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随着知识经济和经济全球化的迅猛发展,企业的人力资源管理(HRM)也发生着深刻的变化,这些变化不仅仅是从传统的人事管理(PM)向战略性人力资源管理(SHRM)的转变,而且是在战略层、职能层、操作层上的深刻变化。在知识经济和经济全球化的大背景下,企业的人力资源管理呈现出以下三个层面的发展趋势。  相似文献   

创新企业战略性绩效管理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当今世界,企业战略管理已成为企业管理的中心。20世纪80年代初,由于人在经济发展和企业竞争中所起的重要作用.西方管理学者,诸如迪奇(N.M.TIchy)等又把人力资源管理提升到一个新的高度,提出了战略性人力资源管理的概念,并认为企业战略、组织结构、人力资源管理是企业有效发挥功能作用的三个核心要素。企业战略性绩效管理就是从企业战略的角度,通过绩效管理,以实现企业战略目标的实现.同时,依靠企业战略性绩效管理,促进员工、部门和整个企业绩效的持续改进,提升企业的核心竞争力,最终推动企业绩效。因此,企业战略性绩效管理已成为企业战略管理控制系统中不可缺少的管理工具和重要手段。  相似文献   

张丹丹 《企业导报》2012,(20):192-193
战略人力资源管理有助于组织绩效的提高,增强与延续企业的生命力。本文从战略性人力资源管理的发展、概念、框架、优势及模型等几个方面进行讨论并给出战略性人力资源管理意义。  相似文献   

一、战略性人力资源体系的提出 战略性人力资源管理是指从企业发展战略的角度研究与实施企业人力资源管理。战略性人力资源体系是实施战略性人力资源管理的核心.是在分析影响战略目标实现的基本要素的基础上,所建立的支持战略目标实现的人力资源策略和方法体系,它克服了传统的人力资源金字塔式组纵架构限制企业关键人力资本发挥作用的弊端,  相似文献   

战略性人力资源管理若干问题探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肖霞 《企业经济》2007,(1):37-40
战略性人力资源管理成为现阶段人力资源管理现代化的主要特征,集中体现在以下几方面:人力资源管理如何体现战略性?人力资源管理战略如何与企业战略相适应?人力资源管理者的战略职能和角色、人力资源管理专业人员在推动变革时的作用等。只有把握了企业人力资源管理的战略性特点,才能把握现阶段企业人力资源管理现代化的实质,才能实现企业的持续性成长。根据以上特征对企业进行评价,才能真正地反映现阶段企业人力资源管理现代化的状况。  相似文献   

人力资源是企业持续竞争优势之源。本文比较详细地剖析了战略性人力资源管理的内涵与特征、战略性人力资源管理模型、战略性人力资源管理对组织的主要作用,最后指出了进行战略性人力资源管理对我国企业具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

文章在对战略管理、人力资源战略管理、全面风险管理、人力资源风险等理论研究的基础上,从基于企业战略管理角度构建人力资源战略风险管理模型,研究如何运用风险管理流程和技术手段,识别人力资源战略在实施环节中存在的风险,分析风险来源,对之实施风险应对策略,通过设定有效的关键风险指标(KRI)进行风险监督,树立人力资源管理人员的风险管理意识,从而提高和完善人力资源整体管理水平,为实现战略目标提供人力资源管理保障。  相似文献   

现代战略性人力资源管理与企业隐式战略的匹配研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为企业获得持续竞争优势的重要途径,战略性人力资源管理不仅要求我们寻找能更有效地指导人力资源管理与中国企业发展战略相匹配的理论,更重要的是探求匹配实现的方式和途径。本文首先借助两极化连续统模型辨析潜藏在人力资源管理实践中的企业战略形态,揭示理论化的显式战略和实践中的隐式战略,然后在传统的经典战略性人力资源管理理论与显式战略匹配的基础上,探讨中国企业战略性人力资源管理与隐式战略相匹配的方式和途径。  相似文献   

试论企业战略性人力资源管理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
<正>一、战略性人力资源内涵及面临的现实挑战关于战略性人力资源管理的研究,近20年来爆炸式地增长。许多学者对人力资源及人力资源管理的战略作用的研究兴趣,正以指数级增长。学者们认为,人力资源是企业持续竞争优势之源。但是,我国绝大多数企业的人力资源管理能力很弱,人力资源竞争力整体偏低。为在愈演愈烈的全球人才争夺战中占领一席之地,迫切需要从战略高度进行人力资源管理。  相似文献   

随着市场经济的深入发展,企业之间的竞争越来越激烈,这就对企业的战略性目标定位提出了更高的要求,而人力资源管理是企业实现战略性目标的重要内容。所以企业在开展日常经营的过程中必须要认识到人力资源管理与企业战略的契合的重要性,从而促进企业的全面发展。根据人力资源管理的实际情况,对人力资源管理与企业战略的契合进行研究。  相似文献   

随着社会经济发展与专业化分工,HR外包服务作为企业HRM战略变革的重要手段,逐渐被更多的企业所接受。新《劳动合同法》的实施又给企业HRM提出了新要求,如何专注价值、降低成本、灵活用工、规避风险已成为企业人事管理面临的现实课题。同时,新形势也给国内HR外包服务机构带来难得的发展机遇。本文以HR外包服务行业为着眼点,从行业战略格局分析入手,展开营销价值思考与营销模式设计,并提出HR外包服务机构营销策略要点建议。  相似文献   

