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The Political Foundations of Development: The Case of Botswana   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Unlike many of its fellow sub-Saharan countries, Botswana has avoided the African Growth Tragedy. The success lied in the ability of the government of Botswana to successfully adopt growth-enhancing policies. We argue that the success stems from three factors. First, the government enhanced its legitimacy by relying on traditional sources of authority. Second, the traditional leaders pursued policies that legitimized the political system. Third, the government did not expend resources on military expenditures during its first decade. The interaction of these factors explain Botswana’s success.
Scott A. BeaulierEmail: Phone: +478-301-2836Fax: +478-301-2635

The adoption of a variety of new regulatory approaches and concepts, decision making processes and educational frames over the last three decades can be interpreted as an attempt to improve social acceptability of the process of science and technology governance. However, as argued in this paper, neither the introduction of non-standard scientific methodology and precautionary policy, nor participatory decision making, nor increased scientific-technological education are likely to significantly improve social acceptance of science and technology governance. Such reforms may shift the focus of ongoing policy debates, but do not lead to closure. In consequence, more research is needed on the complex relationship between acceptance, trust, information and participation, the implications of non-standard methodology in regulatory decision making, as well as the different interpretations that stakeholders may give to key regulatory concepts.  相似文献   

We find that smaller foreign investors are more sensitive to the quality of host country's governance than larger investors. This may be the case as smaller foreign firms have less bargaining power and are more sensitive to uncertainty and risk.  相似文献   

Although Japanese credit associations are non-profit cooperative financial institutions, they assume the same financial functions as regional banks that are stock companies and they could compete with each other in a regional market. On the other hand, the governance structures of credit associations tend to exhibit weaker discipline than those of regional banks, and, for this reason, the financial performances of credit associations and regional banks might differ. In this article, we empirically investigated whether the objective functions of credit associations are different from those of regional banks considering their different governance structures. As a result, although significant differences of profitability of these two types of institutions were not detected, it was demonstrated that credit associations can capture a greater share of deposits than regional banks and the former are more conservative in risk taking than the latter. From these, there is a possibility that Japanese credit associations have different objective functions from regional banks.  相似文献   

Nowadays, there are a lot of challenges for global processing in countries economic companies. One of the important reasons is lack of changes that must be with world-class technology for making a competition in industry, and another important reason is lack of organized distinction for managers. Most of high rank managers don't have good points for charging and worry about it. In this essay, there have been excellence organized model of EFQM and Iran national quality award which are compared by a case study, and finally, it has suggested using a native model.  相似文献   

China’s more than ten thousand economic zones, while similar in some respects to those found elsewhere, exhibit various unique features. In most developing economies, zones are the responsibility of the central administration and are designed to promote exports or foreign investment. In contrast, the Chinese zones are built and run by local governments and need not involve foreign investment or exports. We argue that the Chinese zone policy is best understood as part of a drive for economic reform, and that its unique features serve to defuse potential resistance from local cadres, whose interests are not served by reform.  相似文献   

公司治理研究和解决的问题是如何使资金的提供者按时收回投资并获得合理的回报,其研究视角不仅在于现代的公司组织,还包括了市场和法律体系。本文从法律、组织和市场的角度,对公司治理的相关文献进行回顾。  相似文献   

This paper uses data for the 27 Member States of the European Union (EU) from 2000 to 2010 to support the thesis that a positive and significant correlation exists between a nation’s quality of governance and its economic output. To achieve this goal, the elements of governance that have been reported by the Worldwide Governance Indicators project are considered. Four individual indicators for the quality of policies and institutions and a global indicator of governance quality are constructed. We estimate that, for our database, a standard deviation shock in these indicators causes changes between 0.03-fold and 0.05-fold in income per capita.  相似文献   

The Confucian school emphasizes family value, moral persuasions, and personal relations. Under Confucianism, there is a free-rider issue in the provision of efforts. Since national officials are chosen through personal relations, they may not be the most capable. The Legalist school emphasizes the usage of incentives and formal institutions. Under the Legalism, the ruler provides strong incentives to local officials which may lead to side effects because some activities are noncontractible. The cold-blood image of the Legalism may alien citizens. By exploiting the paternalistic relationship between the ruler and the ruled under Confucianism and the strength of institution-building under the Legalism, the ruler may benefit from a combination of Confucianism approach and the Legalism approach as the national strategy of governance. As each strategy has its pros and cons, which strategy of is optimal depends on factors such as the minimum enforceable level of public service and the level of institution building costs.  相似文献   

Using a sample of directors' and officers' (D & O) premiumsgathered from the proxy statements of Canadian companies, thisarticle examines the D & O premium as a measure of ex antelitigation risk. I find a significant association between D& O premiums and variables that proxy for the quality offirms' governance structures. The association between the proxiesfor governance structure quality and D & O premiums is robustto a number of alternative specifications. This article providesconfirmatory evidence that the D & O premium reflects thequality of the firm's corporate governance by showing that measuresof weak governance implied by the D & O premium are positivelyrelated to excess CEO compensation. The overall results suggestthat D & O premiums contain useful information about thequality of firms' governance.  相似文献   

论公司治理文化与治理制度不同偏好的互补与替代   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郭鹰 《现代财经》2006,26(5):37-40
从经济学视角看,公司治理文化具有节约交易费用、节约监督成本和加强对企业各相关方激励的作用。公司治理文化偏好不完备契约,而公司治理制度则偏好完备契约,这决定了两者在企业的不同发展阶段是互补与替代的关系。  相似文献   

