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One of the worst things about being disabled is the loneliness. Able-bodied people do not have to wait for busy friends to find time to visit them. They can get on to a bus or a tube or a train and go visiting, or to the shops or a cinema or club, as the mood takes them. If you are in a wheelchair, you can't. You will get taken to hospital or a day centre or to your doctor, if need be, but nowhere for fun. The idea has arisen in several countries that there should be a special service for people with disabilities, who cannot use public transport and cannot drive or use friends' cars. This would be the equivalent of what taxis provide for the able-bodied — the possibility of getting out and going where you want, when you want, when there is no public transport, or car, available to take you.  相似文献   

This inside look at an actual marketing plan will show you how to build yours and give you ideas for where to look for business. Only the names have been changed to protect the property  相似文献   

Imagine that you are browsing through a magazine, and you see one of your favorite celebrities in an advertisement. Then, a bit further into the magazine you see that same celebrity in an ad for a different product. A few hours later, you think of the celebrity again and try to remember the products s/he was endorsing, but what will you actually recall? This paper examines consumer memory for celebrity advertising under conditions where a single celebrity advertises for more than one brand. Using contextual interference as the theoretical lens, the current research posits and demonstrates how brands in a celebrity's “endorsement portfolio” compete with one another when consumers use the celebrity as retrieval cue for information that was contained in the ads. The findings of the laboratory experiment reveal that brands sharing either a high or low match with the celebrity win the battle during retrieval and inhibit consumers’ ability to accurately recall ad information for brands sharing a more moderate match with the celebrity. The theoretical practical implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

(国家大剧院前)大卫:你好,请问北京大学怎么走?路人甲:这没有直接到北大的公共汽车,你需要换乘。或者先做地铁,再换公交。大卫:太麻烦了。我想打车去,可是找不到出租车。路人甲:哦,长安街上出租车不能停。你走到下个路口,那儿出租车可以停。  相似文献   

Star tech     
The mission? To sensibly go where many have gone before--into the realm of information technology, where applications often outnumber sound business reasons to use them. If you've never been, don't believe everything you hear. Mainframes may be useful after all, and even widespread technologies don't hold all the answers.  相似文献   

What happens when you have a professional service where the purchase decision is made by someone other than the ultimate consumer, where the ultimate consumer usually does not have the technical ability to evaluate quality, and where a substantial difference in pricing and quality exists? Such a situation exists in the field of structural engineering. This case example points out some problems involved in marketing such a service and how one company is addressing them.  相似文献   

This editorial highlights the importance of a robust reviewer pool to the development of the field. We emphasize the role that authors play in ensuring the sustainability of that commons and consider both the field-level and individual-level consequences of failing to do so. In addition, we make a case for the long-term benefits of reviewing, while exploring strategic and tactical concerns such as where you should be reviewing, how much you should be reviewing, whether and when to review, who should review, and, finally, how to develop a reputation as a good reviewer.  相似文献   

In the Urban Best Practices Area of the Expo Shanghai erects an unusual building, a 18- meter high red brick house, which is none ,other than the German Hamburg Pavilion.  相似文献   

When you start a venture, you start with yourself: your own personal operating system, or POS. Then, you identify and define your compelling product or service, something you should already know a lot about. You also need to use your sales skills to convince key stakeholders to support you, and to design your venture by putting together a pattern that works. The next step is to put together a team to help you implement the pattern you have designed, the men and women who will make up your garage team. The garage team is made up of the core people in a start‐up, people who help graduate the entrepreneur to the role of leader, because a leader with no followers is a leader of none. This article explores the essential attributes of such a team and how they contribute to the success of entrepreneurial ventures. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Many products and services will soon be (or are already being) sold over the Internet or other networks. Paying for these with standard methods of payments, such as cash, checks, credit card, or debit card, may be ineffective or inefficient. For such cases, electronic card payment systems are more appropriate. Several things need to be considered when investigating electronic card payment system options, including: customer needs and benefits, developmental and operational cost, corporate benefits, continually changing technologies, critical mass of customers, security, standards of payment systems, and customer perception and comfort with new technologies. In this article, we analyze how smart card-based systems are used in mass transportation. Managers in mass transportation face the following questions: Do you develop your own electronic card payment system, do you wait for multifunctional cards that will be accepted across many industries to provide the functionality required in your market, or do you do nothing. The discussion here concentrates mainly on the transportation industry, where the transactions and payments are made on local area networks.  相似文献   

