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Wirtschaftsdienst - Die Ampelkoalition plant eine Reform von Hartz IV hin zu einem Bürgergeld. Der Koalitionsvertrag sieht vor, dass es ein Sanktionsmoratorium geben wird, die Regelsätze...  相似文献   

Das Fürstentum Liechtenstein ist bekannt als Steueroase und attraktiver Finanzplatz. Welche Wirtschaftskraft ist damit verbunden? Wieviel tr?gt der Finanzdienstleistungssektor dazu bei? Wie hat sich die in- und ausl?ndische Besch?ftigung in Liechtenstein entwickelt? Prof. Dr. Silvia Simon, 36, ist Professorin für Volkswirtschaftslehre an der Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur.  相似文献   

How can Germany maintain its high standard of living as its workforce decreases in number and there are ever fewer skilled workers available? The economic challenge associated with demographic change is to achieve a productivity increase large enough to prevent a decline in the principal indicator of prosperity — per capita GDP. Does the demographic strategy pursued by Germany in 2012 refl ect this central challenge? Only to a certain extent. The core message of this paper is that qualifi cation — in the form of lifelong learning — is a central driver of increased productivity and is, by extension, the sustainable solution for Germany.  相似文献   

Durch gesunkene Prozess- und Transaktionskosten erleben interaktive Preismechanismen wie z. B. Auktionen eine Renaissance im Online-Handel. Sie erm?glichen es, vom Konsumenten zu lernen und sind damit ein interessantes Instrument für Dialoge mit dem Kunden im Rahmen einer Inbound-Marketingstrategie. Dieser Beitrag zeigt, welche Potenziale diese Art der Preisfindung bietet und welche Einsatzgebiete aus Sicht der Autoren vielversprechend erscheinen.  相似文献   


In this article, we discuss reform elements of “Hartz IV”. This includes, on the one hand, merging unemployment benefits with housing benefits and the additional child benefits (Kinderzuschlag) and, on the other hand, reducing disincentives which prevent the recipients from earning higher incomes. Employment incentives can be improved if the effective marginal transfer withdrawal rate is reduced and, at the same time, the preferential treatment of “mini jobs” is reduced. In addition, the eligibility criteria should be simplified. This could reduce the rate of non-takeup and thus hidden poverty. One criticism of such a reform of Hartz IV is that it would increase the number of transfer recipients. However, this is not an economically sensible outcome in a reform effort. What is important is the disposable income of transfer recipients affected and that the design of the transfer withdrawal does not create lock-in effects.


In der Eurokrise werden Schuldnerstaaten in ein strenges Austerit?tsprogramm gedr?ngt. Die Autoren des Beitrags zeigen, dass die Defi zite des Staates nicht unabh?ngig von den Finanzierungssalden der übrigen Sektoren der Volkswirtschaft sinnvoll analysiert werden k?nnen. Das systematisch auf die Verschuldung des Auslands setzende deutsche Wirtschaftsmodell tr?gt deshalb die Hauptverantwortung für die Eurokrise. Nur ein Schumpeterianisches Verst?ndnis der Funktion von Krediten hilft, mit dem Thema Schulden gesamtwirtschaftlich rational umzugehen und es nicht zur Demontage des Staates zu missbrauchen.  相似文献   

Some of the German “Landesbanken” engaged in highly risky business with the acceptance of local politicians and then demanded bailouts during the financial crisis. The HSH Nordbank, the world’s largest provider of ship financing, based in northern Germany, lost almost 2.8 billion euros in 2008. The two German shareholders, the states of Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein, had to agree on a 13 billion euro bailout plan for the bank (3 billion euros in cash and a “risk shield” of 10 billion euros). Furthermore, the German government provided the HSH Nordbank with 17 billion euros of liquidity guarantees under the Special Financial Market Stabilisation Fund (SOFFIN). In view of this situation, the following questions should be answered: What role did the merger of the Hamburger Landesbank and Landesbank Schleswig-Holstein play in the development of the HSH Nordbank? Was there a possibility to merge the HSH Nordbank with another bank to avoid the financial difficulties? Were the extensive conditions set by the EU Commission in the state aid proceedings too restrictive? What are the actual costs of the HSH Nordbank’s bailout programme for the shareholders and their governmental budgets?  相似文献   

Globalisation and the further deepening of economic integration that it involves are called into question from several angles. Protectionist measures can be seen in many countries. This paper discusses the issue of protectionist tax policy and links this debate to the current US tax reform.  相似文献   

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