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向塘西编组站是京九铁路与浙赣铁路的交叉点,随着京九铁路1995年铺通的时间越来越近,向塘西编组站于1994年4月已拉开扩建的帷幕,并最迟于1996年扩建完成,届时,向塘西编组站将成为京九铁路中段的主要编组站,成为贯通两条铁路干线的路网性编组站。向塘西编组站设计为综合自动化编组站,并将利用外资吸收国外先进计算机技术、下行系统建成计算机控制的自动化驼峰,为充分发挥各项现代化设备的作用,使其在安全,畅通  相似文献   

停时作为衡量编组站作业组织效率的一项重要指标,是铁路局对其日常工作考核的重要内容。结合丰台西站的作业实际,分析了影响货车停时的重要因素和停时较长的原因,同时提出了强化考核制度、优化运输组织、加强市场营销等压缩车站停时的对策。  相似文献   

侯月线运量的不断增长,使侯马北站的运输组织面临较大压力,根据枢纽各站集中指挥原则、编组场畅通原则、机列衔接原则、优先调整无调中转列车原则,提出实现枢纽各站集中调度指挥,及时提出列车调整建议,均衡使用各场到发线能力,充分发挥车站改编能力,加强运输组织的分析考核,加强局、站两级调度的沟通等有关车站运输组织优化的具体措施。  相似文献   

随着我国高速铁路的建设,高速铁路高速度、高密度、高技术、高要求等特点对调度指挥提出了新的严峻挑战.在分析高速铁路调度指挥特点的基础上,针对目前调度集中指挥存在的问题,提出强化调度基础管理,完善高速铁路调度指挥规章制度,严格施工日计划管理,完善非正常行车组织预案,弱化调度命令、强化调度指挥,优化设备控制、减少人工干预等健全高速铁路调度指挥安全保障体系的建议.  相似文献   

在分析我国铁路重载运输发展现状的基础上,从重载列车开行形式和重载运输发展途径方面,分析重载运输对编组站作业及设备的影响,指出采用合理的车流组织模式是解决重载运输对编组站作业系统影响的较佳对策,并从驼峰调速系统改造、改进驼峰设计和编组站场型设计等方面,提出适应重载运输发展的编组站站场改造对策。  相似文献   

分析了影响江村编组站运输效率提高的原因,针对车站站型、设备能力和生产组织存在的问题,从改善运输组织及进行设备改造两方面,提出加强运输组织、提高调机运用效率、加强折角车流处理、完善考核激励机制等措施。  相似文献   

根据侯马地区调度指挥现状,分析车站调度指挥体系、车流调整、车流接发存在的问题,采取将侯马地区各站纳入集中调度指挥系统,合理编制计划,均衡使用各车场到发线能力,提高车站改编能力和加强运输分析考核等各项运输组织措施,有效增加了侯马地区日均办理车数,压缩了车站中时,提高作业效率.  相似文献   

郑州北编组站体制改革后,吸收了车站周边的9个中间站,车站管辖范围扩大,新组成的郑州北站通过采取整合点线资源、释放运输能力、进一步优化郑州枢纽运输组织方案等措施,对新体制下“大站带小站”的运输组织模式、方法进行了有益的探索。  相似文献   

依托信息平台释放编组站内在潜能的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新丰镇站于2008年7月建成双向纵列式三级七场站型,采用新一代编组站综合自动化系统,实现了站调楼集中人工控制作业,同时研发了"局站一体化"系统,实现了铁路局与技术站间透明、垂直的联系。车站依托信息平台,有效释放编组站内在潜能;发挥局站一体化作用,提升科技促进生产的理念,使运输能力、效率和效益得到持续快速提升。  相似文献   

关于职工安全心理的调查分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
结合呼和浩特火车站职工安全心理问题调查结果,分析铁路职工安全心理状况,职工群众对车站工怍的满意度、认可度和基本评价,以加强铁路生产安全管理。  相似文献   

Highway planning efforts, especially those involving capacity expansions, have traditionally relied on the volume/capacity (V/C) ratio to identify “highly congested” or critical links, resulting in localized solutions that do not consider system-wide impacts. This paper presents a new, comprehensive, system-wide approach to identifying critical links and evaluating network performance. The approach considers network flows, link capacity and network topology. Moreover, it relies on readily available sources of data. Using three hypothetical networks, we demonstrate that the approach, known as the Network Robustness Index, yields different highway planning solutions than the traditional V/C ratio. Moreover, these solutions yield far greater system-wide benefits, as measured by travel-time savings, than solutions identified by the V/C ratio.  相似文献   

