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1999年浙江省丽水地区(现为丽水市)被国家环保总局批准为全国第四个地区级生态示范区建设试点地区。本文在认真调研的基础上总结了近几年丽水生态农业的建设成效、存在问题,并提出了下一步发展思路和对策。  相似文献   

农业发展是农业制度创新的前提,制度创新对农业可持续发展又起着决定性作用.通过采用系统论的基本理论,将资源、经济、社会、环境四个子系统耦合成的农业可持续发展系统与制度创新视为复合系统,从静态机制和动态机制两个方面分析了农业可持续发展与制度创新的互动机制,论证了农业可持续发展与制度创新在农民持续增收上协同,农民利益协调与制度创新不足存在矛盾,农业可持续发展与制度创新互动的基础是农业资源配置与利用,农民优化配置和合理利用资源是农业可持续发展与制度创新良性互动的关键.最后,总结了农业可持续发展与制度创新互动的主要实践路径.  相似文献   

从技术经济角度看,现代农业是以现代生物技术为核心、应用多领域高新技术生产多类别产品、拥有多种功能的新型农业形态。中国农业现代化建设应特别重视以下问题:全力推进近自然农业的快速发展,构建多级化、关联化的农业产业结构,强化农业基础设施及技术装备建设,大范围推广循环农业,建立具有显著特色的农业块状经济,优化农业生产技术与农业组织方式,加速农业的人本化、社会福利化进程。  相似文献   

The article discusses the development of agricultural cooperatives in Kyrgyzstan from an entrepreneurial ecosystem (EE) perspective. Agricultural development priorities explain cooperatives’ importance in Kyrgyz government's policies, but cooperatives still fail at countering the challenges of the smallholder economy. Considering agricultural cooperatives as a form of rural entrepreneurship, this paper aims to contribute to the discussion of the factors that support cooperatives in developing countries adapting the EE framework to cooperative entrepreneurship. Using a content analysis method, we analysed and coded textual data from documentary and archival publications on the agricultural cooperatives in Kyrgyzstan published by the government, cooperatives and their unions and the reports of international organizations. We identify five main dimensions of the cooperative entrepreneurial ecosystem for cooperatives: (1) policy and regulatory framework; (2) education and skills; (3) market environment; (4) culture; (5) networks. We found that even if the overall structure of cooperatives’ EE can be comparable to conventional enterprises, its sub-elements significantly differ for cooperative enterprises. Despite its exploratory character and single-case research design, this article contributes to the theoretical discussion on cooperative entrepreneurial ecosystems in post-socialist developing contexts and offers a framework of analysis for cooperative development policies and practices.  相似文献   

The concept of sustainable development, after being brousht forward, has become a shibboleth in the world, at national and local levels. In Europe, this concept is implemented from the local to tha nation, even to the Continent. The local sustainable development mainly consists in two factors: one is the renovating method continually invented by European Secretariot of ICLEI, and the other is that the local authorities towards sustainability are co-operated by the European Sustainable Cities and Towns Campaign. The coo-budget method is the outcome of tbese factors, For our country is a big country, on rapid progression of indastrialization and urbanization, with a large population and scarce resoarces per capita, it is practically significance to study us soon as possible the methodology. Experience from European local sustainable development may help us to resolve the handicap of departraent division in local a, tbority.  相似文献   

分析福州生态农业发展基础,提出该地区都市型农业生态经济发展构思与对策。  相似文献   

国内外农机专业合作组织发展模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
发达国家在发展现代农业,实现农业机械化的过程中,建立了各具特色的农机专业合作组织,走专业化经营和社会化服务的道路,促进了农业机械的运用和推广,通过互助和共享降低了使用农机的成本,提高了农业机械的使用效率和效益。近10年来,我国农业机械装备的发展获得了良好的政策及财政支持,农机专业合作组织成为推进农机化服务市场化、专业化的重要载体。因此,分析了国内外农机专业合作组织的发展模式,总结了我国农机专业合作组织发展可以借鉴的经验,目的在于加快我国农业机械化及农业现代化进程。  相似文献   

在过去的半个多世纪中,中国农村经济制度经历了从传统市场经济转向人民公社,然后又从人民公社向家庭承包责任制的重大变革。在此期间,农业的发展解决了自古以来就困扰中国人的温饱问题。本文封中国农业的发展进行了回顾,并探讨了人民公社和家庭承包责任制对农业发展的影响,以及两种经济制度之间的关系。  相似文献   

能源是发展国民经济和提高人民生活水平的重要物质基础。目前我国农村可持续能源发展正处于初级阶段,农村居民生活用能正朝着优质化、清洁化、高效化的新能源结构方向发展。中国幅员辽阔,各地区经济发展水平不平衡,农村可再生能源资源差异很大。在此背景下,中国农村可持续能源被赋予了为我国减缓和适应气候变化做贡献的重任,我国急需研究制定与经济社会发展相适应的中国农村可持续能源发展策略。  相似文献   

大力发展农村合作组织是实现农业增效、农民增收的有效途径。当前,五大连池市农村合作组织发展过程中存在认识不到位、产业化经营程度低、管理体制不顺畅、政策扶持力度不够等问题,要以提高产业化程度、解决资金、健全机制、加强宣传与教育等方式加以应对。  相似文献   