Business is war. And in war, it is a matter of survival of the fittest. In order to survive in today's cutthroat business environment, we must be properly armed. And one of the most important arrows in the executive's quiver is accurate knowledge of competitors and their business environment. In other words, detailed knowledge of the enemy and the terrain of the battlefield. Every major country on earth recognizes the importance of intelligence and employs an intelligence agency to collect it for them. Over 2,500 years ago, the Chinese general Sun Tzu wrote: “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.” Frederick the Great also expressed his opinion on the importance of intelligence when he said: “It is pardonable to be defeated, but never surprised.” In today's highly competitive business world it is becoming more and more important to know your competition-know your enemy-and, particularly in the international arena, to know your battlefield. There are minefields out there, and it is imperative to be able to identify and avoid them. You can still lose, even when armed with superior forces, if the terrain is against you. 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

行为区让你用团队成员的眼光看待事情,了解他们的需要和喜好;行为区也鼓励你去对其他人的本性和喜好充满好奇,并尽可能接纳它们.一旦你做到了这点,你会发现他们会反过来接纳你.  相似文献   

This paper explores the commitment to corporate citizenship on the part of the largest U.S.-based multinationals in the emerging market region of Latin America. The websites of the largest U.S.-based firms – according to the 2007 Fortune 500 list – are reviewed and their CSR efforts in Latin America are noted. The firms’ positions on corporate citizenship in Latin America are mapped onto a three-by-three matrix in which firms’ commitment to corporate citizenship ranges from profit-making motivations to a more holistic approach where support for non-profit causes is embraced by the entire firm and implemented at all levels (Marsden, Business and Society Review 105(1), 9–26, 2000). The largest U.S.-based multinationals were selected for this study because of their leadership role and the fact that other firms within their respective industries may seek to emulate the firms’ level of commitment to corporate citizenship. While the matrix can be used to evaluate corporate citizenship efforts in any market – or globally – the emphasis in this study is on Latin America, a region of interest for two reasons: because of the paucity of research on this particular emerging market region as it relates to CSR, and because there is some evidence to suggest that philanthropic initiatives by the region’s wealthy individuals lag behind individual philanthropic efforts in other world regions (Oppenheimer, Latin America’s Rich Should Donate More. McClatchey-Tribune Regional News, 2007). If this is the case, this study aims to identify whether companies are picking up the slack.
“You make a living by what you get; but you make a life by what you give.” Winston Churchill

当在线会议活动结束时,也是获取数据信息的关键时刻。如何让你的线上活动可以持续发展。信息的价值起到关键作用。为此,你需要做四件事,包括跟踪哪些指标以及如何重新调整内容的用途。利用好会议信息带来的价值,将会让你的线上会议活动更有魅力。  相似文献   

“How in God's name do you think you lead …? By the strength of your arm only? No. But by your brain … And by magic.” From Tai-Pan by James Clavell  相似文献   

The synergistic effect of holistically addressing all of the variables highlighted by this article will result in organizations consistently reaching their intended destination. Skipping steps creates the illusion of speed, but rarely results in progress. While effective performance management is incredibly difficult, it is also critical to an organization's survival and prosperity. Systematically addressing these critical success factors will ensure consistency and success:
  • 1 The starting point—A clear, objective understanding of current reality, as it is .
  • 2 The destination—A clear point of view on where you want the organization to be, taking the current realities into account.
  • 3 The path—A growth plan that will take you from the current reality to the intended destination.
  • 4 Variation—A culture and system that expects variation, distinguishes between noise and signal, ignores the noise, and acts on the signals.
  • 5 Agile Course Correction—A strong foundation that increases the number of course correction opportunities dramatically.
  • 6 Alignment—Ensuring that everyone works towards the same destination.
The article uses a flight analogy to explain each of these critical variables.  相似文献   

What do you do with a failed evaluation? That is, can positive outcomes come out of a situation where a return on investment cannot be demonstrated? This study highlights the value of the ROI method in providing direction at the macro‐level even when level 4 and 5 evaluations are unable to be ascertained. By taking a macro‐level view, the researcher was able to provide positive feedback and recommendations for further organisational development.  相似文献   

photoshop是迄今为止世界上最畅销的图像编辑软件。它已经成为许多涉及图像编辑处理行业的标准,photoshop之所以取得成功,是因为他的出现正遇上了桌面印刷革命这个大好时机,其成功可谓时事造就英雄。photoshop一开始的良好市场定位,亦为其成为行业霸主奠定了良好的基础。Photoshop就是一个图像处理软件的中心,在这里你可以完成一切你梦想的效果。Photoshop不仅是一个工具,而且一直是每一个网页设计师的生活的一部分,他的应用涵盖了平面设计、影像创意、网页制作、室内外设计、照片修复、数码及婚纱照片处理、插画设计、软件界面设计等很多领域,所以应用领域之广泛为他有更广阔发展空间奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Hiring and retaining local employees for an overseas plant or office calls for abandoning ordinary American hiring techniques and assumptions and rethinking the entire process. When hiring a national, whether a manager or lower-level employee, you must be acutely aware of that country's cultural mores. Only then can you best fulfill your organization's goals while simultaneously meeting the needs of the employee.  相似文献   

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