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The globalization process is affecting a lot the economical environment and in many spheres has characterized the last decade of the twentieth century; accounting and auditing as information tools of the real economy are no exception. This paper introduces the analysis of the ongoing process of harmonization of the qualification to audit at a global level. The aim of the paper is to throw light on the processes of harmonizing auditing and accounting on a global basis, an issue that is of considerable debate at the current time both in the accountancy profession and in academia. The paper is structured is several chapters. In the first chapter entitled "Process of globalization and accounting evolution" the authors are presenting the steps in the main harmonization process and its major players during the last decades. The engine of internationalization seems to be the Anglo-Saxon accounting systems where the globalization issue was always very important. In the second chapter "Literature review" the authors are presenting some articles linked with the subject of our paper. In the third chapter "Harmonization of the qualification to audit" the authors are presenting need of "global qualification" in accounting and audit profession. In the fourth chapter "The field of global accountancy education", the authors are presenting the history of the adopting by the international organizations sustainable global education curricula in the field of accounting and audition profession. There the authors are underlying the role of Intergovernmental Working Group of Experts on International Standards of Accounting and Reporting International, which is considered to develop a "model curriculum" for a global accountancy qualification. Also is presented the IFAC's Education Committee's results and also the ACCA program in educational field. The chapter "Forces which are ruling the regulation process" is presented the IASC/IASB and the European directives in harmonization process. On the chapter "Global accountancy education" the authors are presenting the threats of using the need of "international qualification in audit" by developed countries as a tool of exploitation, using it as "cultural capital" for sale to developing countries (See the ACCA mechanism). Also the authors are presenting the IFAC role on building up international accounting curricula, which can be implemented through its members all over the world. The conclusions are trying to emphasize the steps which the accounting education needs to be followed in Romania due to the international evolutions.  相似文献   

This paper consists of five parts: Part one: "Modem Management Accounting Has Been Confronting with Serious Crises" points out that accompanied by the management systems shifting from material basis to human (knowledge) basis, and the IT developing rapidly, the management accountants' services that continue to remain at original level would become no useful very soon. Part two: "PhD Candidates' Education Would Be Essential to Develop Their Disciplines' Scholarship" explores the main peculiarities of PhD candidates' education, and why the development of PhD Candidates' Creative thinking should be permeated through the doctoral programs from the beginning to the end, so as to make them possible to develop their disciplines' scholarship. Part three: "The Quality Requirements of PhD Candidates in the Area of Modern Management Accounting" explains in detail why the development of management accounting should shift from the quantitative perspective to humanistic perspective so that management accountants can play an important role in the process of decision-making on the basis of employing their comprehension thinking that is a kind of humanistic thinking. This paper views this direction of development is essential to promote management accountants' self-impendence and self-vitality and to eliminate their crises cited above as well in the new historical era. Part Four: "The Key Points of the Doctoral Program in Modem Management Accounting" explores how to implement a doctoral program successfully in order to develop PhD Candidates' Creative Thinking, carrying forward academic democracy emphasized. Part Five: "Conclusion" points out how the topics discussed in this paper are linked up each other, and why and how the new developing tendency of management accounting is essential to make this discipline more suitable to the development of knowledge economy.  相似文献   

Based on the premise that ethics education leads to creation of the required (acceptable level of) ethical awareness, the general streamline of accounting ethics literature is strongly in favor of teaching adequate, efficient, and effective accounting ethics. This paper takes the position that this premise must be checked in an educational setting in which accounting ethics education lacks the characteristics of being adequate, efficient, and effective. Accordingly, a questionnaire with two parts was distributed to accounting students about to graduate from the University of Bahrain (UoB). The first part is an exploratory investigation consisting of 21 variables/questions. The second part is an experimental investigation consisting of 13 hypothetical accounting cases representing various ethics violations. The general tendency by an accounting student based on the two parts indicates that he/she holds an acceptable level of ethical awareness, despite the fact that accounting education programs lack an adequate, efficient, and effective approach to teaching accounting ethics.  相似文献   

The internationalization of accounting education in PRC as one of the most important parts of Chinese accounting internationalization has been Americanized to some extent since 1980s. As the representative of the world's most advanced education system, the USA accounting education is worth learning, but had been suffering from a crisis in the past 20 years. To better understand this crisis and draw some lessons from it, we have to review the 100-year history of the US' accounting education, identify key initiatives taken to struggle out, and conclude that this accounting education crisis in USA is due to its congenital professional examination orientation and about 40 years of deviation of accounting education from accounting practice. This paper is ended with some policy recommendations on the future development of accounting education in PRC including establishing university board of trustees and re-engineering accounting programs.  相似文献   

