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Profits from violating the quota, charge and permit market systems are compared. The results indicate that, for a given permit price, the violation profits of the charge and permit market systems are the same and exceed the profits from violating a quota system if the optimal use of inputs in a compliant market is lower than the quota. It is also shown that, under a permit market system, the occurrence of violation decreases the equilibrium price of permits. This implies that the profits from violating a permit market are lower than violation profits of a charge system.  相似文献   

This paper studies the effects of import-price shocks on measured output and productivity in a standard small open economy model and quantifies such effects in the case of the Korean crisis of 1997–1998. I argue that it is the price of imported goods relative to the price of domestic goods but not the terms of trade that determine measured output and productivity. The simulated results show that shocks to the price of imports account for about half of the output deviation (from trend), one third of the TFP deviation and two thirds of the labor deviation in 1998. For the quantitative results, the extent to which the usage of imported goods is distorted is critical and substantially larger than tariffs because of significantly sizable non-tariff distortions.  相似文献   

With implementation of the Kyoto Protocol, Russia will most likely be able to exert market power in the emission permit market. But, as Russia is also a big exporter of fossil fuels, the incentives to boost the permit price may be weak. However, a significant share of Russia’s fossil fuel exports is natural gas. If a high permit price boosts the demand for natural gas through substitution from more polluting fuels and thus increase gas profits, this may increase the incentives to exert monopoly power in the permit market. Moreover, a large fossil fuel exporter may use its market position to influence the effective demand for permits. Hence, the relationship between permit income and fossil fuels exports runs in both directions. In this article, we explore the interdependence between the revenues from permit and fossil fuel exports both theoretically and numerically. A computable general equilibrium model suggests the fact that Russia as a big gas exporter has small effect on the incentives to exert monopoly power in the permit market. Moreover, Russia’s monopoly power in the permit market has a small, but non-negligible impact on the optimal level of Russian gas exports.  相似文献   

在当前各个国家税率差别减小,加强监管的背景下,跨国公司在我国使用转移价格主要基于非税务动因。出于整体利润最大化以及战略拓展的需要,跨国公司的转移价格定价方法主要有两大类:基于利润的方法和基于市场竞争的方法。跨国公司使用转移价格对我国企业、产业以及财政收入等方面都产生了严重的不良影响,需要在积极引进外资的同时,不断完善相关法律规定,加强国际税收合作,提高外资质量。  相似文献   

Rights to a free resource lead to distributional deadweight losses in partial equilibrium. The present paper examines related distortions in a general equilibrium model of production with output prices constant for the small open economy. The free resource can result in lower output than a market with weak substitution in the other sector. The free resource also leads to a convex production frontier implying a price increase lowers output in the sector. Regarding policy, an import tariff, export subsidy, or price support would lower sector output. These general equilibrium distortions increase the incentives to favor resource markets over rights.  相似文献   

In this paper, we explores a hybrid mechanism of output-based refunded emission payment and an ad valorem tax/subsidy to remove the distortions emerging in the permit auction market and the product market. We find that first best outcomes can be achieved under such a hybrid mechanism. A clearing price equal to a Pigouvian tax will endogenously result in the permit auction market. Moreover, we extend the analysis to take into consideration the investment in abatement technology.  相似文献   

本文使用1999-2007年工业企业数据样本分析了包括资本、劳动及中间品在内的要素市场相对扭曲程度,并考察其是否能解释中国企业出口的独特成本优势。结论认为:中国制造业企业存在严重要素价格扭曲,不同要素的价格扭曲程度差异化较大。劳动力价格扭曲现象普遍存在,经济发展以牺牲劳动力价格市场化为代价。国有企业比重较大的行业资本价格相对较低,而私营企业比重较大的行业则资金成本较高。能源、原材料相关行业以及外资企业比重较大的行业中间品价格偏低;经过实证检验,要素市场扭曲的确对企业出口倾向起到推动作用,企业将获得的成本优势转化为出口优势,这表明低廉的要素价格是中国产品在国际市场中具有竞争力的重要原因。  相似文献   

