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欧洲货币一体化始于1950年的欧洲支付同盟,至今已有48年之久,其发展历程艰辛而曲折。1999年1月1日欧元即将启动,基于1998年欧盟经济增长势头强劲,欧元前景有乐观的一面,但进一步透视其现状,尚存在着不少问题,所以总体而言,欧洲货币一体化前景将是有喜有忧,喜忧参半  相似文献   

1欧元对欧盟内部的有利影响建立欧洲单一货币欧元是欧盟的一种战略选择,欧元的实施将对欧盟的“跨世纪发展”起到有力的推动作用。欧元的诞生使欧洲一体化迈上了更高的层次,欧元成为整个“欧洲大厦”的基石,它的实施将大深化欧洲的经济联合并以此带动和促政治联合,有利于加强欧洲在ZI世纪世经济格局中的地位,有利于欧洲在走向多化的世界中争当较为重要的一极。门)金融政策的制定权集中,可保证各国的低通胀率,结束欧盟范围内的货币动荡,创造回个稳定的货币环境。欧洲联盟驻华大使魏根深先生说:“承担单一货币的欧洲中央银行将成为…  相似文献   

APEC的货币金融合作:经济基础与构想   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
货币一体化是欧洲经济一体化的重要组成部分,货币一体化的最高阶段———欧元的诞生标志着欧洲的经济一体化进入最高阶段,即欧洲货币与经济联盟。货币金融合作是亚太经济合作的重要内容,并且取得了一定的成绩,但是,由于亚太地区范围大、情况复杂,一般认为该区域的货币金融合作只能停留在初级阶段。本文具体分析了亚太地区货币金融合作的经济基础,并在此基础上提出亚太地区货币金融合作的具体设想。  相似文献   

孙长宜 《辽宁经济》1998,(11):32-33
1998年5月2-3日在布鲁塞尔举行的欧盟首脑会议上,解决了欧元推出的几个关键问题,消除了人们对欧元推出的种种猜测和疑虑,使欧元的顺利推出已成定局,欧洲经济货币一体化又迈出了关键的一步。按照欧盟制定的时间表,从1999年1月1日起,欧元将以支票、信用...  相似文献   

欧元的启动是国际经济中的一件大事。有学者认为,这是布雷顿森林体系崩溃后的头等大事;也有的认为,欧元启动与美国持续7年经济增长和亚洲金融危机并列为世界经济的三件大事之一。欧元于1999年1月1日启动,首批使用欧元的有欧盟11个成员国。这是欧洲经济与政治一体化进程中的重大步骤,它不仅直接给欧元区本身带来巨大变化,而且对世界经济贸易、多极格局的形成和美国霸主地位,以及我国如何更好地开拓欧洲市场等方面,都会产生重大影响。  相似文献   

欧元区国家主权债务危机、欧元及欧盟经济   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
论文认为欧元区主权债务危机的基本性质属于南欧国家寅吃卯粮所导致的财政危机,但是由于欧元区在制度设置和运行机制上存在缺陷,使债务危机演变成欧元的信任危机。欧元区成员国和欧盟业已认识到欧洲货币联盟的不足,通过加强财政政策一体化来克服欧元区的内在矛盾似乎不可避免。欧元不会因为主权债务危机的冲击而垮台,但是欧洲经济将受到债务危机的拖累,增长前景不容乐观。  相似文献   

欧元将于1999年1月1日正式启动。欧元面世之后,将推动欧洲一体化迈上更高层次,并有利于建立更加平衡的国际金融体系,从而对欧洲乃至世界的经济、金融产生重要影响。我国是继美国、日本之后欧盟的第三大贸易伙伴,欧盟也是继日本之后我国第二大贸易伙伴。最近一段时间欧盟政界、经济界人士访问我国,表示要进一步加大经贸合作,故而,研究欧元对我国经济、金融的影响就显得十分迫切。从欧元启动后的磨合期分析,欧元将对我国的外贸和金融产生如下影响。 一是将进一步密切中欧经贸关系。目前我国与欧盟的贸易占我国对外贸易总额的近1/5,欧盟对我国的  相似文献   

