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唐睿 《辽宁经济》2004,(3):42-43
一、欧洲一体化的历史进程 1946年,英国首相丘吉尔率先提出,我们需要建立起“某种类似于欧洲合众国的东西”。1951年,欧洲统一之父——让·莫内在设计欧洲煤钢共同体时也强调了欧洲统一的前景。他指出:“煤钢共同体所属6国的煤钢事业在顺利发展,应该使其继续顺利发展下去,直到建成欧洲合众国时,才算取得最后胜利。”自1951年至今,欧洲演绎着不断扩张和深化的历史。  相似文献   

欧盟东扩的收益、代价及其影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冯剑 《开放导报》2004,(3):74-75,104
欧盟东扩一直是欧洲一体化进程中难度最大的问题。从2004年5月1日起,波兰、匈矛利等中、东欧10国将陆续成为欧盟的新成员国。这就是说,长久以来欧盟东扩的计划即将实现。欧盟东扩不仅将极大地促进欧洲的稳定和经济发展,而且将提升欧盟作为多极世界中一极的国际地位和影响力。本文首先分析了新旧欧盟成员国基本经济状况和经贸联系以及东扩给欧盟成员国带来的有利影响,然后对东扩的不利影响以及对全球经济影响分别进行了讨论。  相似文献   

欧元区债务危机背后的国际政治博弈   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
欧元从诞生起就是国际战略平衡的产物,欧元区债务危机的爆发也似乎是一种国际战略博弈的产物。随着欧洲债务危机的深化,人们似乎忘记了美国才是这场国际金融与债务危机的起源地。然而,美国的危机似乎并未结束。为了解除危机,美欧激烈竞争,吸引新鲜资本。欧洲要走出货币危机,似乎需要更进一步的财政一体化。方向虽然定出,但要具体落实还需时日。中国应支持欧洲统一财政,渡过危机。让欧盟在世界舞台上扮演重要一极的角色对中国来说非常重要。  相似文献   

2004年5月1日,波兰、捷克、匈牙利等10个中东欧国家正式加入欧盟。东扩之后的欧盟包括了25个国家、4.5亿人口,GDP高达10万亿欧元,并且超过美国,成为中国第二大贸易伙伴。对于欧盟的东扩,中国人可以说是喜忧参半:喜的是,我们可以在新成员国享受到较低的欧盟统一关税;忧的是,欧盟针对中国的反倾销措施也会在这些新成员国自动生效。与此同时,不久之前欧盟宣布不承认中国市场经济地位,那么,东扩后的欧盟对于中国,对于世界究竟意味着什么呢?  相似文献   

区域一体化是未来社会发展的一个重要趋势。欧盟的成功建立和良好运作使得共同体作为一种维护国际社会稳定、防止战争爆发和繁荣社会经济的有效途径而得到了广泛的关注。欧盟一体化的成功开创了许多成员国之间政治、经济合作的新经验,值得东亚国家参考借鉴。本文认为实现东亚一体化要增进东亚各国之间的政治互信、强化合作理念,要寻找符合各方的共同利益,要加强制度建设、寻找符合东亚具体情况的合作模式,还要抛弃恩怨,携手共创未来。  相似文献   

欧盟的建立将欧洲一体化推向了建设欧洲经济同盟和政治同盟的新阶段。90年代后半期欧盟的主要任务是完成另一次深化与扩大的过程,为此,欧盟体制正酝酿着一次重大改革和调整。本文对欧盟机构体制改革的动向作了介绍和分析。  相似文献   

欧盟的能源一体化战略着力于对内完善欧洲能源内部市场和统一内部标准,对外进行对外能源对话与发展战略合作伙伴关系,并采取了一些前瞻性的措施,以便通过"缓慢的能源市场一体化",逐步建立一个以欧盟为中心的跨国能源大市场。虽然能源一体化取得了巨大成就,但也存在许多阻碍,例如欧盟各成员国在电力和天然气市场的竞争政策差异以及欧盟制度因素对能源市场一体化的阻碍。  相似文献   

欧洲主权债务危机的由来、影响及其启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
温浩 《改革与战略》2010,26(10):191-193
全球各国为了尽快摆脱次贷危机导致的金融危机的困扰,纷纷采取"赤字财政"的扩张政策。当前尽管次贷危机的影响逐渐远去,但由此带来的副作用即"主权债务危机"却开始显现。近期,希腊、葡萄牙和西班牙等欧洲国家的主权债务问题一度引发全球资本市场的动荡并牵动投资者敏感的神经。文章通过分析欧洲主权债务危机的由来、对全球金融经济的影响以及对我国的启示来详细论述这次欧洲主权债务危机。  相似文献   

