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By fractional integration of a square root volatility process, we propose in this paper a long memory extension of the Heston (Rev Financ Stud 6:327–343, 1993) option pricing model. Long memory in the volatility process allows us to explain some option pricing puzzles as steep volatility smiles in long term options and co-movements between implied and realized volatility. Moreover, we take advantage of the analytical tractability of affine diffusion models to clearly disentangle long term components and short term variations in the term structure of volatility smiles. In addition, we provide a recursive algorithm of discretization of fractional integrals in order to be able to implement a method of moments based estimation procedure from the high frequency observation of realized volatilities.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate empirically the effect of using higher moments in portfolio allocation when parametric and nonparametric models are used. The nonparametric model considered in this paper is the sample approach; the parametric model is constructed assuming multivariate variance gamma (MVG) joint distribution for asset returns.We consider the MVG models proposed by Madan and Seneta (1990), Semeraro (2008) and Wang (2009). We perform an out-of-sample analysis comparing the optimal portfolios obtained using the MVG models and the sample approach. Our portfolio is composed of 18 assets selected from the S&P500 Index and the dataset consists of daily returns observed from 01/04/2000 to 01/09/2011.  相似文献   

This paper examines some implications of using an estimate of the variance in option valuation models. This procedure produces biased option values. It is shown that the magnitude of this bias is not large. The dispersion induced in the option price is more significant particularly for parameter values of practical interest. The nature and extent of this dispersion is examined by numerical examples. The paper suggests how a Bayesian approach could be used to cope with the estimation error.  相似文献   

In this paper, we show how to approximate Heath–Jarrow–Morton dynamics for the forward prices in commodity markets with arbitrage-free models which have a finite-dimensional state space. Moreover, we recover a closed-form representation of the forward price dynamics in the approximation models and derive the rate of convergence to the true dynamics uniformly over an interval of time to maturity under certain additional smoothness conditions. In the Markovian case, we can strengthen the convergence to be uniform over time as well. Our results are based on the construction of a convenient Riesz basis on the state space of the term structure dynamics.  相似文献   

Under the general affine jump-diffusion framework of Duffie et al. [Econometrica, 2000, 68, 1343–1376], this paper proposes an alternative pricing methodology for European-style forward start options that does not require any parallel optimization routine to ensure square integrability. Therefore, the proposed methodology is shown to possess a better accuracy–efficiency trade-off than the usual and more general approach initiated by Hong [Forward Smile and Derivative Pricing. Working paper, UBS, 2004] that is based on the knowledge of the forward characteristic function. Explicit pricing solutions are also offered under the nested jump-diffusion setting proposed by Bakshi et al. [J. Finance, 1997, 52, 2003–2049], which accommodates stochastic volatility and stochastic interest rates, and different integration schemes are numerically tested.  相似文献   

This study investigates whether the more sophisticated GARCH based models are better minimum variance hedging strategies than the less sophisticated regression based traditional models. The findings of the study suggest that the traditional models that directly estimate the optimal hedge ratio significantly outperform the more sophisticated models that indirectly estimate the optimal hedge ratio based on timevarying variance-covariance parameters. Although, the sophisticated models seem to have more theoretical appeal, the higher estimation and misspecification errors of these models reduce their hedging effectiveness, making them inferior to the traditional models.  相似文献   

This paper studies a class of tractable jump-diffusion models, including stochastic volatility models with various specifications of jump intensity for stock returns and variance processes. We employ the Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method to implement model estimation, and investigate the performance of all models in capturing the term structure of variance swap rates and fitting the dynamics of stock returns. It is evident that the stochastic volatility models, equipped with self-exciting jumps in the spot variance and linearly-dependent jumps in the central-tendency variance, can produce consistent model estimates, aptly explain the stylized facts in variance swaps, and boost pricing performance. Moreover, our empirical results show that large self-exciting jumps in the spot variance, as an independent risk source, facilitate term structure modeling for variance swaps, whilst the central-tendency variance may jump with small sizes, but signaling substantial regime changes in the long run. Both types of jumps occur infrequently, and are more related to market turmoils over the period from 2008 to 2021.  相似文献   

This paper studies the optimal investment strategies under the dynamic elasticity of variance (DEV) model which maximize the expected utility of terminal wealth. The DEV model is an extension of the constant elasticity of variance model, in which the volatility term is a power function of stock prices with the power being a nonparametric time function. It is not possible to find the explicit solution to the utility maximization problem under the DEV model. In this paper, a dual-control Monte-Carlo method is developed to compute the optimal investment strategies for a variety of utility functions, including power, non-hyperbolic absolute risk aversion and symmetric asymptotic hyperbolic absolute risk aversion utilities. Numerical examples show that this dual-control Monte-Carlo method is quite efficient.  相似文献   

