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<正>康养产业作为落实“健康中国”、乡村振兴和积极应对人口老龄化等国家重大战略的产业集成,被视为促进产业结构调整、改善民生的“新引擎”和建设“健康中国”的“大处方”。作为康养产业的重要形态,康养旅游尤其是海洋康养旅游是新时期旅游发展的新业态和新趋势,能将传统旅游与健康产业、海洋产业、体育产业、文化产业等不同产业进行融合,  相似文献   

快速准确地把握旅游产业政策内容组态以及充分认识其绩效生产路径,对于推进、引导旅游产业的发展至关重要。本文选择31份省级旅游产业发展规划作为分析样本,通过NVivo 12 Plus软件进行词频分析得到关键词,然后以《浙江省旅游业发展“十三五”规划》为例,对其内容进行梳理和概括,并与前面词频分析得出的关键词进行对照,从而确定共同变量,最终采用模糊集定性比较分析方法(fsQCA)提炼出旅游产业政策绩效生产的2条路径:一是根据产业基础设置重点任务和资源投入的“适配”路径,对应的是旅游资源丰富,但旅游产业发展欠发达的省份;二是产业基础和目标引导任务部署、分工以及投入资源的“完善”路径,对应的是旅游产业发展发达的省份。两条路径的政策重点和绩效生产效果各有不同,可以为区域旅游产业高质量发展提供借鉴,使其把握重点目标和重点任务,强化绩效管理,因地制宜的优化政策规划和设计,进而部署行动并配置资源,以提高旅游产业培育绩效。  相似文献   

当前,我国将“实施乡村振兴战略”作为建设现代化经济体系的重大举措,为我国农业农村现代化指明了方向和路径。而作为乡村振兴战略当中的主要发展形态,乡村旅游对于提高乡村地区经济效益、促进乡村振兴具有重要意义。纵观当前乡村旅游发展格局,还存在亟待解决的问题。文章将结合乡村旅游的不同设计模式进行分析,探讨其有效的设计路径,为乡村旅游的构建提供参考。  相似文献   

新时代,我国已提出并推进以“产业兴旺、生态宜居、乡风文明、治理有效、生活富裕”为目标的乡村振兴战略。本文以九峰镇生态型乡村旅游为研究对象,对其旅游环境进行PEST分析,探析九峰镇在发展乡村生态旅游过程中存在的问题,并提出打造乡村旅游政策体系、拓宽人才和客源市场、统筹全域综合规划等对策,寻求乡村生态旅游可持续发展路径。  相似文献   

以“宜荆荆恩”城市群作为研究对象,借助2017—2021年相关产业数据,基于三次产业子系统,通过构建子系统有序度模型和复合系统协同度模型对“宜荆荆恩”城市群产业协同发展程度进行测度分析。结果表明:这一时期该城市群产业子系统有序度与产业复合系统协同度在整体上均呈现上升趋势,趋向于良性发展,但存在波动性且协同度水平较低,尚处于成长阶段。从关注重要影响因素,提升各产业子系统有序度;深化分工与协作,削弱障碍与壁垒;提升产业能级,重视可持续性发展等方面提出了对策建议,以促进区域内产业协同发展。  相似文献   

甘肃省临夏回族自治州文化和旅游资源丰富,在州委、州政府的领导下,抢抓国家“新西部大开发”战略、“一带一路”倡议等重大政策叠加机遇,坚持以文化立州、旅游富州、创建国家级全域旅游示范区为目标,全力打造文旅“百亿级”首位产业,不断加快基础设施建设、景点开发和品牌打造,大力推进文旅产业全要素、全方位、全季节发展,促进文旅产业高质量发展。  相似文献   

胡付梅 《西部旅游》2022,(17):10-12
在社会经济快速发展的背景下,人们的生活水平日益提高,传统的旅游模式已经无法满足人们对旅游的多样化需求。康养旅游的出现,不仅顺应了市场的基本需求,也推动了传统旅游产业的转型与升级,是全面推进乡村振兴战略的重要举措。但由于乡村康养旅游产业仍处于发展初期阶段,存在配套设施不完善、人才紧缺等问题,急需创新乡村康养旅游产业的发展模式。基于此,文章以乡村康养旅游产业的发展为研究对象,重点探究乡村康养旅游产业发展过程中存在的问题,并探讨具有针对性的创新路径,以期为其创新发展提供参考。  相似文献   

