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依据上市公司治理中的机制设计,选择47项指标综合衡量公司治理质量,并从资本市场研究治理机制的作用。结果发现在控制公司成长性、资本市场风险、制度背景、年度和行业变量下,通过滚动回归逐步剔除市场风险因子、公司规模因子和账面市值比因子的影响后,公司治理质量的进步将显著提高公司对应在下年度的超额回报率,公司治理溢价存在。研究结果为股东改善公司治理质量、监管机构对公司治理实施监管和投资者制定投资策略提供了经验证据。  相似文献   

一、投资者的有限理性对公司价值的影响。公司外部投资者虽无法对公司经营决策产生实质性影响,但投资者可以通过买卖流通在二级市场上的股票以实现自身对公司价值的判断,另一方面收集媒介对公司价值判断的相关信息,对信息进行加工整理,从而形成内在价值在他们头脑中的意象,这种价值意象通过外部投资者的噪音机制,他们会系统地错误理解公司的内在价值,使得公司市场价值偏离其内在价值,形成定价偏差,定价偏差再通过反馈机制和诱导机制被放大,形成一个反馈环进而推动市场的非有效性。市场的非有效性使得CAPM计算的风险贴现因子β系数由于噪音风险而产生偏差,所以用市场数据计算出的CAPMβ大于资产实际的风险贴现因子BAPMβ。另一方面,被高估的公司市场价值降低了市场风险溢价,而降低了的市场风险溢价在β系数的倍数作用下被进一步缩小,从而形成较低的公司投资回报率;相反,被低估的公司市场价值提高了市场风险溢价,使得市场风险溢价在β系数的倍数作用下被进一步放大,从而形成较高的公司投资回报率。因此,以折现值计算的公司市场价值会偏离其内在价值。  相似文献   

本文研究了中国产权改革背景下控制权市场是否有效的问题。根据2003-2004年深沪A股上市公司的214起大宗股权转让记录,本文采用事项研究法研究了股权转让对公司市场价值的影响,并进一步考察了累积非正常回报率的影响因素。本文研究发现(1)股票市场对大宗股权转让的市场反应显著为正。平均而言,股票价格在转让公告前20个交易日开始上涨至公告后一个交易日,累积非正常回报率约为1.15%;(2)转让的价格越高,向市场传达积极的信号,市场反应越好;(3)控制权转让的公司比那些不转让控制权的公司有着更好的反应。  相似文献   

本文研究了2006年1月到2007年12月在中国证券市场首次公开发行股票的初始回报率及其影响因素,发现我国首次公开发行股票中存在较高的初始收益率,对其有显著影响的因素包括深市和沪市市场平均收益率、上市日换手率、新股发行总市值、上市地点、网上发行中签率。本文认为股票公开发行的高初始回报率主要是由股票发行市场定价能力不足与股票二级市场的运行及投资者的投机行为共同作用的结果。  相似文献   

通过一个非上市软件企业的例子,详细说明了非上市公司价值评估的一种方法:基于CAPM的DDF方法。首先由股票市场中同类企业的数据求出该公司的系统风险β值,然后根据CAPM求出市场要求的资产回报率,亦即确定了贴现率,最后利用贴现现金流估价方法确定非上市公司的价值。  相似文献   

在信息社会时代,会计信息的真实性、有用性是市场有效性的基础。财务报告是会计信息对外披露最主要的约定方式。低质量财务报告导致市场低效性,低效性传递信息的不确定性、风险,不确定性、风险使得投资者和债权人要求更高的回报率;给投资者和债权人更高的回报会增加公司的资本成本,股价下降。从而无法实现股东价值最大化。本文从市场有效性和信息质量的几个层次来探讨我国财务报告的改进。  相似文献   

城市经济转型时期人力资本回报率研究   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
基于Mincer基本模型和扩展模型的估算结果显示 ,中国城市地区的教育回报率比其他发展中国家的平均水平低 ,但这一回报率在不断上升 ;职工工资收入达到最高水平所需工作的年限在下降 ,工作年限的边际回报率在下降 ,尤其是女性工作年限的边际回报率下降速度更快。在 1986 /1987年 ,广东城市职工平均工资收入比湖南和四川高出 30 % ,而在 1993/1994年 ,广东城市职工平均工资收入比湖南和四川高出 70 % ,表明地区收入不平等的现象在扩大。令人费解的是 ,广东省的教育回报率并不高 ,尽管在这期间广东省男女两性的工作经验回报率大大下降。文章还发现 ,无论是工资性别歧视 ,还是职业性别歧视都似乎存在于中国城市的劳动力市场中  相似文献   

