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Despite the clear success of forecast combination in many economic environments, several important issues remain incompletely resolved. The issues relate to the selection of the set of forecasts to combine, and whether some form of additional regularization (e.g., shrinkage) is desirable. Against this background, and also considering the frequently-found good performance of simple-average combinations, we propose a LASSO-based procedure that sets some combining weights to zero and shrinks the survivors toward equality (“partially-egalitarian LASSO”). Ex post analysis reveals that the optimal solution has a very simple form: the vast majority of forecasters should be discarded, and the remainder should be averaged. We therefore propose and explore direct subset-averaging procedures that are motivated by the structure of partially-egalitarian LASSO and the lessons learned, which, unlike LASSO, do not require the choice of a tuning parameter. Intriguingly, in an application to the European Central Bank Survey of Professional Forecasters, our procedures outperform simple average and median forecasts; indeed, they perform approximately as well as the ex post best forecaster.  相似文献   

Statistical post-processing techniques are now used widely for correcting systematic biases and errors in the calibration of ensemble forecasts obtained from multiple runs of numerical weather prediction models. A standard approach is the ensemble model output statistics (EMOS) method, which results in a predictive distribution that is given by a single parametric law, with parameters that depend on the ensemble members. This article assesses the merits of combining multiple EMOS models based on different parametric families. In four case studies with wind speed and precipitation forecasts from two ensemble prediction systems, we investigate the performances of state of the art forecast combination methods and propose a computationally efficient approach for determining linear pool combination weights. We study the performance of forecast combination compared to that of the theoretically superior but cumbersome estimation of a full mixture model, and assess which degree of flexibility of the forecast combination approach yields the best practical results for post-processing applications.  相似文献   

A large body of empirical studies has shown that a forecast developed by combining individual base forecasts performs surprisingly well. Previous work on the combination of forecasts has been confined to the area of time series forecasting. This work extends the combination of forecasts technique into the domain of forecasting one-time competitive events, specifically the scaled, relative finishing position of horses in thoroughbred sprint races. The present research develops a framework for the selection of the base forecasts and selects 12 base forecasts for analysis. The performance of the combination of the base forecasts is assessed on a sample of sprint races. Results of the analysis strongly suggest that the combination approach is both appropriate and effective. Some differences in results between this work and previous work in the time series domain suggest promising avenues for future research.  相似文献   

Multi-step-ahead forecasts of the forecast uncertainty of an individual forecaster are often based on the horizon-specific sample means of his recent squared forecast errors, where the number of past forecast errors available decreases one-to-one with the forecast horizon. In this paper, the efficiency gains from the joint estimation of forecast uncertainty for all horizons in such samples are investigated. If the forecast uncertainty is estimated by seemingly unrelated regressions, it turns out that the covariance matrix of the squared forecast errors does not have to be estimated, but simply needs to have a certain structure, which is a very useful property in small samples. Considering optimal and non-optimal forecasts, it is found that the efficiency gains can be substantial for longer horizons in small samples. The superior performance of the seemingly-unrelated-regressions approach is confirmed in several empirical applications.  相似文献   

Do professional forecasters have an accurate sense of the uncertainties surrounding their own forecasts? This paper examines forecaster overconfidence by comparing ex ante, surveyed forecaster uncertainty with ex post, realised uncertainty based on the dispersion of an individual’s forecast errors. Unlike the literature that focuses on consensus forecasts, our focus is at the level of the individual forecaster. Using microdata from the three major surveys of professional forecasters (Euro Area, US and UK), we examine real GDP growth forecasts over the period 1999–2015. Our findings show that overconfidence dominates among individual forecasters, particularly for longer forecast horizons, and that individual forecasters appear to have little understanding of their own uncertainty.  相似文献   

We develop a system that provides model‐based forecasts for inflation in Norway. We recursively evaluate quasi out‐of‐sample forecasts from a large suite of models from 1999 to 2009. The performance of the models are then used to derive quasi real time weights that are used to combine the forecasts. Our results indicate that a combination forecast improves upon the point forecasts from individual models. Furthermore, a combination forecast outperforms Norges Bank's own point forecast for inflation. The beneficial results are obtained using a trimmed weighted average. Some degree of trimming is required for the combination forecasts to outperform the judgmental forecasts from the policymaker.  相似文献   

