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本文通过对光伏发电系统和逆变器进行介绍,对逆变器应用和发展趋势进行探讨,并对逆变器在光伏发电系统中应用需满足的条件进行分析。  相似文献   

世界各国在新能源发展的进程中规模化地开发利用太阳能并将其进行光电转换加以输送、存储和消费则要复杂得多,若形成太阳能发电的巨大产业链还需突破一系列技术和财务瓶颈乃至思维的约束。  相似文献   

2007年12月5日-24日,由国家发改委能源局牵头,北京、天津、上海等15个省市发展改革委以及有关可再生能源企业参加的代表团,赴澳大利亚对其可再生能源的利用与发展进行了考察。在澳大利亚期间,考察团拜访了联邦工业,旅游和资源部,新南威尔士州水资源和能源部,维多利亚州能源部,联邦科工组织发展中心,国家太阳能中心、新南威尔士大学光伏学院、瑞丰可再生能源有限公司、塔斯马尼亚州水电公司Gordon水电站、Dyesol太阳能公司等部门和单位,通过座谈交流和参观访问等形式,全面地了解了澳大利亚可再生能源开发利用情况和有关政策。  相似文献   

李纲领 《证券导刊》2009,(46):72-73
目前公司的增长仍来自于下游空调行业的复苏和高端产品的销售情况,我们仍看好空调行业的回暖,以及变频空调的普及对公司电子膨胀阀的需求增长。今日投资个股安全诊断星级:  相似文献   

目前国内电力开发企业已规划了十多个大型光热发电项目,光热发电已经在技术和产业上做好准备,即将迈入商业化应用的门槛光热发电在上世纪80年代形成了建设热潮,之后由于技术和成本障碍出现停滞,近5年来,随着技术的快速进步、产业的发展和对清洁能源需求的增加,光热发电又逐渐在多个国家和地区成为可再生能源领域的投资热点,但与成熟的光伏发电产业相比,光热发电技术处在发展中,产业处于成长中,市场处于开拓中,尚需有效的政策和有利的发展环境予  相似文献   

李龙 《时代金融》2013,(11):45+49
<正>随着传统燃料能源的一天天减少,对环境造成的危害日益突出,同时全球还有20亿人得不到正常的能源供应。这个时候,全世界都把目光投向了可再生能源,希望可再生能源能够改变人类的能源结构,维持长远的可持续发展。这之中太阳能以其独有的优势而  相似文献   

为深人实施西部大开发战略,促进西部地区产业结构调整和特色优势产业发展,国家发改委8月22日公布了《西部地区鼓励类产业目录》。目录涵盖西部12个省市。战略性新兴产业成为西部新增鼓励类产业重点。高效太阳能电池组件技术开发及生产被列人四川、  相似文献   

水滴 《证券导刊》2011,(40):81-81
光伏逆变器是太阳能光伏发电系统的关键设备,其作用是将太阳电池发出的直流电转化为符合电网电能质量要求的交流电(DC-〉AC)。光伏逆变器的可靠性、高效性和安全性直接影响到整个太阳能光伏发电系统的发电量及运行稳定性,在整个光伏发电系统中起着决定性作用。  相似文献   

肖世俊  李元 《证券导刊》2009,(48):20-20
与当前主流的风电、太阳能等可再生能源发电相比,替代能源核电以其发电成本较低、可长期稳定运营及易于大规模建设供电等优点,而成为现阶段及未来十年最为"经济与绿色"的低碳发电方式。  相似文献   

随着煤炭石油等化石资源的日益枯竭,开发新型能源已经成为所有国家的共识,在这种情况下太阳能光伏发电逐渐成为社会经济生产的首选。近年来,由于国内、外太阳能光伏发电应用越来越广,因此太阳能光伏发电的前景和投资收益就成为人们关心的问题。本文中,笔者对国内、外太阳能光伏发电的应用和发展应用前景进行了展望并且对太阳能光伏发电投资进行了认真分析,希望能吸引更多的社会资金来参与开发利用太阳能光伏发电以造福人类。  相似文献   

