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大学“应试教育”的透析与思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章从大学英语四、六级考试“考研热”“标准化”的期末考试和“考证热”四个方面论述了大学“应试教育”的存在及其产生的不良效应;从社会树立多元人才观,理性看待学历与文凭;从高校明确培养目标,深化高等教育教学改革和大学生端正个人价值观、成才观三个层面论述了如何消解大学“应试教育”负面影响。  相似文献   

如何坚持以就业为导向的根本性质,又要满足学生希望继续深造的需求是当前高职专升本群体职业生涯规划面临的一个亟待解决的问题。论文介绍了当前高职专升本群体在职业生涯规划上的问题,分析产生这些问题的原因,从而就专升本群体的职业生涯规划提出意见与建议。  相似文献   

焦振豹 《价值工程》2014,(9):228-229
从教育成本的构成来看,高职院校的人力资源成本及其分析将成为高职院校会计管理中重要的内容。本文从教育成本和人力资源成本构成的角度,分析了高职院校人力资源成本和教育成本的重要性,阐述了高职院校人力资源和教育成本的现状,认为高职院校教育管理过程中存在人力资源成本的单一性和教育成本的多元性、教育成本存在较多的共性费用、教育成本在教育过程中无法获得直接补偿等问题。  相似文献   

随着高校改革的深入发展,高校自主权的逐步扩大,经济模式的多元化,建立完善的内部控制制度已经势在必行。基于国家对未来中长期教育发展的要求,同时借鉴《企业内部控制基本规范》,结合当前高校内部控制中存在的问题,本文提出强化内部控制意识、营造积极的内部控制环境、建立健全内部控制制度、实施全面预算管理及内部控制审计等实现高校内部控制的途径与方法。  相似文献   

随着高等教育“互联网+”思维的不断深植和发展,大规模在线开放课程的建设和推广促进了教育资源的开放性和共享性。目前,高职在线开放课程内容大多以建立完备的知识框架和理论体系为主,存在投入成本高、建设时间长、技能实用性弱、内容更迭慢等缺点,不能良好地对接岗位职能需求。论文探索将“工单制”教学模式应用于高职在线开放课程建设中,以期建设更加适合高职院校学生特点的优质在线开放课程资源。  相似文献   

李方元  刘明 《价值工程》2012,(27):256-258
介绍绩效管理在高校人力资源管理中的意义,对目前高校绩效管理工作中存在的问题进行总结分析,指出基于岗位分类的绩效管理体系的重要性,并提出构建基于岗位的绩效管理体系的若干建议,为高校管理部门提供参考。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a system of resource allocation in universities which addresses both the problem of useful simulation of alternatives and efficient substitution of resources. It is the authors' view that the reasons why various university planning models proposed in the last few years have not been found useful in practice is that they take inadequate account of the decentralized nature of decisionmaking within universities. In this regard the three main points of the paper are: (1) university planning models should have flexible aggregation categories which can be determined and re-adjusted by the decisionmaker as he uses it; (2) resource constraints in university planning models should be flexible and negotiable, and negotiation over resources should be part of the analyst's domain of inquiry; (3) planning in universities must take into account the problem of introducing incentives which cause the behavior of individuals within the university to be directed to the needs of the institution's clienteles.  相似文献   

Charles J. Hitch 《Socio》1969,2(2-4):465-472
As organizations of all kinds grow larger, more diverse and more decentralized, they come to share a common error … that of unrealistic, imbalanced long-range planning. The application of program budgeting and systems analysis to this problem can establish realistic goals and more balanced and nearly optimal programs.

In order to adapt the theories of planning-programming-budgeting systems to an educational organization, certain technical decisions must be made concerning program structure. For a multi-campus university such as the University of California, the question became one of projecting future resource and monetary requirements in such form that key policy decisions affecting resource requirements were readily apparent and that programmed requirements were translatable into budget categories. The base projections are the numbers of students by level and discipline. From these, resource and dollar requirements are assessed with regard to faculty, support (instructional equipment and supplies), capital outlay, plant maintenance and operation, and libraries. Those areas not based on student projections include organized research and public service. General administration projections are based on total expenditures. This breakdown provides a working structure from which to make finer allocations according to individual campus needs.

