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Using the conventional VAR identification approach, Cochrane (Quarterly Journal of Economics 107: 241–65, 1994) finds that substantial amounts of variation in GDP growth and stock returns are due to transitory shocks. Following the common trend decomposition of King etal. (American Economic Review 81: 819–40, 1991), we show that Cochrane's results depend on the assumption of weak exogeneity of one of the variables with respect to the cointegration vector. When this assumption holds both approaches coincide. If not, the shocks Cochrane called transitory are not totally transitory. In this case, the conventional VAR approach with the assumption of the weak exogeneity may overstate the magnitude of transitory shocks and understate that of permanent shocks. We find that the permanent components of GDP and stock prices are much larger than those estimates of Cochrane, although substantial (but much smaller than in Cochrane 1994) variations in GDP growth and stock returns are attributed to transitory shocks.  相似文献   

We measure the time-varying degree of world stock market integration of five developed countries (Germany, France, UK, US, and Japan) over the period 1970:1–2011:10. Time-varying financial market integration of each country is measured through the conditional variances of the country-specific and common international risk premiums in equity excess returns. The country-specific and common risk premiums and their conditional variances are estimated from a latent factor decomposition through the use of state space methods that allow for GARCH errors. Our empirical results suggest that stock market integration has increased over the period 1970:1–2011:10 in all countries but Japan. And while there is a structural increase in stock market integration in four out of five countries, all countries also exhibit several shorter periods of disintegration (reversals), i.e. periods in which country-specific shocks play a more dominant role. Hence, stock market integration is measured as a dynamic process that is fluctuating in the short run while gradually increasing in the long run.  相似文献   

用BVAR和BMAR模型及脉冲—响应分析方法来考察中国股票市场上成交量和回报率对信息扰动的动态反应情况得出,公共扰动和永久性扰动是回报率的主要决定因素,而非公共扰动和暂时性扰动则是成交量的主要决定因素。但是公共扰动和永久性扰动对成交量有明显影响;非公共扰动和暂时性扰动对回报率有明显影响。  相似文献   

The goal of this paper is to examine the importance of permanent and transitory shocks using a more efficient trend-cycle decomposition of the real exchange rate series. Our main contribution is that in measuring the impact of shocks, we not only impose common trend restrictions but also common cycle restrictions. We later confirm, through a post sample forecasting exercise, the efficiency gains from imposing common cycle restrictions. Our results indicate that permanent shocks are responsible for the bulk of the real exchange rate variations for Japan, Italy, Germany, France, and the UK vis-à-vis the US dollar over short horizons. For Canada, however, transitory shocks are dominant over the short horizon. In sum, while for Japan, France, and Italy, around 15% of the variation in real exchange rate is due to transitory shocks, for Canada, Germany and the UK, over 25% of the variations over the short horizon are due to transitory shocks. Thus, we claim that the role of transitory shocks should not be ignored.  相似文献   

This paper study the relationship between oil and stock markets in G7 countries, by distinguishing between interactions based on fundamentals (long-term interdependence: high memory impact) and contagion (short-term interaction: transitory contamination). To do this, we propose in the first time two complementary frequency approaches based: the evolutionary co-spectral analysis and the wavelet approach allowing a time-varying measure of the dynamic correlation between the oil and stock markets over time and across time horizons. We find that interdependence between oil price and the stock market is more pronounced in the short and medium terms than in the long term. In addition, we prove that stock markets are more sensitive to oil shocks originating from demand shocks. These findings provide important policy implications for both policymakers, in terms of taking relevant actions regarding oil shocks originating from the demand side, and investors, in terms of a policy of diversification that depends on horizons.  相似文献   

We examine real returns to government debt of the G7 countries, for both short and long maturities. Our focus is on returns to fixed income investing rather than contemporaneous yields. We find evidence that investments in the same maturity across countries may be modeled as a cointegrated process, in a vector error correction framework, with common trends separated into their permanent and transitory components for the system. Our findings are based on analysis of both short-term maturities and long-term maturities. However, the structure varies excessively across maturities and time frames, with recent data showing less integration.  相似文献   

