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Tigran Melkonyan Dwayne Banks Jeanne Wendel 《Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade》2017,17(3):283-303
Governments face pressure to act when coordination and learning externalities block development of otherwise-profitable industries that would produce merit goods for the domestic market. A short-term subsidy that offsets these externalities could potentially jump-start a multi-firm industry, if the subsidy induces a pioneer firm to enter and then the pioneer’s first-period output generates coordination and learning externalities. These externalities could induce subsequent entry by input suppliers and/or competitors. However, empirical evidence raises questions about the ability of governments to use short-term subsidies to jump-start new industries. We explore one explanation for the difficulty of jump-starting new industries: the subsidy could generate counter-productive incentives for the pioneer firm to prevent entry of additional firms. We model the jump-start strategy and examine whether coupling a short-term fixed subsidy with a per-unit subsidy can achieve the objective of creating a multi-firm industry. 相似文献
产业成长是金融成长的基础,金融成长是产业成长的重要推动力,二者保持合理的匹配关系是一国经济持续、快速发展的重要条件。本文构建的金融成长与产业成长匹配关系模型表明:在产权制度、资源禀赋、制度变迁等条件约束下,在经济发展的不同阶段,金融成长对产业成长的贡献度不同;产业成长的任何变动都会导致资金市场匹配关系的变化,但二者具有长期均衡关系。实证检验表明中国的金融成长滞后于产业成长,中国应实行金融优先发展战略,以金融成长保证和加快产业成长。 相似文献
Industrial Policy for Growth 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Kristine Farla 《Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade》2015,15(3):257-282
David Stout 《Business Strategy Review》1997,8(2):55-56
David Stout summarises the three "Cs" that will be needed if the Foresight Programme is to achieve its aim of empowering far-sighted investment for the next generation of stakeholders in British society. 相似文献
国际产业政策是顺应经济全球化时代由传统国别产业政策转型而来的一种新产业政策.本文从国际产业政策概念、国际产业政策形成的必然性和合理性、政策目标及主要内容、政策实施方式和手段等角度,综述了国际产业政策的理论研究及其研究中存在的不足.本文指出,加强国际产业政策的研究,对于正处在力争跨越式发展和追赶阶段的我国产业和企业参与全球竞争具有十分重要的战略意义. 相似文献
When Brazil's President Dilma Rousseff begins her first visit to China today for a summit of leaders from the BRICs club of fast-growing emerging markets,she will be interested in more than just diplomacy. While she will raise Brazil's gripes with Beijing,such as China's allegedly undervalued currency and greater reciprocity for Brazilian manufactured exports,Ms Rousseffwill be keen to witness first-hand the Asian economic powerhouse's successful experiment in statist industrial policy,an approach her go... 相似文献
发展中国物流产业的政策建议 总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13
物流业是国民经济中的重要产业。发展物流业不仅应当根据具体情况采取配套的改革措施,而且还必须制定和推行相应的经济政策。本文联系我国实际提出了八点对策建议。 相似文献
Risaburo Nezu 《Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade》2007,7(3-4):229-243