海洋旅游是重要的海洋经济类型,加强海洋旅游相关研究是服务中国海洋强国战略的基础性任务。本研究选取中国学术期刊网络出版总库收录的619篇中文文献为样本,系统分析中国海洋旅游研究脉络。研究发现,1992—2021年中国海洋旅游相关研究成果数量呈“起步探索、陡状攀升、波动回落”的变化特征,经历了以海洋旅游环境要素和资源价值评估为主的资源导向与孕育探索阶段(1992—2002年),以多元议题拓展和集成方法创新并重的产业导向与全面推进阶段(2003—2010年),以及同国家发展需求联系紧密、实践应用不断丰富的战略导向与深化拓展阶段(2011—2021年);研究热点集中在海洋旅游理论内涵与研究范畴、资源开发与评价、社会与经济影响、资源环境与可持续发展、目的地开发与管理等5个方面。立足新时期中国海洋旅游理论发展与实践需求,未来应重视学科交互融合、技术手段集成和数据平台建设,提升理论研究同国家战略驱动、地方现实需求和行业实践发展的适配性,为推动中国海洋旅游高质量发展提供理论与决策指导。  相似文献   

郭涛 《西部旅游》2023,(18):29-31
<正>在我国经济建设发展过程中,乡村地区的发展速度较慢,居民生活水平普遍低于城镇地区。在此背景下,我国通过实施乡村振兴战略来解决乡村发展的问题。旅游行业是时下比较火爆的行业,充分利用乡村地区丰富的自然资源发展乡村旅游产业,是推动乡村振兴的重要路径之一。文章以山西云竹湖休闲特色小镇为例,深入研究其体育旅游发展的路径,以期为其他地区发展特色小镇旅游提供借鉴。  相似文献   

长三角一体化时代的来临给无锡市旅游业的发展带来了机遇与挑战,推动了旅游产业的转型和升级。在长三角一体化战略背景下,如何提升无锡旅游服务品质,激发游客消费潜力成为无锡旅游可持续发展的核心。本文从无锡旅游新业态的养成为出发点,分析其存在的不足,并且给出相应的发展路径。  相似文献   

随着大众旅游初级阶段的到来,我国旅游业也相应进入了国家战略体系,加上旅游教育和人才培养层次的提升,基于中国学术立场和现实诉求的理论创新已是当务之急。在分析总结旅游发展阶段特征和当代旅游发展的核心价值取向的基础上,文章提出了当代旅游发展理论的核心观点:构建以旅游法为核心的国家意志体系,以旅游经济监测与预警为中心的宏观调控体系,以游客满意为导向的微观监管体系。  相似文献   

Evolutionary and relational approaches to economic development are gaining ground in geography as a discipline, although in the subfield of tourism geography, their potential is only just becoming recognised. This article focuses on the evolution of mature tourism destinations, taking the path dependency concept forward from the notion of path creation into the new domain of path plasticity. Drawing on the notion of cultural political economy, we examine how tourism destinations can break with path dependency routines incrementally and move steadily towards different future paths, which may recast tourism in a different light in the overall “urban” context of the destination. Using a case study of a Mediterranean coastal destination on Catalonia's Costa Daurada, we explore the inter-tangled tourism and urban development processes in relation to the socio-spatial dimensions of urban change. The article argues for a wider range of social and cultural criteria in the analysis of tourism evolution – advocating the use of path plasticity and a cultural political economy approach – to offer an alternative perspective on shifting tourism situations, reflecting the inherently “urbanising” nature of tourism development in the traditional coastal resort context. It adds to the growing literature on governance and strategy-making in sustainable tourism.  相似文献   

Tourism area development is affected by the competitive global tourism industry and the complex, multilevel dynamics of the contemporary network society. The strategic planning and governance challenge is stimulating tourism areas to become adaptive areas, being capable of responding to changing contexts in order to maintain or improve the performance of these areas as competitive tourism destinations. This article examines conditions for “adaptive tourism areas”. It does so on the basis of a complex adaptive system (CAS) perspective on tourism area development. The perspective is used to conceptualise tourism areas as complex and potentially adaptive systems, and to discuss how tourism area development can be understood as a multilevel, co-evolutionary and path dependent process. Furthermore, the CAS perspective is used to draw attention to the importance of a degree of diversity in terms of tourism products, experiences and firms. Encouraging a degree of diversity requires among other things interconnectivity among actors to ease communication and coordination, (policy) experimentation for niche-innovations, learning and reflexivity. The article ends with a discussion on the potential of, and constraints on, pursuing adaptive tourism areas from a strategic planning and governance point of view.  相似文献   