在集团公司的运营期间,影响其战略和经营目标实现的因素有很多,主要为市场、运营、财务、法律等,这些因素决定了经济效益的高低,为公司长远发展带来很大的风险。所以要求企业管理人员全方面考虑和探究这些因素,以推动企业稳定运行。面对复杂的市场环境,不管是何种类型的公司,都必须把风险管理放在重要位置,财务风险是企业风险管理的重要组成部份,企业运行离不开健全财务基础的支持,只有控制好财务风险,并优化相应财务管理模式,企业才能够得到长足的发展。在本篇文章中,主要立足于财务风险视角入手,着重对于集团公司财务管理模式优化研究。  相似文献   

矿产的特殊性决定了矿业的高回报率和高风险是密切相关的,矿业利润的来源和生产特点决定了矿业投资风险主要有矿产勘查风险,矿业市场风险和经营管理风险,针对这些风险采取风险控制战略。做好风险控制才能为矿业企业的发展带来更多的利益。  相似文献   

随着我国资本市场的快速发展,股东群体规模庞大,大股东代理问题作为影响组织运营效率和业绩过程中的重要因素,引起学术界和实务界的广泛关注。本文基于2008-2021年沪深上市企业披露的经营、财务和管理数据,借助面板回归模型实证检验大股东的三类“掏空”手段:股权质押、大股东占款和关联交易对企业超额回报率及托宾Q值的影响。实证发现:从对企业超额回报率和托宾Q值的负向影响看,股权过度集中所带来的代理成本主要体现为更加隐蔽的股权质押方式,大股东占款引起的负作用次之,关联交易对超额回报率和公司绩效的负作用最小。进一步研究发现:有效的企业内部控制能够降低大股东股权集中所引致的代理成本增加。因此,应从谋求市场多方共赢、促进企业健康发展的角度出发,内部应创新、再造管理流程;外部应加强大数据跟踪、监管,将大股东代理产生的可能性以及由此引起的负面影响降至最低。  相似文献   

Are celebrity endorsements worthwhile investments in advertising? To answer this question, we analyze a unique sample of 101 announcements made between 1996 and 2008 by firms listed in the USA. Internet is the main medium of communication for these announcements. We employ event study methodology and document statistically insignificant abnormal returns around the announcement dates. This finding is consistent with the notion that the incremental benefits from celebrity endorsements closely match the incremental costs due to such contracts. Further, we investigate if the announcement date return depends on a number of characteristics that are often used in the endorsement literature. As a result, we find that endorsements of technology industry products coincide with significant positive abnormal returns around the announcement dates. Finally, we find weak support for the match-up hypothesis between celebrities and endorsed products.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the impact of timeliness and credit ratings on the information content of the earnings announcements of Greek listed firms from 2001 to 2008. Using the classical event study methodology and regression analysis, we find that firms tend to release good news on time and are inclined to delay the release of bad news. We also provide evidence that the level of corporate risk differentiates the information content of earnings according to the credit rating category. Specifically, firms displaying high creditworthiness enjoy positive excess returns on earnings announcement dates. In contrast, firms with low creditworthiness undergo significant share price erosions on earnings announcement days. We also observe a substitution effect between timeliness and credit ratings in relation to the information content of earnings announcements. Specifically, we find that as the credit category of earnings-announcing firms improves, the informational role of timeliness is mitigated.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the stock market effects associated with the announcements of product approvals, denials and recalls by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and the impact of product approvals on research and development expenditures (R&D) and forecasts of earnings by Value Line. When the FDA announces approvals, the shareholder wealth of affected firms increases significantly. The announcements of denials and recalls by the FDA are associated with stock price declines. The stock price impact of recalls is dependent on whether the firm voluntarily withdraws a product or if the withdrawal is mandated by the FDA. Specifically, voluntary recalls are not associated with a change in stockholder wealth, while FDA mandated recalls are associated with decreases in stock price. In addition, we find that partial product recalls have a smaller impact than total recalls. An examination of the effects on competitors' stock price reveals losses when the FDA announces an approval or a recall, but no imt for a d. An analysis of changes in risk around FDA decisions suggests that, on average, betas do not change around approvals, recalls or denials. In addition, our results suggest that announcement period stock price behavior is unrelated to risk changes except for approvals where returns are positive and significant for firms with either increasing risk or no change in risk. We also find that approvals are associated with increases in R&D and forecasts of earnings for the sample firms, with returns to stockholders upon announcement of the approval being related to the increases in R&D and short-term earnings forecasts.  相似文献   