Japanese industrial policy had been well known to be about specific sectors and technologies. About 1990 economic growth stopped after decades of a remarkable process of catching up with the US. The potential to borrow technologies and ideas from other countries has become exhausted and Japan had to develop own technologies. The article descibes structural reforms in competition policy, corporate governance, management of intellectual property and mobility of researchers. Industrial policy has now more to do with horizontal policies and framework conditions than with targeting. Even if the “new economic growth strategy” – drawn up by the economics ministry [Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI)] and improved by government in 2006 – defines industrial areas with strong growth potential, these areas are obvious and there are no instruments available to promote them specifically. METI has become a proponent of government wide deregulation and will play as a leader of reforms. 相似文献
产业融合对产业组织政策的影响 总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10
产业组织理论认为,属于同一产业的企业之间存在竞争关系.但近20多年的实践表明,世界上主要经济发达国家出现了产业融合现象,产业之间的传统边界日趋模糊,这种现象对产业组织理论与产业组织政策提出了新的课题.传统产业组织政策是以产业边界既定为基本假设前提的,产业融合现象改变这一假设前提,对产业组织政策产生巨大的影响.本文在分析产业融合涵义的基础上,探讨产业融合对产业组织政策的影响. 相似文献
我国文化产业税收政策研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
张玉峰 《商业经济(哈尔滨)》2011,(8):62-64
我国文化产业已进入全面启动和快速发展阶段,文化服务业市场化程度较高,私营单位发展迅猛,经济效益大幅提高。国家为支持文化产业发展先后在增值税、营业税、所得税和关税及其他税种方面出台了一系列政策,但现行的税收优惠政策优惠方式单一、政策导向不突出、优惠期限较短、税负较重。为促进我国文化产业的快速发展,应调整税收优惠政策的思路,明确税收政策取向,制定文化产业发展政策;围绕文化产业发展需要,优化税收优惠政策;结合文化产业行业特点,提高税收优惠政策的针对性。 相似文献
本文认为,产业升级理论指出了产业结构演变的方向,对政府制定产业规划具有重要指导意义,但由于它是从大的历史跨度进行分析,在具体实践中不容易应用。而战略性贸易政策为不完全竞争条件下政府的贸易干预提供了新的依据。但战略性贸易政策要在发展中国家取得良好的效果,必须满足一定的基本条件,其中目标产业选择最为关键。文章提出,发展中国家在"合适技术"产业上更具有比较优势,能更好地满足战略性贸易政策实施的约束条件,是现阶段发展中国家战略性贸易政策目标产业的明智选择。 相似文献
澳大利亚早期产业政策,虽然通过贸易保护机制促进了澳大利亚制造业的发展,但它不是发展主义的,不体现政府驾驭市场或替代市场的政策价值观,而是从属于宏观经济政策,是政府在市场经济条件下对经济活动的有限干预,在促进制造业发展的同时,不会造成市场机制的全面扭曲以及普遍的寻租和结构性腐败等问题,即产业政策的干预带来的效率损失及总的政策成本较小,从而对澳大利亚的长期经济增长产生了积极影响。 相似文献
资金匮乏是东北老工业基地振兴的最大困扰之一,执行全国高度统一的货币政策意味着竞争力相地低下的东北老工业基地面临进一步资金紧约束。制订全国统一性前提下适度区域差别化货币政策符合我国货币政策的最终目标对东北老工业基地振兴提供资金支持。 相似文献
From Industrial to Innovation Policy 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Luc Soete 《Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade》2007,7(3-4):273-284
Industrial policy has been a cornerstone of economic policy in Europe after the world war and the transformation of basic industries like coal and steel were key issues at the beginning of European integration. In the 1970s and 1990s industrial policy shifted toward support of high-tech industries. In the seventies the importance of a more systemic view came up, policy had to address the specific weaknesses of the innovation system. The Lisbon agenda finally combines competitiveness with social and environmental goals. Industry plays an important role in generating welfare and industrial policy is in different forms and sorts back, high on the agenda. 相似文献
目前,世界经济正处于后工业经济向知识经济转型的重要时期。在这一关键时期,如何最大程度地发挥工业在国民经济中的作用,对各国的经济发展与产业转型都具有决定性的影响,而工业经济的发展在很大程度上取决于一国工业政策的方向和内容。本文以20世纪80年代以来香港工业政策的变迁为例,探讨了工业政策在香港经济转型中的静态和动态影响,并通过对香港工业政策变迁经验的探讨,对我国珠江三角洲地区工业政策的未来发展方向和重心提出自己的几点看法。 相似文献
新能源汽车产业发展的政策支持 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
新能源汽车是低碳的必然选择和汽车产业的发展趋势。新能源汽车产业化发展的直接推动力就是国家的相关扶植政策。美国、日本、欧洲等发达国家对新能源汽车技术高度重视,从汽车技术变革和产业升级的战略出发,颁布制定了优惠的政策措施。我国新能源汽车产业的发展也在政府支持下开局、破局和蓬勃发展。 相似文献