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旅游业通常被认为对地方经济有促进作用,然而对这种作用很少从旅游者旅行模式的角度进行分析,旅游线路模式导致的旅游经济影响的空间差异要远大于游客活动分布的空间差异.文章以651条国内长途团队世博旅游线路详细报价单为基础数据,结合长三角城市地理空间背景条件,比较分析了旅游线路模式中基于线路节点特性的旅行模式、角色、功能、停留时间与旅游花费,对世博线路中的旅游目的地合作圈层进行了划分,深入探究基于旅游线路模式的长三角城市目的地旅游经济收益的空间差异.研究发现:(1)充分了解并建立与其他目的地的合作关系将从中受益.(2)目的地节点在各客源地旅游线路模式中的角色和功能不同,旅游收益存在显著差异,因此,应有针对性地在不同客源地进行差别化的旅游宣传和营销.(3)整个旅行时间长度是影响游客在目的地区域扩散模式的主要因素,也影响地区间经济利益的分配.目的地日花费与旅行天数呈U形曲线拟合,基于线路中目的地停留时间和花费的估算,长三角地区的旅游经济收益存在着显著的空间差异.该研究的实践意义在于为各目的地进行客源市场定位、宣传与营销提供参考.  相似文献   

旅游市场促销的帕累托最优条件及实施模式评价   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
余洁  陈荣  李树民 《旅游学刊》2006,21(4):42-46
本文运用纯公共品的帕累托最优条件解释旅游市场促销中旅游部门的经济行为,探讨在现实经济中使得市场促销主体效用最大化的条件.应用旅游市场促销供给的最优效率条件,评价旅游市场促销实施模式,提出政府部门主导模式和私人部门主导模式存在着"搭便车"和公共品供给不足的帕累托无效配置,而这两种模式的组合形式,即政府与私人部门合作的协调模式却存在帕累托改进,依据协调模式可构建一个新型旅游市场促销管理组织结构,建议旅游行业协会以更有效的方式为实现旅游市场促销主体的合作行为提供服务.  相似文献   

以人为本的旅游线路设计要充分考虑旅游者的旅行时间限制和空间行为特征,这有别于传统的至上而下、依据专家经验判断的旅游路线设计方法,逐渐引起旅游学者的重视.文章提出考虑旅游者时间约束和空间行为特征的旅游线路设计方法,首先考虑旅游者的旅行时间约束,然后基于GPS数据和社会网络模型分析旅游者对景点的选择特征,再利用GIS分析最优路径,综合构建了一种新的旅游线路设计方法.以厦门市鼓浪屿为例,对263个旅游者GPS轨迹及其94个选择景点进行了分析,提出了不同入口上岛旅游者在半天和一天的符合行为特征的旅游线路设计方案.结果表明,设计的旅游线路是对传统功能型旅游线路的有益补充,且符合路网空间形态和旅游流的空间分布特征;提出的框架具有可扩展性,对个性化的旅游线路设计也适用;研究的技术方法能够对认清旅游者行为规律、优化旅游景点开发、提升旅游者导航服务等具有较好技术支撑.  相似文献   

塔尔寺旅游者旅行模式及其对地方旅游经济的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
旅游业通常被认为对地方经济有促进作用,然而对这种作用很少从旅游者旅行模式的角度进行分析。本文以多目的地旅行(LCF)模型作为工具,分析了青海省塔尔寺游客的旅行模式,鉴别出了主要的4种旅行模式,并进一步分析了这几种模式的旅游者在目的地的消费行为。以此为根据,本文分析了塔尔寺旅游对县域经济的影响,并且提出了相关的建议。  相似文献   

区域旅游线路的复杂网络特征——以福建省为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
区域旅游线路呈现出的空间几何特征及其地理拓扑关系可以运用复杂网络工具进行剖析。该研究在国内外相关研究的基础上,以福建省为例,分别对省内出发和省外出发两种不同空间尺度的旅游线路进行定量分析,利用从出发地到各个旅游目的地形成的地理拓扑关系建构区域旅游网络,在此基础上从空间平均距离、形态指数、点度分布、中间性、匹配性、鲁棒性等统计量来分析旅游线路的空间网络结构。研究表明,多重区域旅游线路组合形成的网络整体上呈现出无标度网络特征,知名旅游目的地在网络中占据着核心位置;区域旅游线路的空间网络结构反映出福建省各旅游目的地的跨区合作已初见端倪,但仍需要深化推行产业集群区的跨区域合作经营;从点度的分布方面,省内旅游市场中的旅游线路在空间尺度上对旅游目的地的覆盖范围更加广泛,且各目的地的点度分布较为均衡,而省外旅游市场则仍需要继续与区域旅游的非核心目的地进行深度整合。  相似文献   

