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为了更好的满足城乡居民的出行需求,有必要进行城乡公交一体化的规划建设与管理的探索和实践。城乡公交一体化就是将城区公交与农村公交作为一个有机的整体进行考虑。一体化的公共交通体系应当包括两个基本内容:一是线路的一体化,即妥善安排城区公交线路和城乡公交线路以及中转站的位置,使人们能够方便地在各线路之间换乘;二是运营、管理的一体化,即由统一部门调度、管理,安排发车时间,确定合理站点、站距,更方便的满足城乡居民的出行需求。  相似文献   

基于web 2.0的网络公交信息系统是目前最有效解决城市公交日趋拥挤的有力工具之一.本文设计一种用GIS矢量数据结构表示公交网络数据位置和关系的公交数据模型,实现了以最少换乘次数、最少途径站数的公交换乘算法,同时提供了地图浏览、地图标记、测量距离、站点查询、线路查询等辅助功能.  相似文献   

唐娟 《财经界(学术)》2014,(18):284-284
为了更好的满足城乡居民的出行需求,有必要进行城乡公交一体化的规划建设与管理的探索和实践。城乡公交一体化就是将城区公交与农村公交作为一个有机的整体进行考虑。一体化的公共交通体系应当包括两个基本内容:一是线路的一体化,即妥善安排城区公交线路和城乡公交线路以及中转站的位置,使人们能够方便地在各线路之间换乘:二是运营、管理的一体化,即由统一部门调度、管理,安排发车时间.确定合理站点、站距,更方便的满足城乡居民的出行需求。  相似文献   

随着城市规模的不断扩大,蚌埠市公共交通也得到迅速发展,但在很多公交站点和线路出现了越来越多的串车现象,造成了交通拥塞,增加了公交运行成本。文章从介绍公交串车现象的概念开始,分析串车所造成的危害,通过对蚌埠市公交线路、公交站点、发车时刻等数据的调研分析,对蚌埠市串车现象进行了实证研究,提出了改进蚌埠市公交串车问题的对策,为解决城市公交串车问题做出了一定的探讨。  相似文献   

基于可靠性的城市公交乘客满意度评价模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文提出了一种高峰小时下公交乘客满意度的评价模型。模型通过层次分析法得出行程时间可靠性、容量可靠性、站点准点到达可靠性三个可靠性指标,乘车环境舒适性、驾驶员驾驶技术、车内拥挤度三个舒适性指标,以及票价合理性这个经济性指标。评价指标量化值由层次分析—模糊综合判定方法获得。最后,利用深圳市和北京市的两条典型公交线路对模型进行了案例分析。  相似文献   

周娟 《商》2014,(10):110-110
公交要在努力控制运营成本上下功夫,一是千方百计降低运营成本尤其是油材料的消耗,积极引导职工深入挖潜,通过采取技术革新、修旧利废、节能降耗等措施,以及对驾驶员进行技术指导、开展经验交流、跟踪服务、“一帮一”结对子等活动,把材料和燃油消耗降到最低。此外,为降低成本、压缩开支,要从细节抓起,从节约一度电、一张纸和增收一元钱、节约一升油入手,实现降耗节支。二是线路车辆配置的合理性。线路走向相同,客流运营情况却是“冰火两重天”,有的线路挤得怕人,有的线路却在“拉椅子”,公交资源分配的弊病造成了严重的资源浪费,根据线路实际,合理配置既要满足乘客乘车需求,又要尽可能避免车辆资源的浪费。三是根据城市实际和公交线路实际,合理设置公交停车场站和维修保养场站,最大限度的减少公交车辆的空驶里程,也可以有效地降低油料的消耗。四是实行GPS智能调度和视频监控等系统。实行GPS智能调度系统,可以根据客流的变化,对各线路运行班次合理调整,合理地安排高低峰运行班次的投放。均衡间隔密度,保证高峰时段出车率,提高有效里程。  相似文献   