We investigate the effects of using the Box–Cox transformation on conditional variance specifications. By deriving its autocorrelation functions, we infer “rich” autocorrelation structures due to the existence of the specification parameter in this non-linear transformation. To illustrate transformation's effects on conditional variance models, we first generate its theoretical autocorrelation function and then investigate model's fit using real financial time-series data.  相似文献   

We investigate the nature of the foreign exchange risk premium for a wide range of currencies, using unobserved components models with exactly matched spot and forward exchange rate data. Significant time-variation of the risk premium is documented for most currencies. Our estimates indicate considerable persistence in the risk premium, and suggest that the variability of the risk premium is quite low relative to the variability of the forward forecast error.  相似文献   

This article proposes a new approach to testing for the hypothesisof a single priced risk factor driving the term structure ofinterest rates. The method does not rely on any parametric specificationof the state variable dynamics or the market price of risk.It simply exploits the constraint imposed by the no-arbitragecondition on instantaneous expected bond returns. In order toachieve our goal, we develop a Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and applyit to data on Treasury bills and bonds for both the United Statesand Spain. We find that the single risk factor hypothesis cannotbe rejected for either dataset.  相似文献   

Biases in standard variance swap rates (VSRs) can induce substantial deviations below market rates. Defining realized variance as the sum of squared price (not log-price) changes yields an ‘arithmetic’ variance swap with no such biases. Its fair value has advantages over the standard VSR: no discrete monitoring or jump biases; and the same value applies for any monitoring frequency, even irregular monitoring and to any underlying, including those taking zero or negative values. We derive the fair value for the arithmetic variance swap and compare it with the standard VSR by: analysing errors introduced by interpolation and integration techniques; numerical experiments for approximation accuracy; and using 23 years of FTSE 100 options data to explore the empirical properties of arithmetic variance (and higher moment) swaps. The FTSE 100 variance risk has a strong negative correlation with the implied third moment, which can be captured using a higher moment arithmetic swap.  相似文献   

This paper generalizes a number of important immunization theorems. We show that the Fisher and Weil immunization, Bierwag and Khang minimax, Redington multiple liability, and Bierwag, Kaufman, and Toevs coverage theorems can be generalized to the class of affine term structures. This class of term structures contains many models that are commonly used in the finance literature.  相似文献   

Continuous-time affine models have been recently introducedin the theoretical financial literature on credit risk. Theyprovide a coherent modeling, rather easy to implement, but havenot yet encountered the expected success among practitionersand regulators. This is likely due to a lack of flexibilityof these models, which often implied poor fit, especially comparedto more ad hoc approaches proposed by the industry. The aimof this article is to explain that this lack of flexibilityis mainly due to the continuous-time assumption. We developa discrete-time affine analysis of credit risk, explain howdifferent types of factors can be introduced to capture separatelythe term structure of default correlation, default heterogeneity,correlation between default, and loss-given-default; we alsoexplain why the factor dynamics are less constrained in discretetime and are able to reproduce complicated cycle effects. Thesemodels are finally used to derive a credit-VaR and various decompositionsof the spreads for corporate bonds or first-to-default basket.  相似文献   

An efficient method for valuing credit derivatives based on three entities is developed in an affine framework. This includes interdependence of market and credit risk, joint credit migration and counterparty default risk of three firms. As an application we provide closed form expressions for the joint distribution of default times, default correlations, and default swap spreads in the presence of counterparty default risk. Vienna Institute of Finance is funded by WWTF (Vienna Science and Technology Fund).  相似文献   

We introduce a methodology, with two applications, that incorporates stochastic interest rates, heteroskedasticity and risk aversion into the residual income model. In the first application, goodwill is an affine (constant plus linear term) function where the constant and linear coefficients are time-varying. Homoskedastic risk gives rise to a constant risk premium, while heteroskedastic risk gives rise to linear state-dependent risk premiums. In the second application, we present a class of models where a non-linear function for the price-to-book ratio can be derived. We show how interest rates, risk, profitability and growth affect the price-to-book ratio.  相似文献   


In dealing with certain extensions of the analysis of variance to samples from a multivariate normal population Wilks [4] introduced the quantity ‘generalized variance’ |S|, where |S| represents the determinant of the sample variances and covariances. He was able to obtain its distribution for a few special cases. The following note gives the general expressions for the cumulants of log |S| which is of interest in present asymptotic multivariate tests (cf. e.g. [2]).  相似文献   

Building on Duffie and Kan (1996) , we propose a new representation of affine models in which the state vector comprises infinitesimal maturity yields and their quadratic covariations. Because these variables possess unambiguous economic interpretations, they generate a representation that is globally identifiable. Further, this representation has more identifiable parameters than the “maximal” model of Dai and Singleton (2000) . We implement this new representation for select three‐factor models and find that model‐independent estimates for the state vector can be estimated directly from yield curve data, which present advantages for the estimation and interpretation of multifactor models.  相似文献   

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