Wage and price controls have been increasingly called for as Western economies have experienced periods of stagflation. Part of their attractiveness has been due to the belief that they are an appropriate instrument to deal with a country's unsatisfactory balance-of-payments position. This paper evaluates the appropriateness of an incomes policy in an open economy. An optimally structured incomes policy, derived for a simple inflation model, is examined under alternative exchange rate regimes. The model, in the tradition of models by Gordon, Hicks, and Okun, is characterized by two output markets-one a flexible price market and one characterized by markup pricing-and by a single labor (input) market. This model is then used as the constraint set in a dynamic optimization problem. Both analytical and simulation results are presented. The results suggest that a direct price control program is not appropriate in an open economy.  相似文献   

This paper develops an endogenous growth model that sheds light on the roles of the revenue-sharing scheme in a macro-economy. We show that a higher sharing ratio attributable to labor unambiguously promotes the equilibrium working time, but has an ambiguous effect on the balanced-growth rate. Of interest, if the economy is characterized by a higher degree of monopoly, a sharing compensation system is more likely to boost the balanced growth rate. In a normative analysis, we show that to remedy the distortions caused by the sharing scheme and market imperfections, the government should provide a subsidy to capital incomes, while it may either tax or subsidize labor incomes.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the effects of modifying price cap regulation when firms are allowed to use non-linear tariffs. We consider a stylized network industry and analyze price cap regulation combined with rate of return regulation and with a universal service obligation. While both modifications can increase aggregate welfare by reducing the pricing distortions under price cap regulation, a universal service obligation is welfare superior if the firms profits and the size of its network are held constant.  相似文献   

一般均衡理论的价值基础   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代西方主流经济学中的一般均衡理论缺乏应有的价值基础。近年来试图建立马克思主义的一般均衡理论的努力也一直未能成功。然而,根据马克思的劳动价值论可以证明,在假定社会总产品的价格总量等于价值总量、平均利润总量等于剩余价值总量的条件下,必然有且仅有一个恰好等于相应价值向量的一般均衡价格向量。这意味着,一般均衡理论完全可以建立在劳动价值论的基础之上。本文首先根据马克思关于两大部类社会总产品构成的理论,建立包括技术关系在内的价值体系和相应的价格体系,其次说明在价格体系中存在有无穷多的一般均衡价格向量,最后从无穷多的一般均衡价格向量中确定一个"标准"的价格向量,并证明这个标准价格向量必然等于相应的价值向量。  相似文献   

《Research in Economics》2017,71(4):729-739
In a general version of Dixit–Stiglitz two-sector economy, we present three variants of the concept of oligopolistic equilibrium in price-quantity pairs (d’Aspremont and Dos Santos Ferreira, 2016) integrating income feedback effects in three different ways. For the first two variants (Ford effects ignored or restricted to profits), a single and simple equilibrium markup formula is derived involving, for each firm, a conduct parameter indicating its degree of competitive toughness. Different specifications of these conduct parameters lead to different oligopolistic equilibria in prices and/or in quantities. In particular in the standard Dixit–Stiglitz economy, we show, that the first order conditions of a symmetric oligopolistic price equilibrium correspond to a unique degree of competitive toughness in the general markup formula, This degree is decreasing (and the markup increasing) as more feedback effects are taken into account by firms. On the contrary, for the third variant, introducing full Ford effects leads to lower markups and higher competitive toughness in the standard Dixit–Stiglitz economy and under conditions ensuring the equilibrium markup to remain in tne right interval,  相似文献   

The model is of an open economy producing a single output, the demand for which depends on its price, the price of foreign output, real incomes and government spending. We thereby extend the rationed equilibrium model of Malinvaud to the simplest open economy. Residents hold foreign assets as well as domestic assets, hence exchange rate movements have real balance effects as well as relative price effects. The Marshall Lerner conditions are sufficient, but not necessary, for either an exchange rate depreciation or a fall in the domestic price level, to increase demand for domestic output. They are necessary, but not sufficient, for a depreciation or fall in the domestic price level, to improve the trade balance under Keynesian Unemployment.  相似文献   