Dinesh C. Sharma 《Futures》2007,39(5):583-596
India has been pursuing non-conventional sources of energy for various applications for a long time now. Several technologies—solar heating, solar photovoltaic, biomass, wind—have been demonstrated over the years. Currently, renewable sources of energy make up for about 5% of grid electricity produced in the country. This is impressive growth compared to 2.7% that is contributed by nuclear energy despite huge investments made in that sector. Despite the growing contribution of renewables to the national power kitty, about 125,000 or 21% villages remain in dark and not all households have power in the villages electrified. While the government efforts continue to spread solar and biomass based lighting, heating and power systems in villages, efforts in the non-governmental sector have shown that decentralized, off-grid power generation through biomass-based gasifiers and solar photovoltaics offers a viable, long-term solution to rural electrification. Though government policies now recognize decentralized power generation, they do not see it as a preferred mode of rural electrification nor do they foresee a major role for voluntary agencies and people's organizations in decentralized power generation through renewable sources. While technology has shown the way, right policy initiatives and enabling environment are lacking to use decentralized power generation through renewables as an input in overall development process.  相似文献   

This study evaluates investment in a utility-scale solar power plant using a real-options approach (ROA). Although ROAs have been widely applied in the literature, the deferring option for a utility-scale power plant has not been fully examined, especially within the context of the unique subsidy program of solar renewable energy certificates (SRECs) in the USA. Using data from one of the most developed solar electricity markets in New Jersey, we incorporate the time-varying volatility of electricity prices and bounded SREC prices in real-options valuation. Our results show that deferring real options generates significant value for the project that the traditional discount cash flow approach ignores. It is thus optimal to postpone the investment in more than 70% of cases. In addition, we demonstrate that debt financing is crucial for renewable energy investments.  相似文献   

Environmental risks of different energy sources pose a significant problem for managers, decision-makers, and the general public. Attitudes and perceptions may differ by type of energy, as well as the recipient of the harm. A post-Fukushima survey of students and others in a university community in central New Jersey was conducted to determine how much people worried about the potential effects of different energy types (nuclear, chemical, coal, hydroelectric, solar, wind, and gas), which aspect they worried about (public health, workers, and the environment), and which form they thought the USA should further develop. Ratings for worry varied significantly by energy type and receptor type. In general, worry was greater for all aspects of chemical, coal, nuclear, and gas, and significantly less for hydro, solar, and wind. Worry was generally higher for exposure from the plant, exposure from food and water, exposure to workers, and exposure for wildlife than for either transportation issues or exposure from everyday occurrences. The same exposures (or targets) were rated for each energy source. The greatest worry for each energy type was as follows: (1) nuclear exposure to radiation in food, although worker exposure and exposure from the plant were very close, (2) chemical exposure was from accidents in the plant, (3) coal was from harmful effects of mercury on wildlife, (4) hydro was from contamination of drinking water, (5) solar was from harmful UV radiation exposure in wildlife, (6) wind was from mortality of birds due to wind turbines, and (7) gas was from harmful gas exposure to wildlife. Overall, the highest rated features in terms of worry (four of seven energy forms) were for wildlife. The survey population believed that wind, solar, tidal, and hydro power should be developed further, and coal should be developed the least.  相似文献   

由于全球面临的化石能源危机以及由此带来的环境危机,使世界各国从未像今天这样关注可再生清洁能源。寻找和推动可再生清洁能源成为越来越多国家的重要发展战略,生物质能源就是其中一种。在很多国家,生物质能源甚至成为超过信息产业的国家支柱产业。在瑞典,25%的能源需求已被生物质能源取代,到2020年,瑞典将成为世界上第一个不依赖石油的国家。在巴西,50%的汽油已被生物质能源甘蔗乙醇替代。在中国,尽管生物质能源的出现和发展比太阳能、风能要早,但其发展却不及太阳能、风能那般快速。"中国生物质资源浪费严重,每年至少有2亿吨生物质资源在田间焚烧或丢弃,按电厂目前每吨300元的收购价格计算,直接损失达600个亿!如果这些生物质资源转化为电能,不仅可以增加农民收入,为农民创造就业机会,还可以为中国县域经济提供稳定的绿色电力与热力,并达到节能减排、保护环境的作用。"国能生物发电集团有限公司(以下简称"国能生物")董事长蒋大龙在接受《国际融资》记者专访时以切身体会坦言。为了和时间赛跑,与浪费抢资源,国能生物以社会责任为己任,在短短5年间,把国能生物发展成为全球最大的生物质发电投资、建设、运营一体化的专业化公司,共建设了35家生物质发电厂,其中23家已投入运营,总计向社会输入绿色电力79.4亿千瓦时、减少二氧化碳排放620万吨、为农村提供了约6万就业岗位、使农民从秸秆销售中获得额外收入达32亿元  相似文献   

