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Enkele opmerkingen naar aanleiding van F. Hartog, Toegepaste welvaartseconomie, Stenfert Kroese N.V., Leiden 1964 216 blz  相似文献   

Tweede lezing voor de Economische Faculteitsvereniging te Groningen, gehouden op 21 februari 1958. Zie voor de eerste lezing, Variaties op een thema van Böhm-Bawerk, De Economist, April 1957, blz. 292 e.v.  相似文献   

Voordracht gehouden op 7 november 1964 in het kader van een door de Nederlandse Economische Hoogeschool te Rotterdam georganiseerde post-doctorale leergang over het onderwerp Problemen met betrekking tot de planning op middellange termijn in Europa.  相似文献   

S. K. Kuipers 《De Economist》1981,129(4):546-557
Summary This is a review article of D.B.J. Schouten's new book Macht en wanorde, Een vergelijking van economische stelsels (Power and Disorder, A Comparison of Economic Systems). After having summarised the book's contents, three points are discussed: (a) does the book offer a comparison of economic systems as its subtitle suggests; (b) how does Schouten's theory relate to disequilibrium analysis and does it give a better understanding of disequilibria than disequilibrium analysis; (c) is Schouten's proposal of a centrally-guided rate of return policy indeed to be preferred above a centrally-guided wage policy in order to overcome the basic problem in capitalist market economies of slow and sometimes perverse adjustments?D.B.J. Schouten,Macht en wanorde, Een vergelijking van economische stelsels, (Power and Disorder, A Comparison of Economic Systems), H.E. Stenfert Kroese b.v., Leiden/Antwerpen, 1980: Pp. 270. Dfl. 47,50.I am indebted to Professor Th. van de Klundert for useful comments.  相似文献   

Jean-Charles Baron Snoy et d'Oppuers: Les Etapes de la Coopération Européenne et les Négociations relatives à une Zone de Libre Echange, Chronique de Politique Etrangére, Institut Royal des Relations Internationales, Brussel, september-november '59 (54 blz. plus 155 blz. bijlagen) La Négociation Européenne dans une Nouvelle Phase, Revue Générale Belge, Brussel, februari 1960 (18 blz.) Towards a European Solution, Lloyds Bank Review, London, juli 1960 (17 blz.)Miriam Camps: The Free Trade Area Negotiations, Occasional Paper No. 2, publication of Political and Economic Planning (PEP), Londen, april 1959 (51 blz.) Division in Europe, Occasional Paper No. 8, publications of PEP, Londen, juni 1960 (66 blz.) Britain, the Six and American Policy, Foreign Affairs, an American Quarterly Review, oktober 1960 (11 blz.) Four Approaches to the European Problem, Occasional Paper No. 12, publication of PEP, Londen, maart 1961 (26 blz.)  相似文献   

Summary The M.I.T. report for the Club of Rome tries to indicate the limits of economic growth. The thesis submitted by the report requires us to reconsider the concept of economic growth that we have been handling during the last decades. Galbraith's thesis on the Affluent Society makes a reconsideration of the concept of growth more acceptable. What is necessary is not really slowing down growth but modifying the structure of the growth process. All this requires a clear picture of the society that we prefer: an enlightened utopia. The modification of the structure will cause such discontinuities in the growth process as to add a sixth stage to the five stages of economic growth that have been suggested by Rostow.Rede, uitgesproken bij de aanvaarding van het ambt van gewoon hoogleraar in de staathuishoudkunde aan de faculteit der sociale wetenschappen van de Nederlandse Economische Hogeschool, Hogeschool voor Maatschappijwetenschappen te Rotterdam op donderdag 12 oktober 1972.  相似文献   

Voordracht gehouden op 2 november 1963 te Amsterdam voor de postdoctorale leergang Externe economische betrekkingen van de E.E.G. De tekst is op enkele plaatsen bijgewerkt.  相似文献   

Het bovenstaande geeft de inhoud weer van een praeadvies uitgebracht voor het in september 1956 te Rome gehouden congres van het Institut International de Finances Publiques, gewijd aan Les effects économiques des dépenses publiques.  相似文献   

