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刘强东 《中关村》2014,(2):69-69
作为一个创业者,连续15年的狂奔,我需要时间思考,把事情想透。所以过去的几个月,在京东高速发展的关键时期,我选择了去美国哥伦比亚大学游学。这期间,我关了微博、换了手机、专心学习,顺带减肥了36斤。  相似文献   

沙磊 《中关村》2010,(2):35-36
放眼望去,北京东二环聚集着中石油、中石化、中海油、中国神华等大型能源央企总部和产业金融部门。“这些大型能源企业对新能源、节能减排等低碳产业的发展做出了巨大投入,它们是目前新能源经济重要的投资主体,也是未来温室气体排放量交易的重要参与者。央企优势资源的发挥,对引入新能源投融资主体,打造中关村雍和园低碳示范园,实现绿色金融的聚集发挥着重要的作用。”东城区区长杨艺文在2009年中关村论坛上表示。  相似文献   

张越 《中关村》2015,(2):52-55
曾有人问胥克谦,从钢琴老师跨界创业的距离有多远。胥克谦说,这种跨越花了他十几年的时间。然而这十几年,这个普通的老师却成了今天动画制作的颠覆者。2008年,马云的一句"如果银行不改变,我们就改变银行"让互联网金融如同雨后春笋般迅速崛起,之后,包括阿里、京东在内的电商已经开始抢银行的馒头;腾讯又以微信这款重量级产品让三大电信运营商心惊胆颤;传统行业昔日风光  相似文献   

柳进军 《中关村》2014,(2):70-70
中关村以“两通两海”为开端,以柳传志、段永基、俞敏洪、王志东、等为代表,无数中关村人书写了创业1.0的历史;今天,以移动通讯、物联网、大数据、云计算等高新技术产业化发展为推动力,以小米的雷军、京东的刘强东、  相似文献   

经济改革需要"思想市场",营造"双百"语境,鼓励"争锋",允许"试错"。2016年亚布力论坛上,阳光灿烂,为实现"中国梦",企业"大咖"走台亮相,各抒己见,呈现出"百家争鸣"的热烈景象。最为惹眼的当是"电商"之辩,京东和阿里的两位掌门人,  相似文献   

习牧歌 《中关村》2015,(1):38-39
正如桌面电脑时代一些科技产品有Intel Inside的标签一样,王晓鹏也希望将来的虹膜识别产品更多地打上Eyesmart Inside的标签。2 0 1 4年1 2月2 2日,释码大华(Eye Smart)一款叫"秘密盒子"的"虹膜加密神器"在京东众筹网站上线。这个产品主打的是虹膜识别和虹膜加密,上线以后引起了大众的好奇和欢迎。官方的文字宣称:这款Look Lock秘密盒子,能通过眼睛(虹膜)识别,为用户电脑里的文件加密,让人们的隐私更安全。同时,它还具有U盘存储功能,能帮助用户保存"秘密"。那么,有什么缘由,使这个大家从  相似文献   

2009年9月19日,辉煌60年—新中国成立60年成就展在北京展览馆拉开帷幕。方正激光照排技术作为影响中国60年之科技赫然在列。胡锦涛和江泽民等国家领导人亲临展会现场。从汉字激光照排技术到数字出版系统,从自主创新到新三年战略,从企业发展到领导人经历,从展厅到实验室,方正成为媒体竞相关注的焦点。  相似文献   

从电子城的兴起到中关村企业雨后春笋般崛起,从若干“中关村第一”到“中国科技进步一等奖”,从创业者到企业家,中关村的20年,也是这些“创新英雄”拼搏的20年,更是中关村品牌的20年!  相似文献   

沙磊 《中关村》2009,(11):112-115
“我的经历可以用五六七八来概括,到军博50年,从军60年,从艺70年,今年80岁。”  相似文献   

2005年即将逝去,回首过去的—年,我们体会的了手机游戏从幕后走入前台所经历的辛酸,我们亲历了game-V无线娱乐平台的发布,我们见证了手机网络游戏从试探到投入运营的全过程.也经历了手机游戏从无人问津到社会关注。也许2005年对于手机游戏注定是个不平凡的一年。因此,在这新旧交替的日子里,我们完全有必要对过往的一年作一个总结.于是,《2005年手机游戏十件大事》应运而生。  相似文献   

We construct a two-period model in which a consumer recognizes the existence of goods after advertised by firms, and total sales of the first period affect the utility of each consumer’s purchase in the second period, indicating a consumption externality. Some consumers see advertisements in the first period and remember the product, whereas some forget the product in the second period. We show that the advertising volume changes given the differences in the forgetting rate. In particular, we apply our method to the data on Japan’s electronic books obtained through a conjoint analysis survey to clarify that a better strategy is to sell a product to a small number of people at a low price or to lower the price to a certain level during the early period, and then to sell the product to a specific consumer segment at a higher price after reflecting the externality.  相似文献   

舒圣祥 《中关村》2012,(3):98-98
如果我们始终在用巨款去诱惑大家成为贫困县,把成为贫困县当做英雄一样地奖励,那么当然是贫困的地方要去抢,不贫困的地方弄虚作假也要去抢,一个地方甚至可以既是百强县又是贫困县。  相似文献   

