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Cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin were invented to facilitate instant payment services without the need for a central bank or financial intermediaries executing payments. Using cryptographic functions, any user of the bitcoin system can transfer units of the virtual currency globally on an anonymous basis. However, financial supervisory authorities are about to increase regulation of virtual currencies due to concerns that the anonymous character of the system facilitates money laundering and the financing of illegal transactions. Nevertheless, the underlying blockchain technology, or in broader terms the distributed ledger technology, may revolutionise several industries. This paper illustrates the functioning and recent market developments in the bitcoin industry as well as the disruptive potential of the underlying technologies.  相似文献   

潘少桦 《广告大观》2009,(6):113-115
上期本刊策划的《广州“拍卖门”,权力滥用还是合法监管》专题,引起了业界的反响。有广告主特意来函说明他们对此事的看法.其中不乏见解深刻者.编者特将之刊登,以飨读者;同时对于业界人士的热心支持表示由衷的感谢!  相似文献   

The advertising industry influences culture through its pervasive messages that reflect and shape culture and through the role that advertising practitioners play as cultural intermediaries. As such, the manner in which advertising practitioners confront ethical issues is important. Drawing on Bourdieu's theory of practice, this paper examines how the perceptions, practices, and discourses of advertising practitioners in the Middle East and North Africa influence the advertising field's habitus and doxa. It demonstrates that understanding ethical problems is enhanced by examining them as macro, meso, and micro phenomena. However, that is not enough. Understanding how factors at the three levels interrelate, interact, and reinforce one another is critical to understanding the habitus. Underlying biases that shape the doxa can be explained by ideas central to behavioral ethics. A better understanding of the forces that shape the habitus and doxa with respect to ethics is key to moving toward a culture that encourages ethical advertising practices.  相似文献   

左琳 《广告大观》2009,(11):100-101
当金融危机波及发达国家的实体经济后,广告业首当其冲成为了重灾区,值得欣慰的是,在2009年第三季度广告市场开始慢慢上升,户外广告更是逆市前行,行业规模不断扩大,逐渐被市场认可、接受发展多种经营以来,铁路媒体应势急速发展.成为极具竞争力的新兴传播媒体。  相似文献   

Blockchain technology is having an increasingly profound impact on the business landscape. Blockchain—a means for storing information and transactions in secure, decentralized manner—has many potential applications for marketing. However, marketing research and practice are still tentative about the use of blockchain and are yet to fully understand it and embrace it. The goal of this editorial is to advance in this direction and offer a path toward incorporating blockchain technology into our scholarly marketing thinking. We review the basic terminology and principles of the blockchain process, provide a comprehensive overview of the potential impact of blockchain on several core marketing areas and propose research questions that can help advance both research and practice as this technology develops.This editorial is accompanied by five research notes written by leading marketing scholars, which explore applications of blockchain to the following marketing topics: Advertising (Joo et al., 2022), Branding (Colicev, 2022), Creative Industries (Malik et al., 2022), Pricing (Zhang, 2022), and Privacy (Marthews & Tucker, 2022).  相似文献   

Endogenous consumption of advertising is common. Consumers choose to change channels to avoid TV ads, click away from paid online video ads, or discard direct mail without reading advertised details. As technological advances give firms improved abilities to target individual consumers through various media, it is becoming increasingly important for models to reflect the endogenous nature of ad consumption and to consider the implications that ad choice has for firms’ targeting strategies. With this motivation, we develop an empirical model of consumer demand for advertising in which demand for ads is jointly determined with demand for the advertised products. Building on Becker and Murphy (The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 108(4), 941–964 1993)’s ideas, the model treats advertising as a good over which consumers have utility and obtains demands as the outcome of a joint utility maximization problem. Leveraging new data that links household-level TV ad-viewing with product purchases, we provide empirical evidence that is consistent with the model: ad-skipping is found to be lower when a household has purchased more of the advertised brand, and purchases are higher when more ads have been watched recently, suggesting that advertising and product consumption are jointly determined. Fitting a structural model of joint demand to the data, we evaluate consumer welfare and advertiser profitability in advertising targeting counterfactuals motivated by an “addressable” future of TV. We find that targeting on the predicted ad-skip probability is an attractive strategy, as it indirectly selects consumers that value the product. Reflecting the positive view of advertising in the model, we also find that net consumer welfare may increase in several targeting scenarios. This occurs because under improved targeting, firms shift advertising to those who are likely to value it. At the same time, consumers that do not value the ads end up skipping them, mitigating possible welfare losses. Both forces are relevant to assessing advertising effects in a world with improved targeting and ad-skipping technology.  相似文献   

