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不要小看一辆售价仅6万元的汽车,只要足够用心,这个价位的产品同样可以给人很多想象的空间,获得更多消费者的认可。  相似文献   

奇瑞汽车设计师从水——世上最柔也最坚硬的物体,完美体现了自然平衡的物质——中获得灵感,并把它融入到奇瑞TX的每一处细节设计中,让人感受到这款车洋溢着大自然最原始的力量。  相似文献   

沈小雨 《董事会》2005,(12):53-55
秋之午夜,济南龙都宾馆,几盘干果,一壶清茶。带着一系列的问题,笔者与奇瑞汽车的总经理尹同耀进行“龙都夜话”。  相似文献   

沈晗耀 《董事会》2008,(2):72-73
江汽的并购重组是系统整合,以“软”整合入手,以文化整合为灵魂,引领管理整合,并以文化为载体,渗透先进的管理理念,以管理整合为核心,贯穿整合全过程,最后导入资本收购的。“硬”整合,对接无形资本整合和有形资本整合。  相似文献   

国内能称得上国民车的车型不多,而奇瑞QQ绝对榜上有名,这款诞生于2003年的小车虽然只有十年的历史,但这十年也是汽车驶入中国家庭的十年,经济实惠的QQ让很多并不富裕的中国人提前圆了汽车梦,并一度是很多年轻人对汽车的最初梦想。  相似文献   

杨锋磊 《汽车观察》2009,(11):14-14
在乘用车发展方面风生水起的江淮,随着对外合作的完成,使得江淮中重卡板块得到深化,这意味着一个全新的江淮汽车即将呈现。  相似文献   

2012年元旦,达喀尔拉力赛场上,不再有威麟的身影。 而就在一年之前的2011年元旦,威麟双星车队第二次参与达喀尔拉力赛,比赛首日已经7次征战达喀尔的“中国车王”卢宁军就因意外而退赛,这似乎是一个不祥的兆头,2个月后,威麟事业部就已经被取消,威麟品牌收归奇瑞销售公司运营。  相似文献   

奇瑞:需要重新出发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汪涛 《汽车观察》2010,(1):54-58
产品、品牌、技术无一例外的都出现了一些问题,在奇瑞身上所表现出来的老气,则让人对这个中国自主品牌汽车的领军企业感到担心。或许,到了奇瑞选择重新出发的时候了。  相似文献   

江准汽车商用车公司此次携江淮帅铃Ⅲ高端轻卡、新款格尔发重卡、新能源客车底盘等9款精品亮相2012北京国际车展,其中包括一款创下22年无大修奇迹的第二代江淮轻卡HF142C,见证了江淮商用车传承始终的品质传奇。在1000平米的展示区内,新品与经典齐现,向观众充分展示品质JAC一如既往的实力。  相似文献   

近日,有幸拜读了贵刊《奇瑞:需要重新出发》一文,感触颇深。 对于贵刊举行的自主品牌年度车型评选,我认为是非常好的一个评选,在各种评选充斥于汽车市场时,贵刊能够非常有远见的将我国自主品牌汽车拿出来做全方面的评选,十分难得,而自主品牌在这几年尤其是2009年的表现也证明了贵刊的先见之明。  相似文献   

一家企业是否成功,他的骨干团队是一个决定性的因素。骨干团队在管理、技术和市场与销售等方面协同推动事业的发展。然而,在美国,甚至在硅谷这样的科技发达地区,还有不少公司或者公司里头的一部分人不懂  相似文献   

中国铁路改革与重组模式:第三种选择   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文首先指出了中国铁路改革与重组特有的目标和任务,然后在分析中国铁路改革与重组两种流行方案的基础上,重点讨论了改革与重组所涉及的主要因素及一个相关模型,认为中国铁路改革与重组模式可以考虑第三种选择,并提出了相应的改革与重组步骤。  相似文献   

