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Through the establishment of game model, this article formulates the intuitive and experiential understanding of regulation on listed companies' accounting information by using game analysis method, and from an economic point of view, it analyzes how various parameters affect Internal Audit Department's nonfeasance probability and Auditing Office's supervision probability. Hope that this article can provide a reference for regulation on accounting information.  相似文献   

The informationization of accounting information systems has brought many improvements to those systems. This paper highlights some of those significant advances in the informationization of accounting information systems in China. As China has become a major industrial power in the international economy, further improvements for these information systems are critical to the continued successes of China. To additionally improve these systems, China can draw upon the systems from other world economic leaders. With its fully developed capital markets, the United States offers development experience for the external reporting components of a fully integrated information system. This paper discusses a typical integrated information system in the United States and addresses the regulatory milestones that were instrumental in the development of those external components of accounting information systems. Recommendations are presented for improving informationization of systems in China based on U.S. systems' responses to those milestones.  相似文献   

This paper submits that the advantages gained by introducing a single currency at the domestic level, applies equally to the economy at the global level. The advantages gained are (1) a reduction of the inflation rate to one common rate (if required) amongst all states, (2) a possible reduced interest rate, (3) an expansion in investment, (4) an increase in development and trade due to the removal of uncertainty, (5) the reduction in transaction costs, and (6) the reduction in the cost of capital (Moshirian, 2004, p. 306). A single global currency has immediate implications in accounting for inflation as it presents an opportunity for the permanent removal of problems associated with accounting for inflation. This paper addresses the phenomenon of inflation and how accounting measurement and valuation associated with inflation is removed by the introduction of a single global currency.  相似文献   

Accounting profession has, in recent times, been regulated mainly by the private accounting standard setters mainly the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), which has taken a center stage and redefined the accounting information systems beyond the knowledge discernment of the average users and stakeholders. Public accounting profession's overreliance on the ever-changing IASB conceptual frameworks and their subsequent publications International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) standards has strongly compromised the ethics and objectivity of the profession, especially the accounting fundamental qualitative characteristics of the fair representation. Public accountants are, by ethics, required to issue an accurate, independent, and objective opinion of the financial state of the reporting entity. A review of various literatures from the IASB and the related bodies including independent auditors was employed during the evaluation process so as to minimize bias and evaluate objectively. The results revealed that currently, the IASB conceptual frameworks and IFRS contain inconsistent and opposing objectives including an inconclusive definition of elements and measurement basis mainly of profit and loss transactions and other comprehensive income, and hence the public accounting profession has been ethically challenged and compromised. Financial reporting is now premised on estimates, judgments, and models as opposed to a definitive measurement in accounting. A recommendation of further study on the IASB fundamental qualitative characteristics of decision usefulness should be pursued objectively.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to investigate how the corporate characteristics and contextual factors influence the choice of managers in initiating the sustainability report/reporting (SR) and to understand the role of organisational dynamics. The research design develops through a deductive and inductive approach. The deductive approach is based on an analysis of the Social and Environmental Accounting Research (SEAR) strands which use the theoretical framework of (neo-) institutional theory to inquire the adoption and diffusion of SR. The inductive method is based on a research case that focuses on the SGR Group. "How can the rico-institutional theory help explain the process of SGR's SR implementation in Italian and Bulgarian companies"? The study identifies both the internal and contextual factors associated with the SR development and the regulative, normative, and cognitive dimensions/factors that affect the implementation and institutionalisation of SR in Italy and Bulgaria, in accordance with the different institutional environments in which the social and sustainability accounting projects are developed.  相似文献   

The objectives of the present study are to put forth the concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in Turkey (Kayseri) and to examine research on this concept and the relationships between CSR and accounting information systems. Research data were gathered from 100 accounting managers who work in businesses with 250 or more employees in Kayseri. The dimensions of CSR were considered as business policies, environmental policies, market policies, and social policies, and the effects of these factors on accounting information systems were tested. Market policies and social policies dimensions of CSR had no significant impact on accounting information systems. Business policies and environmental policies dimensions of CSR had significant impacts on accounting information systems. Two basic conclusions were drawn from the current study: The business policy dimension of CSR had significant impacts on accounting information systems; the business policy and environmental policy dimensions of CSR together had significant impacts on accounting intbrmation systems.  相似文献   

国务院有关部委、有关直属机构,各省、自治区、直辖市、计划单列市财政厅(局),新疆生产建设兵团财务局: 为规范农民专业合作社的会计工作,保护农民专业合作社及其成员的合法权益,根据《中华人民共和国会计法》、《中华人民共和国农民专业合作社法》等国家有关法律、行政法规,我部制定了《农民专业合作社财务会计制度(试行)》,现予印发,自2008年1月1日起施行。  相似文献   

