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Chinese public holidays of differing durations celebrated in mainland China and Hong Kong provide a unique trading gap when the A-share markets are closed but the H-share market is not. In this study, we examine how these non-overlapping trading gaps caused by holidays affect price transmission between cross-listed stocks in the A-share and H-share markets. We find that the price movements of H-shares during trading gaps are positively associated with post-holiday drifts in the A-share markets. This positive association is stronger when the length of non-overlapping holidays is longer, and when firms have a weaker connection to Hong Kong market. Moreover, our evidence reveals that investor distraction rather than sentiment during holiday periods may be the reason for this positive association. Finally, our results show that a portfolio trading strategy based on our findings can be profitable, indicating the economic magnitude of our findings.  相似文献   

Considerable evidence from many countries suggests momentum strategies generate profits. These have been difficult to rationalise and evidence on the sources of such profitability is inconclusive. We utilise a sample of optioned stocks, characterised by high liquidity, high market capitalisation and fewer short sales constraints and compare results with control samples of non optioned stocks chosen on the basis of market value, turnover and bid–ask spread. The sample characteristics, and the fact that derivatives improve the impounding of information into prices, enable us to draw conclusions about the causes of momentum profits. While we find that short sales constraints are not the major driver of profitability and that most momentum profits disappear using two transactions costs measures of the bid–ask spread, one not previously used, the persistence of some momentum profits indicates that the market underreacts even to the most publicly available information.  相似文献   

We measure the volatility information content of stock options for individual firms using option prices for 149 US firms and the S&P 100 index. We use ARCH and regression models to compare volatility forecasts defined by historical stock returns, at-the-money implied volatilities and model-free volatility expectations for every firm. For 1-day-ahead estimation, a historical ARCH model outperforms both of the volatility estimates extracted from option prices for 36% of the firms, but the option forecasts are nearly always more informative for those firms that have the more actively traded options. When the prediction horizon extends until the expiry date of the options, the option forecasts are more informative than the historical volatility for 85% of the firms. However, at-the-money implied volatilities generally outperform the model-free volatility expectations.  相似文献   

An understanding of volatility and co-movements in financial markets is important for portfolio allocation and risk management practices. The current financial crisis caused a shrinkage in values of most assets, an increased volatility and a threat to the survival of several institutional investors. Managing risks and returns within the classic portfolio theory, when correlations across securities soar, is increasingly challenging. In this paper, we investigate the volatility behavior and the co-movements between sukuk and international stock indexes. Symmetric multivariate GARCH models with dynamic conditional correlations (DCC) were estimated under Student-t distribution. We provide evidence of high correlations between sukuk and US and EU stock markets, without finding the well-known flight to quality behavior affecting Islamic bonds. We also show that volatility linkages between sukuk and regional market indexes are higher during financial crisis. We argue that investors could obtain diversification benefits including sukuk in a well-diversified equity portfolio, given their lower volatility compared to equity. But higher volatility linkages and dynamic correlations during financial crises show that they are hybrid instruments between bonds and equity. Our findings are relevant for institutional investors and asset managers that include Islamic bonds in a diversified portfolio.  相似文献   

We examine the pricing and hedging performance of interest rate option pricing models using daily data on US dollar cap and floor prices across both strike rates and maturities. Our results show that fitting the skew of the underlying interest rate probability distribution provides accurate pricing results within a one-factor framework. However, for hedging performance, introducing a second stochastic factor is more important than fitting the skew of the underlying distribution. This constitutes evidence against claims in the literature that correctly specified and calibrated one-factor models could replace multi-factor models for consistent pricing and hedging of interest rate contingent claims.  相似文献   

In this paper we analyze whether handling related securities improves a market maker's information environment and helps to incorporate new information in stock prices. Our empirical tests are focused on New York Stock Exchange specialists and the U.S. share in price discovery of 64 British and French companies cross-listed on the NYSE. We define related securities as stocks from the same country, the same region, or other foreign stocks. We find strong evidence that a higher prominence of related stocks in the specialist portfolio is associated with a higher U.S. share in price discovery of our sample firms. We interpret our findings as evidence that concentrating market makers in similar stocks reduces information asymmetries and improves the information environment as market makers can extract information relevant to a stock from order flow to related securities. To support our argument, we show that the adverse selection component of the bid–ask spread is negatively related to the prominence of other foreign stocks in the specialist portfolio.  相似文献   

Deviations from put-call parity may arise in response to private information that a select group of investors possess. From a practical perspective, if one possesses private information, using options to speculate or hedge amplifies potential gains given the leverage embedded in options with respect to price changes in the underlying asset. In light of this, and if we assume that the average investor does not possess private information, it is perhaps possible though to infer such information through implied variance spreads and use it to predict future volatility in the underlying asset. In this piece I examine the extent to which such information is economically informative in predicting the intraday return variability of H-shares issued by China's state and joint-stock banks, respectively. Generally speaking, I uncover the following; firstly, call-put implied variance spreads are mean-reverting across time. Secondly, at any given point in time, the magnitude of the deviation from put-call parity is informative in predicting rises in future spot price volatility. Thirdly, straddle/strangle trades predict, at times one week in advance, rises in future spot price volatility. These findings hold after controlling for market-wide implied volatility, the flow and shock in information disseminating to the market, and implicit transactions costs.  相似文献   