Dit artikel behelst de tekst van het afscheidscollege, dat schrijver dezes op 2 april 1965 aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam heeft gegeven. Door een ongelukkige samenloop van omstandigheden kwam er vertraging in de afwerking van dit stuk, dat dus het licht ziet nadat de E.E.G. in een crisis is geraakt, heviger dan alles wat zij in haar nog korte, doch met spanningen gevulde geschiedenis reeds eerder moest doormaken. Hier en daar heeft dit de schrijver aanleiding gegeven zijn tekst wat te retoucheren en te 'actualiseren. Belangrijk behoefde dit echter niet te zijn, aangezien in het op 2 april 1965 gehouden betoog de reeds toen bestaande divergentie tussen Frankrijk en zijn partners als een der feitelijke uitgangspunten was gekozen in de veronderstelling, dat dit verschil in conceptie niet in afzienbare tijd tot harmonische oplossing gebracht zou kunnen worden. De strekking van het hier volgend betoog wordt door de ingetreden crisis dus alleen maar versterkt.  相似文献   

Naar aanleiding van het door de Dr. Wiardi Beckman Stichting in 1959 gepubliceerde rapport getiteld De hervorming van de onderneming.  相似文献   

S. K. Kuipers 《De Economist》1985,133(3):306-326
Summary An attempt has been made to formulate a theory of interest which meets two requirements: (a) portfolio and expenditure decisions are made simultaneously; (b) investors' expectations can produce deviations in the rate of interest from the level which corresponds to fundamental scarcity conditions. The analysis has been confined to that within one period. The main conclusions are (i) that traditional Keynesian and monetarist analyses are equilibrium analyses in the sense that expectations are fulfilled, (ii) that conventional economic tenets, such as Walras' Law, Say's Law, the equivalence of loanable funds theory and liquidity preference theory, and the equality of saving and investment, are only valid if expectations materialise, and (iii) that the concepts of liquidity shortage and savings shortage, in case expectations are not fulfilled, have a totally different meaning than is attributed to them in equilibrium theory.Thanks are due to Dr. J. Snippe for extensive discussions on this topic, to Dr. J.A.H. Maks for his intervention, which prevented much unnecessary terminological confusion, and to Mr. A.R. Gigengack for the translation.This article has appeared in a slightly different form in J.A.H. Maks and E. Wester (eds.),Met het oog op de werkelijkheid, Opstellen over economic en beleid voor F. Hartog, where it was entitled Interestvoet, spaartekort en liquiditeitskrapte, Theoretische bespiegelingen naar aanleiding van de discussies over de huidige hoge interestvoet, H.E. Stenfert Kroese b.v., Leiden, 1983, pp. 69-93.  相似文献   

Summary Before 1964, the Netherlands Bank did not count savings balances at money-creating banks and savings banks as secondary liquid assets or secondary liquidity (that is, near-money). Secondary liquid assets comprise claims on the public authorities and money-creating institutions, so far as they are held by other than money-creating institutions, which can be converted in large amounts into money at relatively short term without much expense or great loss on the transaction, or which can be used at their par value to make payments in satisfaction of current tax assessments.However, towards the end of the 1950's it became apparent from the rising value of the velocity of circulation of savings balances at financial institutions that these assets were acquiring increased significance for current payments. In 1964, this phenomenon induced the Netherlands Bank to count a certain part of the savings balances — indicated as liquid savings balances — as secondary liquidity, whereas the remaining part (true savings balances) was not. The Bank did so for better being able to impute the responsibility for monetary disturbances to the various sectors of the economy.Savings balances acquiring increased significance for current payments is a result of increased competition among financial institutions for the savings of the households sector. This increased competition is due to the fact that the households feel the need of more services rendered by the financial institutions as their income rise. Nowadays those financial institutions whose balance sheets do not comprise an item Current Accounts permit households to use their savings balances for making current payments. On the other hand, there is a tendency towards creating new types of accounts that serve as current accounts for the households in particular. If this tendency is followed up, the liquid assets character of savings balances will grow weaker.Rede, uitgesproken bij de aanvaarding van het ambt van gewoon hoogleraar in de staathuishoudkunde aan de Nederlandse Economische Hogeschool te Rotterdam op 28 september 1967.  相似文献   

J. De Wit 《De Economist》1965,113(9):591-610
Bespreking van D. Dolman, Subsidies en gezondheidszorg, een feitelijk onderzoek naar financieringsstructuren, ac. proefschrift, Universiteit van Amsterdam 1964, H. E. Stenfert Kroese N.V., Leiden, 240 blz.  相似文献   

