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以居民家庭住房支付能力为研究对象,探讨了住房支付能力的影响因素、评价指标及判断标准,并运用月房产支出收入比、月房产消费结余和月租房消费结余等指标衡量北京市城镇居民各收入阶层的住房支付能力。  相似文献   

住房是人类维持生存的基础资源,对其公平配置是现代社会公平的基础,也是构建和谐社会的重要环节。在构建住房承受能力测度方法-修正的住房承受能力指数的基础上,以武汉市调查样本数据为例,运用Logistic回归模型分析了住房配置公平性的影响因素,发现住房承受能力水平仍然是影响住房配置公平性的重要标志,住房承受能力越高,对住房制度改革满意程度越高,认为公平的家庭也越多;教育程度在大学及以上,主要家庭成员在行政机关、事业单位、国企或集体等单位工作,对住房制度改革的满意程度较高;现有住房面积大、个人规模适中的家庭对住房制度改革也有较高的满意度。同时还发现在收入较高的家庭中,户主性别对住房配置公平性的影响不显著,户主年龄对住房配置公平性的影响也不显著。提出从积极增进社会资本、改善住房供给结构、完善住房保障制度等方面促进住房配置公平。  相似文献   

This paper presents a life cycle analysis of several policies for improving housing affordability for first home owner-occupiers in Australia: the First Home Owner Grant, housing equity partnerships and deposit loans. The analysis is by simulation of a housing tenure choice model in which a representative adult household makes a lifetime plan concerning the timing of the first home purchase, and the amount of housing and non-housing consumption in each period. An insight from the life cycle framework is that policies to improve housing affordability can have a life cycle timing effect on housing demand and house prices.  相似文献   

住宅价格与居民收入均衡关系及住房支付能力稳定性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章通过聚类分析将35个大中城市按2000-2009年住宅价格分为四组,结合面板单位根、协整和格兰杰因果检验对住宅价格和居民收入的均衡关系进行了分析,并运用FMOLS模型探讨了住房支付能力稳定性问题。分析表明:35个大中城市的住宅价格和居民收入之间存在长期均衡关系,但支付能力稳定性比较弱;住宅价格和居民收入互为因果关系;住房支付能力稳定性弱不是普遍现象,仅存在于高房价城市;除收入外,城市的食品消费、医疗、教育和交通通信等软硬件设施也是影响住宅价格的重要因素。  相似文献   

中国房地产业宏观调控高度重视住房消费与住房投资,尤其突出地表现为对二者的区剐对待."鼓励消费,抑制投资"成为中国房地产业宏观调控的基本原则之一,其理论基础是:住房投资的信贷风险较高,容易引发银行危机,乃至整个金融危机或经济危机;而住房消费似乎具有某种"抗体",其引发金融危机的风险从未引起人们的高度重视.本文认为美国次级债危机从现实层面推翻了以上传统认识,有力冲击了中国房地产业宏观调控的理论基础.本文对住房消费与住房投资在多重视角下的重新解读,从理论层面修正了传统认识.  相似文献   

Housing Market Bubbles and the Currency Crisis: The Case of Thailand   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This paper explains with a simple model the collapse of the housing market in Thailand before the 1997 economic crisis. It shows that successive periods of impressive growth of the economy created not only higher demands for housing, but also an increase in people's optimism about market conditions in the future. Both oversupply and bubbles were formed before the market finally crashed. The model explains some of these phenomena, and describes the nature of the bubbles. An ironic possibility is that a faster and more persistent growth of the economy tends to increase the vulnerability of the firms in the market.JEL Classification Numbers: F14, O11, O53.  相似文献   

次贷危机与我国住房信贷风险防范   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
美国不完善的住房保障体系、宽松的房贷政策以及创新的房贷产品,使市场积累了巨大风险,而利率上升和房市降温引爆了次贷危机.我国住房信贷市场存在类似于次贷危机的风险形成机制.公共住房供需矛盾突出,住房信贷市场准入标准宽松,提供按揭贷款的银行缺乏合理的避险手段,长期内利率波动和住房产权流动性不足,使我国住房信贷市场风险不断积累.防范我国住房信贷风险必须未雨绸缪.  相似文献   

从美国次级债危机看中国房地产金融市场的风险   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王静  林琦 《财经科学》2008,(2):9-16
自2007年8月份全面爆发的美国次级债危机愈演愈烈,巳成为继1998年亚洲金融危机以来的最大一场金融风暴.美国次级债危机对我国的房地产金融市场提出了警示.本文认为,目前我国的房地产金融市场与美国次级债危机爆发前有着许多相似之处.同时,我国的房地产金融市场又存在着特殊风险,因而应针对国内房地产金融市场的特殊问题,制定有效对策,化解风险.  相似文献   

Australia's Unemployment Problem   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A number of Australian studies have provided microeconomic and macroeconomic perspectives on the causes of, and solutions to, Australia's unemployment problem. This paper provides an evaluation of these studies. Several important findings can be noted. First, from the cross-sectional studies economists have gained a good understanding of the factors contributing to a high probability of unemployment. Effective use is currently being made of this information. Second, there is general consensus from the time-series studies regarding the estimates of the aggregate labour demand wage and output elasticities. In addition, it has been widely acknowledged that lower real wages and economic growth would help reduce the high rate of unemployment. Despite the information available we are making slow progress towards reducing the unemployment rate. This may be due to political reasons or because we are unsure of how to deliver the wage cuts and faster rates of economic growth presented as solutions to the unemployment problem.  相似文献   

目前,在青海省农村建立一种合理的全省普遍推行的农保制度很有必要性,而对于农保制度的是否具有可行性的问题,首先需要讨论的是农村适龄人口是否具有相应的缴费能力。通过适龄人口与保费需要量之间的比较,可以得出青海省农村居民整体上初步具备参保缴费能力的结论。  相似文献   

Australia's annual rate of multifactor productivity growth accelerated a full percentage point in the 1990s. The fact that most other OECD countries did not share this experience suggests that domestic factors must have provided at least a major part of the explanation. This article establishes six stylised facts about Australia's 1990s productivity performance and then surveys available analytical studies to find explanations for them. With few aggregate models available to shed light on recent output and productivity growth, the survey also covers cross-country, industry and firm-level studies. Despite various shortcomings in data and specification of models, a reasonably clear picture emerges. The accumulation of physical and human capital has laid a long-term foundation for productivity growth. On top of this foundation, the greater openness of the economy to trade and investment, increased R&D activity and a strong uptake and innovative use of ICT have been specific sources of the productivity revival. There is also evidence that policy and institutional factors have been important in driving and enabling these determinants.  相似文献   

A general equilibrium model with production and trade is used to analyze whether indexation schemes are affordable.  相似文献   

Australia's three major public ethical investment funds achieved mixed financial success in the seven years to 30 June 1998, though on average the funds underperformed relative to the market. For the four‐year and five‐year holding periods to 30 June 1995 and 1996 respectively, the average holding‐period returns for the three funds were less than the risk‐free rate. This is strong evidence of investors incurring a financial discount for investing ethically and, with respect to the ethical investor's utility function, it is evidence of the marginal utility increasing as the ethical attributes of assets increase.  相似文献   

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