1998年5月2日,欧盟15国首脑在布鲁塞尔举行的特别会议达成一致意见,确认1999年1月1日起,欧元区国家将在非现金交易中引入欧元,经过三年过渡期,到2002年1月1日,欧元纸币和硬币正式进入流通领域,欧元宣告诞生。欧元一体化的实施不仅会给欧洲经济以深远影响,对世界经济也是一次巨大的冲击。我国经济已基本与世界接轨,同其它国家存在着不可分割的紧密联系,而且我国经济的腾飞迫切需要外国资本和先进技术。欧元一体化在世纪之交对我国经济产生的影响无疑不可低估,可谓是机遇与挑战并存。(一)对贸易的影响。70年代以来中欧贸易总额迅…  相似文献   

何莉 《理论观察》2001,(4):46-48
一九九九年一月一日.欧元问世,标志着欧洲货币一体化质的飞跃,它稳定了有关国家的汇率,促进欧洲国家间的贸易和投资增长;消除货币兑换成本;推动了欧洲统一大市场的建立;有利于有关国家的经济增长。但在短期内,也有可能在抑制通货膨胀中产生负面效应,尤其对美元的霸权地位提出挑战。  相似文献   

冯广鑫 《中国经贸》2012,(16):10-10
本文认为欧债危机成因复杂,但其根本原因归结干内、外两方面。内因如民众内部压力、国家产业结构缺陷;外因如福利社会制度、单一的欧元体系及欧元区财政政策不当等。文章认为此次危机如果处理得当,反而加速了欧洲一体化进程。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the process of exchange rate management during the two European Monetary System(EMS) crises, in 1981–83 and 1992–93, and examines the factors which led the French governments to adhere to the EMS. France's strong franc (franc fort) policy is a useful test case for maintaining national commitment to European monetary integration. The origin of the franc fort policy can be traced back to the exchange rate crisis of 1981–83. By actively supporting European institutions and emphasizing the emergence of a strong and united European common currency, France discovered the way to bolster confidence in her economic policy. Beyond this focal point, political justification and economic rationality became mutually reinforcing, configuring French national preference in European monetary integration. The response of the French government to the EMS crisis of 1992–93 was more consistent compared to the response to the 1981–83 crisis, and reflected the accumulation of loyalty to European monetary integration. This loyalty, however, was made neither from purely economic calculation nor out of normative commitment French European monetary policy reflected the interaction between domestic politics and European monetary integration. The French commitment to the franc fort also was based on domestic political bases such as the existence of a core policy group, a centralized policy‐making structure, and an issue linkage between the franc fort and European integration.  相似文献   

Ten European countries with economies in transition and two market economies are negotiating full membership with the European Union. This paper considers the economic dimension of the forthcoming enlargement of the European Union, especially on the characteristics of the economies in transition and on the economic implications of the enlargement for European Union agriculture. The transition of the central and eastern European countries from a centrally planned to a market economy, although already in progress for a decade, is far from complete. Uneven macroeconomic developments in the various countries can be attributed to some extent to their individual situation at the start of the transformation. However, they also reflect the varying extent to which institutional reform programs have been implemented in these countries.Distinguished Address presented at the Fifty-First International Atlantic Economic Conference, March 13–20, 2001, Athens, Greece.  相似文献   


This paper uses an event-based analysis to describe how the European Central Bank’s (ECB’s) policy responses to the pandemic crisis have affected the European financial and economic system. The result of our exercise, which is based on the examination of the main measures taken by the ECB during 2020, is that these responses have positively affected the European economic system by improving banks’ lending activity and by indirectly creating room for expansionary fiscal policies in the euro area’s high-debt countries that do not have fiscal capacity.


白雪苹 《改革与战略》2014,(2):33-35,65
文章认为,欧洲主权债务危机双重影响着中国:从消极方面来说,它影响中国对欧洲的商品出口,会导致人民币汇率大幅波动,加大了中国对欧洲投资的风险,加剧了中国金融市场的波动,影响中国的汇率机制改革;从积极方面来说,它有利于中国大规模进行海外投资,有利于提高中国的国际地位。面对欧债危机,中国一方面应积极参与解决欧债危机的行动,另一方面必须强调欧债危机的解决关键在欧洲自身的努力。  相似文献   

This study investigates the economic interdependence between Turkey and the European Union (EU). The main questions addressed are (i) Do Turkish and European business cycles move together? and (ii) Are European business cycles transmitted to Turkey? This investigation is important as Turkey seeks to become a full member of the EU. Trade flows, graphs, correlations, and a principal-components analysis are used to identify possible macroeconomic interdependence and transmissions. A structural vector autoregression (SVAR) model is estimated to determine the effects of European economic fluctuations on the Turkish economy. The SVAR includes GDP, consumer prices, money supplies, interest rates, and the exchange rate for Turkey and Germany. The investigation finds that Turkey's economy is only modestly influenced by European business cycles and is largely determined by domestic economic and political developments and various regional conflicts. The findings of this study have implications for Turkey's increasing economic integration into the EU.  相似文献   

