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山西省高速公路建设与运营管理已走过十年的历程。十年来,高速公路机电系统由单路段半自动电子收费系统发展到如今集电子、通信、自动控制、视频技术为一体的收费、监控、通信、供配电四大机电联网系统,为山西省高速公路管理逐步步入智能化、电子化、信息化轨道奠定了基础。目前在山西省1700余公里高速公路网中,联网收费一卡通行与统一拆分结算、道路视频的集中上传与统一控制、交通数据的分析与汇总,路况信息的采集与发布、综合指挥调度与紧急救援体系的初步形成等等一系列的信息化技术手段无不对高速公路管理水平与公众服务水平的提升起到积极的推动作用。通过几年的管理实践与不断反思,笔者认为目前高速公路机电及信息化建设方面还有值得关注与反思的几个问题。  相似文献   

马文良 《中关村》2005,(9):92-93
2005年9月,中关村科技园区与世界有约,国际科技园协会第22届世界大会将与9月18日在北京召开,届时来自包括欧洲、美洲、亚洲等50多个国家的400多位从事科技园研究及管理工作的专业人士莅临北京,与国内科技园区代表就园区与人力资源、开发技术与鼓励创新的人文环境、支持中小企业参与全球竞争、科技园在创新网络中的地位等议题展开讨论。  相似文献   

河南省高速公路通车里程达5830公里,高速公路网络化运行形势凸显。为保障高速公路稳定运行,提高公路突发事件应急处置能力和公共服务能力,实现高速公路全网、全时的"可视、可测、可控"的发展目标,应构建集高速公路网运行日常监控与协调管理、突发事件预测预警与应急处置及综合出行信息服务为一体的高速公路网运行综合管理平台。按照《公路网运行监测与服务暂行技术要求》系统规划与建设"应统筹考虑与养护、路政、  相似文献   

6月24日,湖北省交通运输厅与中国电信湖北分公司在武汉举行战略合作框架协议签字仪式。厅长尤习贵、副厅长唐元、副巡视员魏公民与中国电信湖北分公司总经理李洪波、副总经理高鹏军、杨峰出席了签字仪式,这是交通与通信开展跨部门合作、跨行业共建的成功范例。  相似文献   

近年来,随着高速公路建设的迅猛发展,建设规模与通车里程的不断增加,如何不断提高高速公路机电工程的建设和运营管理与服务的水平,充分发挥工程的作用和投资效益,已是摆在业界面前一个不容忽视的问题。高速公路监控系统肩负道路现场交通、安全、环境、气候等相关数据与音、视频信息的采集、监测、分析、控制、发布等功能,与高速公路交通疏导、通行安全、事故救助及公众出行便捷服务密切相关。  相似文献   

傅溪鹏 《中关村》2006,(5):74-77
第一次见面。陈信祥给我留下了爽朗、热情、质朴、诚挚的感觉与印象。他小我几岁,同是六十开外的年纪。但他高挑健壮的身躯无不洋溢着年轻人的敏捷与精力;对事业的执着与投入,无不写在那张网织深沉生活积淀、岁月磨练与辉煌的笑脸上……  相似文献   

江苏智运科技发展有限公司是专注于智能交通的高科技企业。公司以江苏省交通科学研究院为支撑,依托于交通行业,致力于智能交通领域技术与产品的研发、交通行业信息化的建设与服务、公路机电系统(通信、监控、收费)的设计与施工。  相似文献   

徐小平 《中关村》2013,(5):94-95
爱是一种责任,爱是一种承诺,爱也是一种生物钟……爱与贫富贵贱无关、爱与成功失败无关、爱与辉煌潦倒无关、爱是一种需要精心维护、持之以恒、不断表达、习惯成自然的行动啊!  相似文献   

舒日尧 《中关村》2010,(3):110-111
这些传说故事,生动而形象的表现了人性的真与假、美与丑、善与恶,展示了京城古老的文化内涵和艺术魅力。  相似文献   

通过分析高速公路服务区信息化的现状与难点,充分调查服务区信息化需求与长远发展目标,探讨从安全监管、服务监督、信息服务、综合平台等方面研究服务区信息化架构,为公众提供更全面更完善的信息服务、关联服务与延伸服务。  相似文献   

