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The German Act to Promote Economic Stability and Growth will soon be 50 years old. New challenges require an economic policy which transcends the aims of this law. The new policy has to combine economic growth and stability with fiscal, social and ecological sustainability, both at the national and European levels. The author provides an overview on such comprehensive target systems and puts forward ideas on how to integrate the enlarged economic policy agenda into an Act to Promote Welfare and Sustainability.  相似文献   

Die Finanz- und Wirtschaftskrise hat sich zwar negativ auf den Wert von Verm?gensanlagen ausgewirkt — aber nicht so stark, wie allgemein angenommen wird. Die Dynamik in der Verbreitung der Riester-Vertr?ge wurde allerdings durch die Krise gestoppt. Einen leichten Rückgang gab es vor allem bei den mittleren oder h?heren Einkommen, wogegen das von diesen Gruppen auf den Riester-Konten angesparte Kapital gestiegen ist.  相似文献   

Das Fürstentum Liechtenstein ist bekannt als Steueroase und attraktiver Finanzplatz. Welche Wirtschaftskraft ist damit verbunden? Wieviel tr?gt der Finanzdienstleistungssektor dazu bei? Wie hat sich die in- und ausl?ndische Besch?ftigung in Liechtenstein entwickelt? Prof. Dr. Silvia Simon, 36, ist Professorin für Volkswirtschaftslehre an der Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur.  相似文献   

Essen und Trinken nach der OP – Die meisten Patienten wollen nach einer Operation so schnell wie m?glich wieder essen und trinken. Wann ist das wieder gefahrlos m?glich und wie kann der Kostaufbau aussehen?  相似文献   

The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership is the most important trade policy decision that European leaders have faced in many years. The new generation of free trade agreements, including TTIP, aim at deep economic integration. Thus, they are essentially focused upon the removal or alignment of standards, regulations and administrative procedures that impede international trade and investment. Therefore, TTIP goes beyond the dimensions of traditional preferential trade agreements in the sense that it not only concerns tariffs and non tariff barriers to trade in goods, but it also concerns trade in services and the foreign investment environment. Regulatory cooperation under TTIP might thus well extend into core domains of public policy, including health and food safety or environmental regulation. Regulation, however, confers both benefits and costs to society. A proper assessment of TTIP must therefore also consider the benefits of regulation to society and must embed regulatory cooperation between the EU and US into a firm democratic framework. The potential of such an agreement is substantial, due to improved market access, regulatory cooperation and greater global reach, while the downside risk is limited. While some of the arguments critical of TTIP are justified, others seem rather excessive and seem intent on stirring up unnecessary anxiety among the population. An objective and constructive discussion is crucial to ensure that the needs of the population are heard during the negotiation process and that an agreement capable of achieving majority support can be concluded. The debate over TTIP has to consider not only the economic effects of increased trade but also the legal and political dimensions of the trade agreement.  相似文献   

Is the rise in populism driven by economic issues, e.g. inequality and stagnating incomes, or by social issues, e.g. illiberal views on gender, race and migration? This paper argues that it is impossible to distinguish between the two factors, as social issues have a profound impact on economic issues. Populists make use of this tight link and exploit the inability of mainstream policymakers to address the negative economic impact that open borders for goods, capital and labour have on a large number of people within their countries. The result is the return of economic nationalism, as it seems to provide policymakers with an opportunity to dismantle the policy constraints set by a globalised economy.  相似文献   

The transition from copper-based internet access to ultra-fast broadband networks requires large investments. However, regulation has a serious impact on (private) investment incentives. We describe and evaluate the regulatory frameworks of European countries, in particular those of Germany and Switzerland. Our article argues that the ex-ante sector-specific regulation in EU countries like Germany, with its focus on cost-oriented access and service-based competition, is likely to have a detrimental effect on investment. In contrast, the Swiss approach of ex-post regulation provides a more conducive investment environment. We provide preliminary evidence on investment behaviour supporting our theoretical conclusions.  相似文献   


Pro & Contra

Trennbankensystem: Pro Transparente Systemik  相似文献   

Zusammenfassungen  Die Investitionen der Wirtschaft in die Unternehmenskommunikation nehmen zu. W?hrend der klassische Werbemarkt stagniert, steigen die Budgets für Public Relations 2008 europaweit um 14 Prozent. Das wirft in der Praxis neue Fragen auf und stellt auch das Kommunikationscontrolling vor neue Aufgabenschwerpunkte. Lesen Sie in diesem Beitrag, welche strategischen Herausforderungen dadurch entstehen und welche Prozesse eingeleitet werden müssen. Prof. Dr. Ansgar Zerfa? Universit?tsprofessor für Kommunikationsmanagement in Politik und Wirtschaft an der Universit?t Leipzig und Autor zahlreicher Publikationen zum strategischen Kommunikationsmanagement Dr. Mark-Steffen Buchele Managing Partner von aexea — communication. content. consulting sowie freier Projektleiter Strategie und Wertsch?pfung am Lehrstuhl für Kommunikationsmanagement der Universit?t Leipzig  相似文献   

There are many controversial and contentious aspects of the EU’s trade and investment policy. To evaluate existing and forthcoming free trade agreements, the paper describes their potential economic effects. It analyses the effects of EU trade policy and of the new protectionism of the US.  相似文献   

The Nobel prize in economics in 2012 was awarded to Lloyd S. Shapley and Alvin E. Roth for “the theory of stable allocations and the practice of market design” (Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences). The prize honours Lloyd Shapley’s theoretical foundations of the theory of stable allocations (in particular the celebrated deferred-acceptance algorithm) as well as the theoretical and practical contributions to the design of matching markets by Al Roth. As prices do not play their usual role in equating supply and demand, market failure is widespread (congestion, unravelling, lack of thickness). The actual design of two-sided matching markets, such as school choice, labour markets and kidney exchange, relies on both theory as well as on empirical investigations of the market and its rules.  相似文献   

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