《Tourism Management》1987,8(1):20-32
The strategy of industrial diversification into tourism by a peripheral underdeveloped region is considered with reference to Canada's Northwest Territories. A theoretical model of the evolution of the peripheral tourism industry is used to discover whether an ideal strategy exists which could avoid a “centre-periphery conflict”. The article concludes that avoidance of conflict requires maintenance of control over decision making by the peripheral authorities; and industrial development on a scale within the scope of local resources. Lack of local manpower and expertise in tourism is identified as the major block to successful development of a locally controlled industry.  相似文献   

Today, U.S. females represent the majority in both the hospitality and tourism management classroom and the work environment. However, the proverbial “glass ceiling” continues to exist, and evidence of career advancement obstacles remain salient in the hospitality, travel, and tourism management workplace. The purpose of this study was to investigate the experiences of successful female industry leaders in the hospitality, travel, and tourism industry, as well as their perceptions as to how they were able to overcome gender barriers and disparities. Findings offer participant reported “top issues” facing female leaders in the workplace, as well as strategies for overcoming these issues.  相似文献   

旅游产业融合研究进展及启示   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
程锦  陆林  朱付彪 《旅游学刊》2011,26(4):13-19
旅游产业融合是社会经济发展到一定阶段的产物,是伴随着旅游业和社会不断发展而出现的一种必然现象。旅游产业融合作为旅游业发展的一种创新形式,为我国旅游业的发展注入了生机和活力。文章从旅游产业融合的概念、产品、模式、机制、路径和效应等方面,对已有旅游产业融合研究进行分析和总结;分析国内与国外旅游产业融合研究在研究内容和研究方法上的差异;并对未来旅游产业融合研究方向和方法提出见解,认为未来旅游产业融合研究应创新和改进研究方法,加强旅游产业融合的系统性研究、旅游产品研发过程中的旅游产业融合研究、旅游产业融合路径研究,以及旅游产业融合与企业经营战略结合的实证研究等。  相似文献   

This paper explores how global issues such as climate change are taken into account in tourism strategy texts and contrasts these findings with how the issue is seen at the grassroots level by local businesses. We analyse how both levels approach adaptation to climate change. Using Boltanski and Thévenot's six common “worlds” of justification model for debates on public issues, we analyse the rhetoric of national, regional, and local tourism strategies in Finland and then explore how the rhetoric is employed by interviewing 42 local tourism actors. The strategy analysis shows that strategic documents do not simply describe situations but are active in creating and shaping future development, and how different kinds of “orders of worth” are used, to establish acceptable “universal truths” to shape through consensus how tourism actors think about the sector's future. Results show that at a strategic level, climate change issues are dealt with in an abstract manner, concentrating on the viewpoints of markets and industry, while ecological justification is lacking, and lacks urgency. Operational instructions are not provided for the entrepreneurs. The actors’ interviews show that structural changes in the sector are demanded but both tourism growth and nature's survival are taken for granted.  相似文献   


Heritage tourism has become an important sector in the tourism industry. In fact, interest in heritage tourism among the American public increased 16% from 1991 to 1995. In spite of this surge in demand for heritage tourism little is known about tourists' visitation to “types” of heritage attractions and if their travel behavior characteristics are related to their patterns of visitation. This study examined both issues in the context of industrial heritage tourism. The results indicated that tourists were visiting “types” of industrial heritage attractions. In addition, there was a relationship between the type of trip they were on, the number of people in their travel party, when they made their decision to visit, and the total number of trips they had taken in the last 12 months and the “type” of industrial heritage attraction they visited.  相似文献   

旅游产业政策旨在规范行业发展,引导产业上水平,优化产业结构,成为调控旅游产业发展的重要手段。1978年至今,我国旅游产业政策的变迁受多种因素影响。在探讨旅游产业演变的基础上,利用我国31省区市2001~2018年面板数据测度旅游产业政策的有效性。结果发现:旅游财政投入能极大地促进旅游产业发展;由中央政府和地方政府颁布的不同层级旅游产业政策具有时效性差异,中央政府旅游产业政策具有时滞性特征,滞后期为一年,而地方旅游产业政策具有即时有效性;旅游产业政策空间分布及有效性存在东中西区域性差异。  相似文献   

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