基于博弈论的“泛珠三角”区域旅游协作问题研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
泛珠三角区域旅游协作是一项需要"9+2"各方和国家相关部门通力合作、共同推进的系统工程.借鉴博彝论和帕累托最优理论的方法和模型,厘清泛珠三角区域旅游协作中存在的问题和障碍,创建一套科学的旅游产业政策和旅游协作机制.在不同类型的区域,制定盖剐灵活的旅游产业政策,从而实现泛珠三角区域旅游协作的理想状态--区域均衡.  相似文献   

随着旅游产业的发展进入成熟阶段,产业实践问题逐渐发生质变,核心矛盾已经从单纯的“旅游吸引力”转换为更加复杂的“旅游体验质量”问题.成熟旅游区和旅游目的地不仅关注游客规模、旅游收入,而且关系自身提供的旅游设施、旅游服务和旅游产品的质量管理;与此同时,还关注旅游者体验的满意度评价和旅游者情感体验的全过程.文章将时间地理学中的时空路径概念和旅游体验中的两极情感模型相结合,提出了“旅游情感路径”(TEP)的概念,试图打开旅游体验情感的黑箱.通过“旅游情感路径”概念模型的提出,尝试构建一种定量化、过程化和可视化研究旅游体验情感的新方法.以世界著名主题公园香港海洋公园为案例地,以时间地理学的时空路径为研究工具,采用手持GPS设备获取旅游者时空行为轨迹信息,辅助以日志调查方法获取旅游者消费信息、情感量化信息等,将旅游情感体验过程进行量化研究,基于时空路径分析旅游者的情感体验结果和过程.研究结果表明,旅游者情感体验各节点的愉悦度与总体愉悦度之间均存在显著相关关系.基于旅游情感路径的实证数据定量分析结果提出了对“第一印象区”的新理解,指出第一印象区的空间范围取决于具体案例地旅游者第一印象建立所需要的时间,在这个时间段内旅游者游程覆盖的区域都属于第一印象区.研究结果能够为旅游景区产品调整、改进和精细化设计提供理论指导,并在优化旅游者时空行为和提升旅游者体验质量等方面有较大的应用空间.  相似文献   

世界旅游强国离不开良好交通的支持,而作为交通中非常重要的高速铁路的快速发展,必将有力地促进区域旅游的发展。文章探讨了2020年全国高铁网络影响下旅游景点可达性空间格局及其变化,分析旅游目的地与客源地市场空间格局变化特征,在全国尺度下定量分析高速铁路建设对旅游客源地与目的地可达性的影响。测度2020年规划高铁通车前后旅游可达性空间格局与变化。结果显示:高铁开通后,高铁沿线城市可达景点数量显著增加;尤其是"日"字形高铁沿线城市与景点的增加值最高,将成为我国重要旅游经济带,高铁沿线城市与景点是高铁网络效应的主要受益者,高铁服务带来了时空压缩效应,即高铁的开通不仅缩短旅游客源地和目的地之间的时间距离、加强了两地之间的联系,也实现了旅游者跨区域的快速外部交通,而这种快捷效应的延续同样离不开城市内部交通网络的优化,缩短中心城市到旅游景区的时间,将会进一步增强景区的吸引力。  相似文献   

