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We consider a framework in which freedom of the media can alleviate barriers to trade, while in the absence of trustworthy market information, firms optimally withhold part of their export activity and opt for testing-the-waters strategies. We employ data on export flows among a large group of Western and Latin American countries combined with the Freedom House measure of press freedom to examine the main theoretical implication. In a standard set-up of gravity equations, we find evidence that the effects are partially conditional on the political institutions of the importing country: press freedom is strongly associated with trade with autocracies.  相似文献   

外商直接投资对中国对外贸易影响的实证分析   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
本文以中国和其它24个国家或地区的最近3年的外贸和外资的实际数据为基础,用统计计量学方法对外商直接投资(FDI)和国际贸易关系进行实证研究,定量论证了FDI的贸易促进作用,在此基础上,还对中国与各个国家或地区之间贸易规模差异进行了阐述.  相似文献   

The study analyses the determinants of international telephone, telex, telegram and leased lines communication between the United States and 46 countries. It focusses on the role of multinational firms, international trading firms and new information technologies within the framework of the theory of transaction costs.Results of the econometric estimates suggest that: (a) technological conditions of telecommunication infrastructure, i.e., international diffusion lags of new information technologies, play an important role in the explanation of international telephone and telex telecommunication flows but not in the demand for telegraph and leased lines, (b) multinational firms use international telecommunication to reduce the coordination costs and are strong customers of leased lines and telephones, but less so of telex and telegrams, (c) international trading firms exhibit less clear preferences in the use of the different media to reduce transaction costs.  相似文献   

This paper takes a mechanism-design approach to characterize a politically optimal trade agreement under the assumption that governments have private information about the fluctuating political pressure they face from domestic interest groups to restrict trade. The optimal mechanism under these changing circumstances involves a remedy system for breach of trade agreements that specifies less-than-proportional retaliations against deviating parties. This result is in contrast to the conventional wisdom in the literature regarding the efficiency of the Reciprocity Principle as a rule of renegotiation in trade agreements. I also consider an institutional structure in which only commensurate retaliations are practical but governments can employ a public randomizing device to authorize retaliations. I show that it is optimal to authorize retaliations only randomly. This suggests a role for the WTO dispute settlement process as a public randomizing device.  相似文献   

The paper analyses the effect of widespread trade liberalisationon global income inequality. The analysis of the trend in globalinequality during 1981–97, presented in the first partof the paper, shows that the apparent growth of income inequalityamong countries conceals a process of convergence. Some developingcountries achieved significantly faster economic growth thanthe advanced industrialised countries and, though small in number,they actually account for a majority of the population of thedeveloping world. Thus international inequality (i.e., the inequalityof distribution of per capita incomes among the world's population)in fact declined even though the inter-country income inequalityincreased. The analysis in the second part of the paper shows(i) that while improved trade performance did have a stimulatingeffect on growth performance of countries, trade liberalisationhad extremely varied effects on trade performance across countries,and (ii) that the distribution of benefits and costs of tradeliberalisation across countries has been such as to reduce internationalinequality without affecting inter-country inequality.  相似文献   

We generalize the model of Krugman (J Polit Econ 99(3):483–499, 1991) to allow for asymmetric trade costs between regions and for (asymmetric) trade costs that are internal to the regions. We find that industrial activity, in a region, is enhanced by higher costs of importing and lower costs of exporting (more precisely, by a higher ratio between the two trade costs). This suggests that countries may impose tariffs on imported goods and seek to remove the import tariffs in other countries (unilateral protectionism) in order to foster industrial activity. Industrial activity is also promoted by lower domestic internal trade costs and higher foreign internal trade costs (more precisely, by a lower ratio between the two trade costs).  相似文献   

Developing countries now account for a significant fraction of world trade and two-thirds of the membership of the World Trade Organization (WTO). However, many are still individually small and thus have a limited ability to bilaterally extract and enforce trade concessions from larger developed economies even though as a group they would be able to do so. We show that this coordination externality generates asymmetric outcomes under agreements that rely on bilateral threats of trade retaliation – such as the WTO – but not under agreements extended to include certain financial instruments. In particular, we find that an extended agreement generates improvements in global efficiency and equity if it includes the exchange of bonds prior to trading but not if it relies solely on ex post fines. Moreover, a combination of bonds and fines generates similar improvements even if small countries are subject to financial constraints that prevent them from posting bonds.  相似文献   

