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文章主要探讨了工程施工安全监理的工作方法,以供同行参考.  相似文献   

文章主要探讨了工程施工安全监理的工作方法,以供同行参考。  相似文献   

项目建设是一项很复杂的工程,需要投入大量的工作.工程监理在项目建设方面发挥重要作用,而安全监理工作又是工程监理的重要组成部分.文章通过比较分析安全监理工作的现状、程序和任务,提出构建综合监理系统的想法.  相似文献   

作为工程建设的重要组成部分,监理工作是保证工程建设质量的关键,而安全监理作为监理工作的重要组成部分,需要对整个施工过程中的安全状况进行监督和管理.我国正处于经济大发展阶段,工程建设项目日益增多,也随之导致了工程建设中安全问题的频频发生.为了尽量杜绝或避免安全事故的发生,须重视监理工作中的安全监理工作,提高整个工程建设中...  相似文献   

根据这些年在监理企业的工作经历,从监理企业的管理、监理人员的素质、监理工作的内容和程序等方面详细阐述了监理企业应该如何做好工程质量监理。  相似文献   

张贝 《大众标准化》2022,(1):131-133
随着近年来国家经济实力的不断提升,各个行业都呈现出了上升的趋势,大力推动了现代化建设.城市建设速度的加快,使建筑行业的规模逐渐扩大,房屋建筑工程的建设品质与施工安全性受到了更多人的关注,这就需要提升工程监理水平,让监理工作贯彻到整个施工过程当中,重视在施工阶段的有效落实.监理工作的高效开展,不仅督促施工进度的加快,而且...  相似文献   

工程监理中科学监理方法的创新   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
金煜  张紫平 《企业导报》2009,(12):84-85
就工程监理过程中,科学监理方法的创新问题,进行有针对性的研究与讨论,得出更适合实际需要的科学监理方法,以促进工程监理行业的持续、健康、稳定发展。  相似文献   

我国的工程监理体系虽然早在20世纪80年代就已经确立,然而在实际操作中却往往被无良的施工单位领导者们轻易地"化解"。市政工程建设关系到广大人民群众的切身利益,是无论如何都绝对不能缺失监理工作的工程。  相似文献   

随着社会经济的发展,我国的铁路网得到了不断的完善,自21世纪以来,铁路在整个道路交通运输网络中承担着非常重要的角色,对社会的发展和经济的发展都有着非常重要的推动作用,同时铁路网的完善,使各城市之间的经济交流、人文交流变得更加的频繁,也为人们的出行生活提供了巨大的便利。随着铁路建设事业的快速发展,对铁路监理工作也提出了非常高的要求,为了使铁路工程的建设质量得到可靠的保障,需要对现有的铁路监理制度进行改革,同时加强现代化监理队伍的建设力度,文章对当前阶段铁路监理改革工作以及监理队伍建设工作的开展进行详细的分析。  相似文献   

对工程实施全过程监理是保证工程质量、控制工程造价、提高投资效益的有效方法。文章提出了全过程监理的作用、重要性,从决策阶段、设计阶段、招投标阶段、施工阶段、竣工验收阶段等方面阐述了监理的工作内容,得出了全过程监理非常必要的结论。  相似文献   