苗学玲 《旅游学刊》2016,(11):22-31
旅游,从本质上讲是旅游目的地和旅游者共同生产出来的体验.多年来,众多研究关注背包客旅行带来哪些个人成长、旅行动机,以及目的地等其他客观因素的作用,却忽略了旅行者对故事的思考.于是,理论界有旅行带来的个人成长无须努力、轻而易举的论断,而报界探讨“旅行是心灵鸡汤”是否是伪命题.基于此,该文的研究问题是旅行者的主观因素,特别是反思,如何促成个人成长.文章采用自我民族志收集资料,讲述2011年和2014年作者在旅行中结识的两位单身女性和她们的故事,日常生活中的困境以及旅行结束后的持续思考,试图从不同的时间和空间来呈现旅行带来的个人成长的“全貌”,包括旅行前、旅行故事发生、返回日常生活.文章提出的研究命题是:(1)旅行带来的个人成长不但取决于目的地发生的故事,同样重要的是旅行者的反思;(2)旅行收获存有质量上的差异,深刻和持久的个人成长来源于对行为背后偏见、思维习惯和价值观念的察觉和纠正;(3)旅行是影响个人发展的重要的外部因素之一.最后,将“旅行的个人发展”定义为在旅行活动的推动下,旅行者在认识和社会情感方面逐渐成熟的过程.  相似文献   

研究乡村地区游客动机行为以及游憩价值十分必要.文章选择北京市延庆县作为案例地,采用现场观察和个人访谈以及问卷调查获得研究数据,通过描述性统计、相关分析以及回归分析,对乡村旅游者对目的地的选择行为、消费行为以及乡村地区的游憩价值进行了研究.发现乡村地区游客以北京市和目的地周边城镇的中青年居民为主,收入高于平均水平,涵盖多种职业;在选择目的地方面更重视亲近和享受自然,体验乡村文化是次要动机;游客以自费出游为主,人均年出游次数为7.62次,每次花费249.86元,吃、住、交通费用都较低.以旅行次数为因变量,旅行成本、人口统计因素和个人对乡村景点质量的偏好为自变量,采用旅行费用法的计数模型进行回归,发现旅行次数主要受到旅行费用和家庭收入的影响,性别、年龄、职业以及对乡村环境的支付意愿也有影响,以此为基础计算的每人每次消费者剩余为1724 14元,其中包括了多种价值.  相似文献   

The advancement of mobile technology provides an opportunity to obtain the real-time information of travelers, such as their spatial and temporal behaviors, during their visits to a destination. This study analyzes a large scale mobile phone dataset that captures the cellphone trace of international travelers who visited South Korea. We apply a trajectory data mining approach to understand the spatial structures of tourist activities within three different destinations. Through spatial clustering analysis and sequential pattern mining, the study reveals multiple “hot spots” (or popular areas) in travel destinations and spatial interactions across these places. As a result, this paper provides important tourism implications integrating spatial models with destination planning, which is the foundation of tourism design.  相似文献   

The tourist experience is corporeal and multisensory. Tourism organizations, therefore, need to pay attention to the sensual content of promotional messages conveyed to potential tourists to provide incentives for seeking enriched experiences of place. Together with other image formation agents, travelogues (travel articles published in newspapers and magazines) offer information on and prompt imagination about destinations that help frame visitors' expectations and influence their subsequent travel decisions and behaviors. This article content‐analyzed 199 travelogues about New Zealand to identify relationships between regions and perceptions based on sensory allusions. It was found that the reporting of New Zealand as a whole by visiting journalists tended to utilize an appeal to all senses, but this was not true of individual destinations. It is suggested that urban destinations such as Auckland and Wellington possess potential for a wider sense appeal than is currently used through products based on urban adventure tourism and culinary tourism. An “ideal” itinerary is proposed that would permit journalists to capture a sensory experience of New Zealand.  相似文献   

论"旅游目的地"与"旅游过境地"   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
旅游地的空间竞争与合作是当前学术界颇为关注的一个热点问题.处在同一旅游线路①上的不同旅游地之间产业和产品的空间竞争与合作是区域旅游竞争与合作的典型代表,较少有学者进行研究.本文在回顾以往研究成果的基础上,分析了旅游目的地与旅游过境地在竞争与合作中旅游产业定位和空间布局等重大问题对两地在旅游开发、投资等方面的影响.  相似文献   

