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An effective higher education market should increase educational standards. For universities to fulfil this role, students need reliable information about the teaching on offer at different universities, but no such data are currently available. We define a measure of teaching that weights contact hours by their intensity and collect a new data set that allows comparison of teaching across universities and across three departments. No two universities offer identical teaching. There is large variation in contact hours and even larger variation in teaching intensity, across both universities and departments. We combine our data with existing data to investigate the relationship that teaching has with university and student characteristics. We find that how much teaching students receive is uncorrelated with tuition fee; that teaching has little predictive power in explaining student satisfaction; and that physics students consistently receive more teaching than either economics or history students.  相似文献   

We investigate the influence of unanticipated prolonged disruption on effective teaching, student engagement and student satisfaction during campus lockdown due to COVID-19. Qualitative comments provided by undergraduate business students in the university end-of-semester survey were analysed using a variety of methods, including sentiment analysis. Our findings indicate that effective teaching through the characteristics of the instructor, can lead to enhanced student engagement and higher levels of student satisfaction in an emergency remote teaching environment. Our findings highlight the critical role of the instructor in providing cognitive and affective support to students, along with clear communication, during times of substantial change.  相似文献   

Technological change is altering the way educators deliver subject content. The phenomenal growth and widespread acceptance of the Internet has seen the creation of the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) in higher education. For the ease of integration of VLEs in higher education, software companies have provided products such as WebCT and Blackboard. From a pedagogical perspective, new technologies must be evaluated in an effort to establish whether their introduction has had a beneficial impact on learning outcomes. To this end, this investigation examines the attitudes of undergraduate accounting students in relation to a number of design features and attributes of WebCT (e.g. bulletin boards, on-line assessment and chat room) as a VLE. Responses from 292 on-campus undergraduate students provided data which associates four factors with improved student motivation. This study found that student satisfaction with the use of a VLE is significantly associated with the provision of: lecture notes, bulletin board, on-line assessment and other tools (chat and video summaries). The diagrammatic representation of the variables identified in this study provides a useful reference point for those educators contemplating the implementation of a VLE.  相似文献   

本文通过对内蒙古某高校105名本科三批学生进行问卷调查,以所得数据对内蒙古地区本科三批学生教育消费满意度问题做了初步分析.根据学校形象、教学服务、图书馆服务、学生支持与服务、校园文化、后勤服务六大维度构建本科三批学生教育消费满意度指标体系,问卷设计采用Likert5点量表法并运用SPSS软件对数据进行处理.分析结论为内蒙古地区对本科三本学生提供的教育服务有待改进,本文在分析原因后提出了相应的改进建议.  相似文献   


We examine how student attitudes toward their group, learning method, and perceived development of professional skills are initially shaped and subsequently evolve through multiple uses of team exams. Using a Tobit regression model to analyse a sequence of 10 team quizzes given in a graduate-level tax accounting course, we show that there is an anchoring effect, in that in later rounds satisfaction on all dimensions rests on the foundation laid in the initial round. Subsequently, however, self-perceptions and the perception of others may influence satisfaction on a particular dimension. We also find that the satisfaction with one's group tends to increase when students make more correct switches but decreases when there is greater disagreement among the group. Furthermore, satisfaction with team exams tends to lessen, and to an increasing extent over time, as the number of errors a student has committed on the most recent quiz increases.  相似文献   

The present study uses an amended version of a well-known investment model to investigate the levels of satisfaction and commitment of finance students enrolled on a blended e-learning programme. First, it presents new empirical evidence for the validity of each construct and validates the proposed investment model. Second, it examines whether students’ grade point average (GPA) scores influence their levels of satisfaction and commitment the course. A random sample of 100 undergraduate students enrolled at King Khalid University in Saudi Arabia was surveyed using both qualitative and quantitative approaches. The proposed investment model was suitable for predicting the levels of student satisfaction and commitment in a blended learning environment, especially finance courses. However, the levels of satisfaction and commitment among students did not reach the proposed cut-off point for high commitment/satisfaction, which implied that levels of student satisfaction and commitment were only in the middle of the range. Specifically, the results showed a significant negative correlation between the level of satisfaction and GPA score, but a significant positive correlation between student commitment and GPA score. The study also highlights areas in which further research and analysis is recommended.  相似文献   