We study the firm-specific and intra-industry stock market effects of issuer credit rating changes and negative watch list placements for the G7 countries. We show that both the information content and the information transfer effects of these rating signals differ considerably in terms of magnitude and in terms of direction across the G7 countries. In particular, conditional on the type of rating change we find significant contagion effects for the US, the UK and Italy, but not for the other G7 countries. Moreover, we show that in some countries abnormal industry portfolio returns associated with rating downgrades and negative watch list signals tend to be more negative for more concentrated and more heavily levered industries. Overall, our results shed new light on country-specific differences in the relevance of credit ratings as risk indicators from an equity investor's perspective, and they may also be of interest to both risk managers and financial market supervisors striving to develop more accurate credit risk models and to better assess the systemic relevance of credit ratings.  相似文献   

Emerging market business cycles feature a higher variability of consumption relative to output and a strongly countercyclical trade balance. An equilibrium business cycle model in which agents learn to distinguish between the permanent and transitory components of total factor productivity shocks using the Kalman filter accounts for these features. Calibrated to Mexico, the model accounts for the behavior of consumption and the trade balance for a wide range of variability and persistence of permanent shocks relative to transitory shocks. Estimation for Mexico and Canada suggests more severe informational frictions in emerging markets than in developed economies.  相似文献   

This paper formulates a model of economic growth to study the effects of broad capital taxation (of profits, dividends, and capital gains) on macroeconomic outcomes in small open economies. A framework of exogenous growth permits modeling countries in transition to a country-specific steady state and to discern steady-state and transitory effects of shocks on economic outcomes. The chosen framework is amenable to structural estimation and, in view of the parsimony of the model, fits data on 79 countries over the period 1996–2011 well. The counterfactual analysis based on the estimated model suggests that capital-tax reductions induce positive effects on output and the capital stock (per unit of effective labor) that are economically significant and are accommodated within time windows of 5 years without much further economic response after that. The responses of economic aggregates are found to be relatively strongest to changes in corporate-profit-tax rates and weaker for dividend and capital-gains taxes.  相似文献   

Incomplete information is a necessary condition for any real effects produced by monetary impulses. An alternative to the local-global inference problem is explored in this paper. Agents are confronted with permanent and transitory shocks. Even with full knowledge about the stochastic structure their best perception at any particular time will usually be erroneous. Prices for each period are set at the beginning of the period on the basis of market conditions. The realization of the shock process thus creates a short-run ‘disequilibrium’ absorbed by inventory adjustments. This adjustment translates perceived transitory monetary shocks into serially correlated output movements. The analysis proceeds within the context of rational expectations It offers a generalization of equilibrium analysis in two respects. Prices are always in equilibrium relative to perceived conditions, but they do not reflect all ongoing shocks. Quantity adjustments reflect the perceived transitory shocks. The framework used involves moreover a stock-flow interaction operated by inventory adjustments. The stock-flow interaction imposes at any time a future expected adjustment path (for price-level and quantities) to the system's unique stock equilibrium. A major implication of the analysis resolves a puzzle experienced in a recent paper by Robert Hall. It reconciles intertemporal substitution with lagged effects of monetary impulses. It also reconciles small and inconclusive cyclic movements in real wages with the occurrence of production function and large variations in unemployment. Lastly, the nature of the inference problem determined by the pattern of incomplete information produces serially correlated movements conditioned on large permanent shocks.  相似文献   

We explore the link between international stock market comovement and the extent to which firms operate globally. Using stock returns and balance sheet data for companies in 20 countries, we estimate a factor model that decomposes stock returns into global, country-and industry-specific shocks. We find a large and statistically significant link for global shocks. A firm raising its international sales by 10 percent raises the exposure of its stock return to global shocks by two percent. This link has grown stronger over time since the mid-1980s. We find no similarly robust link between international sales and exposure to country-specific shocks. * We are grateful to Marcelle Chauvet, Kathryn Dominguez, Kristin Forbes, Geert Rouwenhorst, Dan Waggoner, participants in the Atlanta Fed Finance Brown Bag, the IMF conference on “Global Linkages”, and the Kiel Institute for World Economics workshop on multinationals for their suggestions. We are especially grateful to Franklin Allen, Marco Pagano, and two anonymous referees for extensive comments on earlier drafts of this paper. Finally, we wish to thank Menzie Chinn for sharing his capital account liberalization measure, Iskander Karibzhanov for translating some of our code into C and Young Kim for excellent research assistance.  相似文献   

