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新古典经济学是研究既定制度下个体理性行为的学说,而社会制度的确立原则不同于属于个体的行为原则,因为社会制度涉及到众多社会性因素。不幸的是,流行的新制度主义恰恰舍弃了包括伦理、历史和权力等社会性因素,而试图把制度分析纳入新古典经济学框架,它或者基于博弈均衡来分析和解释那些正式规则,或者基于理性建模的互动行为分析来构设社会制度。正是基于这种抽象思维,新制度主义必然不能真正剖析制度的产生和演化,舍弃权力结构的博弈均衡所构设的社会制度。  相似文献   

关于信任的博弈分析——基于个体的自利理性和社会理性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
信任的根本在于不完全信息和有限理性,信任是个体弥补自己理性不足的一种策略.所以,信任分析无法在个体的自利理性下完成,需要扩展个体理性的范畴.将个体理性扩展为自利理性和社会理性,利用理性的这种二元特性,重新解释了两个具有代表性的博弈模型--蜈蚣博弈和信任博弈.这不但对信任问题提出了一种新的分析框架,而且还解决了博弈分析的困境.这说明,对个体理性的扩展是合适的,个体的社会理性是经济学不可忽视的一部分.  相似文献   

金融市场化与个体非理性选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
何大安 《经济学家》2005,80(3):101-106
金融市场化引发了投资选择行为的不确定性。个体在金融市场化进程中的非理性选择行为是由政策、信息和环境等不确定性导致的。本文简要分析了新古典经济学和行为经济学有关理性选择和非理性选择的基本思想,通过对金融市场中的个体非理性选择一般模型的分析.重点探讨了金融市场化进程中的个体非理性选择受政策因素影响的复合函数模型,力图在理论层次上概要说明金融市场化进程中的个体非理性选择的成因过程及其机理。  相似文献   

王健 《生产力研究》2012,(4):100-102
"囚徒困境"博弈反映出了人类社会中个人理性和集体理性的深层次矛盾。在囚徒困境博弈中,合作的是以自身利益为代价来提高别人利益的行为,它的存在可以提高整个社会的福利水平。通过基于Agent的复杂适应系统的计算机仿真,可以刻画出有学习能力和适应性的微观个体之间的互动,并进而反映出系统中合作行为的产生和发展机制。  相似文献   

退耕还林政策变迁探析   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
本文从经济学角度分析了农户、地方政府、中央政府各自的理性特征及各利益主体对理性的不同理解给退耕还林政策效果带来的一些影响。在各利益主体行为分析的基础上分析了三方利益主体在动态博弈过程中对退耕还林政策变迁产生的影响.并由此提出了进一步完善退耕还林政策的若干建议。  相似文献   

基于演化博弈的和谐社会构建模型分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经济学在社会科学中的主导性地位决定了经济和谐是和谐社会构建的基础。以"理性经济人"假设为基础的正统经济理论与和谐社会的本质内容存在着一定程度的差异性,因而不能够为和谐社会的存在性构建起科学的理论体系,而行为经济学为和谐社会的实现提供了现实性的理论依据。互惠性偏好是行为经济学的基础性假设之一,基于互惠性偏好的个体行为博弈可以改善博弈双方的经济利益,从而为演化博弈环境下群体经济行为从自利型向互惠型的演化创造了条件,最终为经济学视角下和谐社会微观经济理论体系的构建提供了坚实的理论基础。  相似文献   

刘友平 《经济师》2005,(5):271-272
文章分别从经济学、心理学和哲学层面分析了行为主体的理性和非理性,指出非理性行为是人类正常的行为,但个体的理性可能导致集体的非理性,非理性行为有积极的一面,同时也有局限性和破坏性。杭州房地产市场是理性与非理性交织的市场,其中集体的非理性行为非常突出,政策制定时应密切注意。  相似文献   

