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毛志成 《中关村》2012,(9):104-104
半个多世纪以前,就渐渐流行起了“改造”一词。不过那时,最强调的“改造”都带有狭义的因素。除了使用率最高的“思想改造”之外,余下的各种改造大都侧重于局部领域的改造。如对“资本主义工商业”的改造,  相似文献   

吃饱的那一瞬间是满足的,吃好的一刹那是幸福的。吃法式铁板烧的整个过程又怎一个“妙”字了得。本月就让我和张武带各位江湖中人来感受一下法式铁板烧的魅力吧! 张武走过60多个国家,吃了不少美食,不过对法式铁板烧情有独钟。  相似文献   

因为人到中年,我家有儿子正上大学,即将毕业走向职场,走向社会。因此,对于目前流行于社会、学校和家庭中的所谓“励志江湖”、“职场宝典”、“做人与处世”之类的书籍,比较关注。可是。近些年来。此类书籍,可谓五花八门,令人目不暇接,而备受家长推崇的所谓“教子经”也是五彩缤纷的,让人眼花缭乱。莫衷一是。不过。这几年笔者所浏览的各类“职场经”和“教子经”,尽管形形色色,但是并不“出格”,只不过仁者见仁,智者见智罢了。  相似文献   

一个被简称为“非典”的幽灵,突然游荡至人间。“非典型肺炎”来了!“SARS”来了!“严重急性呼吸系统综合征”来了!来得毫无声息,但却实实在在。这一连串对普通人来讲有些莫名其妙的名词,几天之内成了最为流行的词汇,尽管其所指的那种东西尚为整个人类所无  相似文献   

关村  刘恒图 《中关村》2011,(7):51-51
近年来,除了报刊网文中的“标题党”玩弄文字游戏哗众取宠外,再有就要算是“官员”“学者”们中的“新语派”标新立异以显所立卓尔。时下流行的“拆毁性建设”不过是其中之一隅,很是吸引人们的眼球。其实,多年前就有“建设性破坏”的用语,与今日的“拆毁性建设”,乃一脉相承,同祖同宗。  相似文献   

“职业教育要探索的东西很多,成熟的东西不多,甚至置群众的感受与企业的需求而不顾,自说自话。”安徽省教育厅副厅长江春近日在天津首次召开的全国职业教育科研工作会议分组讨论时,尖锐地批评了职教领域科研工作与实际的严重脱节:“职教科研满足于写一些论文、出版一两本专著是解决不了实际问题的。”  相似文献   

翻开《中国式营销的77个关键细节》, 很难看出有什么中国式的东西前阵子特别流行一种“掉渣烧饼”的小吃,名字前面还以“中国式比萨”为修饰定语。“中国式”似乎真的成为2005年到 2006年持久不衰的一个词了,《中国式离婚》刚热播完后面就来了个《中国式结婚》,据说当时这部片子并不叫这个名字,  相似文献   

王宏甲 《中关村》2008,(2):100-101
少年时接触到“文明”二字,感觉文明是先进的东西,大抵与陋习相对。“习”常与“俗”相联系。我们日常评价“俗”,一般不会认为这是多么高级的东西。说某人“俗气”,大抵就有看不起的意思了。与“俗”相联的词,除习俗、风俗外,有庸俗、低俗、媚俗、恶俗等,不妙的意思居多。  相似文献   

被世人称为“富人俱乐部”的“G8”北海道洞爷湖峰会,坐而论道之后,“没有不散的宴席”,终于谢幕。《参考消息》用“全球粮食‘吃紧’,富国首脑‘紧吃’”的标题,报道了“G8”峰会豪华晚宴招来一片批评声。我们钦佩并感谢国外的记者同行朋友,说出了“纳税人”敢怒不敢言的心里话。《共同社》伦敦电:称与会的领导“一边吃着豪华晚宴,一边讨论粮食危机”,这是一种“伪善”行为。《独立报》用《领导人边吃鱼子酱和海胆边讨论粮食危机》作标题,  相似文献   

“学而优则仕”是国人因袭的一种“做官”情结。“为官一任造福一方”不乏其例;“三年清知府十万雪花银”也不在少数。一部二十六史》不过是帝王将相的“升官图”。史家诸如司马迁者流,不过是“胜者王侯败者寇”的记录者。俱往矣,“做官”情结已演变成时下的“官本位”游戏潜规则,倘不加以遏制,“执政为民”、科教兴国”、“实业兴邦”、“文化创意”……都将事倍功半。科研系统是“官本位”的重灾区。科协主席周光昭直言不讳地痛斥“官本位”恶劣习气:“搞科研工作和做官是两种完全不同的价值观,这两种价值观很难同时在一个人身上体现。……  相似文献   