A growing portion of internet users rely solely on mobile devices such as smartphones for their online access. The percentage of “mobile-only” households increased from 9% in 2011 to 20% in 2015, more than doubling in only four years. As this shift continues, it leads to the question of what factors are driving the rise in mobile-only adoption. Using nationally representative data, this study uses logistic regressions and a decomposition technique to understand the trend. The decomposition reveals that a significant portion (65%) of the growth was due to an increase in the download speeds of mobile networks. An increased acceptance of mobile-only access by households aged 55 and older was also partly responsible. Understanding (and developing a response to) the trend towards mobile-only adoption will be important as organizations and governments continue to work to close the digital divide.  相似文献   

Technical artifacts play a central role in teaching and learning about technology. The artifact exemplars used in the classroom to illustrate and discuss various technological concepts should therefore be carefully chosen in order to actually support the abstraction and successful transfer of these concepts. Research from the learning and cognitive sciences strongly suggests that this requires an understanding of how students actually perceive and conceptualize various technical artifacts, what similarities, differences and features are most salient and meaningful in their eyes. In this paper, we propose a grounded theory of how students differentiate and relate various complex technical artifacts. The core of our theory is formed by four hierarchically ordered juxtapositions: (1) technology versus non-technology, (2) everyday versus specialized, (3) private versus public, and (4) luxury versus necessity, which divide the realm of technical artifacts into five broad categories: high technology, household technology, public technology, real technology, and no/low technology. Our claim is that these differentiations and categories are generally salient and meaningful for students. Based on the theory of variation, we outline how they might help educators make more informed and systematic selections of exemplar artifacts to use in the classroom.  相似文献   

上海三毛股份有限公司自1998年6月实施资产重组后,经过两年来的产业资源整合和资产运作,完成了具有两个鲜明特征的第一步跨跃性发展。 核心优势进一步凸现:净资产从1997年末的2.59亿元上升到5.24亿元;生产能力从1997年的近3O0万米高速增长,2000年将达到  相似文献   

所谓内部控制,是指企业为了保证企业战略目标的实现和经营活动的有效进行,保护资产的安全和完整,防止、发现、纠正错误和舞弊,保证会计资料的真实、合法、完整而制定和实施的政策和程序。只要存在企业经济活动和经营管理,就需要有相应的内部控制。内部控制是企业管理现代化的必  相似文献   

当前农电体制改革的目标已经初步实现,农村电网改造工程基本完成。改革后供电所的生产经营活动纳入县供电企业的统盘考虑之中,财务实行收支两条线管理,人员关系划归系统管理。面对供电所大量富余人员的实际情况,农电减员增效的路子怎么走 ?农电富余人员下岗分流的出路何在 ?供电所的经济效益从何而来 ?这是县级供电企业必须正视、必须思考解决的迫切问题。笔者认为,发展农电多种经营是解决这一问题的根本途径。   一、充分认识发展农电多种经营的必要性和紧迫性   农电体制改革为农电多种经营的发展提供了历史机遇。就其必要性而言…  相似文献   

《Telecommunications Policy》2002,26(9-10):573-587
This research uses web client automation to identify a large sample of residential facilities-based customers of competitive local exchange carriers (CLECs). The research examines demographics of the Census block groups where the identified customers live, and compares the profiles to the corresponding counties and states. As expected, the results suggest a community's proximity to business matters, and persons in Census block groups with residential facilities-based competition tend to have higher average income and educational achievement levels. Importantly, low-income households appear not to be left behind, which may speak to the efficacy of income-based support programs such as Lifeline and Link-Up.  相似文献   

This article presents an abstract of important additions and revisions to the Guidelines for Hazard Evaluation Procedures published by CCPS in 1985. It includes:
  • An outline of the background and purpose of the project
  • An overview of the importance of hazard identification and evaluation studies, including benefits and limitations
  • An overview of the new chapters
  • Discussion of Hazard Identification Methods and results

成本会计作为一种管理经济的活动,在生产经营过程中发挥举足轻重的作用。本文阐述了成本会计经历着的变化,详细地分析了当前新经济环境对成本会计的冲击、管理理论与方法的创新对成本会计的影响;并就成本会计如何顺应国际国内市场环境及企业生产环境的变化提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

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