《Statistica Neerlandica》1972,26(4):161-171
Book reviewed in this article: The generation of random variates, T. G. Newman en P. L. Odell General applied statistics, F. H. Zuwaylif , Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Reading, Massachusets, 1st. edition, 1970, viii311 pp; prijs 3.75, ongeveer f 25, 70. Multivariate data analysis, William W. Cooley and Paul R. Lohnes , John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York-London, 1st. edition, 1971, xii + 364 pp., prijs 4, 50, ongeveer f 41,—. Wahcheinlichkeitstheorie, Walter Vogel , Mathematischer Lehrbucher, Band XXII, Vanden-hoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen, 1970, 385 blz., D.M. 52,—. Grondbegrippen van de waarschijnlijkheidsrekening, Fabius , J. en W. R. van Zwet . Uitgegeven door Mathematisch Centrum Amsterdam, 1970, 154 blz., prijs f 16,—. Principles of statistical techniques, second edition, P. G. Moore , Cambridge University Press, 1969, 288 blz., 2.25. Statistische Auswertungsmethoden, Lothar Sachs , Springer, Berlijn etc., 3e druk 1972, 545 pp., D.M. 58,—. Linear models, S. R. Searle , John Wiley & Sons, Inc. New York, London, le druk, 1971, xxiv + 532 pp., prijs 19.95, ca. f 88, W. Truncation of long-term decision models, A. Kunstman , Rotterdam, University Press, 1971, 135 blz., prijs f 33.65. The foundations of statistical inference, L. J. Savage and other contributors. Second Impression, A discussion; London: Methuen & Co. Ltd, 1970, 112 blz., prijs f 22,—. Probability and statistics, Harry Lass and Peter Gottlieb , Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc., Philippines, 1971, IX+470p. RusPian-English/English-Russian. Glossary of statistical terms, door Samuel Kotz , Oliver and Boyd, 1972, prijs 3.—. Gambling for existence. A discussion of some theoretical problems in animal population ecology. J. Reddingius . E. J. Brill, Leiden 1971 (acta biotheoretica, supplementum primum) 208 blz. Statistical methods in medical research, P. Armitage , Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford, 1971, 504 pag. Preservation of infinite divisibility under mixing and related topics, by F. W. Steutel (Math. Centre tracts, 33) Math, Centrum Amsterdam, 1970, 99 pagina's.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Policy, politics and urban restructuring: Boddy, M., Lovering, J. and Basset, K. Policy, politics and urban restructuring: Buck, N., Gordon, I. and Young, K. with Ermisch, J. and Mills, L. Policy, politics and urban restructuring: Lever, W. and Moore, C. Policy, politics and urban restructuring: Robinson, F., Wren, C. and Goddard, J. Policy, politics and urban restructuring: Spencer, K., Taylor, A., Smith, B., Mawson, J., Flynn, N. and Batley, R. Policy, politics and urban restructuring: Hausner, V. and members of the ESRC Inner Cities Research Programme  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
McKinley, A. and Starkey, K. (Eds)., Foucault, Management and Organization Theory
Billing, Y.D. and Alvesson, M., Gender, Managers, and Organizations
Whitehead, Stephen and Moodley, Roy (Eds), Transforming Managers: Gendering Changes in the Public Sector
Baumard, Philipe, Tacit Knowledge in Organizations
Furusten, Staffan, Popular Management Books: How They are Made and What They Mean for Organisation
Karnøe, Peter, Kristensen, Peer Hull and Andersen, Poul Houman, Mobilizing Resources and Generating Competences: The Remarkable Success of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in the Danish Business System
French, Robert and Vince, Russ, Group Relations, Management and Organization  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Heery, Edmund and Salmon, John. The Insecure Workforce
Storey, John and Sisson, Keith. The Realities of Human Resource Management: Managing the Employment Relationship
Peiperl, Maury A., Arthur, Michael B., Goffee, Rob and Morris, Timothy, Eds. Career Frontiers: New Conceptions of Working Lives
Dibben, Mark R. Exploring Interpersonal Trust in the Entrepreneurial Venture
Mowery, D. C. and Rosenberg, N. Paths of Innovation: Technological Change in 20th Century America
Schoenberger, Erica. The Cultural Crisis of the Firm
Bowles, Samuel, Franzini, Maurizio and Pagano, Ugo. The Politics and Economics of Power
Kirkeby, Ole Fogh. Management Philosophy: A Radical-Normative Perspective
Heery, Edmund and Salmon, John. The Insecure Workforce
Storey, John and Sisson, Keith. The Realities of Human Resource Management: Managing the Employment Relationship
Peiperl, Maury A., Arthur, Michael B., Goffee, Rob and Morris, Timothy, Eds. Career Frontiers: New Conceptions of Working Lives
Dibben, Mark R. Exploring Interpersonal Trust in the Entrepreneurial Venture
Mowery, D. C. and Rosenberg, N. Paths of Innovation: Technological Change in 20th Century America
Schoenberger, Erica. The Cultural Crisis of the Firm
Bowles, Samuel, Franzini, Maurizio and Pagano, Ugo. The Politics and Economics of Power
Kirkeby, Ole Fogh. Management Philosophy: A Radical-Normative Perspective  相似文献   