如今,随着网民的激增,网络媒体已经成为公认的传统媒体最强劲的竞争者,而与之相伴随的就是网络广告越来越受到企业的重视,投入逐年增加。与此同时,网络广告业的竞争也日益激烈,花样百出、无孔不入的各种广告让受众感到有些厌烦和麻木。在这种情况下,网络广告如何出新,如何吸引眼球并为企业取得好的营销效果,就成为一个值得研究的话题。  相似文献   

This paper explores how individual characteristics of age, need for cognition (NFC), and affective intensity (AI) interact with each other and with advertising appeal frames (i.e., rational, positive-emotional, negative-emotional) to influence ad attitudes, involvement, and recall. The mixed design study reveals that younger adults recall emotional messages, especially negative ones, better than rational ones, but recall does not differ for older adults across appeal frames. Older adults prefer rational and positive messages to negative-emotional messages but ad attitudes do not differ among younger adults across appeal frames. Finally, age interacts with AI, but not NFC, to influence ad responsiveness. Both age and AI influence ad attitudes such that older adults exhibit the most positive ad attitudes across all appeal frames.  相似文献   

2008年,中国经历了很多的大事件,其中对广告业影响最大的莫过于由美国“次贷危机”引发的“金融海啸”给中国带来的持续冲击。对于能够经受得住这次金融危机的企业来说,或许更大的机遇正在降临,这就是“马太效应”。广告始终是企业树立品牌、拉动销售的核心“武器”,只要企业想做大、做强,就不能停止广告的投放。2009年,企业的广告投放将更加理性、务实,“策略性投放”将成为企业投放广告的关键词。企业更加青睐有价值的和有广告效果的优质媒体,媒体格局将进一步分化,呈现强者越强的局面。同时,由于广告主经费有限从而更加慎重地选择有实力、有执行力的广告公司,这也将促使媒体的代理更加集中,广告公司的总数减少、分化加剧。  相似文献   

袁潇 《广告大观》2008,(12):116-118
丹桂飘香,秋风送爽。2008年10月,中国教育部·电通广告人才培养基金项目——第三届中国广告人才培养研讨会在南京东郊隆重开幕。研讨会间隙,记者采访了与会的日本电通公司的“三巨头”——日本电通株式会社常务董事中本祥一、日本电通株式会社董事松岛训弘以及北京电通广告有限公司企画战略本部长冈崎茂生。三位就电通发展、中国广告业未来、新媒体对广告业影响等问题发表了自己的看法。  相似文献   

This study investigates whether creativity is sufficient by itself to attract attention to the ad space or whether the ad must also be conspicuous. Attention to the ad is an important driver of message processing that leads to favourable advertising effectiveness outcomes, such as improved memory for the brand. To provide insight on this, we conducted a field study of billboard advertising along an urban expressway to explore the variables that affect recognition of outdoor advertising. Using a computational neuroscience software program, we find evidence for the presence of an attention capture threshold. That is, creativity's message processing promoting strategy only improves memory when billboards cross a threshold, i.e., when the ads are at a sufficient level of conspicuity within an individual's visual field. This threshold represents a boundary condition for creativity and provides evidence that attention must first be captured in some contexts before creativity increases the memory for brands in advertising. Results also show that billboard size, visual saliency, and brand familiarity increase recognition rates.  相似文献   

Innovativeness is an important organizational capability for competitive advantage sustainability in the dynamic environment of Asia's emerging economies. Drawing upon dynamic capability theory, this study develops a research model of organizational innovativeness development for firms in emerging economies. The proactive strategic orientations reflected by entrepreneurship and technology oriented strategy provide important visions for organizational innovativeness. Further, the utilization of knowledge management systems and organizational learning are identified as intervention processes that translate these strategic orientations into real innovation capability. A survey involving 114 firms operating in China was conducted for hypothesis testing. The empirical results provide strong support and advance the knowledge of organizational innovativeness development for firms in Asia's emerging economies.  相似文献   