The convergence project between the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) and the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) in the United States (US) was signed on September 18, 2002 in Norwalk, Connecticut in the US. The first is responsible for issuing International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) nowadays, which were created 40 years ago. More than one century ago, local regulations are used in the US. The boards differ in years of experience. With the signing of the agreement, both institutions are working to reduce the divergence of accounting. Although they have made a significant progress, it is appropriate to examine whether the difference in approaches to accounting will affect the achieved agreements. It is relevant to investigate whether the years leading the standards adopted in different countries will impact the final result. The date of completion of the project has been postponed and still has not indicated the date of termination. This research is an analysis of the importance of the convergence of accounting standards at a global level. The study presents statistics on the status of the adoption of international standards by country. The study shows a summary of the expressions made by the directors of both boards about the future of the project.  相似文献   

One of the main issues in entrepreneurship education is integrating core course to entrepreneurship course. Many educators fail to integrate core course and entrepreneurial education. The purpose of this study is to investigate whether the integration of management accounting course in entrepreneurship course will accomplish the objective of entrepreneurship education. This study is derived from the experience of entrepreneurial project course at Management Department of Ciputra University, Surabaya. This study uses an explorative approach to investigate the implementation of project-based learning (PBL) in management accounting course. The result shows variation of output. There are about 91% business can be implemented by business groups and about 33% target achieved. Several management accounting techniques are used in this study, such as balanced score card (BSC), activity-based costing (ABC), activity-based management (ABM), cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis, and tactical decision making. This study found that by using management accounting techniques, student can run the business well especially when they have to make decision. This study strengthens the role of management accounting in business practices, and furthermore, this study proves that management accounting is beneficial for entrepreneurs who are still in the start-up business stage.  相似文献   

Accounting profession has, in recent times, been regulated mainly by the private accounting standard setters mainly the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), which has taken a center stage and redefined the accounting information systems beyond the knowledge discernment of the average users and stakeholders. Public accounting profession's overreliance on the ever-changing IASB conceptual frameworks and their subsequent publications International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) standards has strongly compromised the ethics and objectivity of the profession, especially the accounting fundamental qualitative characteristics of the fair representation. Public accountants are, by ethics, required to issue an accurate, independent, and objective opinion of the financial state of the reporting entity. A review of various literatures from the IASB and the related bodies including independent auditors was employed during the evaluation process so as to minimize bias and evaluate objectively. The results revealed that currently, the IASB conceptual frameworks and IFRS contain inconsistent and opposing objectives including an inconclusive definition of elements and measurement basis mainly of profit and loss transactions and other comprehensive income, and hence the public accounting profession has been ethically challenged and compromised. Financial reporting is now premised on estimates, judgments, and models as opposed to a definitive measurement in accounting. A recommendation of further study on the IASB fundamental qualitative characteristics of decision usefulness should be pursued objectively.  相似文献   

In this paper it is examined whether firms following International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) exhibit higher accounting quality. While IFRS are supposed to improve international comparisons by harmonisation and definition of strong principles, Ball (2006) and Nobes (2006) were concerned about differences in the application of IFRS cross-countries and firms. Barth, Landsman & Lang (2008) stated that the flexibility of principles- based International Accounting Standards (IAS) could create incentives for firms to manage earnings. This paper contributes to analyse the impact of IFRS on accounting quality for European firms. The findings show that for firms in the European Union (EU) IFRS produce a negative effect on accounting quality that continues after 2005, when IFRS becomes mandatory. By contrast, for European firms which are not EU members the IFRS adoption increases accounting quality. These results support the concerns about IFRS application and flexibility and indicate that accounting quality does not improve just because the adoption of IFRS is mandatory.  相似文献   