Another technical consideration is the determination of the degree of centralization of decision-making. Program budgeting makes possible a higher degree of centralization but is consistent with any degree which is appropriate in the circumstances. The objective at the University of California is the progressive decentralization to the individual campuses not only of operating authority, but also of much initiative in planning. There are constraints, such as a dollar ceiling related to a specific student enrollment, but these do not prevent experimentation and diversity. The university-wide program model can serve as a standard, with allowances for advantageous transfers of funds with full understanding of their future consequences and implications, thus maintaining both local initiative and the systems approach.  相似文献   

The United States is still dealing with institutional racism in higher education. For most of the past two centuries, African Americans were forced to attend segregated colleges and universities. Historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) played a particularly important role during that long period. In many states, there would have been no institutions of higher education at all, were it not for federal legislation (the Morrill Act of 1890), the actions of religious institutions, and the persistent efforts of black Americans to gain an education, despite the obstacles. Even the seemingly race‐neutral G.I. Bill of 1944 had the pernicious effect of reinforcing racial segregation in both higher education and housing. Given this history, it comes as no surprise that some predominantly white institutions of higher education (PWIs) do not show a sustained commitment to educate African‐American students in this country, although they are often eager to recruit black student athletes for their various sport programs without much regard to the education received by those same athletes. Our inability as a nation to even talk intelligently about these intractable educational problems is disturbing. Indeed, diversity is not paramount for some PWIs, particularly in regards to hiring minority faculty. Perhaps more significantly, HBCUs are still necessary in our society today because they have been the mainstay of educating African Americans at the college and university levels. Black communities throughout our nation are still being devastated by economic polarization and by racial discrimination endemic to higher education at white institutions. The need to address the problem of racial discrimination in higher education remains as strong as ever.  相似文献   

在我国高等教育事业快速发展的背景下,高校资金是否被充分利用、高校预算是否发挥着资源配置的作用成为人们关注的重点。本文从对高校预算绩效管理体系构建的意义、在高校预算绩效管理构建的基本思路以及高校绩效预算管理的现状进行分析,提出加强组织领导,成立预算绩效管理工作相关的组织机构、建立和完善各项预算绩效管理制度,从而全面构建预算绩效管理体系,进而提出完善高校预算绩效管理的建议。  相似文献   

朱米娜 《价值工程》2012,31(20):299-301
高校房地产档案管理工作是学校的重要基础工作之一,关系学校的生存和发展。然而我国的高校房地产档案管理存在诸多问题,主要包括:管理理念和管理方式落后;工作制度不健全;管理人员素质偏低;信息化管理不足,没有实现资源共享。本文提出了改进的建议:改变观念,不断创新房地产档案管理工作;完善并落实房地产档案管理制度;提高房地产档案管理人员综合素质;实现高校房地产档案信息化管理和资源共享。  相似文献   

This paper explores the functions and limitations of democratic governance by analyzing the allocation of decision-making authority in colleges and universities. Contrary to the conventional perception that large numbers and heterogeneity of voters and issues undermine the efficiency of democratic decision making, data on the allocation of authority for thirty-one decision areas in 826 US colleges and universities show democratic governance to be more prevalent in larger, "full-service" research universities than in smaller liberal arts colleges and special-curriculum institutions. State- and church-affiliated institutions, meanwhile, tend to be governed more like firms. The results overall are consistent with economic theories of political organization that view democratic governance primarily as a means of enhancing the credibility of commitments rather than as a method of aggregating preferences.