Based on a questionnaire survey, the aim of this paper is to explore the relationship of business process management (BPM) with managerial accounting system (MAS) and their economic performance consequences in Chinese firms. Statistical data show that more firms accept business process improvement (BPI) other than business process reengineering (BPR) and optimize their activity chains other than supply chains. Through the construction of three elements, i.e., goal-setting, monitoring, and incentive schemes, of MAS, the study finds that when implementing BPM, firms usually use accounting indexes to set goals of the effect of business processes and combine the goals with monitoring and incentive schemes. Statistical data also show that incentive schemes get the lowest usage degree compared with goal-setting and monitoring. In addition, there are differences in their managerial accounting usages for BPM among firms considering ownership, industry, and scale. The main finding of this paper is that BPM empirically brings favorable changes to firms' economic performance via managerial accounting in general, and via goal-setting, monitoring, and incentive schemes in particular.  相似文献   

The efforts by the Financial Reporting Council (FRC) in the United Kingdom (UK) to stimulate audit firms to improve audit quality manifest in its Discussion Paper: Promoting Audit Quality warrant further analysis. The discussion paper identified factors such as audit firm culture, the quality of people, the effectiveness of audit process, and outside factors such as management and audit committee (AC) which can affect level of audit quality in practice. Reporting upon the analysis of responses to the discussion paper, the objective of this study is to analyze views from the respondents about various issues related to audit quality. This study composes of how subject of audit quality is seen in practice, which contributes to our understanding of conditions, events, or processes that can affect audit quality in practice.  相似文献   

Road transport is a flexible mode of transport and its importance in era of globalization increases. Management of road transport companies is, in this turbulent environment, exposed to many technical, legislative, and economic problems. Especially, the growing economic pressure leads to an urgent requirement of the manager and control system improvement. Activity-based costing (ABC) method is a very powerful tool to improve products, services, processes, and market strategies. ABC allows company management to understand what causes costs and how to manage them. Company under this scheme may get a glimpse of how efficiently a company converts the source value. The main objective of our research was to assess the possibility of application of the ABC method in a transport undertaking. ABC method as a fundamentally different view on the cost in the transport business helps to find the reasons of cost and thereby influences their levels to make better use of resources.. New managerial accounting methods aim to show management what information is needed, how and where this information can be obtained, and how they can be useful for the management of the company's proper planning, decision-making, and control. Information provided by management accounting is often a key factor in the analysis of alternative ways of solving problems. This article focuses on the transport enterprise management and helps to decide on the use of this method in business practice.  相似文献   

构建会计专业校外实训(实习)基地是实现高职会计专业教育目标的一个关键环节,但是由于会计岗位的特殊性,目前会计专业校外实训(实习)基地的构建还存在一些问题。本文分析了构建校外实训(实习)基地应考虑的因素,并提出了校外实训(实习)基地应考虑选择的对象,另外结合会计岗位的特点提出构建会计专业校外实训(实习)基地应采取的具体措施。  相似文献   

《教育财会研究》由国家教育部主管、中国教育会计学会主办,是目前我国唯一向国内外公开发行的反映教育财务与会计研究成果和动态的专门刊物,创刊以来,赢得了广大作者和读者的厚爱和好评,尤其深受广大大学、中专及中小学财会工作者的欢迎。  相似文献   

This study seeks to explore the impact of the Environment Management Act (EMA) (2005) on the accountability of three companies in Fiji. The study uses a multi-case study approach based on three subsidiaries of a conglomerate. Data collection methods include semi-structured interviews with accountants, internal auditors, and environmental officers, document reviews, and content analysis of annual reports and websites of the respective companies. The findings suggest that the EMA (2005) had some effects in terms of engendering accountability on the companies studied. Further evidence suggests that while this increased accountability has led to disclosures in annual reports and websites, these disclosures are minimal at best; furthermore, they primarily address that the stakeholder group comprised government regulatory authorities. The study provides policy implications on how environmental legislations could be designed to improve the accountability of commercial entities in developing economies. The experience and issues highlighted are also useful to other developing economies who are contemplating in developing their own environmental legislations. This paper is one of the few papers that explore the impact of environmental legislations on accountability in a developing economy context.  相似文献   

This paper explores the political challenges posed by the recent influx of Chinese outward foreign direct investment (OFDI) into the European Union (EU). Chinese OFDI has increased substantially in recent years. Chinese direct investment is still minute in the EU, but it is growing fast, and the strong upward trajectory is likely to continue in the years to come. This surge represents challenges and opportunities for EU countries. In the current context of economic and debt crisis in Europe, whether China is seen as a saviour or a predator, the question of a Faustian bargain made by European countries by courting and hosting Chinese investment needs to be asked. The benefits of foreign direct investment (FDI) for the host economy are well known, but Chinese OFDI may come with implicit strings attached and could potentially act as a Trojan Horse, affecting European norms and policies. The influx of Chinese OFDI can create an unhealthy transatlantic competition with security ramifications, which should therefore be addressed. It is interesting to find the right balance between ensuring the benefits from Chinese FDI (from job creation to productivity gains) and protecting from its harmful effects.  相似文献   

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