鲍烨童 《中关村》2014,(9):95-97
当前北京加快转变经济发展方式,努力构建高精尖的经济结构,这为广大海外高层次人才都提供了机会,不断营造良好的创新创业环境,也将为海外人才来京发展提供全方位支持和保障。人才竞争是综合国力竞争的核心,人才资源作为经济社会发展第一资源的特征和作用也更加明显,谁能培养和吸引更多的优秀人才,谁就能在竞争中占据优势。从国际上看世界金融危机以来人才加速流动,一些国家纷纷修改法律,完善政策,出台措施,在引进留住人才上各显神通,这为我们提供了机遇也形成了巨大的挑战。  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to find a new method to estimate real social networks based on observed data collected by questionnaire surveys. Studies on social networks have been increasing in order to analyze social phenomena from a micro viewpoint. Most social phenomena can be explained by micro-level interactions among people. Spread of rumor and pandemics are typical example of micro interaction? However, there has not been much work on an analysis of real social networks based on observed data. This study tries to establish a methodology that exploits a genetic algorithm to rebuild a social network based on the data observed indirectly from real social networks. This paper introduces our proposed method, which allows us to rebuild a social network to some extent from degree distributions of a target real social network.  相似文献   

萧惑之 《中关村》2013,(8):122-124
"回想我走过的路,非常庆幸自己当年的四个选择:选择回国,我的理想有了深厚的土壤;选择从医,我的追求有了奋斗的平台;选择跟党走,我的人生有了崇高的信仰;选择参军,我的成长有了一所伟大的学校。"——吴孟超  相似文献   

Taxis are considered one of the most convenient means of transportation, especially when people have to travel off-route, where public transportation is not a feasible option, and also when they need to reach a destination according to what is most convenient for them. However, many issues exist about taxi services, such as the problems of passengers who are unable to get taxi service at the location of their choice, or problems concerning when they need the taxi service to arrive. These problems may be due to the unavailability of the taxi at that particular location or due to the taxi driver not wanting to provide service. A taxi driver may not want to provide service to a potential passenger, because they may have preferences on the direction and areas they want to go or because of the different types of service zoning. Understanding the behaviors of taxi drivers and the characteristics of the trip/travel might be helpful to solving such issues. In this study, we conducted an analysis from a questionnaire survey and large-scale taxi probe data to understand taxi service behavior, travel characteristics, and to discover taxi service zoning characteristics. As a result, four types of taxi service zones including isolated zones, interactive zones, special service zones, and target zones were encountered. Travel characteristics were calculated and analyzed at different criteria, such as weekdays, weekends, and various time windows in a single day. The result of these characteristics was explained according to their similarities and dissimilarities in each type of zone. The discovery of the different zones and their respective definitions might be a good initiative for further development of a policy for taxi drivers to provide better service for passengers.  相似文献   

程桔华 《中关村》2014,(9):71-73
在经济增长方式的转变和产业结构的调整这一大趋势下,全国各地都在探索转型升级之路。作为中国民营企业聚集的制造业名城,东莞凭借在改革开放几十年中积累的产业和市场优势,以及得天独厚的区位优势,推出"科技·金融·产业"融合发展的全新定位。"春江水暖鸭先知",鏖战在市场一线的民营企业,其市场敏锐性要比其他企业来得更早也更灵活。在东莞"科技·金融·产业"融合发展这一全新定位下,广东中天集团未雨绸缪,主动出击,实现了从地产开发商到园区建设者的业务扩容。中天集团究竟是如何做到的?有哪些经验值得借鉴?未来的规划又是怎样的?带着这些问题,本刊独家专访了中天集团总裁张宇凯,以期探寻一个转型样本。  相似文献   

Bulletin Board Systems (BBSs) on the Web are used by many users posting comments on threads. Each thread carries a subject of discussion. Most users post comments related to a subject. However, unrelated comments are also posted. The unrelated comments distract users and diminish their understanding of the entire story of a thread. Comments unrelated to a subject have to be filtered automatically. This paper proposes a method that extracts comments related to a thread subject from a thread of BBS. The method extracts two types of comments: comments related to a thread subject (main comments), and comments related to main comments (sub-comments). The main comments are extracted by a user ID and keywords in the comments. The sub-comments are extracted by explicit and implicit anchor texts in the comments. We experimented with the proposed method and verified that comments extracted by the proposed method support participants in understanding the entire story of a thread.  相似文献   

习牧歌 《中关村》2012,(7):24-25
如果把数码视讯比作一艘大海上高速前进的舰船,张刚就像一个大副,时不时地登高瞭望,以更开阔的视野丈量着无限的前程。  相似文献   

While AI applications are popular in many domains, they should work harmoniously with domain exerts and end users. Furthermore, to develop such harmonious AI applications, we need agile AI platforms for not only developers, but also domain experts. Currently, we have developed PRactical INTElligent aPplicationS (PRINTEPS), which is a user-centric platform to develop integrated intelligent applications. This paper reports on a multi-robot cafe as a practical application of PRINTEPS and evaluates its service quality at a university festival. It is not clear if robotic services are perceived as attractive and/or valuable, and how the concept of robotic services could lead to customer satisfaction. Therefore, the evaluation of the quality of such services is necessary to identify the key factors that could contribute to improving customer satisfaction. The purpose of this research is to identify key factors in improving customer satisfaction in robotic services by evaluating the service quality of the multi-robot cafe. We designed questionnaire items based on SERVQUAL which is one of the service quality evaluation measurement methods and conducted a questionnaire survey at a multi-robot cafe held at a university festival. From the collected data, we modeled and evaluated the relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction to identify key factors in robotic services using a Bayesian network. In addition, the experiment confirms the usefulness of PRINTEPS.  相似文献   

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