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This article estimates losses embedded in the capital positions of the 996 FSLIC-insured savings and loan institutions that did not meet capital standards on December 31, 1979. We compare the estimated cost of resolving the insolvencies of these institutions in 1980 with the actual failure-resolution costs for those that were closed by August 31, 1994. Our most conservative estimates, considering only the direct costs associated with delayed closure of only the 372 thrifts that were subsequently closed as independent institutions, show that these costs exceed estimates of the cost of prompt resolution by over 16 billion 1979-dollars.R. P. DeGennaro is an Associate Professor and the 1996–1997 Tennessee Banker's Association Scholar, and J. B. Thomson is Vice President and Director of Financial Services Research.University of TennesseeFederal Reserve Bank of Cleveland  相似文献   

The familiar adage that ‘time is money’ may not be entirely accurate according to research involving hypothetical choice: People’s decisions are less sensitive to temporal expenditures and outcomes than monetary ones. We provide a novel examination of whether similar patterns of risky choice are found for time and money when choices are consequential (i.e. monetary outcomes are obtained and temporal outcomes are experienced) – both for one-shot and repeated choices, over gains and losses. On the aggregate, across decision contexts (described and experienced), choices are similar for time and money. However, on the level of the individual, little relationship between risk preferences for time and money are observed. We discuss the theoretical and practical implications of these findings.  相似文献   

The paper examines how the Statutory Audit and Corporate Reporting Directives (SACORD) affect the compliance costs, risk taking and quality of financial reporting of the EU banks. Using a natural experiment, we find that post SACORD, both compliance costs and risk taking increase significantly. However, the implementation of additional regulations seems to be effective in terms of improved quality of financial reporting. When we analyse the impact by size, we find that smaller banks face disproportionately higher increase in compliance costs while larger banks seem to engage in greater risk taking.  相似文献   

本文在简要分析当前国际金融危机成因及教训之后,着重对我国商业银行如何应对金融危机问题作了初步探讨。  相似文献   

The U.K. Government has embarked on a deregulatory programme aimed at ‘liberating’ business from, inter alia, onerous regulatory compliance costs. In doing so it has developed and utilized an accounting-based technique known as Compliance Cost Assessment (CCA). This paper describes and analyses this technique, and demonstrates that CCA has been used as a perceived rational tool to counter regulatory growth and to privilege certain interests in society.  相似文献   

全面开放形势下的国有商业银行资产风险管理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
全面开放形势下的国有商业银行资产风险表现出不同以往的特点,即信用风险普遍化、流动风险经常化、利率风险现实化、法律风险严重化、操作风险多样化。要想在全面开放的竞争环境中立于不败之地,除了充实资本金以外,需要优化资产风险监测考核指标体系,确保新增贷款质量,积极处置不良资产。  相似文献   

The increasing unacceptability of the concept of entity law and the emergence of the doctrine of enterprise law with respect to many aspects of the legal relationships of parent and subsidiary corporations particularly in insolvent situations is a very interesting issue. This change is very significant because it reflects a growing unwillingness on the part of the courts and legislatures to continue accepting the traditional view of corporate law when it no longer corresponds to the economic reality of the modern business enterprise in a complex industrialized international society. This paper examines the American case law and in particular the decisions that have imposed liability where a company is liable for the obligations of an insolvent subsidiary and by contrast the decisions that have denied liability. The paper also examines the position in Argentina within the Argentine law and the UNCITRAL recommendations in respect of liability issues within corporate groups in insolvency. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

近几年来,国内各大商业银行相继完成了灾备建设,并进行了不同层次的灾难恢复应急演练,很好地验证了商业银行的灾难应急处理能力。但是,由于演练一股是选择灾备组织人员在岗的情况下模拟灾难发生,因此,人员到位时间短,基本在数分钟以内就可以全部抵达灾难恢复现场。对于灾备组织人员不在岗的情况,各商业银行普遍缺少对到位时间的科学评估,一般只是根据银行应急的实践经验估算,尚不能完全满足监管部门的要求和真正灾难恢复的需要。  相似文献   

This paper studies the interaction between bank capital regulation, moral hazard and co-existence of traditional and shadow banks. Bank managers can choose between traditional banking and off-balance sheet special purpose vehicles (SPV), in a setup with deposit insurance and moral hazard. We first show that in the absence of SPV intermediation, capital requirements are ineffective at preventing the moral hazard problem originated by deposit insurance. We find that shadow banks can improve financial stability, when there is full information sharing. Finally, we analyze the case of neglected tail risk. We find that under such circumstances, the SPV will increase financial risk by exposing the system to extreme events.  相似文献   