The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) is one of the largest independent accounting standard setters whose publications, International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs), have revolutionalized the accounting profession, investors, finance providers, and the entire accounting information stakeholder community. The conceptual frameworks are the theoretical accounting bases that are constituted by a set of principles that underlie as a bedrock foundation cornerstone for the development and updating of IFRSs. The existing conceptual frameworks were issued by IASB in 2010, after long years of protracted and wide consultation and joint project with the biggest American standard setter Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB). In year 2013, the IASB embarked on a solo project to update the conceptual framework and issued a discussion paper (DP/2013/1) to its users and stakeholder community for comments. The methodology used in this study of an extensive review of literature (secondary/primary) from the discussion paper, existing conceptual framework, and comment letters from investors, accounting, insurance, and international audit firms has been manipulated. The findings revealed that the existing conceptual framework has opposing objectives especially that of decision usefulness (future-oriented information) and concepts of "prudence and stewardship/accountability", which are deeply embedded within the framework as subsumed, but their prominence has been overshadowed and watered down by not identifying them as objectives. The finding also revealed that almost all public accounting and audit firms are advocating not only for the reinstatement of the "prudence and stewardship/accountability" but also for a clear definition of recognition, de-recognition, and measurement of statement of financial position elements (assets and liabilities) and also elements of the comprehensive income statement (revenues and expenses), which have seriously compromised investors, p  相似文献   

This paper seeks to investigate the presence of accounting among petty traders in Ghana. The methodology applied was the mixed method under the multiple methods choices. Both qualitative and quantitative techniques were used. The findings were that formal education is not a pre-requisite requirement to the operations of a petty trading business. However, the study revealed the presence of accounting in petty trading; thus confirming the assumption that accounting is a universal good and is present in the petty trading business. Findings on the three major factors that influenced the present or absent of accounting among petty traders revealed that: there were no state institutions or pressure groups in Ghana to influence or oblige private entrepreneurs (petty traders) to prepare financial statements; the literacy of the petty trader though was found to be a necessary factor, it was not sufficient to explain the accountancy presence or absence in the traders' businesses. The usefulness of the accounting information to the petty trader influenced the presence of accounting in the traders' business. Finally, the level of trust - social capital in the community, and its influence on the presence of accounting, was relatively insignificant in the context of urban Ghana. No study of this kind has been conducted in the field of accounting presence or absence in Ghana.  相似文献   

This study attempts to investigate if and how students' perceptions regarding the first accounting course related with the selection of accounting as a major. Moreover, it examines students' initial perceptions and course performance regarding the introductory accounting course. Participants in this study were 120 students from Technological Educational Institute of Kavala, School of Business and Economics (3 departments), who were asked to complete a survey instrument. The instrument used eleven statements regarding students' perceptions (such as difficulty and motivation of the course) of the first accounting course. The main factors affect students' decisions to follow accounting and seem to be similar with other researchers' findings (Geiger & Ogilby, 2000). Future research could be used larger sample from different countries and the survey could also be used for a longer time period.  相似文献   

Overview on Accounting Ethics Thoery from Abroad and at Home
Li Miao (Accounting School, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, Wuhan, Hubei 430073 )
Abstract: The foreign research related to accounting ethics from abroad has accumulated the abundant reseach results, and its research contents involve accounting professional ethical education, professional ethical code constuction and accounting ethical basic theory and so on.  相似文献   

This essay explains why cost accounting, ethical accountability, and accounting principles are interrelated concepts. During the past two decades, the relationship between accounting systems and discharge of accountability has increasingly drawn the attention of researchers. However, researchers have shown a marginal interest in the inclusion and examination of the theme of cost accounting, and in particular, no interest has been oriented to explore the potential role of cost accounting in serving presentation of the trustful cost information as regards the discharge of accountability. In this essay, we will reason that the traditional discourse of cost accounting is fundamentally different from the managerial discourse of cost accounting. The traditional cost accounting is built upon the ethical, legal, professional, and principle-based discourses. By exploring the differences between the two cost accounting discourses, this essay will reduce the effect of current skeptical views with which quality of our academic education, relevance of our research, and our understanding of the potential role of cost accounting in serving the provision and presentation of trustful information have been seriously undermined.  相似文献   

This contribution analyzes the impact of new International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) reporting rules on financial ratios prepared in the Czech companies. Using a sample of 16 Czech firms, we attempt to measure the scope and size of the differences in the selected set of financial ratios as calculated with data reported according to the traditional Czech accounting standards (CAS) and under the IFRS provisions. Our study discovers that there are important differences resulting from the two reporting formats. Our research comes to a conclusion that translation of Czech statements to IFRS may cause changes in the values of financial indicators without relationship to the real change in the firms' value, performance, and stability. Even though the findings were not statistically significant, the indicative results of our measurements disclosed an important fact that the transition to IFRS could cause deterioration of key indicators and thereby could impact on the overall rating of companies. One needs to be cautious with generalization due to the small sample size.  相似文献   

"Conservatism" is a widely accepted accounting convention in the industrialized world, but it has long been slated and prohibited under the orthodox ideological influences. To date, the conservatism convention has not been fully adopted or implemented although the governments have made substantial efforts to reform its accounting system to bridge the gaps between the accounting practices in recent years. The study findings will facilitate a proper assessment of the future development of accounting standards and practices.  相似文献   