博弈思维的根本要旨在于,不能孤立地分析个体的行为方式,而必须考虑个体行为对他人利益的影响及其相应反应,进而探究在互动行为中获得利益增进的协调机制。然而,主流博弈思维只是简单地继承新古典经济学的单向工具理性,关注博弈方之间的对抗性甚于协作性,因而并不适用于日常生活中的互动行为。事实上,现实世界中的人类理性及其行为,是嵌入在具体的社会关系之中,并随着社会演进而不断提升的。因此,更为合理的博弈思维应该考虑人类偏好的内生性和行为的演化性,而"为己利他"行为机理可更好地体现这一要求。  相似文献   

论博弈分析在区域政策中的运用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
以博弈研究为切入点 ,运用博弈分析的方法 ,将博弈理论与区域政策相结合 ,详细阐述了区域政策的博弈论基础与博弈方法 ,并以政府与企业行为博弈为案例 ,对政府与企业的经济行为进行深入地分析论证 ,为政府和企业进行理性决策提供理论支持  相似文献   

论博奕分析在区域政策中的运用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
母爱英 《经济地理》2003,23(1):5-8,17
以博弈研究为切入点,运用博弈分析的方法,将博弈理论与区域政策相结合,详细阐述了区域政策的博弈论基础与博弈方法,并以政府与企业行为博弈为案例,对政府与企业的经济行为进行深入地分析论证,为政府和企业进行理性决策提供理论支持。  相似文献   

This article is concerned with the economics of excessively large and socially costly suburban expansion and attempts to summarize and organize the main economic arguments associated with sprawl due to single-family residential home construction. We also apply standard welfare economics and price policy instruments to the issue of suburban sprawl in order to suggest ways in which economics can participate in and inform the debate over sprawl. The article uses the Inland Empire, which includes the valley regions of San Bernardino and Riverside Counties in Southern California east of Los Angeles, as a case study. ( JEL R11, R14, Q24)  相似文献   

Behavioral and experimental economics present challenges to the neoclassical theory of individual behavior, which is based on individuals making choices within the framework of utility functions that are assumed to have certain well-defined characteristics. Results in behavioral and experimental economics have shown that it is common for individual behavior to systematically deviate from the neoclassical axioms of utility maximization. Austrian economics is also based on axiomatic theories of utility maximization, but the assumptions underlying utility-maximizing behavior are much weaker in the Austrian approach. As a result, they have more solid behavioral foundations and are less subject to challenge by the empirical findings of behavioral and experimental economics. Neoclassical policy conclusions are often overly strong because of its behavioral foundations which are challenged by behavioral and experimental economics and are often misleading because of the comparative static nature of neoclassical welfare economics. For purposes of policy analysis, the Austrian approach provides better insights because of its more realistic behavioral foundations.  相似文献   

杨莹 《经济研究导刊》2014,(17):291-293
法律经济学是20世纪后半叶法学界对传统法学最重要的发展之一。相对于传统法学定性的研究,法经济分析把定性、定量相结合,极大地促进了法学研究。由于经济学交易成本、外部性和潜在利润的存在,侵权责任法为侵权立法指明取舍标准,平衡个人理性、集体理性,并且促成个人福利的最大化,以达到社会效用最大化的目的。  相似文献   

德国马克是欧元出现前全球第二大国际货币,但其国际化在相当长的时间内一直受到货币当局的限制。本文通过挖掘德国马克国际化受限的内在原因,得出其主要因素包括德国货币当局对货币价值对内稳定这一货币政策目标的维护,对出口企业竞争力的保护,德国长期实行的资本管制以及德国特殊产业结构下金融业发展的极端落后等。这对于人民币国际化的发展模式、发展条件及推出时机均有重要的启示作用。  相似文献   

The article aims to contribute to the convergence between institutional and neo-Schumpeterian evolutionary economics. It intends to help unify the behavioral foundations of these two strands of thought by returning to the original views of their main historical inspirations. It thus proposes a comparative analysis of the theory of human behavior developed by Thorstein Veblen and Herbert Simon, respectively. The article notably discusses how Simon’s early work links together the notions of habit, rationality, and the decision-making process, and explores the extent to which his views are consistent with, complementary to, or divergent from Veblen’s. The article highlights several commonalities between Simon and Veblen’s views on habits. However, Simon departs from Veblen in developing a dual model of human behavior which clearly differentiates habit-based from decision-based behaviors. The article argues that neo-Schumpeterian evolutionary economists should go beyond this binary model and build on the pragmatist-Veblenian approach, in which these two dimensions are intimately entangled. This process could allow the economists in question to take advantage of the most valuable insights of institutional economics regarding the interactions between individual choices and habits and institutions.  相似文献   