The separate legal entity doctrine in corporate law means that directors are not generally liable for their company's liabilities. However, there have been actions taken by governments and courts to make directors liable in certain cases. This article examines and compares legislative provisions in the United Kingdom and Australia to make directors liable for the debts of their companies. These provisions, namely section 214 of the UK's Insolvency Act 1986 (wrongful trading) and section 588G of the Australian Corporations Act 2001 (insolvent trading), had the same starting point, but now differ substantially, even though, arguably, they retain very similar objectives. The article investigates: the reasons for these differences; the criteria on which each of the provisions focus; and the ramifications for the different approaches. It also endeavours to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the respective approaches adopted in each country. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Using bank-level data for the period 1990–2005, we investigate to what extent European banks are able to shift their tax-burden forward. We examine the effects of corporate income tax (CIT) and value added tax (VAT) on pre-tax profits and their components, and find that both are shifted forward. The pass-through mainly involves total operating income, but as far as CIT is concerned it also affects loss provisions, with negative implications on stability of the banking systems.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of the 1993 financial reporting regulatory reforms in New Zealand on the value-relevance of accounting information. The study achieves this by regressing stock data of companies on book values and earnings for the pre- and post-regulatory periods. The Financial Reporting Act of 1993 was enacted in New Zealand as part of a wider package of company law reform. The 1987 share market collapse led to a Ministerial Committee of Inquiry that criticised the quality of financial reporting and the high level of non-compliance with accounting standards. The Committee recommended establishing an Accounting Standards Review Board to give the accounting standards a force of law. Whether this development increases the value-relevance of accounting information is an empirical question. The results, however, fail to find any significant increase in the total value-relevance of accounting information in the post-regulation period. There is, however, a corresponding increase in the incremental explanatory power of equity book values in the post-regulation period. This study also extends extant research on the effect of regulation on the value-relevance of accounting information by incorporating firm-specific factors to isolate the effect of regulation.  相似文献   

The aim of our research is to investigate the important role of banks in the governance of companies listed in the Euronext 100 index. Primarily, this research seeks to examine the impact of a bank’s presence within a firm, as a creditor or shareholder, on firm performance, as well as the motivations of banks to acquire holdings, and whether the presence of a bank as a shareholder of a firm facilitates its access to bank loans. Empirical analyses are conducted with a sample of 86 nonfinancial institutions listed in the Euronext 100 index over the period 2008–2013 using the three-stage least squares method. The study shows, first, that the presence of a bank within a firm, as a creditor or shareholder, is positively related to firm performance. Moreover, the firm’s performance is an important determinant of the presence of bank shareholding. Finally, the presence of a bank as a shareholder of a firm does not facilitate its access to bank loans.  相似文献   

This paper explores how regulatory relationships in the global audit arena are being affected by the current financial crisis. Key policy initiatives and debates are analyzed, along with institutional interactions, in particular between the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC), international regulators and the large audit firms. The events are placed in the context of the new international financial architecture which has developed over the last decade. Using the illustrative lens of bank auditing, questions are asked of the nature and status of audit practice and the regulatory arrangements governing such practice. The paper shows the active nature of the regulatory responses to the crisis and the shifting and competing influences among key regulatory and professional participants in the global audit arena. Emphasis is placed on the need for audit researchers to be sensitive to the developing global financial architecture, and its potential implications for the study of audit practice in different national and international contexts.  相似文献   

贷款客户为达到获取贷款和逃税的目的,在分别向商业银行和税务部门提交财务报表时往往存在“夸大倾向”和“贬低倾向”。商业银行在办理贷款业务时,利用均值分析法对客户带有相反倾向的这两种报表进行分析,可以较准确地判断出客户的还款能力和还款意愿。  相似文献   

为了适应国有商业银行集约化、专业化发展的要求,用科学高效的科技管理提高银行的核心竞争力,近年来,各国有商业银行都在如火如荼地推行数据集中工程,各银行的科技生产运行、应用开发和管理体系也发生了很大的变化。随着全行统一的、核心的应用开发职能上收到总行,总行在全行科  相似文献   

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