This article explores the relationship between corporate governance and the information environment in Chinese stock markets. We construct a parsimonious governance measure for public firms using a 2003 through 2011 sample period. We use four indicators to proxy for the information environment: analyst following, analyst forecast accuracy, analyst forecast dispersion, and price timeliness. We find that better governed firms tend to be associated with larger analyst followings and more informative forecasts. We also find that better governed firms tend to improve on the timeliness of bad news relative to good news.  相似文献   

In this paper we investigate the effects of informed trading (PIN) and information uncertainty in determining price momentum. We find that trading strategies based on buying high-uncertainty good-news stocks and shorting high-uncertainty bad-news stocks work well when limited to high-PIN stocks, while stocks with low-PIN do not exhibit price continuations, even when the uncertainty level of those stocks is high. In contrast, momentum returns are always significant for high-PIN stocks, irrespective of information uncertainty. Overall, we show that the informed trading effect is both independent of and stronger than that of information uncertainty in determining price momentum.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effects of regulation pertaining to information disclosure on the Vietnam stock market. Using the event study methodology, we examine sectoral reactions, in terms of risk and return, following the announcements on information disclosure regulation in Vietnam. To validate the results, we also conduct several robustness tests such as the removal of firm-specific information and the use of a wide variety of ARCH models such as GARCH (1,1). We find evidence indicating that when the market anticipates a piece of regulation on information disclosure, most sectors experience negative reactions two and five days before the first announcement. Positive reactions are observed on the event date, as well as two and five days afterwards. Furthermore, we document a difference between the Ho Chi Minh Stock Exchange (HOSE) and the Hanoi Stock Exchange (HNX) in terms of market reaction. The results also show that the sectors experience changes in short-term systematic risk. Our contributions to the literature are threefold. First, we focus on a complete and more updated set of the Vietnam stock market’s information disclosure regulation. Second, our study examines the effects of a series of events on a single regulation at sectoral and firm levels in an emerging market. Third, in addition to sectoral analysis, we analyse the Vietnam stock market reaction at the firm level.  相似文献   

Based on the activities of patent citation in China, a novel type of cross-firm innovation links is generated to investigate the gradual diffusion of information along the innovation chain via tests of cross-sectional return predictability. Various signals are created to represent the value of the information contained in the innovation links; these signals are demonstrated to have robust cross-predictability for stock returns in both the cross-sectional regression model and portfolio strategies. The effect of predictability is found to be stronger for stocks with high institutional ownership and analyst coverage. Considering the minimum number of steps required to establish the cross-firm linkage, innovation links are further partitioned to represent different proximity of the linked firms. It is then found that information diffuses faster across closely-linked firms than across distantly-linked firms. Sophisticated investors are found to be able to properly process the relevant information and benefit from innovation links.  相似文献   

This study analyzes why the negative momentum effect appears in Asian (China, Japan, Korea) stock markets, contrary to the U.S. market. We use principal component momentum (PMOM), a newly devised momentum measure. The PMOM is constructed by extracting commonalities from traditional momentum measures using principal component analysis. The results show evidence of positive and negative momentum profits in the U.S. and Asian markets, respectively. Negative momentum profits in Asian markets are attributable to the strong performance reversal of small stocks in the loser portfolio. Conversely, the positive momentum profits of the U.S. market are driven by the performance continuity of small stocks in the winner portfolio. The PMOM strategy is significantly more advantageous than traditional momentum strategies, based on the economic and statistical perspectives of momentum profits. These results are robust to changes in empirical designs.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with arbitrage opportunities in the futures and futures option contracts traded on the Sydney Futures Exchange (SFE) within a put-call-futures-parity (PCFP) framework. Tick-by-tick transaction price data are employed so that the futures contracts, the call futures options and the put futures options can be matched within a one-minute interval. This paper also takes into account the realistic transaction costs that an arbitrager has to incur, including the implicit bid-ask spread. A thorough ex post analysis is first carried out. The results reveal a significant number of violations of the PCFP in the sample. Ex ante tests are then conducted whereby ex post profitable arbitrage strategies, signified by the matched trios of futures, put and call contracts, are executed with lags up to 3 min. The ex ante results are similar to the ex post results. However, further analysis reveals that the exploitability of the identified arbitrage opportunities is very limited due to the small trading volumes of the futures and options contracts. Thus, we conclude that there is no strong evidence against the arbitrage efficiency between the SPI index futures and options markets in Australia.   相似文献   