Established environmental policy theory is based on the assumption of homo economicus. This means that people are seen as fully rational and acting in a self-regarding manner. In line with this, economics emphasizes efficient policy solutions and the associated advantages of price incentives. Behavioral economics offers alternative, more realistic views on individual behavior. In this paper we investigate opportunities to integrate bounded rationality and other-regarding preferences into environmental policy theory to arrive at recommendations for more effective policies. For this purpose, we will address decisions made under risk and uncertainty, intertemporal choice, decision heuristics, other-regarding preferences, heterogeneity, evolutionary selection of behaviors, and the role of happiness. Three aspects of environmental policy are considered in detail, namely sustainable consumption, environmental valuation and policy design. We pay special attention to the role of non-pecuniary, informative instruments and illustrate the implications for climate policy.  相似文献   

Since the 1980s, the pharmaceutical industry has benefited substantially from a series of policy changes that have strengthened the patent protection for brand-name drugs as a result of the industry's political influence. This paper incorporates special interest politics into a quality-ladder model to analyze the policy-makers' tradeoff between the socially optimal patent length and campaign contributions. The welfare analysis suggests that the presence of a pharmaceutical lobby distorting patent protection is socially undesirable in a closed-economy setting but may improve social welfare in a multi-country setting, which features an additional efficiency tradeoff between monopolistic distortion and international free riding on innovations.  相似文献   

马克思经济学比现代主流经济学更容易发现经济危机,主要源于两个基本特征:一是在社会哲学观上坚持矛盾冲突论,从而发现个人理性与集体理性之间的不一致性;二是在研究方法论上采用平均主义分析,从而更适合使用统计材料和历史材料来考察宏观经济的周期性波动。正因如此,马克思经济学能够充分认识到自由市场经济内含的冲突性,并从收入分配角度揭示了经济危机的内在根源;相应地,解决经济危机的根本措施就是,改变不合理的收入分配制度。  相似文献   

传统经济理论假定个体服从理性判断,遵循选择逻辑,并据此演绎出个体行为选择分析的两种方法.但无论是基于偏好法的效用理论还是反其道而行的显示偏好理论,本质上均无法解释清楚现实中的个体选择何以是丰富多彩的.本文引入偏好分层理论,构建“偏好-行为”分析框架,认为个体偏好可以分为内核层、基本层、表象层和行为层四个层次,该分层的偏好体系决定了个体的知识结构,而特定的知识结构将对个体行为进行损益分析,促使个体做出策略选择并付诸行动.这一理论重新解释微观行动主体在不同场景下的行为选择问题,能够较好地解释现实经济活动中个体的目标驱动行为和规则遵循行为,从而避免新古典经济学效用分析法和显示偏好法在解释个体行为上的局限.  相似文献   

Academic and policy debate has centered around an apparent "underinvestment in conservation." This paper outlines traditional explanations for underinvestment and presents a prospect theory analysis of individual conservation behavior. On the basis of investment criteria, individuals seem to discriminate against conservation investments. While these decisions might appear rational as life style decisions, individual choice across different household appliances shows little consistency. For policymaking purposes, understanding and modeling actual behavior is crucial to maximizing social welfare. The insight of certain positive models of human behavior supports economic efficiency arguments for marketplace intervention. This paper argues that because individuals making conservation investment decisions apparently do not act according to the dictates of utilitarian economics, utility sponsored conservation programs are justified on economic efficiency grounds. Finally, in light of prospect theory considerations, the paper suggests marketing guidelines for conservation investments sponsored by electric utilities.  相似文献   

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