冯婷婷 《中关村》2011,(3):44-44
"我觉得一个女性在事业上无论多么成功,但作为家庭来讲,她应该是一个好母亲、好妻子。"  相似文献   

王鲁湘 《中关村》2012,(7):93-93
"义是横绝于利害、生命、家庭、国家之上的。"虽千万人,吾往矣!"  相似文献   

张应志 《中关村》2011,(2):92-94
叶赫部铁马金戈、刀光剑影的历史已经一去不复返了。如今,叶赫人民正在这片人杰地灵的土地上安居乐业。  相似文献   

程桔华 《中关村》2013,(8):63-65
"比亚酶"不仅可供每个家庭的蔬菜瓜果清洗,还可保证餐饮机构的原材料农残的彻底清除;更重要的是,可以为我国农产品的出口加工保驾护航。在中关村怀柔园,北京森根比亚生物工程技术有限公司(下称森根比亚)并不算大,但却很有影响力。作为一家从军工企业转型而来的公司,其生产的高技术含量的比亚有机磷水解酶(简称  相似文献   

杨红兵 《中关村》2011,(6):93-93
家长怎样与子女贴心交流、平等沟通,如何创设一种民主、平等、和谐的家庭氛围,如何学会倾听与尊重等等,这些比生硬的集体跪父母要来得更有效、更务实、更受欢迎。  相似文献   

The social security system in Japan was developed under the premise that postwar families represented the most common type of family. A “postwar famil” refers to a family in which: (1) men and women are married; (2) husbands work as regular employees and wives are dependent homemakers; and (3) husbands and wives seldom get divorced. Therefore, the social security system is particularly generous towards dependent wives and widows. However, these premises are no longer valid because Japanese nuptiality behavior has completely changed since the 1980s. Marriage rates have decreased and divorce rates have significantly increased. Nevertheless, society still suffers from a wage inequality between men and women. As a result, the number of never-married or divorced elderly women will increase, and these women might face a serious poverty risk in the future. In this study, the author makes simulations of the living arrangements and poverty rates for the elderly in Japan and evaluates the effect of changes in nuptiality behavior on these poverty rates using a dynamic microsimulation model. The simulation results indicate that changes in nuptiality behavior will affect the poverty rate for elderly women, but not for elderly men.  相似文献   

In order to explore the complex mechanisms of married women’s decisions in matters of childbirth, we studied empirically the relations between family size and aspects of lifestyle through a questionnaire survey administered in 2006 to married women living in the city of Suita, Japan, a suburb of Osaka. Lifestyle was taken as a complex of mutual relationships among individual (biographical, psychological) and social (socioeconomic, social support) factors, and our aim was to clarify differences in Japan in lifestyle among married women based on the number of their children. Analysis of 495 respondents showed mothers with only a single child were more self-reliant: they tend to give birth at a late age, enjoy cooperation with their husbands in family finances, be psychologically at ease, and not seek help from others in child rearing. Mothers with three or more children embody more of the traditional role for Japanese women: they tend to give birth at an early age, be reliant on their husbands financially, be less at ease psychologically, and seek others’ help in child rearing. These differences suggest that more focus on psychological, not just economic support in government policy to counteract declining fertility is an important issue for future consideration.  相似文献   

程桔华 《中关村》2011,(7):61-63
同样达到A级去污标准,绿伞洗衣液使用表面活性剂的浓度仅为12%,而同行至少需要达到25%,这意味着绿伞在能源消耗方面比同行至少节约50%。而先进的抗再沉积技术,使得洗衣过程只需漂水一次就很干净,这又意味着如果北京市每个家庭都使用绿伞洗衣液,那么北京就不用南水北调了!  相似文献   

The Japanese mobile phone market is 55.8% of the total market in the telecommunications industry. This paper is a conjoint analysis on Japanese consumer preferences for Japanese mobile phones. The analysis in this paper is presented after a questionnaire survey was given to 3,412 Japanese mobile phone users over 15 years old. The results of this analysis show that a decline in the price of mobile phone sets, an increase in transmission speed, the application of family discounts, and the continuation of contracts with the same telecommunication companies, all raise demand for mobile networks. In addition, the author found that user groups of NTT DOCOMO, au (KDDI), Softbank, and MVNO have different utility functions. According to the estimation of Mean Willingness to Pay (MWTP) in this paper, suppliers of mobile phone networks may be able to optimize and maximize demand by adjusting attributions and their levels.  相似文献   

The Integrated Analytical Model for Household Simulation (INAHSIM) is a microsimulation model for the Japanese population that was first developed in the 1980s as a tool for household simulation. This study attempted to improve the conventional INAHSIM in order to construct a more comprehensive alternative that incorporates a larger number of social and economic elements. It also overcame the problem for simulation—the lack of kinship relations in the initial population—by imputing parent-child relationships between those parents and children who do not live together. This paper provides an overview of INAHSIM and adds certain details of the imputation that is essential for simulating the life event of “adult children resettling to care for their aged parents.” In addition, I will show the importance of the said life event in Japan by comparing the difference in the family type of elderly people between its future distribution with or without this life event. Finally, I will discuss the future possibilities for research on microsimulation models that will play an important role in policy making.  相似文献   

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