A large number of firms use social media for various business activities. This paper clarifies how social media has become effective to sales in Japanese firms. To this purpose, the following are addressed: (i) whether social media is useful for company activities, (ii) what kinds of business activities are affected using social media, and (iii) how social media improves the final outcomes of sales for firms. This study uses data of business activities and social media conducted in 2014. Probit analysis and structural equation modeling (SEM) are employed. Probit analysis clarifies the relationships between the effects of social media and its use in sales. The SEM model clarifies the relationships among the effects of social media use in business. In the SEM, a model is examined by taking sales caused by use of social media as an explained variable, while the explanatory variables are the first and intermediate effects of social media. The results indicate that social media is effective for business activities such as promoting sales. This study may help to promote social media in Japanese firms.  相似文献   

王鲁湘 《中关村》2012,(8):104-104
2006年2月份,文化部公布了一批世界非物质文化遗产申报项目,中医药名列其中。根据规定,申报“世遗”必须具备三个条件:有历史文化科学价值、处于濒危状态(这一条最关键)、有完整的保护计划。有人说成为“世遗”固然是好事。可是中医药真的已经沦落到濒临灭绝的地步了吗?  相似文献   

When a large-scale disaster hits a community, especially a water-related disaster, there is a scarcity of automobiles and a sudden increase in the demand for used cars in the damaged areas. This paper conducts a case study of a recent massive natural disaster, the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami of 2011 to understand those car scarcities and demand in the aftermath of the catastrophe. We analyze the reasons for the increase in demand for used cars and how social media can predict people’s demand for used automobiles. In other words, this paper explores whether social media data can be used as a sensor of socio-economic recovery status in damaged areas during large-scale water-related disaster-recovery phases. For this purpose, we use social media communication as a proxy for estimating indicators of people’s activities in the real world. This study conducts both qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis. For the qualitative research, we carry out semi-structured interviews with used-car dealers in the tsunami-stricken area and unveil why people in the area demanded used cars. For the quantitative analysis, we collected Facebook page communication data and used-car market data before and after the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami of 2011. By combining and analyzing these two types of data, we find that social media communication correlates with people’s activities in the real world. Furthermore, this study suggests that different types of communication on social media have different types of correlations with people’s activities. More precisely, we find that social media communication related to people’s activities for rebuilding and for emotional support is positively correlated with the demand for used cars after the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami. On the other hand, communication about anxiety and information seeking correlates negatively with the demand for used cars.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to find a new method to estimate real social networks based on observed data collected by questionnaire surveys. Studies on social networks have been increasing in order to analyze social phenomena from a micro viewpoint. Most social phenomena can be explained by micro-level interactions among people. Spread of rumor and pandemics are typical example of micro interaction? However, there has not been much work on an analysis of real social networks based on observed data. This study tries to establish a methodology that exploits a genetic algorithm to rebuild a social network based on the data observed indirectly from real social networks. This paper introduces our proposed method, which allows us to rebuild a social network to some extent from degree distributions of a target real social network.  相似文献   

This note statistically investigates the relationship between social security expenditure indexes and labor productivity during 1980- 2009 in Japan based on the Solow type of production function. In the case of real social security expenditure per labor and per total working hours, labor productivity decreases with respect to real social security. On the other hand, in the case of real social security expenditure per private capital stock, labor productivity increases with respect to real social security. However, the partial regression coefficients of these three indexes are not significant statistically. Therefore, we could not derive a clear relationship between the social security indexes and labor productivity.  相似文献   

林轩  习牧歌 《中关村》2012,(8):61-63
临汾地处太原、郑州、西安三个省会城市连接中点,区位优势突出。交通通讯便捷。该市历史悠久,是华夏民族的重要发祥地之一和黄河文明的摇篮。有“华夏第一都”之称,丁村、尧都、大槐树、壶口瀑布,全国半数以上元代戏台等华夏人文历史古迹星罗棋布;这里是华北地区重要的粮棉生产基地。盛产小麦、棉花等,素有“棉麦之乡”和“膏腴之地”美誉;这里也已形成多元产业体系。是山西省新型能源和工业基地建设的重要组成部分;另外,这里自然资源丰富。是中国三大优质主焦煤基地之一;还有,临汾的非物质文化种类繁多,有蒲州梆子、威风锣鼓等多种民间艺术形式,被誉为“梅花之乡”(中国戏剧家协会唯一命名)、“剪纸之乡”和“锣鼓之乡”。  相似文献   

萧惑之 《中关村》2013,(8):122-124
"回想我走过的路,非常庆幸自己当年的四个选择:选择回国,我的理想有了深厚的土壤;选择从医,我的追求有了奋斗的平台;选择跟党走,我的人生有了崇高的信仰;选择参军,我的成长有了一所伟大的学校。"——吴孟超  相似文献   

中国社会的现状:娱乐为王,民生为草,教育为尘。  相似文献   

Several academic social networks have emerged to help researchers who need to search for documents relevant to their interests. The recommendation has been adopted in many websites to suggest relevant documents to users according to their profiles. However, many academic social networks and digital libraries still lack recommendations. In this paper, we propose a new document recommendation approach for the academic social bookmarking website: Bibsonomy. In our method, we use a community detection technique to identify related users. Then, for each target user, the recommended documents are selected from their learning communities. Experimental results show that the proposed method performs better than state-of-the-art recommendation methods.  相似文献   

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