能值分析理论与方法应用于森林生态效益外部性计量的基本思路是,通过对森林生态系统的能流分析,将森林生态效益生态因子量经由能值转换率转化为同一标准的太阳能值,再结合本地区的能值/货币比得到森林生态效益及外部性价值。对江苏连云港墟沟林场的案例研究显示,该林场2003年的森林生态效益能值主要体现在保土、涵养水源和防风效益。  相似文献   

尽管此前关于水电、风电、太阳能等新能源的争议颇多,在此次透露的十二五规划思路中可以看出,积极发展仍是主题在我国应对气候变化的庄严承诺下,十二五能源消费总量控制目标将如何定?新能源的战略定位与发展思路是否会发生变化?——随着能源十二五规划编制接近尾声,这些疑问已经得到了解答。  相似文献   

This study investigates whether environment information disclosure (EID) and different energy sources have any effect on the cost of equity capital (COEC), and how the EID effect on the COEC varies with different types of energy. We find a negative relationship between EID and COEC. Thus, EID reduces the agency problem and information asymmetry between firms and investors, and also supports the legitimacy and stakeholder theories’ explanation of the effect of EID on the COEC in China. We find a positive (negative) relationship between some energy sources such as gas, fossil-fuelled thermal power generation, and oil (hydro-power generation, solar, and wind) and the COEC. The finding explains the polluting nature, risk of replacement, regulation risk, and regulatory costs of different energy types, and those risks have been accounted by investors. We also find that when gas, fossil-fuelled thermal power, and oil firms increase their level of EID, their COEC increases, whereas when power grid, solar, and wind power firms increase their level of EID, their COEC decreases. This finding is supported by the combination of polluting nature, risk of replacement, regulation risk, and regulatory costs of different energy sources and legitimacy and stakeholder theories. Our findings are robust to several endogeneity checks and additional tests for several unique features of Chinese capital markets.  相似文献   

Fossil fuels, including coal, oil and gas, cannot be counted upon as a major energy fuel resource over a long time period. Given that energy utilisation patterns will not alter from those presently characteristic then only three potential fuel sources currently appear adequate to meet the large part of future requirements. These are solar, nuclear fusion and nuclear fission energy. Of these, nuclear fusion energy remains technically unproved. In the highly developed world nuclear fission appears to have been chosen as the major future energy resource. But many would hold that promotional opportunism of the nuclear establishment rather than merit has served as the basis for this choice.  相似文献   

This paper presents a framework for thinking about economic growth, trade, and capital flows viewed as transformations of current and vintage solar energy, stored in the form of natural resources, human capital, physical capital and technology described by the laws of thermodynamics. Recent developments in nonequilibrium thermodynamics (NET) show how efficient global capital markets and high-speed communications networks accelerate energy flow and growth but also create turbulence, financial crisis, protectionism and conflict. The paper discusses the role that NET can play in helping us understand stock market bubbles and financial crises.  相似文献   

德利国际新能源控股有限公司(以下简称"德利国际")董事长杜德利是一位智慧型的企业家,虽然创业初期他的学历仅初中文化,但他对企业经营及发展战略的思考却有着一整套自成系统的理论体系。正是基于此,从1997年开始经营太阳能热水器的他,带领企业从众多太阳能光热企业中脱颖而出,于2005年3月登陆美国资本市场,成为太阳能热水行业全球首家上市公司;继而,他利用上市融到的800万美金,开始实施企业跨越式发展战略,以全球首家低碳生态全案解决商的战略定位,向新能源整合运营与低碳技术系统集成领域进军,不争而胜。杜德利的成功秘笈是什么?且看《国际融资》记者对德利国际新能源控股有限公司董事局主席兼总裁杜德利先生的独家专访  相似文献   

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