随着城市的不断发展,大力发展多元化公共交通已成为我国目前公交系统的重要发展方向。定制公交作为其中一种新型公交交通形式,迅速在城市交通领域中崛起。定制公交,是介于常规公交和私家车之间的公共交通,为相同出行地点、出行时间和目的地等出行需求人群量身定制的一种公共交通服务,其运营较常规公交而言更为快速、灵活。在定制公交的运营服务中,涉及的服务区域往往较为复杂,线路存在较大的不可预测性。如何设计最佳定制公交线路,最大限度发挥定制公交效益尤为重要。  相似文献   

万波 《现代商贸工业》2011,23(11):228-229
在对公交乘客出行心理特征进行分析的基础上,考虑了乘客选择公交线路决策的因素,建立了基于时间价值和经济价值的公交线路选择合理的模型。运用C语言或方法,把数据库导入内存,基于Dijkstra算法的思想,利用邻接点算法对Dijkstra算法进行了优化,并得到了实现,有较强的实际应用价值。  相似文献   

本文基于河南省高速公路收费系统数据,对河南省高速公路的路网拥挤度进行分析。通过整合高速公路线路、收费站的相关信息,并利用Arc GIS实现路网点层的搭建,再通过Trans CAD实现点层、线层的融合构建出完整路网。利用收费系统数据进行流量分配,最终得出河南省高速公路流量分配结果和拥挤度的大小。通过对其分配结果的分析,提出相关建议。  相似文献   

交通拥堵,是我国大中城市共同面临的-个问题.交通、环境与能源的巨大压力,使优先发展公共交通从理念逐步转变为政府的公共政策乃至具体行动.我们需要更大限度地利用有限的道路资源,大力发展现代化公共交通系统,不断提高公共交通的吸引力,以满足城市居民的出行需求.乌鲁木齐市现有的大多数的公交线路还是沿用以前的运营组织方法,运营水平低下,运营速度慢,效率低,满足不了乘客多层次(快捷、舒适、便利等)的出行需求.根据乌鲁木齐公交现状,对公交线路运营组织进行优化,更大限度她挖掘公共交通的潜力,具有很重要的观实意义.  相似文献   

市公共交通是城市重要的基础设施,是国民经济中具有先导性的行业.科学地搞好城市的公共交通系统对于建立现代化城市,适应高速的经济发展,具有十分重要的作用.道路交通管理工作是城市总体规划中重要的环节,制定城市道路交通管理规划也就显得十分必要而迫切.而城市道路交通管理规划的编制与实施,有利于提高我国城市整体管理与文明水平,适应国民经济和整个社会可持续发展.  相似文献   

Seeing network resources as a public good involves to mantain open and shared access to them for any user. Nevertheless, these conditions may be really difficult to achieve in presence of well-endowed users with heavy data flows. Our purpose here is to provide a two stage game form for managing heavy data flows which may cause network congestion or monopolization. Using an axiomatic approach, we show that the mechanism proposed attains economic efficiency and it implements capacity sharing.  相似文献   

Heuristic algorithms for a second-best congestion pricing problem   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Designing a congestion pricing scheme involves a number of complex decisions. Focusing on the quantitative parts of a congestion pricing system with link tolls, the problem involves finding the number of toll links, the link toll locations and their corresponding toll level and schedule. In this paper, we develop and evaluate methods for finding the most efficient design for a congestion pricing scheme in a road network model with elastic demand. The design efficiency is measured by the net social surplus, which is computed as the difference between the social surplus and the collection costs (i.e. setup and operational costs) of the congestion pricing system. The problem of finding such a scheme is stated as a combinatorial bi-level optimization problem. At the upper level, we maximize the net social surplus and at the lower level we solve a user equilibrium problem with elastic demand, given the toll locations and toll levels, to simulate the user response. We modify a known heuristic procedure for finding the optimal locations and toll levels given a fixed number of tolls to locate, to find the optimal number of toll facilities as well. A new heuristic procedure, based on repeated solutions of a continuous approximation of the combinatorial problem is also presented. Numerical results for two small test networks are presented. Both methods perform satisfactorily on the two networks. Comparing the two methods, we find that the continuous approximation procedure is the one which shows the best results.  相似文献   