The objective is to analyse if international trade is affected by different national cultures. International trade of 21 World Bank listed countries is estimated as function of the Hofstede cultural dimensions, gross domestic product and population. First, we estimate the combined Hofstede culture dimensions and find significant positive effects on countries’ international trade. Secondly, we decompose the Hofstede culture dimensions and estimate the effects of each separate dimension on international trade, finding only the MAS dimension to significantly affect international trade. We estimate additional equation versions to account for occasional trade restrictions with no international trade, as well as estimating how international trade varies between years. These additional estimations further support our original findings, and therefore act as robustness check.  相似文献   

The strategy of trade sanctions in international environmental agreements   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper analyzes the links between policies aimed at supplying a global public good and international trade in segmented markets. I find that the credible threat to impose trade sanctions may be capable of sustaining full cooperation in the supply of the public good, provided the sanctions are accompanied by a minimum participation clause which serves to coordinate government behavior. In equilibrium, trade is not restricted. But if the threat to impose sanctions were not allowed by the rules of the game, supply of the public good would be Pareto-inefficient.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to provide a unified explanation for the mixed evidence on the euro effect on trade and the development of imbalances in the European Monetary Union (EMU). It is argued that the two phenomena are the result of trade creation and trade diversion effects generated by the euro introduction and by globalisation-induced changes in trade patterns. Trade creation and trade diversion effects are estimated as structural changes in the relation between trade flows and financial opening, growth, prices, and measures of globalization. While most of these effects point to the increase in imbalances, financial opening is found to positively affect intra-EMU trade. On the other hand, GDP growth and global changes in production technology reduced intra-EMU trade. The results suggest that policies aimed at rebalancing the EMU should be strengthened and supported by measures aimed at improving the competitiveness of the single market as a whole.  相似文献   

Nowadays, the impact of the measurement and testing infrastructure on economic performance and trade is theoretically and even politically widely accepted. However, there are no empirical studies on this issue. The purpose of this paper is to elucidate the impact of innovative capacity and technical standards as one important part of the measurement and testing infrastructure on international trade flows and competitiveness. In order to focus on the direct causality between innovative technology and measurement and testing standards and the respective market, the empirical analysis concentrates on the trade of measurement and testing products of a country with a top position in measurement and testing technology. In its empirical analysis of Switzerland’s trade flows with Germany, France and the UK, the paper follows the approach of the pioneering paper of Swann et al. (Economic Journal 106 (1996) 1297), who integrated for the first time technical standards as a technology indicator in the estimation of UK trade performance. The trade flows in measurement and testing products from 1980 until 1995 are explained by both an indicator for innovative capacity and for the degree of standardisation. The first indicator is based on the patent applications at the European patent office. The latter uses the stocks of technical standards in the countries differentiated by their regional scope. Four different trade equations are analysed, besides an export and an import function, the trade balance and the intra-industry trade. The results clearly show that both Switzerland’s innovative capacity and its stocks of standards are able to explain its export performance in the three countries. Secondly, especially the stocks of international standards in Switzerland have a positive impact on imports into Switzerland from the three countries, confirming their positive role for fostering trade in general. Thirdly, Switzerland’s export surplus concerning the three trade partners is positively affected by the stocks of international standards in Switzerland, which seem to be an important factor for international competitiveness. Finally, the results of the intra-industry model underline the common view of the general trade-fostering effect of even national standards in the case of the trade with the three countries.  相似文献   