We define a hedge fund network as consisting of weak ties based on common holdings. By creating a filtered dataset of stocks held by hedge funds in China from 2010 to 2019, we examine the effect of the network on stock return comovement and further test the incentive-compatible conditions for honest communication between competitors (Stein, 2008). First, we find that the weak ties in a social network affect the behaviour of hedge fund managers, when formal institutions are imperfect. Second, we find that listed firms held by hedge funds are exposed to an information network that is composed of hedge funds. The higher the hedge fund network density is, the more likely information dissemination is, and the weaker the stock price comovement is. Third, our results support Stein's (2008) two major conclusions: a network effect exists only within stable relationships, and the more central a stock is in the network, the stronger the network effect is. After controlling for various external factors that might influence the hedge fund network's information diffusion mechanism, all the results meet our theoretical expectations. Overall, we contribute to the literature by determining the role of the hedge fund network as an information transmitter in weak ties and by providing empirical evidence on the theory of honest communication among competitors.  相似文献   

Gold is widely perceived as a good diversification or safe haven tool for general financial markets, especially in market turmoil. To fully understand the potential, this study constructs an asymmetric multivariate range-based volatility model to investigate the dependence and volatility structures of gold, stock, and bond markets and further to compare the difference between the financial crisis and post-financial crisis periods. We find a striking explanatory ability to volatility structures provided by the price range information and significant evidence of asymmetric dependence across gold, stock, and bond markets. We implement an asset-allocation strategy incorporating asymmetric dependence and price range information to explore their economic importance. The out-of-sample results show that between 35 and 517 basis points and between 90 and 1111 basis points are earned annually when acknowledging asymmetric dependence and price range information, respectively. These economic benefits are inversely related to the level of investors’ risk aversion and are particularly significant in the period of the global financial crisis.  相似文献   

Chun Liu  John M. Maheu 《Pacific》2012,20(3):329-348
We propose a new joint model of intraday returns and durations to study the dynamics of several Chinese stocks. We include three U.S. stocks for comparison. Flexible innovation distributions are used for durations and returns, and the total variance of returns is decomposed into different volatility components associated with different transaction horizons. The new model provides strong improvements in density forecasts for duration and returns and only modest gains for points forecasts of the variance of returns. The conditional hazard functions are non-monotonic and there is strong evidence for different volatility components. Although diurnal patterns, volatility components, and market microstructure implications are similar across the markets, there are interesting differences. Durations for lightly traded Chinese stocks tend to carry more information than heavily traded stocks. Chinese investors usually have longer investment horizons, which may be explained by the specific trading rules in China.  相似文献   

We examine the impact of disruption on stock markets using the 2019 Hong Kong protests for identification. We find that greater protest intensity corresponds to higher bid–ask spreads, lower trading volume, and greater return volatility for dual-listed Chinese firms’ Hong Kong (H) shares but not their home (A) shares. We also document negative abnormal returns only for these firms’ H-shares around major protest events, which shortly after exhibit reversal. Next, we validate our main findings by documenting similar results using Hong Kong-listed firms only. Overall, we provide new evidence highlighting the impact of protest-induced disruption on financial markets.  相似文献   

This paper examines the role and determinants of collateral in emerging markets compared to mature ones. Analyzing a data set of 560 credit files of Thai commercial banks, we find that both the incidence and degree of collateralization are higher there than in developed markets. Thai banks use collateral primarily to reduce the higher credit risks of small and relatively young firms. Long credit relationships do not reduce collateral requirements by lowering information asymmetry. Market imperfections result from housebanks demanding higher collateral than non-housebanks, suggesting a lock-in effect for their borrowers, and from larger banks realizing higher collateral claims.  相似文献   

Understanding the effects of taxes on executive compensation provides insight into the process determining this compensation and is a key input to top income tax rate policy. A 2010 tax reform in Canada, which greatly increased the effective tax rate on stock option compensation for a subset of firms, provides a natural experiment with which to address this issue. Difference-in-differences estimates suggest that this tax increase resulted in an immediate reduction in both stock option grants and the fraction of total compensation made up of stock options with limited, if any, substitution towards other components of compensation.  相似文献   

We study the effects of oil price uncertainty (OPU) on stock price informativeness based on investment-price sensitivity. Using Chinese stocks from 2008 to 2021, we find a negative relationship between OPU and the strength of Tobin's q (a standardized measure of prices) for predicting investment opportunities. This finding is likely due to the crowding out of informed investors rather than the financial constraints brought by a higher cost of capital. Investment-price sensitivity also decreases more among firms in less-competition, high sales volatility, and lower analysts' attention. What is more, the reduction in investment-price sensitivity is more concentrated in public utilities, agriculture & livestock, and industry instead of in real estate or commerce industries. These findings indicate that OPU decreases the acquisition of information related to firms, and consequently, price informativeness for future investment decisions.  相似文献   

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