助学贷款是我国高等教育的重要资助体系之一。商业银行经营助学贷款具有风险大、成本高和收益低的特点。本文阐述了助学贷款政策变迁过程中商业银行的风险变化,从五个方面分析了商业银行助学贷款的风险形成机制,进而提出构建和完善商业银行助学贷款的风险防范机制。  相似文献   

近年来,我国高职院校德育工作已经取得了长足的进步,但是不可否认,德育中的确还存在着一些问题有待解决,主要表现在高职德育中存在"德育智育化"的倾向;高职德育重强制性的灌输,轻学生道德主体性发挥;高职德育内容基础性不强,缺乏时代性三个方面,本文从这三个方面对高职院校德育工作做了详细的分析,以期为更好的开展高职院校德育工作提帮助,并为其他教师改进教育教学工作提供一些思路。  相似文献   

Based on China Education Panel Survey data, this study used the PSM-DID method to explore the relationship between labor education and cash transfers and analyzed the causal effect of its impact on student development. We found that labor education and cash transfers can significantly improve student academic performance and cognitive and noncognitive abilities. There was an obvious crowding in effect between labor education and cash transfers. Upon increasing investment in labor education and reducing cash transfers, students improved their academic performance and had better cognitive and noncognitive abilities. We suggest that the government, schools and families increase investment in labor education to achieve a better level of student development and reduce financial burdens.  相似文献   

高校学生管理工作是整个高校管理系统的重要组成部分,是一个系统工程,其效果关系到高校整体的教育质量,对整个高等教育的发展有着至关重要的影响。一些行为散漫的学生给高校学生管理工作带来很多"破窗"问题。如何有效地遏制"破窗"效应,更好地做好高校学生管理工作,是每个高校面临并亟待解决的突出问题。本文以代表性的宿舍管理和班级管理为例,谈谈如何应用"破窗理论"和"护花原理"做好高校的学生管理工作。  相似文献   

试论国有商业银行助学贷款的发展策略   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
当前助学贷款存在着风险大、收益低以及不良率居高不下等问题,不仅严重制约了国有商业银行发展助学贷款的积极性,而且也影响了国家科教兴国、加快高等教育事业发展策略的实施.为了防范和化解我国国有商业银行助学贷款风险,有必要探究助学贷款陷于困境的原因,并借鉴和吸取国际上助学贷款的成功经验及教训,在用足用好国家对于助学贷款的有关政策,进一步强化国家助学贷款风险管理的同时,通过把社会效益和经济效益有机结合起来,把助学贷款风险控制与建立健全个人信用体系结合起来,把国家助学贷款与商业性助学贷款结合起来,为国有商业银行的长远发展创造良好的条件.  相似文献   

高等教育收费制度运行的过程也是高等教育利益在政府、高校与学生之间调整和分配的过程。高等教育利益调整是否合理、分配是否公正,高等教育收费制度运行过程中的弱势者——学生的利益表达至关重要。从中国高等教育制度运行的现实看,学生的利益表达严重欠缺。这种利益的表达欠缺可以在高等教育收费制度的设计与执行上找到原因。要使高等教育收费制度运行中学生的利益得到充分、合理与有效的表达,听证制度的引入是一个重要的路径。  相似文献   

以我国31个省的1999~2011年的面板数据为基础,实证中国不同地区人力资本投资对旅游业发展的影响。结果表明,高等教育对旅游产业发展的作用显著,而中等教育的作用不显著,且存在区域差异;在高等教育发达地区,高等教育对旅游业发展的效应不显著,而在高等教育落后地区则较为显著。中部地区高等教育的旅游产业反馈效应一般。因此,高等教育落后地区要重视旅游高等教育的规模和质量,教育发达地区要重视旅游教育的结构和层次。  相似文献   