This research uses a conditioned Brownian motion process, the Brownian bridge, to analyze bond return dynamics and systematic risk. The results are contrasted with prior results that assume that yields follow unconditioned Brownian motion and reveal significant differences. Expected returns and the variance of expected returns can be given in much more concise terms that are more easily interpreted. Also, bond betas are demonstrated to depend on returns above an initially stated deterministic yield and shown to fluctuate proportionately with this excess return, which can often be negative. Finally, empirical tests show that bond excess returns do follow a Brownian bridge process or at least do so up to a multiple of the conditioned drift term.  相似文献   

This article examines the risk and return profiles of stock indices composed of companies meeting environmental, social and governance (ESG) screening criteria [such as the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI)] and conventional composite indices of eight Asian countries from 2002 to 2014. The results indicate that there are no significant differences in the returns or risk‐adjusted returns between the ESG indices and the composite indices within countries. The results do reveal that the market volatility of the ESG indices is higher than the market volatility of the conventional indices. Market betas of DJSI and ESG equity indices are significantly lower than betas of the composite equity indices. The overall results indicate that the performance of ESG equity indices of many Asian countries is similar to the performance of conventional indices, suggesting that investors can pursue socially responsible investing objectives without a material difference in portfolio performance from conventional investing.  相似文献   

As part of its divestiture agreement, AT&T was required to spin off its local exchange companies (LECs). Confronted with the task of devising ratings for the newly independent companies, Moody's and S&P published new ratings that conflicted for all 21 LECs. This study reveals that the S&P rating decision can largely be explained using a small set of historical financial variables, but these variables are not successful in explaining Moody's ratings. In addition, an examination of LEC bond returns shows that the rating-change announcements did not produce significant abnormal returns on or around the announcement dates. Apparently, most of this information had already been assimilated in bond-market prices.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the flexibility inherent in open market share repurchases. Open market share repurchases are recognized as being flexible, since managers believe that they are not an ongoing commitment. However, I find that such returns significantly decrease upon announcing the completion of a repurchase program if firms do not concurrently announce new program authorizations. I also find that announcement returns significantly decline with completion rates and that a high completion rate acts as a negative signal, revealing that firms have finished the repurchasing activities and do not intend to continue share repurchasing in the foreseeable future. These results indicate that share repurchases are less flexible than they were previously thought to be.  相似文献   

Investors’ responses to a firm’s name change and the determinants of their response are scantly explored areas in the field of behavioral finance. Based on a sample of 415 Indian firms from 2005 to 2014, this study suggests that investors respond positively to the announcement of firm name changes. Furthermore, the study indicates that when firms do not indicate geographical specificity in the name and have a specific rather than generic name, then the firm will experience greater abnormal returns. Also, when firm names are fluent and are associated with the owner’s family name, again, abnormal returns generated are positive. Nevertheless, as a firm ages and investors gain more information about it, then abnormal returns due to name change decrease.  相似文献   

Firm-level studies of sustainable investment performance are typically limited by an errors-in-variables bias (i.e., a distortion of estimated regression coefficients caused by measurement error in explanatory variables). Using recent advances in statistical methodology, we present the first cross-sectional analysis of sustainable stock selection which adequately corrects for this bias and additionally answers the question of whether betas with respect to sustainable risk factors or sustainable characteristics (i.e., environmental, social, and governance ratings) are more relevant in portfolio selection. Within the universe of S&P 500 stocks, which is highly relevant from the investor attention and liquidity perspectives, we find that, after accounting for errors-in-variables bias, both types of variables become insignificant. Consequently, they do not add value to investment portfolios and are not vital in models explaining stock returns. Among classic predictors with a long history of use in the investment fund industry, only the market-to-book ratio provides independent investment and pricing information.  相似文献   

Baker and Wurgler identify high sentiment betas with small startup firms that have great growth potential. On the surface, cryptocurrencies share important features in common with high sentiment beta stocks. This paper investigates the degree to which, during the period July 18, 2010–February 26, 2018, the return to bitcoin displayed the characteristics of a high sentiment beta stock. Using a sentiment-dependent factor model, the analysis indicates that in large measure, bitcoin returns resembled returns to high sentiment beta stocks. Additionally, we show that bitcoin's expected returns are low when sentiment measured by Volatility Index is high while expected returns are high when sentiment is low.  相似文献   

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