P. B. Kreukniet, Monetair evenwicht revisited,De Economist, CXII (1964), pp. 386–401.  相似文献   

Two speculative strategies within the European Monetary System are empirically evaluated. The potential profitability of speculating on a currency's devaluation at a realignment crucially depends on being able to predict timing and magnitude of the parity change. Such opportunity has been eliminated from the system since 1983. For the reverse strategy of borrowing low, investing high, the evidence since 1983 suggests significant profitable opportunities for the weaker EMS countries — Belgium, Denmark, France and Italy — unconditional on knowledge of the timing of realignments. We conclude that this is due to a peso problem type of premium.  相似文献   

Summary In this article an analysis has been made of the influences of the dual exchange rate system on short-term capital movements and the balance of payments. An effort has been made to connect the till now separate theories of the dual exchange rate system and the short-term capital movements. In the analysis the role of the forward exchange market has been explicitly taken into account. Several doubts as expressed in literature about the feasibility of an effectively operating dual rate system are examined. Some conclusions are drawn about the probable resultant of the forces which affect the size of the premium of the financial spot rate with respect to the commercial spot rate.De basis voor dit artikel werd gevormd door een bijdrage van de auteur aan een wetenschappelijke statbijeenkomst, die gehouden werd aan de Economische Faculteit van de V.U. op 11 november 1974. Hij wenst alle deelnemers aan deze bijeenkomst dank to zeggen voor hun waardevolle kritiek en in het bijzonder Dr. W. J. B. Smits, die daarna zo vriendelijk was het uiteindelijke concept nog eens grondig met hem door to nemen. 1 In de Nederlandse literatuur komt het systeem voor onder diverse benamingen, zoals de dubbele wisselmarkt en de tweevoudige wisselmarkt, terwijl in de Engelstalige literatuur hiervoor termen als dual exchange rate system en two-tier foreign exchange market gebezigd worden. Opvallend is dat de literatuur over de gescheiden valutamarkt niet bepaald dicht gezaaid is, hoewel hierin de laatste tijd enige kentering to bespeuren valt. Recente bijdragen betreffen Fleming (1974) en Decaluwé (1974) en een bijdrage m.b.t. de Belgische ervaring is Abraham (1973).  相似文献   

Minimalist economists stubbornly resist Charles Kindlebergers characterization of investor expectations in a financial bubble as irrational. This paper seeks to resolve the controversy by imbedding Kindlebergers well-researched, impressionistic theory of financial crises into an expanded, but still-minimalist model of rational expectations. Introducing the concepts of malicious disinformation and rational overpromotion creates an informational environment in which it is time-consuming and costly to distinguish fact from fiction. Rationality still requires that expectations and market fundamentals move together over long periods of time, but dishonorable overpromoters can earn substantial profits in the interim.  相似文献   

Summary This inaugural address outlines the logical, theoretical, methodological and practical conditions to be satisfied by economic models.Among the logical requirements, additivity of systems of economic relations is discussed, as well as the boundary conditions to which they should conform.It is shown how the theory of economic behaviour of consumers and of producers, based on the assumed tendency towards optimalization, may contribute to the specification of theform as well as the contents of the pertinent relations. Keeping the relations as flexible and as uniform as possible is considered as a desirable objective. Particular attention is paid to applying the principle of analogy in economic science, a.o. by drawing upon laws of nature.Simplicity and manageability of the relations are mentioned as the main practical requirements. However, conditions of higher priority should be met first. On this score, linear and exponential functions as such often fail, but they may comply when incorporated in more general relationships, such as the so-called allocation models. Thus, for the choice of form and contents of economic relations, precedence of theory over empiry is advocated on principle as well as for its practicality.Rede, uitgesproken op 9 maart 1967 ter gelegenheid van de aanvaarding van het ambt van gewoon hoogleraar aan de Nederlandse Economische Hogeschool.  相似文献   

Shocks and the Viability of a Fixed Exchange Rate Commitment   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The incentive to renege on a commitment to a fixed exchange rate is shown to be state contingent. A fixed exchange rate policy is not viable under unusual circumstances, and the incentive to violate the commitment is larger in the case of contractionary shocks than in the case of expansionary shocks. The possibility that the exchange rate regime is changed in unusual circumstances has significant effects also under normal circumstances, implying systematic devaluation expectations, excessive real wages and (ex post) real rates of interest, lower output and loss of reserves, which in turn reduces the incentive to initiate a fixed exchange rate policy. Moreover, policyshifts may be contagious among countries.  相似文献   

Bespreking van:Prof. Dr. C. Goedhart, Hoofdlijnen van de leer der openbare financiën. Capita Selecta der Economie XX. H. E. Stenfert Kroese N.V., Leiden 1958. 364 blz.  相似文献   

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