"Educational systems, like governments, apparently can never be rational,never a logical and economical means to a definite end.Rather must they be always makeshifts."
— J.P. Munroe (1899)  相似文献   

随着高职教育的不断发展,各高职院校的规模、学生人数、基础设施等方面也在不断变化,如何使高职院校适应新形势的发展,改造原有校园,已成为校园规划与实施中必须思考的问题。文章从高职院校校园规划改造方面做了简要分析。  相似文献   

通过对质量工程和我国高等院校学历教育的研究,探讨了质量工程高等学历教育的重要性和可行性。  相似文献   

郝尉君  郝雅静 《价值工程》2012,31(35):221-222
在我国建立和谐社会以及党中央人才强国战略的大背景下,对目前世界上较为先进的高职培养模式进行比较研究。基于此,以教育思想、培养目标、实践教学和师资队伍建设为四大维度,试论其对国内高职教育人才培养模式的启示,为培养模式的改革提出新思路,即构建基于职业生涯规划的高职院校人才培养模式。  相似文献   

虽然我国已经初步建立起高等教育的多渠道筹资体制,但目前依然存在高等教育经费的主渠道薄弱,结构不合理等诸多问题,导致政府财政压力过大,高等教育经费投入严重不足。要发展高等教育就必须充分利用市场的资源配置功能,扩大和调整现在筹资渠道,提高经费的使用效率。  相似文献   

The development of higher education institutions (HEIs) is related to the future overall development of higher education in China. Studying the efficiency of provincial HEIs in China has great significance in deepening the reform of higher education evaluation, promoting coordinated regional development, and building a country powerful in its higher education. Based on the Super-SBM method, this paper creatively integrates meta-frontier theory and an index of international exchange and cooperation into an evaluation system for higher education efficiency. Taking 2011–2020 as the sample period, this study conducts a dynamic assessment of the higher education efficiency in 30 mainland Chinese provinces. It explores the differences in production technology in the eastern, central, and western regions, analyzing the environmental factors that affect the efficiency of higher education. The results show that during the sample period, the overall efficiency of higher education in China improved steadily. Efficiency Change is the main driving force. The three regions have significantly different technology gap ratio, and the structure of resource allocation significantly impacts efficiency. Therefore, this study's main recommendations are that the Chinese government should not only deepen the coordinated development of higher education between regions but also pay more attention to solving the problem of unbalanced development between China's geographical regions. At the same time, educational authorities should expand the number of ordinary colleges and universities in the central and western regions, develop non-financial funding sources, and improve the level of refined management of HEIs.  相似文献   

国家助学贷款是一种与教育机会均等的思想和高等教育财政的改革相匹配的教育成本分担方式,属于政策性金融业务。我国助学贷款政策要求高校承担相当部分的风险补偿资金,这使得高校在多重任务代理下必然做出逆向选择。本文对我国现行的国家助学贷款风险分担机制设计上的缺陷给高校带来了政策、声誉、管理与关系上的四大风险进行了分析,并对这些风险可能导致国家助学贷款政策失灵以及高校发展机会丧失的严重后果进行了阐释,认为国家应承担主要的贷款风险,本质上作为金融产品的助学贷款存在创新的巨大空间。  相似文献   

嵇茜 《物流科技》2010,33(9):134-137
针对高职院校在物流双语教学和课程设置中存在的问题,提出渐进式双语教学模式和设立双语实践课程的建议。渐进式双语教学结合双语教学和专业英语教学的不同特点,以章节为单位,用专业英语扫除语言障碍,再进行双语教学,从而保证了双语教学质量;开设凸显学校特色的双语实践课程,以校企联合的方式,培养实践技能过硬的专业技术型人才。在一系列建议措施的基础上给出了多方面具体量化的评价指标和评价方式,以便对物流双语教学改善的实施效果予以客观评价。  相似文献   

高等院校的迅速发展,对高校的管理水平提出了更高的要求。要从根本上完善现有的管理体制,就需要结合具体的情况,从制度建设、发展方向、财务管理等多个方面对高校的运转加强管理,而财务管理更是整个高校管理体制改革的重中之重。文章结合我国高校财务管理模式的现状,在分析问题的基础上,提出了财务管理模式进行创新的具体内容。  相似文献   

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