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从赫尔辛基的万达机场一出来,我就看见了等在出口处的爱人。一颗忐忑不安的心终于落了下来,从赫市距离芬兰的第二大城市坦佩雷约有170多公里,开车要两个多小时。那天赫尔辛基下着雨,潮湿中我依然嗅得出空气的芬芳,那种夹杂着针叶林树木和一点点寒意的味道,让人忘了此时的北京正是酷暑难当的季节。爱人说,芬兰的雨季也是在夏季,而今年的雨水好像特别多,我们的红色福特汽车很快就上了高速公路。两旁是浓密,高耸但颇有些瘦削的松树和柏树,隔着车窗,我看见雨点从玻璃上迅速滑落。前面汽车飞驶过欣起  相似文献   

到西双版纳,这是我新年后的第一次旅行。出发前,我跟朋友说:“版纳的夜色一定很美。”降落在景洪机场已是五六点的样子。坐在傣家竹楼里用餐时黄昏的帷幕渐渐拉开。听着电视里放着葫芦笙“有一个美丽的地方”,恨不得手抓着去吃又辣又酸的傣家本土饭,喝一口米酒,看一看近在咫尺的田园风光,仿佛回到童年家乡的旷野。  相似文献   

静谧温馨的雪乡 LEVI不大,徒步大约20分钟就可以从村头走到村尾。一路上,经过的地方竟然还有纪念品商店和SPA健康美容中心。 车把我们放在一个门口挂有鹿皮的旅馆前,旅馆名叫BULLUPOLO。在LEVI,这样的旅馆总共有3家。旅馆的房间一般都不大但装饰得十分雅致,一张舒服的老爷椅,或者是一台旧纺车,地上还铺着织有当地土著萨米人狩猎场景的地毯。 BULLU POLO靠近滑雪场,晚上8点,滑雪场的灯光依然亮着,在黑夜中划出一道优美的弧线。  相似文献   

人物简介:Mikael Gummerus,现任芬兰GTW集团创意总监,兼任GTW集团旗下一家游戏公司的CEO,旅游播客www.nordic365.com项目负责人。出身于芬兰的书香世家,Mikael祖上曾经营一家在芬兰极有威望的出版社。他本人曾就读于欧洲一流的赫尔辛基商学院,做过电视节目和广告的制作和运营。  相似文献   

看一看黄奕的旅游日记片段,就知道芬兰是一个多么浪漫、神奇的国度了。养殖场隐藏在森林里的一片开阔地带,刚刚走进养殖场,就听见驯鹿发出的类似牛叫的声音。我小心翼翼地走到一头驯鹿身边,轻轻地抚摩着它。最兴奋的时刻到了,我坐在雪橇上,鹿橇非常“温柔”。一只驯鹿就能拉动2  相似文献   

芬兰人说“既然我们被上帝放到了东西方交界的夹缝中,我们就得学会在夹缝中生存的艺术。”于是在芬兰旅游,可以体验芬兰式桑拿的极热与极冷;可以水木清华中放慢脚步,也可以在白雪地上风驰电掣;可以在湖光山色里亲近自然,也可以大都市中了解最前沿的设计;在芬兰,可以晃晃悠悠,也可以尽情撒野。  相似文献   

周莉 《当代旅游》2005,(3):28-29
说到芬兰,你的第一印象是什么?有人会说是诺基亚(NOKIA)手机,有人则说是“芬兰浴“,更多的人想起来它是“千湖之国“.而我,在经历了欧洲九国的旅行之后,芬兰的宁静和谐就永远地镌刻在了我的记忆之中.……  相似文献   

大多数航空公司为了安全考虑,飞机上使用的刀叉都是可回收塑料或者木制品,而芬兰航空选择了不锈钢。芬兰航空并非不为乘客安全作想,而是出  相似文献   


国际会展旅游是当今世界旅游业发展的一个重要方向,是都市旅游不可缺少的一部分,也是增加外汇收入、开发城市相关产业的一种模式.  相似文献   

This study aims to investigate how conventions and exhibitions attract exhibitors and the effects of exhibition attendance on business performance. For this purpose, this study constructed a theoretical model to discuss the relationships of the latent variables. According to the conceptual framework of this study, exhibition marketing included five facets: selling activity, information gathering, relationship building, exhibition image, and extension service. This study then conducted confirmatory factor analysis to test the inner quality of the measuring model, and applied structural equation modeling to test the research hypotheses. The subjects were 350 Taiwanese companies that had previously attended exhibitions. The empirical results showed that selling activity, information gathering, exhibition image, and extension service have positive significant effects on exhibition attendance, while the exhibition attendance also positively influences the business performance. Moreover, exhibition attendance has a partially moderating effect on exhibition marketing and business performance.  相似文献   

When departures from rational behavior can potentially be expected, modeling should allow for their identification and their quantification. In this regard, prices in tourism might have effects that may not be as apparent as economic theory predicts. This article incorporates the sticker shock formulation into the mixed logit model without imposing consistency with consumer theory to accommodate any possible positive or negative price effects. By allowing the parameters of “price” and “sticker shock term” to take any value – negative or positive – we detect abnormal behaviors in the tourist demand: not only is the negative relationship between price and demand inverted for some people but also some tourists might be willing to accept higher-than-expected prices. The “non-well-behaved” groups' shares are estimated.  相似文献   

While studies have examined people's understanding of climate change and its relationship to tourism, these focus largely on developed country populations. Much future tourism growth will come from developing countries following economic development; often countries where climate change will be strongly felt. Do tourists from developing countries have the same knowledge gaps about travel, tourism, and climate change as in the developed world? Will behavioral change policies be successful in encouraging more environmentally friendly approaches to climate change and tourism in developing countries? This paper presents findings from 20 in-depth interviews with active Nigerian tourists, analyzing their understanding of climate change, the links known, or not, between their travel and climate change, and their willingness to change their tourism patterns. Understanding of climate change was limited and there was conceptual confusion. Participants did not view their own travel as a cause of climate change and many were embedded in air travel practice. Participants were unwilling to change their tourism patterns to reduce their contribution to climate change. Significant structural barriers limit low carbon tourism travel in Nigeria (and other developing countries), including reliability, availability safety, and speed. Behavioral change will be difficult to achieve.  相似文献   

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