This paper applies concepts from the theory of Real Options to hedge uncertainty in transportation capacity and cost using derivative contracts, called truckload options. We make three contributions. First, we provide a closed-form pricing formula for basic truckload options when the truckload spot price on a given lane follows a simple mean-reverting process. Second, since only monthly statistics about truckload spot prices are currently available, we provide an approach to estimate the parameters needed to value truckload options. Finally, a numerical illustration based on real data shows that truckload options could be valuable to both shippers and carriers.  相似文献   

随着中国-东盟自由贸易区的建立,广西将在中国与东盟各国的经贸交往中发挥重大作用。根据区域经济与区域交通运输相适应的关系,搜集广西经济、贸易、交通等发展情况的有关数据并进行线性回归分析,对CAFTA下广西交通适应性做出评价。目前广西交通滞后于双边贸易增长带来的需求,尤其表现在铁路系统。应该加大对广西铁路基础设施的投资建设,更好地促进中国-东盟自由贸易区的发展。  相似文献   

Brazilian Public Bus Transportation Service transports over 34.4 million passengers daily using approximately 107,000 urban buses. This service costs millions of dollars annually to the municipality and emits several pollutants to the atmosphere. Therefore, this paper proposes a method to assess the eco-efficiency of a Public Bus Transportation Service. The proposed method was tested in a medium-sized urban region in Brazil. Different scenarios representing changes in the vehicles engines and fuels were tested and analyzed. Six eco-efficiency indicators regarding emissions and fuel consumption were proposed to assess which mix of engines and fuels would bring the greatest eco-efficiency. The results were compared to targets based on Brazilian regulation and showed that the renewal of the fleet is necessary to meet the environmental targets, while also achieving fuel costs reduction.  相似文献   

客运专线车站作业计划编制是客运专线综合调度系统在基层的最直接反映,包括接发列车作业计划编制和调车作业计划编制两方面内容。由于自然环境、气候发生变化,施工或是设备出现故障等异常条件都会给客运专线的正常行车带来重大影响,原有的车站作业计划就需要进行调整。基于客运专线车站作业计划编制的两阶段算法,提出时间调整、空间调整及动车组运用调整等三种车站作业计划调整方法,重点介绍列车晚点情况下的车站作业计划调整,最后以沪杭客专上某车站为例加以验证。  相似文献   

以惠州客运北站、广州北站为工程实例,重点对城际轨道交通线网贯通运营为主的枢纽站进行分析研究,提出多线引入枢纽站以城市总体规划、综合交通规划为引导,与城市规划和谐共存,实现枢纽站与区间工程统筹协调和综合经济效益发挥,满足车站各类作业需要的综合逐级优化设计理论与方法,为同类项目的设计提供参考。  相似文献   

新型铁路客站设计建设的实践与探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
铁路客站的设计建设是一项复杂的系统工程,需要广大设计建设者在实践中不断地思考探索.根据近年来参与多项大型站房方案论证、亲历建设过程的实践体会,对设计建设中经常遇到的有关问题做了归类总结,提出建议意见,并对未来客站建设模式做了探索.  相似文献   

Finding time and cost efficiencies associated with preliminary and final design of transportation projects has become increasingly difficult. Major new complexities present interesting and challenging project management issues and many agencies have incrementally adapted the project development process to improve efficiencies. Yet our understanding of the project development process is limited and the incremental changes in the process have not resulted in major modifications in the way in which transportation project development is approached for most agencies. A time honored method for elucidating problems with project development and potential solutions to them has been through the use of governmental audits. For example, over the past 30 years some 14 performance audits and evaluations have conducted of the California transportation project development process. These California audits have suggested that voter or legislatively approved projects, in terms of time, cost, or scope, significantly enhance project efficiencies. In this study, we examine time and cost project development efficiencies between voter or legislatively approved projects and projects with standard scopes. We find no significant evidence that state highway projects with highly defined, voter or legislatively approved project scopes, time, or costs are any more likely to have lower project development costs or times than projects with non-voter approved scopes.  相似文献   

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