Competition in Product Market and Accounting Conservatism
Liu Chang Lai Dengling (College of Economy and Managment, Shihezi University, Shihezi, Xinjiang 832003)
Abstract: This study examines the relation between the competition in the market product and accounting conservatism using the 2007-2011 year-end data from A-share listed companies in China;The empirical results show: the accounting information have conservatism characteristics after the implementation of new accounting standards ;the product market competition is negatively related to the level of conservatism,in other words,there exist alternate relationship between The product market competition and the accounting conservatism.
Keywords: Accounting conservatism Product market competition  相似文献   

Based on a thorough review, this paper points out that there is still two types of problems in the newly formulated China Accounting Standards 2006 (CAS 2006) which were enacted on Jan. 1, 2007. The first type is that some economic events have been accounted for incorrectly, and the second is confusion and misunderstanding have been caused in the practical world when some guidelines of CAS 2006 are carded out to converge to the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). In my opinion, it is a great leap to establish a set of accounting standards that harmonize with the IFRS, but China's accounting reform is a continuously improving process. During the process, the accounting standards setting departments shoulder heavy burden, face a dilemma, and meet some challenges. After all, China's accounting reform will be a long way.  相似文献   

The objective of improving the state accounting system is to build a state accounting system based on a single and complete database which is applied uniformly across all public authorities and agencies from central to local. Such an accounting system must ensure a reliable and smooth flow of information among all the entities that take part in the preparation, allocation, execution, and finalization of the state budget. In order to improve the quality of financial information, to harmonize, and to develop accounting profession globally, the trend of international economic integration requires the standardization of accounting legislative framework among countries and first of all, the harmonization and unification of the preparation, presentation, and disclosure of financial information. Financial statements of each business in the private sector and financial statements of the government in the public sector in different countries should be transparent and presented in accordance with the accounting standards and principles and in line with international practices so that the financial information will be able to be compared and evaluated. Therefore, financial statements of each entity in the public sector and the consolidated financial statements of public sector entities issued by the government in different countries must be prepared and presented in a unified form to suit the international public sector accounting standards. Accordingly, with the application of the interview method in research, the main objective of this article is to focus on searching for the bases and consideration for the application of international public sector accounting standards in Vietnam in current conditions. This article consists of eight sections: (1) what are international public sector accounting standards? (2) accounting entities of the public sector; (3) the limitations of current public sector accounting in Vietnam; (4) financial information to meet the requirements of state management and to comply with international practices; (5) the advantages of applying international public sector accounting standards in Vietnam; (6) the difficulties and challenges of applying international public sector accounting standards in Vietnam; (7) learning experiences from other countries; and (8) conclusion.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between small- and medium-sized enterprises' (SMEs) entrepreneurs' perceptions towards a proper accounting system with the level of accounting staff recruited, preparation of final accounts, meetings with accounting staff, and entrepreneurs' ranking of accounting according to their priority. The methodology used to gather the data is survey questionnaire. It has been distributed to SMEs based on simple random sampling method. Three hundred businesses were selected from the total of 3,390 businesses listed in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia area obtained from Small and Medium Industries Development Corporation (SMIDEC) website and a few random selected from Ampang and Cheras areas. Regression analysis has been used to analyze the data. The results of the study reveal that there was a significant relation between SMEs entrepreneurs' perceptions on the importance of a good accounting system and the level of professional accounting staff recruited. Furthermore, findings of this study also found that there was an insignificant relationship between SMEs entrepreneurs' perceptions on the importance of a good accounting system and preparation of final accounts of the company and frequency of meetings with accounting staff.  相似文献   

The issue of accountants' role in decision-making has been the center of attention of lots of studies in the last decade but never did it get the adequate coverage in Lebanon. This paper studies to what extent accountants are involved in the managerial decision-making in Lebanon. Two hundred experienced accountants from all over the country were randomly selected for a questionnaire survey. This survey provides evidence as to what factors contribute to the variance of influence accountants have in managerial decision-making. The results from the questionnaires varied, but we conclude that accountants' involvement in new product development (NPD), the skills that accountants have, their role in the financial analysis of the firm, and how much the finn they work for encourages them to advice on business decisions affect the degree of contribution an accountant has to decision-making. The findings of this research could be used as a reference to help in understanding the role of accounting in Lebanon by various finns and organizations.  相似文献   

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