The way in which cyclical fluctuations in activity in the U.K. economy affect factor income shares and the channels through which these effects work through to the size distribution of income are traced. Using National Accounts data, the impact of an upturn in activity in increasing the shares of profits and self-employment income in factor incomes, and of self-employment and rent, interest and dividends in personal incomes, is quantified. Using Family Expenditure Survey micro-data, the resulting shift in decile shares in personal income, which is towards the top of the size distribution, is estimated.  相似文献   

It is well known that labor-managed firms operating under socialism exhibit “bizarre” behavior with respect to their production strategy. We prove that under capitalism most of these distortions disappear, consequently, the production strategies of an entrepreneurial monopoly and of the labor-managed firm become indistinguishable. However, there appears an almost inherent instability in the distribution of profits. The degree of instability depends on the existence of some sort of supportive legislation. Thus, unlike under socialism, in a capitalistic economy the labor-managed firm may have an effect on the distribution of profits at most.  相似文献   

We study the incentives to expropriate foreign capital under democracy and oligarchy. We model a two‐sector small open economy where foreign investment triggers Stolper–Samuelson effects through reducing exporting costs. The incentives to expropriate depend on the distributional effects associated to the investment. How investment affects the incomes of the different groups in society depends on the sectors where these investments are undertaken and on structural features of the economy such as factor intensity, factor substitutability, and price and output elasticities. We characterize the equilibria of the expropriation game and show that if investment is undertaken in the sector that uses labor less intensively then democratic expropriations are more likely to take place. We test this prediction and provide strong evidence of its validity.  相似文献   

In an archetypal economy with a single private good and a single shared good, the latter represents the public sector. With the shared good a club good, we ask if second-best (SB) provision of it is too small, as usually claimed for pure public goods. When consumers differ only in exogenous incomes, if the club good is a superior good in a single-club economy, overprovision in the SB occurs if club good demand is convex in income. We show this can extend to an economy where consumers differ in both tastes and incomes, depending on the covariances between consumers' incomes and their relative strength of preference for the club and private goods, and the covariances between incomes and taste parameters.  相似文献   


This paper defends Adam Smith against his critics on his ‘additive’ theory of value as well as his theory of ‘falling rate of profits’. It argues that Adam Smith did not forget the raw materials, and so forth, in his resolution of the price into wages, profits, and rent, and that the constraint binding on the total income was also taken into account by treating rent as the residual. It further argues that there is no fallacy of composition in Smith's explanation for the ‘falling rate of profits’. It was explained on the basis of rising real wages and the farmers’ inability to shift the burden of the rise in wages from profit to rent in the context of a growing economy.  相似文献   

In a finite time horizon, incomplete market, continuous-time setting with dividends and investor incomes governed by arithmetic Brownian motions, we derive closed-form solutions for the equilibrium risk-free rate and stock price for an economy with finitely many heterogeneous CARA investors and unspanned income risk. In equilibrium, the Sharpe ratio is the same as in an otherwise identical complete market economy, whereas the risk-free rate is lower and, consequently, the stock price is higher. The reduction in the risk-free rate is highest when the more risk-averse investors face the largest unspanned income risk.  相似文献   

Summary. Arbitrary small indivisibilities may play an important role when the strong survival assumption does not hold. A hierarchic price is a finite ordered family of price vectors . It extends the notion of exchange values proposed by Gay [15]. These price notions were introduced in order to establish the existence of a generalized competitive equilibrium without the strong survival assumption. We show that a hierarchic price models phenomena related to small indivisibilities which the standard approach may not capture. More precisely, we prove in the framework of linear exchange economies that a hierarchic price may be seen as a standard price of an economy with arbitrary small indivisibilities. Received: September 25, 2001; revised version: November 25, 2002 RID="*" ID="*" This paper was partly written at Departamento de Matemáticas of Universidad de Vigo.  相似文献   

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