While combining forecasts is well-known to reduce error, the question of how to best combine forecasts remains. Prior research suggests that combining is most beneficial when relying on diverse forecasts that incorporate different information. Here, I provide evidence in support of this hypothesis by analyzing data from the PollyVote project, which has published combined forecasts of the popular vote in U.S. presidential elections since 2004. Prior to the 2020 election, the PollyVote revised its original method of combining forecasts by, first, restructuring individual forecasts based on their underlying information and, second, adding naïve forecasts as a new component method. On average across the last 100 days prior to the five elections from 2004 to 2020, the revised PollyVote reduced the error of the original specification by eight percent and, with a mean absolute error (MAE) of 0.8 percentage points, was more accurate than any of its component forecasts. The results suggest that, when deciding about which forecasts to include in the combination, forecasters should be more concerned about the component forecasts’ diversity than their historical accuracy.  相似文献   

We consider different methods for combining probability forecasts. In empirical exercises, the data generating process of the forecasts and the event being forecast is not known, and therefore the optimal form of combination will also be unknown. We consider the properties of various combination schemes for a number of plausible data generating processes, and indicate which types of combinations are likely to be useful. We also show that whether forecast encompassing is found to hold between two rival sets of forecasts or not may depend on the type of combination adopted. The relative performances of the different combination methods are illustrated, with an application to predicting recession probabilities using leading indicators.  相似文献   

Motivated by the common finding that linear autoregressive models often forecast better than models that incorporate additional information, this paper presents analytical, Monte Carlo and empirical evidence on the effectiveness of combining forecasts from nested models. In our analytics, the unrestricted model is true, but a subset of the coefficients is treated as being local‐to‐zero. This approach captures the practical reality that the predictive content of variables of interest is often low. We derive mean square error‐minimizing weights for combining the restricted and unrestricted forecasts. Monte Carlo and empirical analyses verify the practical effectiveness of our combination approach.  相似文献   

Forecast combination is a well-established and well-tested approach for improving the forecasting accuracy. One beneficial strategy is to use constituent forecasts that have diverse information. In this paper we consider the idea of diversity being accomplished by using different time aggregations. For example, we could create a yearly time series from a monthly time series and produce forecasts for both, then combine the forecasts. These forecasts would each be tracking the dynamics of different time scales, and would therefore add diverse types of information. A comparison of several forecast combination methods, performed in the context of this setup, shows that this is indeed a beneficial strategy and generally provides a forecasting performance that is better than the performances of the individual forecasts that are combined.As a case study, we consider the problem of forecasting monthly tourism numbers for inbound tourism to Egypt. Specifically, we consider 33 individual source countries, as well as the aggregate. The novel combination strategy also produces a generally improved forecasting accuracy.  相似文献   

We introduce various methods that combine forecasts using constrained optimization with penalty. A non-negativity constraint is imposed on the weights, and several penalties are considered, taking the form of a divergence from a reference combination scheme. In contrast with most of the existing approaches, our framework performs forecast selection and combination in one step, allowing for potentially sparse combining schemes. Moreover, by exploiting the analogy between forecasts combination and portfolio optimization, we provide the analytical expression of the optimal penalty strength when penalizing with the L2-divergence from the equally-weighted scheme. An extensive simulation study and two empirical applications allow us to investigate the impact of the divergence function, the reference scheme, and the non-negativity constraint on the predictive performance. Our results suggest that the proposed models outperform those considered in previous studies.  相似文献   

Combining exponential smoothing forecasts using Akaike weights   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Simple forecast combinations such as medians and trimmed or winsorized means are known to improve the accuracy of point forecasts, and Akaike’s Information Criterion (AIC) has given rise to so-called Akaike weights, which have been used successfully to combine statistical models for inference and prediction in specialist fields, e.g., ecology and medicine. We examine combining exponential smoothing point and interval forecasts using weights derived from AIC, small-sample-corrected AIC and BIC on the M1 and M3 Competition datasets. Weighted forecast combinations perform better than forecasts selected using information criteria, in terms of both point forecast accuracy and prediction interval coverage. Simple combinations and weighted combinations do not consistently outperform one another, while simple combinations sometimes perform worse than single forecasts selected by information criteria. We find a tendency for a longer history to be associated with a better prediction interval coverage.  相似文献   