社会网络视角下旅游线路研究——以新疆为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘冰  曾国军  彭青 《旅游学刊》2013,(11):101-109
多目的地旅游已成为当前一种重要的出行方式,因此,合理设置和安排旅游线路是旅游市场供需双方共同关注的焦点。但以往的研究仍停留在线路的描述上,未能对其成因进行系统阐释。在梳理和评述相关文献的基础上,文章以新疆目的地网络为例,进行问卷调查,并利用社会网络视角及分析方法,通过整体网和个体网两个层面探寻旅游线路形成的内在机理。网络分析结果表明,新疆已初步形成以喀纳斯为中心的目的地网络,而以中心度和结构洞为代表的目的地网络结构特征是多样化旅游线路形成的关键所在。研究结论对现有旅游线路研究在理论、研究方法和实践方面有重要启示和指导意义。  相似文献   

The spatial dimension of tourism provides insights about travel demands and travel flows and helps destinations in planning, development and management. The last decade has witnessed a steady and rapid growth in the Asia-Pacific region's tourism industry, in terms of both inbound and outbound travel. This particular study aimed to: (a) provide information and explore the changes on the nature of travel flows as measured by the tourist arrivals among the Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) member countries for the years of 1995 and 2004; (b) assess general propensity to travel among PATA countries using the concepts of Country Potential Generation Index and Gross Travel Propensity; and (c) examine the shift in the past decade in terms of the relative tourism generation power of PATA countries by comparing and contrasting the 1995 and 2004 indices. The results of the study provide an overview of the spatial patterns of travel flows and travel propensity in Pacific Asia region over a 10-year period. The study demonstrates that the functions of travel flows and indices are complementary and provide an informative picture of spatial travel behavior and demand.  相似文献   

Taiwan has experienced rapid growth in the last decade, especially in the number of international tourists and domestic leisure travelers it receives. In response to pressures to minimize the negative environmental impacts of such visits (i.e. greenhouse gas emissions) and reshape the notion of sustainable destinations, since 2010 the concept of slow travel has been promoted by governments and the tourism industry. Consequently, calls to expand programs connecting various destinations (e.g. the establishment of industrial tourism) using slower modes of transportation have begun to emerge. In an effort to elucidate the key factors that motivate a traveler's intention to engage in slow travel, this study has constructed a research model that incorporates slow travel's three core elements: the mode of slow travel, tourism experience and environmental consciousness. Particularly, this study has focused on industrial tourists who typically rely on cars to reach destinations that have become new tourism hotspots. The quality of the transportation mode (i.e. a shuttle bus) and the tourism experience were found to be the most powerful determinants of their intentions. This study provides important information to practitioners seeking to market slow travel as a form of sustainable tourism and an alternative to conventional leisure.  相似文献   

This study aims to understand self-drive tourists’ satisfaction with and loyalty toward scenic roads. Building on previous studies in the context of tourism destinations, satisfaction is hypothesised to be influenced by leisure and holiday motorists’ motivation for driving the routes and the provision of roadside facilities. In turn, satisfaction is assumed to increase motorists’ loyalty toward the route. The study comprises data from two scenic roads in Norway that differ with respect to landscapes formations, settlements, experiences along the routes, and travel distance. Data are analysed using structural equation modelling. Results show that roadside facilities play a crucial role in achieving overall satisfaction and loyalty among motor tourists, and that route managers should improve the quality of these and related infrastructure facilities and services. Moreover, the study indicates that it is important to take into consideration the motorists’ desire to experience attractive sceneries in order to increase overall route satisfaction. Finally, satisfaction is demonstrated to significantly increase route loyalty, although this relationship appears weaker than in conventional destination studies.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impacts of COVID-19 on Chinese nationals' tourism preferences. Employing a mixed-method research design, two rounds of nation-wide online surveys were conducted, one in February 2020 when COVID-19 cases started to peak in China and another one in June 2020 when COVID-19 was a global pandemic; both survey studies were accompanied with semi-structured in-depth interviews and altogether 37 interviews were conducted in two stages. Based on both quantitative survey data and qualitative interview data, the research identified that: 1) COVID-19 significantly reduced Chinese nationals' preferences to travel to countries with high infection numbers, and geographically faraway, administratively and culturally distant outbound destinations; 2) Chinese nationals reduced their preferences in all travel modes and most of the tourism forms, but most of them would prefer nature-based, rural, and cultural destinations after COVID-19; and 3) shortened trips in short travel distance are preferred after COVID-19. The findings offer rich insights and practical implications for governments, industry organisations, and tourism operators to formulate tourism recovery strategies toward Chinese tourists.  相似文献   

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