This article describes the Human Resource Management system in place at Herman Miller, Inc. (HMI). HMI's HR strategy is comprised of three primary goals: (1) building employee capabilities, (2) building employee commitment, and (3) improving the professional capabilities of the HR function itself. Key emphases of HMI's HR management infrastructure include (1) employee competency identification and development, (2) building employee participation, (3) building business literacy, (4) creating a “corporate community” through strong values and a sense of “belonging”, (5) community responsibility and environmental protection, (6) competently delivering the HR “fundamentals”, and (7) developing innovative partnerships with suppliers. Key challenges for the future include (1) change management, (2) clarifying HR's strategic role throughout the firm, and (3) attracting and retaining a diverse workforce. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

传统人力资源管理到战略人力资源管理的职能转变   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
刘颖 《上海管理科学》2003,(5):57-58,56
传统人力资源管理幅度狭窄,工作范围有限,很少涉及组织的高层战略决策,随着企业基础管理模式的不断变革,人力资源管理向战略性转变,人力资源部门成为企业的战略经营伙伴。本文分析了传统人力资源管理到战略人力资源管理的职能转变中,两者在角色定位与管理思想上的区别,并提出了四项完成其职能转变的实施策略。  相似文献   

李大巍 《物流科技》2007,30(5):172-173
战略人力资源管理对经济增长和组织绩效都具有重要作用。在实践中,人们认识到了战略人力资源管理对组织绩效的重要作用.但是对于战略人力资源管理对组织绩效的作用方式尚不确定.而且企业的人力资源与企业经营的基本战略不相匹配。为了实现更好的组织绩效,有必要建立科学的战略人力资源管理模式。战略人力资源管理模式构建的实质就是协调人力资源管理战略和企业的经营战略,用科学的人力资源计划为员工提供足够的发展空间,以系统的培训开发人力资源,引导员工最大限度的实现企业战略目标,为企业做出最大贡献。  相似文献   

Most SHRM research has concentrated on single, focal organizations and on activities taking place within the firm. The purpose of this article is to lay a foundation for studying SHRM in the supply chain. We present a framework which identifies factors that influence whether adopting a supply chain orientation (SCO) is effective, and articulates the contingencies that shape SHRM practices needed to achieve and capitalize on SCO. We make several contributions to the strategic human resource management and supply chain literatures. First, we highlight this neglected area of research. Second, we expand the boundary conditions of strategic human resource management and HR systems from a primarily single firm, intra-organizational focus to one which includes both intra- and inter-organizational relationships. Third, we provide a framework for understanding the links between HR systems, SCO, and strategic outcomes. Fourth, we build upon previous theorizing in strategic human resource management and provide a framework for research in the supply chain context. And finally, we offer propositions for future research, along with a decision making model which has implications for both research and management practice.  相似文献   

人力资源管理日益成为企业战略合作伙伴,为适应这一崭新角色转变,传统人力资源管理需要在三个大的方面进行调整:(1)人力资源传统的职能性知识模块的深化;(2)支持性、辅助性知识模块的强化;(3)职能性与支持性知识实践方式的调整。三个大方面合计包括12个小要点,因此简称人力资源管理12P模型。12P模型是对国内学者2001─2005年期间提出的3P、5P模型的深化与发展。  相似文献   

Experience with mergers and acquisitions makes companies develop practices that enable them to handle the process more effectively. This study examines the practices that successful companies, with acquisition experience, adopt when managing their personnel. We examine strategic Human Resource (HR) practices that differentiate top-performing from non-top performing companies, using the 1999 Cranet data. Increased HR involvement in strategic decisions, formalisation of HR practices, building organisational capability through training and development activities, line management devolvement and internal labour market opportunities are the main strategic HR practices adopted by successful companies.  相似文献   

Human resource management (HRM) practices can play an important role in matching people with the organisations and the jobs they work in. However, little is known about how employees perceive and interpret HR practices and whether or how these perceptions relate to perceptions of person–organisation (P–O) and person–job (P–J) fit. This study aims to bridge strategic HRM and person–environment fit literature by examining possible mediating and moderating roles of P–O and P–J fit in the relationship between employee perceptions of a broad set of HR practices and employee attitudes and behaviours. Results from a sample of 412 employees support direct relationships as well as a mediating and moderating role of P–O and P–J fit in the relationship between perceived HR practices and employee outcomes.  相似文献   

The strategic HR literature suggests that a firm will perform better through internal appropriate fit among HRM practices (the configuration fit) and through external appropriate fit between a firm's HRM practices and business strategy. The present study adopts a configuration approach to identify unique patterns of HR practices and business strategy that are posited to be maximally effective. The proposed relationships were empirically tested by surveying with a sample of 241 business firms in Guangzhou, South China, to find out the extent that four HR configurations could be successfully adopted in the Chinese context. The results revealed that HR configurations are significantly related to effect in predicting overall outcome performance and turnover, but not significantly related to effect on sales growth and profit growth rates. Research findings showed not only competitive strategies are significantly related to effect on HR configurations. The results also showed significant interaction effects between HR configurations and business strategy in their effect on profit and sales growth. These results further extended support for a contingency perspective in strategic HRM to the Chinese context, with significant practical implications for managing HRM in China. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This article describes the HR Management system in place at Lucent Technologies, Inc. Lucent's HR structure is organized around a client service model that focuses on the leaders in the major business units and the movement of as much of the HR infrastructure as possible to these business units. Key emphases include (1) HR operational excellence, (2) compensation and performance management that encourages employees to build a successful future with the firm, as well as to share in that success, and (3) building an operating style and culture that supports Lucent's mission and strategy. Key challenges for the future include (1) organizational renewal in a period of growth, (2) identifying and developing new HR competencies, (3) developing a unique HR structure to support the needs of HR at Bell Labs, and (4) effective labor relations in a rapidly changing industry. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

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