion All in all, it seems clear that the Miseskreis must have influenced Schutz significantly, and much more than acknowledged by Wagner. Schutz participated in the seminar not only in the years in which he formed the foundations of his phenomenology, but even before this. After just three years at the university this group of friends and colleagues provided him with a forum of peers interested in the very same problems-the only forum he had, and probably the best he could possibly get, for formulating, developing, and presenting his own ideas. Earlier versions of the paper were presented at the Colloquium on Austrian Economics, New York University, and the Austrian Scholars Conference.  相似文献   

文章在明确政治关联与绩效的概念界定的基础上,借助社会资本理论、寻租理论、替代机制理论,从整体政治关联、政治关联程度、政治关联类型3个角度梳理了高管政治关联对民营企业绩效的影响,并选取了222家2015年沪市上市民营企业为样本进行实证分析,研究结果表明:高管政治关联对民营企业绩效的影响是积极的,民营企业中具有政治关联的高管比例越高越能为企业带来较多的利益,地方政治关联比中央政治关联对民营上市企业绩效的影响要大。  相似文献   

可持续发展战略的核心与最终目标是人类社会的持续发展 ,而经济与伦理是人类社会生活的双重空间。经济与伦理的共同进步是我国社会主义市场经济本质要求 ,物质文明与精神文明双丰收是可持续发展战略中国化的具体体现。  相似文献   

Recent failure to observe significant relationships between price-level changes and lagged money growth, when both are measured on a quarter-to-quarter basis, has been called the disappearing money-inflation phenomenon. By examining only short-run, dynamic adjustments, regression models of quarterly price-level changes may have a tendency to non-rejection of the null hypothesis of insignificant coefficients on past-lagged money. Using the techniques of unit root and cointegration testing, the evidence uncovered in this paper suggests that a longer-run link between inflation and money, variously defined, has not disappeared.  相似文献   

国有企业的改革和发展关系到我国经济体制改革进程和社会经济的持续发展,也与整个金融业的稳定健康发展息息相关。改革开放以来,银企关系从计划经济体制下的行政管理服务关系,逐步向市场化法人实体之间商业服务关系过渡,但与现代商业银行制度和现代企业制度的改革目标相比,银企关系改革尚未取得实质性突破。银企市场关系的信用基础脆弱,银行信贷资产的风险不断加大,国有企业依然面临经营困难、社会负担重等现实问题,迫切需要银行的支持。因此,应建立新型的银企关系,以强化银行对国有企业改革和发展的支持。  相似文献   

This article examines the relationship between the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) membership and private entrepreneurship in China since 2002, the year when the party revised its constitution and officially removed ideological discrimination against private entrepreneurs in member recruitment. Drawing on the data from the six waves of a nationwide survey on privately owned enterprises in China from 1997 to 2008, we find that, while very few private entrepreneurs were recruited into the CCP during the decade we examine, the constitutional change had encouraged many party members to enter the private sector. We also show that party members who became entrepreneurs after the 2002 policy shift tended to be more senior than those who had started their business before the constitutional change. Furthermore, our difference-in-difference estimation demonstrates that the phenomenon of party members turning entrepreneurs was more prominent in regions where the level of marketization was lower, legal protection was less available, and local governments were prone to more corruption, since political rents were generally larger in environments with weaker market-supporting institutions. This study suggests that party members in general and especially the elite among them were quick to sense the opportunity and knew how to translate their political influence into economic power.  相似文献   

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