对资源基础观、资源依赖理论、企业家精神、动态能力等理论进行整合,将组织资源获取过程划分为资源识别、资源外部获取、资源内部积累3个阶段,并提出了8种领导者影响组织资源获取的途径,可为研究资源基础观的微观基础提供一个系统分析视角,为领导有效性研究提供启示。  相似文献   

质量弹性表示在一定时期内一种商品的质量成本变动一定比例所引起的该商品的需求量的变动比例。质量弹性的实质是质量变动对需求量的影响程度。影响质量弹性的因素主要有消费者的收入水平、产品价格在消费者收入中所占比例、商品对消费者的重要程度、市场竞争程度。质量弹性可以分为富有弹性、单位弹性和缺乏弹性三大类。企业提高产品质量的原则是:只要利润增量大于成本增量,企业就应该不断提高质量,直到利润增量等于成本增量。企业应该分析不同时期各个市场的质量弹性,决定相应时期、相应市场的商品质量定位,在更好地满足消费者需求的同时,获得更大的收益。  相似文献   

This study provides evidence of the triangular relationship between governance quality, foreign direct investment, and economic growth. Unlike previous studies in the governance—foreign direct investment—growth literature, this study employed the panel vector autoregressive model to examine the impact of governance quality and foreign direct investment on economic growth. Moreover, we used the impulse response function tool, which was developed in the same context, to better understand the reaction of the two main variables of interest, foreign direct investment, and economic growth, after shocks to the governance quality variable. Finally, the analysis was completed by the variance decomposition of all variables. These analyses were conducted for 102 developing countries from 1996 to 2014. Overall, the results show that inward foreign direct investment has a significant impact and can strongly encourage economic growth. These results indicate that the quality of governance in developing countries does not affect foreign direct investment and economic growth.  相似文献   

In any market economy, a fundamental question is how to make management accountable to shareholders and also to the requirements of law. This paper raises selective, critical issues of corporate governance that are particularly relevant to problems of the accountability of boards of directors to their shareholders in transition economies. These issues include the separation of ownership and control and the duties of directors; the need for disclosure given that separation; and the corporate charter as a vehicle for the direct participation of shareholders in governance. The paper suggests that one of the best models of corporate governance that transition economies can use is that employed by the leveraged-buyout (LBO) and venture capital funds operating in the West. It argues that weaknesses in corporate governance may undermine the entire privatization process. Economics and law are too often seen as separate disciplines. In reality, they come together in transition economies perhaps with greater impact than elsewhere.  相似文献   

We investigate the effect of both research and consulting on teaching quality in higher education, at the individual level. We propose a theoretical model in which academics allocate effort between the three activities, over a two period time horizon, under the assumption of positive spillovers from research to both consulting opportunities and teaching, and of life-cycle effects on incentives. Propositions from the model are tested against data from a mid-sized Italian engineering faculty. We find that teaching quality is negatively related to consulting and positively related to research experience. However, both relationships are not linear, due to the importance of several mediating factors, such as seniority and the role of scientific publications as a signal for attracting consulting opportunities.  相似文献   

This paper analyses how the quality of governance, the size of public spending, and economic development affect the relationship between bureaucratic corruption and economic growth. The analysis shows that the interaction between corruption and governance shapes the efficiency of public spending, which in turn, determines the growth effects of corruption. Specifically, corruption improves economic efficiency only when the actual government size is above the optimal level. It implies that a growth-maximising level of corruption is possible. This paper also finds that the incidence of corruption declines with economic development. This is because with economic development the wage rate rises and makes private rent seeking costs higher, thereby, discouraging corruption. The main policy implication is that targeting tax evaders instead of bureaucrats is more effective in terms of both reducing corruption and improving the growth potential of an economy.  相似文献   

技术学习是影响区域创新网络升级的核心因素,外向型和内向型技术学习是其两种典型模式。通过对浙江台州146家集群企业的问卷调查发现:区域创新网络中的技术学习活动非常活跃,非正式技术学习活动居于主导地位,龙头企业在技术学习中扮演着关键角色。从完善内部网络和开拓外部联系两个角度,提出了进一步推动产业集群创新网络升级,提升集群企业技术创新能力的对策建议。  相似文献   

资本结构理论是现代金融理论的重要基石之一。本文主要尝试从学科交叉研究的角度 ,对 1 980年以来资本结构理论发展的主要学术成果进行全面回顾 ,介绍产业组织理论、行为金融理论、公司治理理论和资本结构理论融合发展的最新研究成果和文献 ,充分阐述产业竞争、非理性行为、公司治理和企业最优资本结构之间的内在有机联系 ,并展望现代资本结构理论的进一步发展。  相似文献   

基于交易成本理论,本文分析了治理环境如何影响企业寻租动机并进而影响企业交易成本——非生产性支出。本文借鉴并改进了Andersonetal.(2006)模型,探讨了非生产性支出的度量,并实证检验了影响非生产性支出的制度因素。研究表明,企业所处地区治理环境对交易成本有显著影响,减少政府干预、改善政府服务、加强法律保护均有利于减少企业非生产性支出。本文研究发现不仅具有理论上的意义,也为我国市场化改革提供了进一步的实证支持。  相似文献   

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