This research tests for an association between student perceptions of accounting course importance (PCI) and student evaluation of teaching (SET) ratings of satisfaction with instructor performance, course quality, and grading procedures. The study also investigates whether instructor rankings constructed from SET ratings vary across student groupings based on PCI. Using responses from students enrolled in introductory accounting classes at three AACSB-accredited accounting programs we find that SET ratings vary significantly with PCI. We also find that instructor rankings constructed from SET ratings vary with PCI. These findings suggest that, when heterogeneous perceptions are present, satisfying all students enrolled in a course may not be possible and that reliance on aggregated SET data may obscure important differences in student opinion. In this circumstance, disaggregating SET data by PCI and emphasizing the feedback of students holding higher (stronger) perceptions of course importance may enhance SET diagnostic value.  相似文献   

高校体育是学校体育的最高阶段,是学生步入社会的最后一站,培养学生良好的体育意识和体育能力,养成终身锻炼身体的习惯,是学生能够健康工作的一个重要保证.  相似文献   

实行助学贷款是发展教育的一项重要政策,但在实施的过程中却出现了“银行有钱贷不出”和“学生没钱贷不到”的尴尬局面,这引起了人们对这项政策的再思考。通过对产生这种现象的内在原因的分析和对银行和学生二者之间预期效用的比较分析,以及对银行和学生行为选择的分析,认为缺乏有效的抵押担保机制和良好的社会信用体系是导致这种现象的重要原因,最后从制度约束和道德约束两方面思考,减少信息不对称现象,增加学生不还贷成本,降低银行风险,不断完善助学贷款制度。  相似文献   

助学贷款制度可分为种类、获得资格、覆盖范围、额度四个获得要素;以及利率、还款期限、担保形式、经办机构、回收机构五个回收要素,制度设计即体现为要素的不同组合。借款学生对助学贷款要素的满意与否综合起来决定了其对助学贷款实施总体的满意度。以此为依据,构建了一个基于制度要素的模型,并通过在上海几所高校的问卷调研进行了实证检验,结果发现:种类、获得资格、额度、覆盖范围四个获得要素对助学贷款总体实施满意度的正向影响都得到了证实,利率、还款期限、担保形式、经办机构、回收机构五个回收要素中,利率、还款期限和经办机构三个要素对助学贷款实施总体满意度的正向影响未被证实,被剔除出模型之外,只保留了担保形式、回收机构两个要素。  相似文献   

Issues relating to student learning outcomes, retention and engagement, together with pressure to reinvigorate and differentiate higher education programs through integrating research-based material into the curriculum, are repeatedly in the spotlight. This paper reports on successful results from a case study of a student-centered, research-led, problem-based learning task that was incorporated into the curriculum of an Accounting Information Systems subject. Through engaging students with the learning experience, the curriculum changes addressed identified needs for improved communication, reflective appraisal as well as analytical and critical thinking skills in higher education graduates. The paper concludes with details of student perceptions of the task and learning outcomes, a review of academic performance, and reflection on the methodologies employed.  相似文献   

论外语在高等教育中的隐性功能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
外语在高等教育中发挥着不可替代的作用,而对于外语教育隐性功能的研究略显薄弱,因此,加强外语教育隐性功能的研究,发挥其对大学生教育的效果。根据当代外语教学理论的发展趋势,本文拟就外语教育隐性功能的内涵、外语教育隐性功能的具体内容以及如何在高等教育中加强外语教育隐性功能等几个问题进行论述。  相似文献   

社会成员之间的支付能力差异是任何社会客观存在的经济现象。学费制度下,解决支付能力差异,实现教育公平目标的基本思路有两条:一是对不同的人群实施有效的学生资助,二是对不同的人群制定不同的学费——歧视性定价,且两种解决方式可以实现有机的耦合。建立完善我国有效的大学生资助体系,制定科学合理、分类有序的学费定价制度,实行学费的歧视定价,是深化我国高等教育学费制度改革有效路径。  相似文献   

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