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The Barcelona Initiative is the central element of the EU’s Mediterranean policy. We study the implementation of this policy with respect to Syria using a dynamic general equilibrium model with credit constraints and capital market imperfections. Dismantling formal tariffs has only limited effects on the Syrian economy, while reducing non-tariff barriers produces by far larger results. EU association promises broadly positive effects for factor incomes and sectoral outputs, with some temporarily negative effects in agricultural sectors. Nevertheless, we find evidence of severe trade distorting effects making preferential trade policy clearly welfare inferior to multilateral trade liberalization within the WTO framework.
Bernd LuckeEmail:

This paper examines the impact of trade policy on specialization patterns in ten Latin American countries over the period 1985–1998. These countries are natural case studies because in the last decades they implemented comprehensive trade liberalization programs, both generally and preferentially, starting from relatively high tariff protection levels. Our econometric results suggest that reducing own most favored nation tariffs is associated with increasing manufacturing production specialization. Furthermore, we find that preferential trade liberalization and differences in the degree of unilateral openness have resulted in increased dissimilarities in manufacturing production structures across countries. These results are robust across specialization measures and estimation methods.
Christian Volpe MartincusEmail:

This paper investigates the effects of R&D spillovers on the R&D choices of foreign exporters when the importing country adopts either uniform or discriminatory alternative tariff regimes. We show that the importing country should optimally choose a uniform tariff regime. A uniform tariff regime is also advantageous for foreign exporters if the R&D spillovers are sufficiently large. A comparison of free trade with the two tariff regimes reveals that there are some situations in which both the importing country and foreign exporters are better off under free trade, which supports trade liberalization.
Pei-Cheng LiaoEmail:

The WTO’s Doha Development Agenda has generated demand for estimates of the potential economic consequences of global trade reform. Recent improvements in the GTAP dataset have provided a much better representation of tariff restrictions as of 2001. However, despite its use by most global trade modelers, substantial differences in results emerge from different computable general equilibrium exercises. To help understand these differences, this paper examines the sensitivity of full global and regional trade liberalization results from the GTAP model, using the GTAP version 6.1 database, to different assumptions about factor mobility, fiscal neutrality, macro-economic closure, and trade (Armington) elasticities.
Ernesto ValenzuelaEmail:

Within a two-sector-two-country model of trade with aggregate scale economies and unionisation, a more generous welfare state in one country increases welfare in that country and can have positive spillover effects on the other. Furthermore, synchronised expansions of social security are more welfare enhancing than unilateral ones. Our results counter the fears that a race to the bottom in social standards may result from the ‘shrinking-tax-base’ entailed by international capital mobility. While affecting trade patterns and income distribution, capital mobility interacts with welfare state policies in increasing welfare, even when capital flows out of the country that initiates the shock.
Catia MontagnaEmail:

Regional trade agreements (RTAs) are usually classified according to their form into four broad categories: preferential arrangements, free trade agreements, customs unions and common markets. This paper investigates whether the form/depth of RTAs matters concerning their effect on trade. I use a proper specification of the gravity model with panel data on the 1960–2000 period, which specifically control for self-selection into agreements. Results show that creating any kind of RTAs providing trade preferences to their member countries significantly increases bilateral trade. Nevertheless, their average treatment effect on bilateral trade does not significantly differ according to the depth of agreements.
Vincent VicardEmail:

The paper builds an analytically tractable model that illustrates the “proximity–concentration trade-off” involved in horizontal multinationals. For low trade costs, firms are single-plant firms, for intermediate costs, some are single-plant firms whereas others are multinationals, for large trade costs, firms are multinationals. Because of the modeling strategy, the model is suited for a welfare analysis of multinationals. It shows that too many firms choose to concentrate their production in only one location. Also, for some transport costs, a reduction in transport costs worsens welfare.
Eric ToulemondeEmail:

We provide a theoretical framework to explain why governments seek stronger protection of IPRs and allow R&D subsidies through multilateral trade agreements such as the TRIPS Agreement and the Agreement on Subsidies. Our analysis indicates that it is globally optimal to disseminate knowledge without IPR protection and to subsidize inventive firms when issues of IPR protection and R&D subsidies are considered in tandem. R&D subsidies are a means of amending for damages to investors’ incentives by weak IPR protection. In addition, the TRIPS Agreement is understood as a victory of the interests of exporting countries over those of importing countries.
Moonsung KangEmail:

Non-traded Goods,Technical Progress and Wages   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We use a general equilibrium model of trade to show that technical improvement may indeed cause a fall in the wages of unskilled workers. Under some modest conditions, the wages of skilled workers may go down too.
Reza OladiEmail:

The implications of private information regarding a worker’s skills for optimal tax policy in an open economy are explored. Two cases are considered. In one general skills are private information and in the other sector-specific skills are private information. It is shown that for a small open economy tariffs and other equivalent trade distortions are not part of the optimal tax policy in either case. In both cases the optimal policy distorts the labor–leisure choice but only in the case of sector-specific skills as private information are labor allocation decisions distorted. For a large country, distortions that are equivalent to the standard optimal tariff formula characterize the optimal tax policy.
Kent P. KimbroughEmail:

In a globalised world economy, global factors have become increasingly important to explain trade flows at the expense of country-specific determinants. This paper shows empirically the superiority of direct forecasting methods, in which world trade is directly forecasted at the aggregate levels, relative to “bottom-up” approaches, where world trade results from an aggregation of country-specific forecasts. Factor models in particular prove rather accurate, where the factors summarise large-scale datasets relevant in the determination of trade flows.
Stephane DeesEmail:

In this paper, we develop a computable general equilibrium (CGE) model to shed quantitative light on the implications of a scenario of deeper economic integration between Canada and the United States, where the barriers for foreign direct investment are preferentially eliminated. Our model distinguishes between the activities of domestic and foreign-owned firms at the microeconomic level, both in terms of demand and production characteristics. Overall our findings suggest that further investment liberalization between the two countries will accelerate the shaping of Canada’s industrial structure, as manifested by recent trends.
Yu LanEmail:

Exchange Rate Risk and Commodity Trade Between the U.S. and India   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Floating exchange rates are said to introduce volatility into the foreign exchange market that could deter trade flows. Previous research employed aggregate import and export trade data and provided mixed results. In this paper we disaggregate the trade data between the U.S. and the emerging economy of India and use the bounds testing approach to cointegration and error-correction modeling to show that in 40 industries that trade between the two countries, exchange rate volatility has negative and positive effects in 40% of industries, in the short run. These short-run effects, however, do not last into the long run in many cases.
Mohsen Bahmani-OskooeeEmail:

This paper investigates the interaction between institutional integration and trade deepening in the EU over the last 50 years. It uses Granger causality tests, a VECM and variance decompositions to further the understanding of this interaction. The evidence indicates two-way endogeneity. But the link from institution building to trade dominates. Yet, this link has weakened over time, possibly due to globalisation sidestepping institutions. Moreover, the sensitivity of institutional integration to trade deepening has risen, which suggests that economic forces have gained more strength in determining institutional steps.
Francesco Paolo MongelliEmail:

Die another day: duration in German import trade   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
International trade patterns at the product level are surprisingly dynamic. The majority of trade relationships exist for just a few, often only one to three, years. In this paper, I examine empirically the duration in German import trade at the 8-digit product level from 1995 to 2005. I find that survival probabilities are affected by exporter characteristics, product type and market structure. Specifically, I show that the duration of exporting a product to Germany is longer for products obtained from countries that are economically large and geographically close to Germany; for products with large trade value and a low elasticity of substitution; and for trade pairs that command a large share of the German import market and are characterized by two-way trade.
Volker NitschEmail:

The average funding status for eleven southern state pension plans used by teachers as of 2005 is 86%, which translates into over a $40 billion shortfall. Employing Monte Carlo simulation, this study projects the expected future funding status along with confidence intervals for each of these states over the next 10 years. Projections suggest the average underfunding will remain virtually the same based on current state pension contributions and asset allocations. However, if underlying pension asset returns fail to meet expectations due to high funding risk, the average underfunding could fall to 73%, a shortfall of over $150 billion.
William J. Trainor Jr.Email:

Estimation of the price-induced welfare effects in vertical and horizontal market settings may prove a tricky task when multiple price changes are taken into account. Whether a multi-market sequential approach or a single-market approach is used the well-established, theoretical result suggests that these two partial equilibrium methods are equivalent in terms of implied welfare changes. This paper develops the methodology to empirically compare these two methods. We estimate the welfare changes to Greek cotton–yarn producers induced by the simultaneous change in the prices of cotton–yarn and the cost of labor. Results substantiate the multi-market approach offers more accurate welfare estimates than the single-market approach, in empirical work.
Stelios D. KatranidisEmail:

The existing literature on welfare effects on marriage and fertility has largely focused on groups of white and black women. By contrast, Hispanic women have received little attention. This paper examines the effects of welfare generosity on a sample of young Hispanic women’s premarital fertility and marriage choices. A bivariate competing risks duration model framework allows us to identify the process of young women’s premarital fertility and the process of marriage, effectively controlling for observed characteristics and unobservables. Our findings indicate a 10% increase in welfare generosity results in a 10% increase in premarital births and a 7% decrease in marriages by age 24; both effects are significant.
Shiferaw Gurmu (Corresponding author)Email:

This paper compares the importance of precautionary and mercantilist motives in the hoarding of international reserves by developing countries. Overall, empirical results support precautionary motives; in particular, a more liberal capital account regime increases international reserves. Theoretically, large precautionary demand for international reserves arises as a self-insurance to avoid costly liquidation of long-term projects when the economy is susceptible to sudden stops. The welfare gain from the optimal management of international reserves is of a first-order magnitude, reducing the welfare cost of liquidity shocks from a first-order to a second-order magnitude.
Jaewoo Lee (Corresponding author)Email:

This paper assesses China’s “natural” place in the world economy with a new set of trade integration indicators, which are used as a benchmark in order to examine whether China’s share in international trade is consistent with fundamentals such as economic size, location and other relevant factors. They constitute a better measure of trade integration that incorporates many more factors than traditional openness ratios. The model tracks international trade well and confirms that China is already well integrated in world markets, particularly with North America, several Latin American and East Asian emerging markets and most euro area countries.
Matthieu BussièreEmail:

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