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陆剑清 《上海商业》2004,(11):40-41
2004年初,国美电器公司总部要求各地分公司将格力空调的库存及业务进行清理j而格力电器公司则回应以将空调全线撤出成都国美的六大卖场。两大巨头在空调销售旺季即将到来之际,爆发冲突,其纠纷的起因是国美在没有征得格力同意的情况下,擅自对所售的格力空调大幅度降价,格力在交涉未果后决定停止向国美继续供货。由于本次冲突的一方为家电连锁销售巨头,另一方为国内空调制造业巨头,因而这一事件折射出我国家电供应链在制造与流通环节上正蕴育着深层次矛盾与利益的冲突,家电产业格局在貌似平静的背后正发生着深刻的变革,因此引起了业界与消费者的广泛关注。笔者将以国美与格力之争这一案例为着眼点,聚焦家电厂商冲突背后的动因与本质,透析家电供应链的演变趋势,相信这对于推动我国家电市场的创新与发展,具有积极的理论与现实意义。  相似文献   

备受瞩目的国美控制权争夺战终于落下了帷幕,黄光裕最终以3个百分点的差距落败。不过,事情并没有就此完结,它给中国公司治理结构建设所带来的启示,已经远远超出了事件的本身。  相似文献   

如果说前几年家电企业为争夺市场份额争相依附于大规模的渠道巨头的话,如今他们意识到不能把渠道全押在一家巨头身上,否则就可能沦为它的加工厂。  相似文献   

外资并购市场效应实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
并购是资本市场永恒的热点。自2002年外资并购政策逐步放开以来,我国沪深两地上市公司被外资并购的案例频频现于报端。那么,外资并购是否能给我国上市公司带来效益,从而影响投资者的预期,使股票产生超常收益呢?本文将基于事件研究的方法,来探索这一问题。  相似文献   

冯禹丁 《商务周刊》2010,(19):41-52
中国的商业记者有幸亲历当下的国美事件,不仅因它走向跌宕起伏、扣人心弦,看客好似在目睹一场波澜壮阔的美国总统选战,还因为其演进过程独立而无扰动,没有遇上不可抗的信息遮蔽,至少在台面上不失为一场阳光下的PK。当然,它还具有商业大片的必备元素——持续到最后一刻的悬念。  相似文献   

多数企业已初步完成了信息化建设阶段,而开始进入信息化管理整合阶段。因此,近一至两年内,内容管理软件在国内必然有一个突飞猛进式的增长。  相似文献   

国美并购永乐将如何影响家电流通产业未来的竞争格局?未来的趋势将会怎样?[编者按]  相似文献   

国美与格力决裂3年之后,又握手走到了一起,董明珠提出并倡导的“工业精神”也开始在业界广为传播。这个春天,那块多年前由家乐福带人中国,又被国美推向极致的厂商坚冰终于开始了融化之旅。 但背后的较力仍在继续。国美依旧在苦心积虑地谋杀“格力模式,家乐福依据把“通路费“作为主要的利润支点:格力“策反”着一批“格力们”的崛起,TCL则利用幸福树向渠道霸权公开叫板与争利……只是双方走得都很艰难,只是双方都为此付出太多而又得不偿失。[编者按]  相似文献   

An in-depth analysis of the impact of retailing-mix levers on private label market share in the Fast Moving Consumer Goods sector in Italy is made. The direction and intensity of the impact of assortment, price and sales promotion is measured for different product categories. OLS and GMM regressions run on an IRI Group dataset indicate a strong positive effect of product range, which can be considered as a proxy of on-shelf brand visibility. Increasing private label assortment share thus appears to constitute the key supply-side factor in augmenting sales share on the Italian grocery retailing market.  相似文献   

市场经济方兴未艾,必然需要科学的市场经济理论的指导,而市场经济学作为科学的经济学理论,客观上需要经济学方法论的指导,鉴于市场经济学的理论背景和实际,笔者运用马克思主义经济学方法论,对市场经济学理论体系的构筑提出了自己的一些思考.  相似文献   