This study applies the ARJI-trend model in conjunction with the procedure proposed by Bai and Perron (2003) to investigate the coexistence of permanent and transitory components and time-varying jumps in the A and B stock market indices of the Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchanges. Although the response to outside innovations is greater within the transitory component, it is short-lived; conversely, though there is a high level of persistence in the trend, new information has only a lesser effect on the permanent component. Jump variance can also affect total variance, though the effect is far lower than the variance for generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity. Accordingly, the market risk appears small. The reaction to news is heterogeneous within the Shanghai and Shenzhen indices; this may be the result of various market characteristics. During event periods, the permanent component, transitory components, and jump intensity are larger than their averages. After an upward trend, markets return to regular conditions over time. In sum, the total long-run risks within China's market seem low, though speculators can use the sizable transitory component of market fluctuation to engage in arbitrage activities. However, from the viewpoint of asset allocation regarding the trading noise in the Shenzhen B market, we suggest that rational investors deploy more funds in this market and less in the Shanghai A market to avoid a high degree of risk.  相似文献   

Historical research domestically and internationally suggests that differences in capital structures exist for industry classification, firm size and nationality. However, the data for most of these previous studies are based on book values, include a limited number of countries, are not up-to-date, and specifically do not cover the period of the late 1980s when there were important developments in the globalization of financial markets. In addition, no single study specifically compares all seven of the world's major industrial nations (G7 Nations). Financial theory would suggest that in an efficient global market the capital structure of identical firms in different nations would be the same. If international market imperfections still exist through the 1980s, current capital structures and costs may be different among similar firms in different nations; and business advantages (or disadvantages) may provide profits (or costs) to firms incorporated in different countries. The intent of this research is empirically to update the literature with recent international data on both a book value and market value basis and to include for the first time in a single study all the G7 Nations. The results suggest significant financial structure differences still exist among the G7 countries. Specifically, on a market value basis France, Italy and Germany tend to use a higher proportion of total debt, US, UK, Canada and Japan tend to use less debt, and France, Italy and Canada tend to use a higher proportion of institutional debt (non-spontaneous funds) than the US, UK, Japan and Germany.  相似文献   

Stock returns and inflation with supply and demand disturbances   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
We account for the relation between stock returns and inflationwith two independent disturbances: supply shocks and demandshocks. Supply shocks reflect real output shocks and cause anegative relation between stock returns and inflation, whiledemand shocks are mainly due to monetary shocks and generatea positive relation between stock returns and inflation. Weshow, both theoretically and empirically, that the stock return-inflationrelation varies over time and across countries, depending onthe relative importance of the two types of shocks. Our empiricalevidence is based on pre- and postwar periods in the UnitedStates, as well as the postwar period in the United Kingdom,Japan, Germany.  相似文献   

The nature and magnitude of the economic shocks that have affected the per capita GDP of 16 OECD countries are analyzed over a long period using the outlier method. Strong proof of infrequent large permanent and transitory shocks were found, essentially resulting from the two major wars in the twentieth century, the recession in the 1920s, the Great Depression, among others. We also examine the nature of the output trend by combining different tests of non-stationarity on different GDP series corrected by the outliers detected. It is shown that the per capita GDP series cannot reject the unit root hypothesis in 13 of the 16 countries examined. No conclusion could be drawn for the other countries because the test results were contradictory.  相似文献   

