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This paper seeks to evaluate critically the extent to which there is community involvement in the construction and delivery of urban policy under New Labour, through a case study of the Greater Pollok Social Inclusion Partnership. The paper concentrates on the Scottish experience, but its lessons resonate more widely. Its key finding is that, for all the rhetoric of New Labour and community involvement, the degree to which it has occurred in practice is little different to the level of involvement under Conservative urban policy initiatives. The paper argues that the processes of community consultation and participation during the early stages of the Greater Pollok Social Inclusion Partnership were woefully inadequate. At best it was tokenistic, and at worst, local people were being 'exploited' to legitimise the policy process.  相似文献   

Community involvement in regeneration is far from easy, and is difficult to define. The New Deal for Communities programme has directly involved residents in the governance of neighbourhood renewal with some success. However, community capacity has proved to be limited, adequate representation is difficult to achieve and there has been friction with local government. Community empowerment has to be enabled and supported by getting the structures and processes right, and supporting community representatives.  相似文献   

Making Wuli-Shili-Renli systems methodology as stand, this paper puts forward an integrated framework with methodological significance to meet needs of urban science research, namely Urban Systems Engineering (USE). USE regards the whole urban as research object, with urban system, regards urban logic and urban institution as research dimensions, and regards evolution, control and game as research techniques. In the framework of USE, three topics including urban self-organization, urban management and urban harmony are in turn probed by adopting methods of multi-agent simulation, system evaluation, and game analysis of institution. The current and anticipative results will contribute to deeper understanding of evolution of urban space, optimization of urban management and betterment of urban institution, and will offer effective decision support to harmonious city construction as well.  相似文献   


This investigation is being conducted with the assistance of about two hundred men and women all over the country. They belong to widely different trades and come from diverse backgrounds. Included in their number are officials with a long period of university education; fishermen and peasants with only the compulsory seven years of schooling, but who are often self-educated to the extent of having become complete, albeit amateur scholars; housewives, craftsmen, and Members of Parliament. The majority of collaborators, however, are farmers and teachers. No matter what their trade or background, they all have one thing in common, a keen interest in the ancient culture of the area where they live, whether they grew up in that area or settled down to work there later in life.  相似文献   

This is the first of two papers, in which we examine the nature and effectiveness of formal channels for encouraging community action and participation among low-income groups in Bogotá (Columbia), Mexico City (Mexico) and Valencia (Venezuela). We are concerned with the forms of community participation among the poor, how demands are channelled to the state, the formal organization of community links with the state, and the origins of community action programmes. Organizations to facilitate popular participation in barrio upgrading have existed since the late 1950s, most of which have been imposed from the top down. We argue that the poor have derived few benefits from these government-inspired organizations although they have sometimes given resources to local communities for the first time. The primary purpose behind these organizations is to legitimate the political system and to encourage compliance with urban policy. Greater power over decision-making has not increased among local groups.  相似文献   

城市发展与城市交通效率的改进   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
解决城市交通问题,必须从城市结构、功能与交通的辩证关系中探寻优化的路径。通过城市集群发展,把人口分流到卫星城市,能有效地解决交通难问题;以公交为主的城市交通,能有效提高交通效率,降低交通成本,减少对环境的损害。  相似文献   

城市化与贫民窟问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
中国目前正面临人类历史上前所未有的一次大规模城市化的挑战。在未来的15年间将有超过2亿人口成为城市新居民,这将意味着中国今后几十年要新增巨额基础设施投入。城市化带来首当其冲的问题就是住房问题。其他国家的经验表明,一旦忽视这个问题就很可能陷入积重难返的贫民窟泥潭。本文阐述了城市化和贫民窟的关系,介绍了国际上关于贫民和贫民窟的理论,探讨了减缓贫民窟发展的一系列思路。  相似文献   

城市竞争力是经济、社会、生态环境及设施、制度、人文等多方面状态和能力的耦合集成,需要实现经济、社会与生态三者的协调发展.文章把环境保护纳入城市竞争力体系进行定量系统的研究,同时尝试从环境保护对城市经济承载、社会承载、生态环境承载等方面梳理环境保护与城市竞争力及其分力的影响机理,对环境保护与城市竞争力关系进行探讨,在城市协调发展的理论前提下为城市环境保护的理性选择提供理论依据和实践参考.  相似文献   

This article lists the elements of good practice required of local authorities in their support for community-based employment initiatives, such as worker co-operatives and highlights some of the areas which so far have received inadequate attention.  相似文献   

城市经济的空间结构:居住、就业及衍生问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
居住与就业的空间关系是企业和家庭空间选址和竞争的结果,决定了城市内部的空间结构形态。本文从城市土地利用要素的空间分布出发,回顾了城市空间结构的经典理论,探讨了居住与就业空间关系的外在表现和内在经济机制,特别是集聚经济和通勤成本这两个相反经济力量是如何相互作用以决定城市空间结构基本特征的。在此基础上,对当前备受关注的交通拥堵、环境污染、弱势群体就业障碍及住房问题等“城市病”的缘由和改善途径加以讨论。城市政策应对土地利用、交通和环境进行统筹考虑,并设计恰当的制度激励机制,使个体行为的外部性进行正确的“内部化”,这可以提高城市效率和居民生活质量,改善环境影响并促进城市发展的可持续性。  相似文献   

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