This paper reviews and analyses the rationale for an innovation policy in services. It focuses on the relevance of the various categories of market and system failures, on the basis of economic arguments and some empirical evidence at EU level. Results show that market and system failures affect service innovation, so that there are no economic reasons supporting any discrimination of policy actions against service activities. Moreover, some of the market and system failures may be even more relevant in the field of services than of goods, although differences between categories of services should be also taken into consideration.  相似文献   

Investments in alternative assets, such as art, are influenced by indices that measure price movements in these assets. This paper uses the South African art market to consider how different methodologies influence price estimates in a setting where repeated sales of the same artworks are limited. The focus is on estimating art prices in South Africa, based on a comprehensive database of South African art auctions. A new pseudo-repeat sales method is proposed, to overcome data limitations facing conventional hedonic and repeat sales methods. While the methods suggest similar trends in South African art prices, the levels and volatilities of the returns vary widely, depending on the method used to estimate the price index. The paper also introduces a test for price bubbles that accounts for the measurement error associated with constructed art price indices. Unlike indices based on central tendency methods, regression-based methods indicate mildly explosive prices for oil and watercolour art in South Africa, in the run-up to the global financial crisis. The new test suggests similar conclusions, but indicates shorter periods of explosive price behaviour.  相似文献   

Building on research in institutional theory and market categories, we argue that media coverage, through the effects of cognitive and sociopolitical legitimacy, influence the creation of new market categories. Using data on the broadband access industry, we develop and test a media coverage model of market category entries, demonstrating the legitimacy effects of media-based information exchange on the emergence of new market categories. We include two post hoc analyses on mediation effects to test the relationship between population density and media coverage. These results indicate a possible mediation relationship, which we discuss in the implications of our study.  相似文献   

In spite of the non-ratification of the EEA Agreement by Switzerland as a result of the negative vote of its citizens on 6 December 1992. the completion of the Internal Market had an important impact on Swiss consumer law. Of course, the transposition of the consumer relevant acquis communautaire into national law became void. However, the Swiss legislator re-adopted nearly all legislation on consumer protection within the framework of the new policy on revitalization of the economy. In addition the future legislation should be as euro-compatible as possible. Thus, the main impetus to raise the level of Swiss consumer law to the (minimum) European standard conies from EC policy.
Die Vollendung des Binnenmarktes und der Verbraucherschutz — der Sonderfall Schweiz
Zusammenfassung Die Vollendung des europäischen Binnenmarktes hat trotz der Nichtratifizierung des EWR-Abkommens durch die Schweiz als Folge des Nein in der Volksabstimmung vom 6.12.1992 erhebliche Auswirkungen auf das schweizerische Verbraucherrecht gezeitigt. Zwar war die nach dem EWR-Abkommen obligatorische und erfolgte Umsetzung des verbraucherrelevanten Acquis communautaire in nationale Gesetzgebung mit dem Volksentscheid hinfällig geworden. Jedoch wurden im Rahmen der für die Schweiz als Drittland gegenüber den EG- und EFTA-Staaten als erforderlich angeschenen Politik der marktwirtschaftlichen Erneuerung praktisch alle verbraucherschUtzenden Gesetze erneut verabschiedet. Auch das künftige Recht soll euro-kompatibel ausgestaltet werden. Damit hat, durch den Impuls der europäischen Binennmarktpolitik, das schweizerische Verbraucherrecht den europäischen (Mindest) Standard erreicht.

Initial assessments of the economic deregulation of the U.S. airline industry indicated that most consumers gained from the increased competition in the airline market. More recent studies have reached less favorable conclusions. In this study, changes in passenger welfare are determined for 19 U.S. destination cities for the years 1979, 1983, and 1987 on the basis of Hicks' equivalent variation measure, using a counterfactual research design. Particular attention is given to variations in consumer welfare gains/losses depending on (a) the proportion of the change in air fares attributed to deregulation, and (b) the destination airport's classification. The estimates suggest that travelers to large, long-standing hub cities were generally insulated from any large post-1979 welfare changes. Travelers to new hubs experienced substantial welfare declines between 1979 and 1987 — although their post-1983 welfare changes were uniformly positive. Travel to nonhub airports showed the greatest variance, with both the relatively largest welfare gains and the relatively largest losses.  相似文献   

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