杨莉 《特区经济》2011,(4):91-94
跨国公司因跨境经营活动会面临各国公司治理制度冲突问题。欧盟公司治理制度协调的相关争议从某种程度上反映了对"盎格鲁-美国式"治理模式和德国治理模式适用于欧盟跨国经营企业的合理性和有效性的思考。本文通过对两种治理模式的制度假设及特点分析,简要结合跨国公司的治理环境特点,借探讨欧盟公司治理争议之机来探索和审视适用于跨国公司的公司治理理念。  相似文献   

自2003年以来,山东省与欧盟的经贸往来发展十分迅速,欧盟已成为山东对外贸易的重要合作伙伴,与欧盟贸易合作直接关系到山东对外贸易发展.因此分析山东与欧盟贸易合作前景,便于发现贸易机会,推动双边贸易,有利于山东经济的快速高效发展。  相似文献   

区域旅游合作是促进区域旅游产业协调发展的重要形式。破解跨越现有行政区划障碍与合作方经济发展不平衡这"两个难题",就必须以合作的制度基础建设为抓手,形成激励相容的参与合作机制。本文从"跨界治理"的视角,借鉴欧盟旅游一体化的跨界治理经验,研究长吉图区域旅游合作的制度基础,提出建立一个符合市场经济原则的跨界治理体系,为推动区域旅游合作提供一种新的路径参考。  相似文献   

Franz Palm 《De Economist》1996,144(2):305-324
Summary This article addresses two central questions related to the prospects of the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) in Europe: first, is the current exchange rate mechanism viable in the transition stage to EMU or in the period to come if the EMU should be postponed? Second, is a monetary union necessary in an economically fully integrated European Union or would the current or an alternative exchange rate mechanism suffice an integrating Europe? The article reviews the arguments for and against monetary union, the history of European monetary integration, the theoretical and empirical insights into the functioning of targets zones, and the likely developments and prospects for the EMU.The author wishes to thank Martin M.G. Fase and Simon K. Kuipers for their most helpful comments on a previous version of this article.  相似文献   

The paper assesses the stability and predictive performance of a European money demand function as compared to national money demand functions. With respect to the explanatory accuracy, the national functions perform better than the aggregated function. Examination of the residuals of the national money demand equations indicates that currency substitution is not the major cause for the stability of the aggregated money demand function. The aggregate relation mainly seems to reflect German money demand. This conclusion is supported by the instability of aggregated money demand resulting from the exclusion of Germany from the aggregate.  相似文献   

Energy efficiency and environment protection are the international concern. European Union, under its energy and climate policy, adopted goals of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 20%, and increasing the proportion of European energy which comes from renewable sources up to 20% by 2020. Until 2007, the development of these technologies in the European Union (EU) was undertaken in a dispersed, fragmented, sometimes even competing way. The Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET-Plan) is the pillar of the EU's energy and climate policy aiming at development of affordable, clean, efficient, and low emission energy technologies through coordinated research. Croatian accession to the EU required meeting the main challenges as the other member states, involving increase in energy efficiency and renewable energy used as some of the basic components of sustainable development. Funding projects in the area of ecology and energy preservation, odds and prospects for public bodies and Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund (FZOEU) involvement in financial support of the projects, additional sources of funding etc., are some of the numerous questions this paper is aiming to address in order to assess the Croatian absorption capacities for the SET-Plan as one of the most important EU strategies.  相似文献   

This paper presents a methodology to analyze the responsiveness of fiscal sustainability to the endogenous fiscal discipline that will be strengthened by the EMU. This discipline arises in response to the harmonization of tax systems, the loss of control of current and prospective money financing, and the deepening of financial market-based discipline. The model developed in this paper is a generalization of Blanchard's 1984 model, in which the interest rate is determined endogenously. This provides the framework to analyze more features of the linkage between sustainability and endogenous fiscal discipline. This paper also presents a new intratemporal fiscal sustainability index.  相似文献   

We examine the popular recipe in the title by means of an AD-LM-AS two-country model of the EMU, controlling for asymmetry in demand and supply shocks and in the monetary-policy transmission mechanism. Unless structural symmetry holds and symmetric shock occurs, national automatic stabilizers, even though supplemented with the common monetary policy, cannot deliver optimal stabilization in each economy. Inflation and output gaps are not closed and may be divergent in sign. Considering that a federal system of inter-regional insurance is lacking, the recipe under examination is too optimistic, while serious threat to EMU cohesion may arise. The econometric estimates we present show that existing national fiscal systems work very poorly as for the minimization, after shocks, of the dispersion of national incomes around the EMU average.  相似文献   

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