Between 1980 and the early 1990s the variability of labor earnings growth rates across the prime-age working population fell significantly. This decline and timing are consistent with other macro and micro observations about growth variability that are collectively referred to as the “Great Moderation.” The variability of earnings growth is negatively correlated with age at any point in time, and the U.S. working age population got older during this period because the Baby Boom was aging. However, the decrease in variability was roughly uniform across all age groups, so population aging is not the source of the overall decline. The variance of log changes also declined at multi-year frequencies in such a way as to suggest that both permanent and transitory components of earnings shocks became more moderate. A simple identification strategy for separating age and cohort effects shows a very intuitive pattern of permanent and transitory shocks over the life cycle, and confirms that a shift over time in the stochastic process occurred even after controlling for age effects.  相似文献   

We provide a theoretical framework to explain the empirical finding that the estimated betas are sensitive to the sampling interval even when using continuously compounded returns. We suppose that stock prices have both permanent and transitory components. The discrete time representation of the beta depends on the sampling interval and two components labeled “permanent and transitory betas”. We show that if no transitory component is present in stock prices then no sampling interval effect occurs. However, the presence of a transitory component implies that the beta is an increasing (decreasing) function of the sampling interval for more (less) risky assets. In our framework, assets are labeled risky if their “permanent beta” is greater than their “transitory beta” and vice versa for less risky assets. Simulations show that our theoretical results provide good approximations for the estimated betas in small samples. We provide empirical evidence about the presence of negative serial correlation and mean reversion in the returns of the portfolios considered. We discuss why our model is better able to provide an explanation for this sampling interval effect than other models in the literature.  相似文献   

Heterogeneous life-cycle profiles, income risk and consumption inequality   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Was the increase in income inequality in the US due to permanent shocks or merely to an increase in the variance of transitory shocks? The implications for consumption and welfare depend crucially on the answer to this question. We use Consumer Expenditure Survey (CEX) repeated cross-section data on consumption and income to decompose idiosyncratic changes in income into predictable life-cycle changes, transitory and permanent shocks and estimate the contribution of each to total inequality. Our model fits the joint evolution of consumption and income inequality well and delivers two main results. First, we find that permanent changes in income explain all of the increase in inequality in the 1980s and 1990s. Second, we reconcile this finding with the fact that consumption inequality did not increase much over this period. Our results support the view that many permanent changes in income are predictable for consumers, even if they look unpredictable to the econometrician, consistent with models of heterogeneous income profiles.  相似文献   

This paper introduces the concept of divergence of sentiment to the behavioral finance literature. We measure the distance between people with positive and negative sentiment on a daily basis for 20 countries by using data from status updates on Facebook. The prediction is that a higher divergence of sentiment leads to more diverging views on prospects and risks, and thus to more diverging views on the value of a stock. In line with this prediction, divergence of sentiment is positively related to trading volume. We further predict and find a positive relation between divergence of sentiment and stock price volatility. The observed relations are stronger when individual investors are more likely to trade. We compare the effect of our country-specific measures to a global measure of divergence of sentiment. We find that the separate effects of country-specific and global divergence measures depend on a country's level of market integration.  相似文献   

This paper introduces an analysis of the impact of Legality on the exiting of venture capital investments. We consider a sample of 468 venture-backed companies from 12 Asia-Pacific countries, and these countries' venture capitalists' investments in US-based entrepreneurial firms. The data indicate IPOs are more likely in countries with a higher Legality index. This core result is robust to controls for country-specific stock market capitalization, MSCI market conditions, venture capitalist fund manager skill and fund characteristics, and entrepreneurial firm and transaction characteristics. Although Black and Gilson (1998) [Black, B.S., Gilson, R.J., 1998. Venture capital and the structure of capital markets: banks versus stock markets. Journal of Financial Economics 47, 243–77] speculate on a central connection between active stock markets and active venture capital markets, our data in fact indicate the quality of a country's legal system is much more directly connected to facilitating VC-backed IPO exits than the size of a country's stock market. The data indicate Legality is a central mechanism which mitigates agency problems between outside shareholders and entrepreneurs, thereby fostering the mutual development of IPO markets and venture capital markets.  相似文献   

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