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The M5 Forecasting Competition, the fifth in the series of forecasting competitions organized by Professor Spyros Makridakis and the Makridakis Open Forecasting Center at the University of Nicosia, was an extremely successful event. This competition focused on both the accuracy and uncertainty of forecasts and leveraged actual historical sales data provided by Walmart. This has led to the M5 being a unique competition that closely parallels the difficulties and challenges associated with industrial applications of forecasting. Like its precursor the M4, many interesting ideas came from the results of the M5 competition which will continue to push forecasting in new directions.In this article we discuss four topics around the practitioners view of the application of the competition and its results to the actual problems we face. First, we examine the data provided and how it relates to common difficulties practitioners must overcome. Secondly, we review the relevance of the accuracy and uncertainty metrics associated with the competition. Third, we discuss the leading solutions and their implications to forecasting at a company like Walmart. We then close with thoughts about a future M6 competition and further enhancements that can be explored.  相似文献   

The M5 competition uncertainty track aims for probabilistic forecasting of sales of thousands of Walmart retail goods. We show that the M5 competition data face strong overdispersion and sporadic demand, especially zero demand. We discuss modeling issues concerning adequate probabilistic forecasting of such count data processes. Unfortunately, the majority of popular prediction methods used in the M5 competition (e.g. lightgbm and xgboost GBMs) fail to address the data characteristics, due to the considered objective functions. Distributional forecasting provides a suitable modeling approach to overcome those problems. The GAMLSS framework allows for flexible probabilistic forecasting using low-dimensional distributions. We illustrate how the GAMLSS approach can be applied to M5 competition data by modeling the location and scale parameters of various distributions, e.g. the negative binomial distribution. Finally, we discuss software packages for distributional modeling and their drawbacks, like the R package gamlss with its package extensions, and (deep) distributional forecasting libraries such as TensorFlow Probability.  相似文献   

The ‘M4’ forecasting competition results were featured recently in a special issue of the International Journal of Forecasting and included projections for demographic time series. We sought to investigate whether the best M4 methods could improve the accuracy of small area population forecasts, which generally suffer from much higher forecast errors than regions with larger populations. The aim of this study was to apply the top ten M4 forecasting methods to produce 5- and 10-year forecasts of small area total populations using historical datasets from Australia and New Zealand. Forecasts were compared against the actual population numbers and forecasts from two simple benchmark models. The M4 methods were found to perform relatively well compared to our benchmarks. In the light of these findings, we discuss possible future directions for small area population forecasting research.  相似文献   

We review the results of six forecasting competitions based on the online data science platform Kaggle, which have been largely overlooked by the forecasting community. In contrast to the M competitions, the competitions reviewed in this study feature daily and weekly time series with exogenous variables, business hierarchy information, or both. Furthermore, the Kaggle data sets all exhibit higher entropy than the M3 and M4 competitions, and they are intermittent.In this review, we confirm the conclusion of the M4 competition that ensemble models using cross-learning tend to outperform local time series models and that gradient boosted decision trees and neural networks are strong forecast methods. Moreover, we present insights regarding the use of external information and validation strategies, and discuss the impacts of data characteristics on the choice of statistics or machine learning methods. Based on these insights, we construct nine ex-ante hypotheses for the outcome of the M5 competition to allow empirical validation of our findings.  相似文献   

Science is caught up in a replication crisis which has negative implications for published findings that cannot be reproduced by other researchers. However, such is not the case with the M4 Competition, which not only provided the means of effectively reproducing its submissions, but also preregistered ten predictions/hypotheses about its expected results two-and-a-half months before its completion. From a scientific point of view, attempting to predict the results of a study is far more powerful than merely justifying them in hindsight after they have become available. The present paper presents these ten predictions/hypotheses that the organizers of the M4 Competition made and evaluates them based on the actual results. It is shown that at least six of the ten predictions/hypotheses were entirely correct, while two were partially correct, one required additional information to be confirmed, and the remaining one was not predicted correctly.  相似文献   

We participated in the M4 competition for time series forecasting and here describe our methods for forecasting daily time series. We used an ensemble of five statistical forecasting methods and a method that we refer to as the correlator. Our retrospective analysis using the ground truth values published by the M4 organisers after the competition demonstrates that the correlator was responsible for most of our gains over the naïve constant forecasting method. We identify data leakage as one reason for its success, due partly to test data selected from different time intervals, and partly to quality issues with the original time series. We suggest that future forecasting competitions should provide actual dates for the time series so that some of these leakages could be avoided by participants.  相似文献   