The world's food/people balance is precarious now and will become more precarious in the future, in terms of both supply and price.The grain producing industrial countries have come close to reaching their production potential. The solution lies in exploiting the production capacity of the developing world.At present only half of the world's good arable land is being farmed. Most of the other half does not have the necessary infrastructure, and opening it up to cultivation will require major capital investment. This means that a serious political commitment is required, primarily by LDC governments. There are concomitants for aid policies as well.The key action-oriented question is where, and how, productivity increase can take place. The authors suggest that the most effective method requires involvement of the private sector, specifically the participation of small landholders, working 1–5 acres, grouped around a corporate core. The corporate core provides technical, educational, and financial inputs, processes, and/or markets the output. In a widening circle of socioeconomic benefits, as small holder productivity increases, work can be offered to landless peasants, and both the farmer and the peasant are brought into the money economy with the overall developmental dynamic this implies.Most effective is a holistic approach involving all segments of the rural community, particularly women.This paper will offer empirical data from case histories in developing countries and will derive from this data (and the extensive exposure of the coauthors to the problems and opportunities of agribusiness worldwide) policy implications for the public sector and strategy implications for the private sector.In planning the transition to sustainable societies, the concept of “triage” is ethically repugnant, politically explosive, and economically devastating. An effective approach to the problem of agriculture would eliminate the current de facto triage, where food/people imbalance leads to the death of hundreds of millions through starvation and malnutrition.  相似文献   

民营企业一般都要经过漫长、痛苦的原始资本积累,才逐渐发展起来,而且其经济实力普遍弱小,金融部门不太可能给予大量的信贷支持,在政策方面比较受限制,很多重点行业,政府将资源都配置给国有企业,民营企业得不到平等的对待,甚至受到限制。同时,由于民营企业自身实力问题,也不大可能承受大额资金的长期占用,其抗风险能力相对很小,因此,对民营企业而言,资源显得尤为重要。民营企业应该很好地发挥自身的优势和特点,比如经营机制灵活,决策速度快,创新强、贴近市场,能够及时地对环境做出反应,它可以抓住一些未被国有企业注意或者重视的机会,获得优势资源;同时组织结构扁平化,工作流程简洁,完成同样的任务,投入成本上具备很大的竞争优势。抓住资源的获取、培育、整合、利用环节,促进企业持续不断的发展。  相似文献   

农家书屋历经5年,于2013年基本完成了书屋的建设工作,全国共建成标准书屋60多万个,基本实现了"农家书屋村村有"。然而,书屋建成后,其可持续发展问题却成为了一个亟待解决的难题。如何让这一民心工程真正发挥作用,如何让书屋在建成后活下去,如何不让书屋成为形式化的产物成为了许多人关注的焦点。因此,要根据农村的实际情况,从全局出发,从农民的需求出发,进一步挖掘农家书屋可持续发展存在的问题和对策。  相似文献   

This paper analyses the internal problems and external constraints against the further development of exports trade of Shandong agricultural products. The countermeasures in solving those problems and constraints are recommended to ensure a sustainable development of Shandong regional agricultural products exports.  相似文献   

何花 《经济研究导刊》2013,(35):121-122
绩效管理注重组织目标和个人目标的一致性,通过提升个人绩效实现组织绩效的提高,对企业可持续发展具有重要意义。工作分析是绩效管理的基础,工作分析结果是实施绩效管理的依据;绩效考核是绩效管理的一个环节,科学的绩效考核是企业先进管理的重要手段;人力资源是企业持续发展的重要资源,有效的绩效管理可避免人才过度流失。  相似文献   

Energy policy, environmental planning and economic development play a key role in sustainable development. Sustainable development requires suitable and strategic policies satisfying multiple and conflicting objectives. Fuzzy goal programming (FGP) is a well-known approach in multi-criteria decision-making for its practical application. In this article, a FGP approach is proposed to analyse environmental, energy and sustainability goals of India by the year 2030 with reference to the key economic sectors of India. The presented model analyses the improvement opportunities, requirement of efforts and implementation of the sustainable development plans. Numerical illustration is also provided for validation and application of the proposed model.  相似文献   

农产品物流是农产品流通的重要组成部分。我国农产品物流与国外发达国家相比还存在着很大差距,应改善我国农产品物流的落后状况,提高我国农产品物流效率,促进其迈向现代化。  相似文献   

Green net national product was thought to be one way of measuring sustainable income. However, David Pearce understood that a better measure of sustainable development was to look at what a generation is leaving in form of capital assets to later generations. In this article, his arguments and insights are highlighted against recent theoretical advances.  相似文献   

Typically, firms decide whether or not to develop a new product based on their resources, capabilities and the return on investment that the product is estimated to generate. We propose that firms adopt a broader heuristic for making new product development choices. Our heuristic approach requires moving beyond traditional finance-based thinking, and suggests that firms concentrate on technological trajectories by combining technology roadmapping, information technology (IT) and supply chain management to make more sustainable new product development decisions. Using the proposed holistic heuristic methods, versus relying on traditional finance-based decision-making tools (e.g., emphasizing net present value or internal rate of return projections), enables firms to plan beyond the short-term and immediate set of technologies at hand. Our proposed heuristic approach enables firms to forecast technologies and markets, and hence, new product priorities in the longer term. Investments in new products should, as a result, generate returns over a longer period than traditionally expected, giving firms more sustainable investments. New products are costly and need to have a durable presence in the market. Transaction costs and resources will be saved, as firms make new product development decisions less frequently.  相似文献   

Since the 1990s, China has exhibited growth in both foreign trade and the economy. Promoting environmental protection and sustainable economic growth are main concerns in the academic profession in the country. This paper makes an empirical analysis of trade and environmental pollution, and discusses the inherent relationship between foreign trade, environmental protection and sustainable economic growth. In addition, this paper makes several policy suggestions with a view to adjusting trade structure, enforcing environmental protection and promoting sustainable economic growth in China.  相似文献   

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