This article explores the impact of the ‘Voyages of Discovery’ on European spice markets, asking whether the exploits of Vasco da Gama and others brought European and Asian spice markets closer together. To this end we compare trends in pepper and fine spice prices before and after 1503, the year when da Gama returned from his financially successful second voyage. Other authors have examined trends in nominal spice prices, but this article uses relative spice prices, that is, accounting for inflation. We find that the Voyages of Discovery had a major impact on European spice markets, and provide a simple model of monopoly and oligopoly to decompose the sources of the Cape route's impact on European markets. Finally, we offer some speculations regarding the impact of the Cape route on intra‐European market integration.  相似文献   

The Italian classical liberal tradition of Federalism and European integration is well founded. Starting with Luigi Einaudi, who took up the heritage of Carlo Cattaneo, it has continued with Giovanni Malagodi, Giovanni Demaria, and Bruno Leoni, not to mention the liberals of Einaudi’s times. The same reflection continues today. Alberto Alesina is a prominent personality among the scholars who can be considered as full heirs of Einaudi. A foresight, often impressive, is the thread linking Einaudi’s writings on European federation. Between the twenties and the early fifties of the 20th century, Einaudi traced with great precision the profile and many details of a politically and economically unified Europe. Today, we do not have the federation that he wished for, but the economic sovereignty among EU countries has been shared to a great extent. Other prominent Italian liberal thinkers and politicians have reflected on the idea of a federal Europe and on the incipient European construction: thinkers such as Bruno Leoni, Giovanni Malagodi and Giovanni Demaria. Giovanni Malagodi, for many years a member of the Italian Parliament and secretary general of the Italian Liberal party, in his speech for the ratification of the Treaty of Rome, advocated a European monetary union with a single currency substituting those of the Member States of the EEC. Both Giovanni Demaria and Bruno Leoni warned against the danger of Government interventionist policies in the European common market. Alesina, in various scholarly contributions on European integration and in the essay The Future of Europe, adopts a liberal perspective for his critical analysis of EU policies.  相似文献   

In the face of some opposition from those who plead subsidiarity as the central plank of European policies, the emergence of an urban dimension to European policies has been significant in the last five years. Now, reinforced by a research base, with the European Parliament and the Committee of the Regions providing a political route to influence, and with a modest programme of experimentation in urban projects in progress, the “urban” appears genuinely fixed on the political agenda of Europe. From a UK perspective the substance of the programmes is limited; small in scale and following many of the lines established within City Challenge or the Urban Partnerships, the new European urban initiatives are substantively modest and marginal. Much more important is the symbolic importance of a European urban perspective. This gives impetus to the policy debate at both European and national levels with the Commission's Community Initiative directing attention not simply to growing polarisation, marginalisation and exclusion in cities, but also to issues of urban fiscal crisis — the interaction of heavy expenditure needs with inadequate tax or grant base. Increasingly fierce competition between cities for investment and growth, with both Brussels and nation states involved as regulators and/or co-competitors is certain to exacerbate inter urban differentials and to reinforce the salience of questions of social exclusion and urban fiscal crisis.  相似文献   

Summary  This paper is based on a study commissioned by the European Commission, in which we proposed a detailed methodological approach for the ex-post assessment of decisions reached by the European Commission in the field of merger control. The methodology focuses on how to establish whether the market structure arising from the decision is apt to protect consumer welfare better than the market structures that could have arisen from alternative decisions. It provides suggestions on how assess the impact of the decision relative to the possible counterfactuals and discusses the empirical techniques that can be used to perform this evaluation.  相似文献   

欧盟委员会为了衡量成员国的创新绩效,推出了欧洲创新记分牌年度评价报告,为了科学评估国家创新水平,欧盟委员会对该报告中的评价指标体系欧洲创新记分牌进行了不断完善和调整.通过分析欧洲创新记分牌主要年份指标体系的具体变化情况,总结出评价指数发展变化动向,结合2017—2020年中国创新指数表现情况,为提高中国创新水平提供一些启示.  相似文献   

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