The M4 competition identified innovative forecasting methods, advancing the theory and practice of forecasting. One of the most promising innovations of M4 was the utilization of cross-learning approaches that allow models to learn from multiple series how to accurately predict individual ones. In this paper, we investigate the potential of cross-learning by developing various neural network models that adopt such an approach, and we compare their accuracy to that of traditional models that are trained in a series-by-series fashion. Our empirical evaluation, which is based on the M4 monthly data, confirms that cross-learning is a promising alternative to traditional forecasting, at least when appropriate strategies for extracting information from large, diverse time series data sets are considered. Ways of combining traditional with cross-learning methods are also examined in order to initiate further research in the field.  相似文献   

Machine learning (ML) methods are gaining popularity in the forecasting field, as they have shown strong empirical performance in the recent M4 and M5 competitions, as well as in several Kaggle competitions. However, understanding why and how these methods work well for forecasting is still at a very early stage, partly due to their complexity. In this paper, I present a framework for regression-based ML that provides researchers with a common language and abstraction to aid in their study. To demonstrate the utility of the framework, I show how it can be used to map and compare ML methods used in the M5 Uncertainty competition. I then describe how the framework can be used together with ablation testing to systematically study their performance. Lastly, I use the framework to provide an overview of the solution space in regression-based ML forecasting, identifying areas for further research.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of the NN3 competition, which is a replication of the M3 competition with an extension of the competition towards neural network (NN) and computational intelligence (CI) methods, in order to assess what progress has been made in the 10 years since the M3 competition. Two masked subsets of the M3 monthly industry data, containing 111 and 11 empirical time series respectively, were chosen, controlling for multiple data conditions of time series length (short/long), data patterns (seasonal/non-seasonal) and forecasting horizons (short/medium/long). The relative forecasting accuracy was assessed using the metrics from the M3, together with later extensions of scaled measures, and non-parametric statistical tests. The NN3 competition attracted 59 submissions from NN, CI and statistics, making it the largest CI competition on time series data. Its main findings include: (a) only one NN outperformed the damped trend using the sMAPE, but more contenders outperformed the AutomatANN of the M3; (b) ensembles of CI approaches performed very well, better than combinations of statistical methods; (c) a novel, complex statistical method outperformed all statistical and CI benchmarks; and (d) for the most difficult subset of short and seasonal series, a methodology employing echo state neural networks outperformed all others. The NN3 results highlight the ability of NN to handle complex data, including short and seasonal time series, beyond prior expectations, and thus identify multiple avenues for future research.  相似文献   

The M5 competition follows the previous four M competitions, whose purpose is to learn from empirical evidence how to improve forecasting performance and advance the theory and practice of forecasting. M5 focused on a retail sales forecasting application with the objective to produce the most accurate point forecasts for 42,840 time series that represent the hierarchical unit sales of the largest retail company in the world, Walmart, as well as to provide the most accurate estimates of the uncertainty of these forecasts. Hence, the competition consisted of two parallel challenges, namely the Accuracy and Uncertainty forecasting competitions. M5 extended the results of the previous M competitions by: (a) significantly expanding the number of participating methods, especially those in the category of machine learning; (b) evaluating the performance of the uncertainty distribution along with point forecast accuracy; (c) including exogenous/explanatory variables in addition to the time series data; (d) using grouped, correlated time series; and (e) focusing on series that display intermittency. This paper describes the background, organization, and implementations of the competition, and it presents the data used and their characteristics. Consequently, it serves as introductory material to the results of the two forecasting challenges to facilitate their understanding.  相似文献   

The Makridakis Competitions seek to identify the most accurate forecasting methods for different types of predictions. The M4 competition was the first in which a model of the type commonly described as “machine learning” has outperformed the more traditional statistical approaches, winning the competition. However, many approaches that were self-labeled as “machine learning” failed to produce accurate results, which generated discussion about the respective benefits and drawbacks of “statistical” and “machine learning” approaches. Both terms have remained ill-defined in the context of forecasting. This paper introduces the terms “structured” and “unstructured” models to better define what is intended by the use of the terms “statistical” and “machine learning” in the context of forecasting based on the model’s data generating process. The mechanisms that underlie specific challenges to unstructured modeling are examined in the context of forecasting, along with common solutions. Finally, the innovations in the winning model that allowed it to overcome these challenges and produce highly accurate results are highlighted.  相似文献   

Combination methods have performed well in time series forecast competitions. This study proposes a simple but general methodology for combining time series forecast methods. Weights are calculated using a cross-validation scheme that assigns greater weights to methods with more accurate in-sample predictions. The methodology was used to combine forecasts from the Theta, exponential smoothing, and ARIMA models, and placed fifth in the M4 Competition for both point and interval forecasting.  相似文献   