欧洲海港组织(ESPO)主席大卫·怀特海德在分析该组织网站来信时指出,"欧洲海港如今具有三大挑战性特征:商业化、持续发展的趋势、全球化效应."其中全球化效应尤其明显,这主要得益于中国的国际化贸易迅速增长.  相似文献   

通过对城市交通拥堵情况的分析,提出"高油价和回补率"的组合机制,来改变国人的用车习惯,让他们自觉地少开车,特别少在高峰期开车,积极提高环保意识,从而从根本上解决中国城市交通拥堵问题,使广大老百姓从中受益.  相似文献   

Yang Liu  Xiaolei Guo  Hai Yang 《NETNOMICS》2009,10(1):123-140
This paper studies a Pareto-improving and revenue-neutral congestion pricing scheme on a simple two-mode (highway and transit) network: this scheme aims at simultaneously improving system performance, making every individual user better off, and having zero total revenue. Different Pareto-improving situations are explored when a two-mode transportation system serves for travel groups with different value-of-time (VOT) distributions. Since the congestion pricing scheme suggested here charges transit users negative tolls and automobile users positive tolls, it can be considered as a proper way to implement congestion pricing and transit subsidy in one step, while offsetting the inequity for the poor. For a general VOT distribution of commuters, the condition of Pareto-improving is established, and the impact of the VOT distribution on solving the inequity issue is explored. For a uniform VOT distribution, we show that a Pareto-improving and revenue-neutral pricing scheme always exists for any target modal split pattern that reduces the total system travel time.  相似文献   

通过对城市交通拥堵情况的分析,提出"高油价和回补率"的组合机制,来改变国人的用车习惯,让他们自觉地少开车,特别少在高峰期开车,积极提高环保意识,从而从根本上解决中国城市交通拥堵问题,使广大老百姓从中受益.  相似文献   

Transaction cost analysis (TCA) has been applied in a wide range of academic disciplines, including economics, marketing, sociology, organization theory, and business strategy. Literature in maritime transport has had limited exposure to this versatile theoretical framework. This paper aims at developing a conceptual model that describes governance strategies that various players within the maritime sector can adopt to mitigate congestion at ports. A TCA is used to examine port congestion mitigation from a governance perspective. A theoretical analysis conducted for this paper reveals that the three characteristics of TCA – asset specificity, frequency, and uncertainty – prevail in the maritime sector, too. The first two factors, frequency, and uncertainty, contribute to port congestion, while the third factor, asset specificity, exists because to release port congestion, some players ought to make a specific investment. We use TCA to discuss the circumstances under which governance modes such as bilateral governance and vertical integration should be used to avoid congestion and other kinds of transaction costs associated with these three attributes in the maritime sector. In this study, we suggested several testable propositions to identify the mode of governance that should be selected by stakeholders to mitigate port congestion and to protect specific investments made to release congestion at ports. This line of analysis will certainly provide all the stakeholders engaged (particularly, a public policymaker) useful insight into understanding congestion from a governance perspective.  相似文献   

This paper describes an evolutionary game-theoretic learning model for dynamic congestion pricing in urban road networks, taking into account route choice stochasticity and reliability considerations, and the heterogeneity of users, in terms of their value of travel time and real-time information acquisition. The learning model represents the dynamic adjustments of users to travel cost changes which may take place in the day-to-day as well as the within-day timescales. The implementation into a simplified and a real urban road network signifies the important implications of modeling the dynamic and stochastic learning components of users’ behavior for accommodating the efficient deployment of congestion pricing schemes.  相似文献   

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