We analyze the relationship between 3D printing technology, the volume of trade, and the structure of foreign direct investment (FDI). We present a standard trade model with firm-specific heterogeneity into which we include 3D printing as a technology choice for foreign direct investment. The model generates three predictions. First, 3D printers are introduced in areas with high economic activity that face high transport costs. Second, technological progress in 3D printing leads to FDI dependent on traditional techniques gradually being replaced by FDI based on 3D printing. Third, with wider adoption, further technological progress in 3D printing leads to a gradual replacement of international trade. Empirical evidence focusing on the sectors with the highest rates of adoption supports the first hypothesis, while evidence from a case study supports the second and third. Our results suggest that the traditional strategy of poor countries for export-led industrialization is threatened by the widespread adoption of 3D printing that replaces international trade.  相似文献   

"主讲制"和校外教师"辅教制"的"双导师"制教学模式,目的在于产生"1+1>2"的协同效应。因此,对"双导师"制的意义和途径进行了论述,并认为实施"双导师"制在全面提升素质、培养实践技能、构建科学的体系等方面可以发挥非常重要的作用。  相似文献   

孙纲 《时代经贸》2007,5(2X):71-72
美国、日本、欧盟是我国三大重要的贸易伙伴,近年来,随着彼此间经贸联系的不断加强,贸易摩擦也频频发生。我国与三大贸易伙伴的贸易摩擦即有共性,又有各自的非经济因素干扰,我们应客观认识这一事实,这对进一步促进我国对外贸易的发展有重要意义。  相似文献   

New trade theory versus old trade policy: a continuing enigma   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This paper examines the theoretical and empirical grounds fortrade liberalisation. We note that many of the conventionalarguments relating to the static and dynamic gains from liberalisationare based on fragile theoretical grounds. We also show that,although new trade theory takes account of some of the complexitiesof international trade and although the analytical thrust ofmany models justifies intervention, such policy conclusionsare rejected even by those at the forefront of these theorieson the grounds of political economy arguments which do not standup to careful scrutiny. Finally, we show that arguments favouringtrade liberalisation are not supported by existing empiricalresearch, which generally fails to capture the complex and ambiguouseffects of liberalisation and openness.  相似文献   

近年来,中国和拉关地区的贸易额迅速增长。本文介绍了中拉贸易现状及贸易基础,重点对经济增长和中拉贸易合作之间的关系进行了分析。  相似文献   

经济全球化为企业进行对外贸易带来了巨大的发展空间和前所未有的机遇。中国作为世界贸易组织的成员国,拥有了更多参与国际市场竞争的机会。而在国际贸易中,文化环境是极其重要而又容易被忽视的因素,当今世界各国文化相互交融与发展,而文化的传播与交流又要通过一定的方式,其中媒体、政府以及对外贸易自身都发挥了积极的作用。中国对外文化交流与文化贸易存在一定的问题:缺乏品牌文化产品、观念滞后,缺乏创意思维、缺乏国家战略与支持等。因此扩大对外贸易中的文化交流,推动中华文化走向世界刻不容缓。  相似文献   

This paper analyses the relationship between the size of adjustment costs and the intensity of labor market flows. I argue that high adjustment costs inhibit adjustment to temporary shocks, leaving adjustment to long-lived shocks unchanged. Worker turnover is also reduced because of the negative impact that adjustment costs have on churning.Received: January 2002, Accepted: November 2002, JEL Classification: J23, J63I am grateful to the FCT for funding this research (research grant Praxis/PCSH/C/CEG/13/96), and to Pedro Portugal, Daniel Hamermesh and two anonymous referees for helpful comments on earlier versions of this paper. I thank the Department of Statistics at the Ministry of Labor for providing the data. CETE is supported by the FCT.  相似文献   

This study examines the effect of the Kyoto Protocol on trade using gravity model with a Quandt–Andrews test for detection of structural break with G20 countries data. The structural break on international trade took place in 2003 that is around 1 year after the adoption of the Marrakesh Accords which includes the detailed implementation rules of the Kyoto Protocol. According to estimation results, this study can support the negative effect of environmental regulations on trade flows.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to investigate the origins of the protection argument based on increasing and decreasing returns to scale. The development of this theoretical framework is outlined in order to argue that F. Graham's demonstration consists of a synthesis of previous work. We then discuss the debate that took place in the 1930s, which ended with the rejection of Graham's argument as being a paradox or a theoretical curiosity.  相似文献   

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