Ran Wei 《国际广告杂志》2013,32(4):261-275
This study successfully segments consumers in China into five groups based on six empirically tested lifestyles: traditionalists, status quo, modern, transitioners and generation Xers. Marked by old age, poor education and poverty, traditionalists lead an old- fashioned life and resist change. Demographically similar to traditionalists, the status quo segment, however, has not reached a stage where life revolves around established routines. Poorly educated with low incomes, transitioners are much younger and open to change. The modern segment is the most affluent and well educated, pursuing a fashionable and materialistic life. Generation Xers, born after the Cultural Revolution, are best educated; they show disrespect for routines and tradition and worry little about money. As consumers, traditionalists and status quo consumers disapprove of advertising, strive to save and prefer all things Chinese. The modern and generation X segments view advertising positively, spend freely and favour a Western lifestyle. Transitioners differ from others, reflecting a lifestyle in transition.  相似文献   

This paper investigates how advertisements for extensions contribute to consumers’ attitudes towards new line and brand extensions of highly familiar brands. We investigate the relative importance of attitude toward the advertisement (Aad), parent brand quality, and fit between the extension and the parent brand for extension evaluations with a sample of 754 Belgians. Hierarchical regressions showed that Aad is the major influencer of extension evaluation. The importance of Aad, quality, and fit on extension evaluation is moderated by extension type (line or brand extension), advertising strategy (informational, positive emotional, negative emotional), and product involvement (low or high involvement). Quality transfer from the parent brand was more outspoken for line than for brand extensions; Aad was relatively more important for low product involvement and fit for high involvement conditions. Informational appeals, compared to emotional appeals, reduced the effects of parent brand quality and fit, but Aad was all the more important.  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2020,63(2):205-213
Artificial intelligence applications in cognitive computing systems can be found in organizations across every market, including chatbots that help customers navigate websites, predictive analytics systems used for fraud detection, and augmented decision-support systems for knowledge workers. In this article, we share reflections and insights from our experience with AI projects in the public sector that can add value to any organization. We organized our findings into four thematic domains—(1) data, (2) technology, (3) organizational, and (4) environmental—and examine them relative to the phases of AI. We conclude with best practices for capturing value with cognitive computing systems.  相似文献   

Consumers learn quality of many durable products through word-of-mouth information while firms launch new and improved products frequently in these markets. This paper examines firm incentives to invest in R&D to compete for patents in makets where consumers rely on word-of-mouth information and have expectations about the new products before launch. When its loss due to a possible entry is above a threshold, an incumbent has more incentives than a potential entrant to invest in R&D for patents. Moreover, if the current product is more profitable, its true quality is above consumer priors and the quality of the new product is below a threshold, it is optimal for the incumbent to launch the new product after a time lag. The later the optimal time of launch, the greater is the incumbent’s potential loss if entry occurs and greater its incentives is to invest in R&D versus that of the entrants. While potential entrants are generally thought to have more incentives to invest in a drastic innovation which results in a race to launch the new products, we show that the more drastic the innovation, the later the optimal time of launch and greater are the incumbent’s incentives to invest in R&D when the value added of the new product can be conveyed to all the consumers. Only when consumers are uncertain about the value added of the new product, the incumbent’s incentives are lower. We also demonstrate that by promoting consumer expectations about the new product before launch, an incumbent has more time to launch and higher probability of dominating its market.  相似文献   

广告业内人士认为,一直以来对广告公司征收文化事业建设的做法应当改进,因为国务院明文规定征收范围:“广播电台、电视台和报纸、刊物等广告媒介单位以及户外广告经营单位,按经营收入的35缴纳文化事业建设费”。显然,绝大多数以代理为主要业务的广告公司不应在征收范围之内。 文化事业建设费征收范围的扩大,不符合国家加快发展服务业,尤其是加快发展广告业的政策。这个问题是长期以来中国广告行业不能得到有效产业政策支持的缩影。  相似文献   

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