杨柏松 《价值工程》2012,(27):173-175
随着施工企业发展,内部控制要求日益强烈,建立和完善施工企业内部控制制度,应该从制度建设、风险管理、人力管理、监督检查等几个方面来完善;制度建设主要是建立科学的组织结构和完善内部控制,比如审核批准控制、预算控制、财产保护控制、财务系统控制、内部报告控制、经济活动分析控制、绩效考评控制等;制度建设同时还包括职责分工,企业文化,内部审计、反舞弊方案等。风险管理主要是管理内部风险和外部风险,内部风险包括人员素质、技术方案、质量控制、安全因素等;外部风险主要包括甲方缺乏诚信导致的风险,市场固有的风险、法律风险、行业风险及自然灾害等;人力管理主要是从人的道德要求、后续教育、不相容职责的合理分工等方面;监督检查主要是从监督机构、监督方式等方面来保证。  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed:
Heller, Frank, Pusic, Eugene, Strauss, George and Wilpert, Bernard, Organizational Participation: Myth and Reality
Clarke, Thomas and Clegg, Stewart, (Eds) Changing Paradigms: the Transformation of Management Knowledge for the 21st Century
Prichard, Craig, Hull, Richard, Chumer, Mike and Willmott, Hugh (Eds) Managing Knowledge: Critical Investigations of Work and Learning
Mowery, D. C. and Rosenberg, N., Paths of Innovation: Technological Change in 20 th Century America
Preece, D., Steven, G. and Steven, V., Work, Change and Competition: Managing for Bass
Djelic, Marie-Laurie, Exporting the American Model: the Post-war Transformation of European Business
Acs, Z. J., Carlsson, B. and Larlsson, C., (Eds) Entrepreneurship, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises and the Macroeconomy  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Linstead, S., Small Grafton, R. and Jeffcutt, P. Understanding Management . London: Sage, 1996 (Rolland Munro).
Billsberry, J. The Effective Manager: Perspectives and Illustrations . London: Sage, 1996, pp. 348, £14.95 (Stephen King).
Paton, R., Clark, G., Jones, G., Lewis, J. and Quintas, P. The New Management Reader . London: Routledge, 1996, pp. 283, £12.99 (Oswald Jones).
Earl, M. J. (Ed.). Information Management: The Organizational Dimension . Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996, pp. 514, £50 (Oswald Jones).
Attwood, M. and Dimmock, S. Personnel Management . London: Macmillan Press, 1996, pp. 240, £10.99 (Ann Davis).
Collinson, David L. and Hearns, Jeff (Eds). Men as Managers, Managers as Men: Critical Perspectives on Men, Masculinities and Managements . London: Sage, 1996, pp. 288, ISBN 08039 8929 (Ian Lennie).
Dag Bjorkegren. The Culture Business: Management Strategies for the Arts-related Business . London: Routledge, 1996, pp. 189, £12.99 ISBN 1-415-12235-X pb, £40 ISBN 0-415-12234-1 hb (Matthew Higgins).
Sadler, P. (Ed.). Strategic Change: Building a High Performance Organization . Kidlington, Oxford: Pergamon (Elsevier Science), 1995, pp. xvi + 202, ISBN 0-08-042571-2, hb (Gerard P. Hodgkinson).
Thomas, H., O'Neal, D. and Kelly, J. (Eds). Strategic Renaissance and Business Transformation . Chichester: John Wiley, 1995, pp. xv + 484, ISBN 0-471-95751-8, hb.
Deakins, D. Entrepreneurship and Small Firms . London: McGraw-Hill, 1996, pp. 248, pb (Martin Friel and Rhodri Thomas).
Barkham, R., Gudgin, G., Hart, M. and Hanvey, E. The Determinants of Small Firm Growth. An Inter-regional Study in the United Kingdom 1986–1990 . Regional Policy and Development Series no. 12. London: Jessica Kingsley and Regional Studies Association, pp. 168 (Martin Friel and Rhodri Thomas).  相似文献   

陈建利 《价值工程》2010,29(16):171-171
探究教学,是指在教师的组织和指导下,学生在学科领域或现实生活的情境中,主动地通过观察事物、发现问题,提出假设或猜想,经过调查、实验,搜集资料,建立模型,通过分析、思考、表达与交流、批判、反思等活动,积极地理解和建构知识,改善自身心理结构,形成正确的态度、价值观的过程和方式。探究教学既是一种学习方式,也是一种学习过程。探究式教学与传统的教学具有明显的不同。  相似文献   

土工合成材料是在20世纪50年代末期发展起来的一种新型建筑材料,它以高分子聚合物为原料制成,包括各种塑料、合成纤维、土工织物、土工膜、土工塑料板、土工网、土工格栅、土工垫及土工绳索等。土工合成材料具有强度高、质量轻、施工简易、运输方便、耐腐蚀、寿命长、料源丰富等特点,能根据土木工程的需要制成各种形式和尺寸的成品,克服了一些天然材料的不足和缺陷。  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed:
Thompson, Paul and Warhurst, Chris (Eds). Workplaces of the Future
Collins, David. Organizational Change: Sociological Perspectives
Wilkinson, Adrian, Redman, Tom, Snape, Ed and Marchington, Mick. Man- aging with Total Quality Management: Theory and Practice
Iles, Paul. Managing Staff Selection and Assessment
Towers, Brian. The Representation Gap — Change andReform in the British and American Workplace
Schneider, S. and Barsoux, J. L. Managing Across Borders
Storey, John, Edwards, Paul and Sisson, Keith. Managers in the Making
Perlow, Leslie. Finding Time: How Corporations, Individualsand Families can Benefit from New Work Practices  相似文献   

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