Several researchers (Armstrong, 2001; Clemen, 1989; Makridakis and Winkler, 1983) have shown empirically that combination-based forecasting methods are very effective in real world settings. This paper discusses a combination-based forecasting approach that was used successfully in the M4 competition. The proposed approach was evaluated on a set of 100K time series across multiple domain areas with varied frequencies. The point forecasts submitted finished fourth based on the overall weighted average (OWA) error measure and second based on the symmetric mean absolute percent error (sMAPE).  相似文献   

The main objective of the M5 competition, which focused on forecasting the hierarchical unit sales of Walmart, was to evaluate the accuracy and uncertainty of forecasting methods in the field to identify best practices and highlight their practical implications. However, can the findings of the M5 competition be generalized and exploited by retail firms to better support their decisions and operation? This depends on the extent to which M5 data is sufficiently similar to unit sales data of retailers operating in different regions selling different product types and considering different marketing strategies. To answer this question, we analyze the characteristics of the M5 time series and compare them with those of two grocery retailers, namely Corporación Favorita and a major Greek supermarket chain, using feature spaces. Our results suggest only minor discrepancies between the examined data sets, supporting the representativeness of the M5 data.  相似文献   

We propose an automated method for obtaining weighted forecast combinations using time series features. The proposed approach involves two phases. First, we use a collection of time series to train a meta-model for assigning weights to various possible forecasting methods with the goal of minimizing the average forecasting loss obtained from a weighted forecast combination. The inputs to the meta-model are features that are extracted from each series. Then, in the second phase, we forecast new series using a weighted forecast combination, where the weights are obtained from our previously trained meta-model. Our method outperforms a simple forecast combination, as well as all of the most popular individual methods in the time series forecasting literature. The approach achieved second position in the M4 competition.  相似文献   

Deep neural networks and gradient boosted tree models have swept across the field of machine learning over the past decade, producing across-the-board advances in performance. The ability of these methods to capture feature interactions and nonlinearities makes them exceptionally powerful and, at the same time, prone to overfitting, leakage, and a lack of generalization in domains with target non-stationarity and collinearity, such as time-series forecasting. We offer guidance to address these difficulties and provide a framework that maximizes the chances of predictions that generalize well and deliver state-of-the-art performance. The techniques we offer for cross-validation, augmentation, and parameter tuning have been used to win several major time-series forecasting competitions—including the M5 Forecasting Uncertainty competition and the Kaggle COVID19 Forecasting series—and, with the proper theoretical grounding, constitute the current best practices in time-series forecasting.  相似文献   

This paper utilizes the conventional statistical tests associated with the rational expectations hypothesis so as to compare the relative accuracy of individual versus group forecasting within the organization. In order to maintain comparability between forecasting regimens the study employs like information sets for the two prediction methods. Using the rational expectations tests as criteria, the statistical results show group forecasts inferior to individually produced predictions These findings imply that group-produced forecasting accuracy may be hampered by the psychological interaction associated with consensus behavior. Conversely, we find forecasting accuracy improves when predictions are elicited from individuals in an isolated laboratory-like setting.  相似文献   

Probabilistic forecasts are necessary for robust decisions in the face of uncertainty. The M5 Uncertainty competition required participating teams to forecast nine quantiles for unit sales of various products at various aggregation levels and for different time horizons. This paper evaluates the forecasting performance of the quantile forecasts at different aggregation levels and at different quantile levels. We contrast this with some theoretical predictions, and discuss potential implications and promising future research directions for the practice of probabilistic forecasting.  相似文献   

The winning machine learning methods of the M5 Accuracy competition demonstrated high levels of forecast accuracy compared to the top-performing benchmarks in the history of the M-competitions. Yet, large-scale adoption is hampered due to the significant computational requirements to model, tune, and train these state-of-the-art algorithms. To overcome this major issue, we discuss the potential of transfer learning (TL) to reduce the computational effort in hierarchical forecasting and provide a proof of concept that TL can be applied on M5 top-performing methods. We demonstrate our easy-to-use TL framework on the recursive store-level LightGBM models of the M5 winning method and attain similar levels of forecast accuracy with roughly 25% less training time. Our findings provide evidence for a novel application of TL to facilitate the practical applicability of the M5 winning methods in large-scale settings with hierarchically structured data.  相似文献   

This commentary introduces a correlation analysis of the top-10 ranked forecasting methods that participated in the M4 forecasting competition. The “M” competitions attempt to promote and advance research in the field of forecasting by inviting both industry and academia to submit forecasting algorithms for evaluation over a large corpus of real-world datasets. After performing the initial analysis to derive the errors of each method, we proceed to investigate the pairwise correlations among them in order to understand the extent to which they produce errors in similar ways. Based on our results, we conclude that there is indeed a certain degree of correlation among the top-10 ranked methods, largely due to the fact that many of them consist of a combination of well-known, statistical and machine learning techniques. This fact has a strong impact on the results of the correlation analysis, and therefore leads to similar forecasting error patterns.  相似文献   

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