This paper provides an assessment of the IMF’s unemployment forecasts, which have not received much scrutiny to date. The focus is on the internal consistency of the IMF’s growth and unemployment forecasts, and specifically on seeing whether the relationship between the two is consistent with the relationship in the data, i.e., with Okun’s Law. We find that the average performance is good, in the sense that the relationship between growth and unemployment forecasts is fairly comparable to that which prevails in the data: on average, the Okun coefficient in the forecasts mirrors the Okun coefficient in the data. Nevertheless, there is room for improvement, particularly in the year-ahead forecasts and for the group of middle-income countries. We show that a linear combination of Okun-based unemployment forecasts and WEO unemployment forecasts can deliver significant gains in forecast accuracy for developing economies.  相似文献   

Combination methods have performed well in time series forecast competitions. This study proposes a simple but general methodology for combining time series forecast methods. Weights are calculated using a cross-validation scheme that assigns greater weights to methods with more accurate in-sample predictions. The methodology was used to combine forecasts from the Theta, exponential smoothing, and ARIMA models, and placed fifth in the M4 Competition for both point and interval forecasting.  相似文献   

Performance measures of point forecasts are expressed commonly as skill scores, in which the performance gain from using one forecasting system over another is expressed as a proportion of the gain achieved by forecasting that outcome perfectly. Increasingly, it is common to express scores of probabilistic forecasts in this form; however, this paper presents three criticisms of this approach. Firstly, initial condition uncertainty (which is outside the forecaster’s control) limits the capacity to improve a probabilistic forecast, and thus a ‘perfect’ score is often unattainable. Secondly, the skill score forms of the ignorance and Brier scores are biased. Finally, it is argued that the skill score form of scoring rules destroys the useful interpretation in terms of the relative skill levels of two forecasting systems. Indeed, it is often misleading, and useful information is lost when the skill score form is used in place of the original score.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new method for combining forecasts based on complete subset regressions. For a given set of potential predictor variables we combine forecasts from all possible linear regression models that keep the number of predictors fixed. We explore how the choice of model complexity, as measured by the number of included predictor variables, can be used to trade off the bias and variance of the forecast errors, generating a setup akin to the efficient frontier known from modern portfolio theory. In an application to predictability of stock returns, we find that combinations of subset regressions can produce more accurate forecasts than conventional approaches based on equal-weighted forecasts (which fail to account for the dimensionality of the underlying models), combinations of univariate forecasts, or forecasts generated by methods such as bagging, ridge regression or Bayesian Model Averaging.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigate whether low-frequency data improve volatility forecasting when high-frequency data are available. To answer this question, we utilize four forecast combination strategies that combine low-frequency and high-frequency volatility models and employ a rolling window and a range of loss functions in the framework of the novel Model Confidence Set test. Out-of-sample results show that combination forecasts with GARCH-class models can achieve high forecast accuracy. However, the combination forecast methods appear not to significantly outperform individual high-frequency volatility models. Furthermore, we find that models that combine low-frequency and high-frequency volatility yield significantly better performance than other models and combination forecast strategies in both a statistical and economic sense.  相似文献   

To improve the predictability of crude oil futures market returns, this paper proposes a new combination approach based on principal component analysis (PCA). The PCA combination approach combines individual forecasts given by all PCA subset regression models that use all potential predictor subsets to construct PCA indexes. The proposed method can not only guard against over-fitting by employing the PCA technique but also reduce forecast variance due to extensive forecast combinations, thus benefiting from both the combination of information and the combination of forecasts. Showing impressive out-of-sample forecasting performance, the PCA combination approach outperforms a benchmark model and many related competing models. Furthermore, a mean–variance investor can realize sizeable utility gains by using the PCA combination forecasts relative to the competing forecasts from an asset allocation perspective.  相似文献   

This article provides a practical evaluation of some leading density forecast scoring rules in the context of forecast surveys. We analyse the density forecasts of UK inflation obtained from the Bank of England’s Survey of External Forecasters, considering both the survey average forecasts published in the Bank’s quarterly Inflation Report, and the individual survey responses recently made available to researchers by the Bank. The density forecasts are collected in histogram format, and the ranked probability score (RPS) is shown to have clear advantages over other scoring rules. Missing observations are a feature of forecast surveys, and we introduce an adjustment to the RPS, based on the Yates decomposition, to improve its comparative measurement of forecaster performance in the face of differential non-response. The new measure, denoted RPS*, is recommended to analysts of forecast surveys.  相似文献   

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