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We investigate the sources of skewness in aggregate risk factors and the cross section of stock returns. In an ICAPM setting with conditional volatility, we find theoretical time series predictions on the relationships among volatility, returns, and skewness for priced risk factors. Market returns resemble these predictions; however, size, book-to-market, and momentum factor returns are not always consistent with our predictions. We find evidence that size and book-to-market may be priced post-crisis but not in the decade before. Momentum does not appear priced by our test. We link aggregate risk and skewness to individual stocks and find empirically that the risk aversion effect manifests in individual stock skewness. Additionally, we find several firm characteristics that explain stock skewness. Smaller firms, value firms, highly levered firms, and firms with poor credit ratings have more positive skewness.  相似文献   

Various rational and behavioral models have been proposed to explain contrarian portfolio returns. In this article, I test the gradual information diffusion model of Hong and Stein [Hong, H., & Stein J. C. (1999). A unified theory of underreaction, momentum trading, and overreaction in asset markets. Journal of Finance, 54, 2143–2184]. Specifically, I study contrarian strategies based on past long-term returns and fundamental value-to-price ratios. Using ex post returns as a proxy for expected returns and size-controlled analyst coverage as a proxy for the rate of information diffusion, I show that contrarian portfolio returns decline monotonically with increasing rates of information diffusion. These results are consistent with the predictions of the Hong and Stein model. In addition, I show that analyst coverage is more important among glamour than value stocks, supporting the view that investors are more prone to decision biases when it comes to pricing hard-to-value glamour stocks for which information is relatively more ambiguous.  相似文献   

In this article we explore the relationship between 19 of the most common anomalies reported for the US market and the cross-section of Mexican stock returns. We find that 1-month stock returns in Mexico are robustly predicted only by 3 of the 19 anomalies: momentum, idiosyncratic volatility, and the lottery effect. Momentum has a positive relation with future 1-month returns, while idiosyncratic volatility and the lottery effect have a negative relation. For longer horizons of 3 and 6 months, only the 3 most important factors in the US market predict returns: size, book-to-market, and momentum.  相似文献   

This paper examines whether limits to arbitrage (LA) affect analysts' earnings forecast accuracy. Using the LA index, which is constructed from unique trading constraints in the Chinese stock market and other commonly used measures, we find that forecast accuracy is much lower for stocks with high LA. Moreover, our results are more suited to explanations of cognitive bias that turn to investor sentiment or limited attention and cannot be fully explained by more objective factors, including analyst ability, broker size, broker experience, and commission pressure. We also find that LA amplifies analyst forecast dispersion. Such results indicate that LA distorts analysts’ earnings expectations and provides new insight into how LA affects anomaly returns.  相似文献   

We use monthly US stock data over 55 years from 1962 to 2017 to show that the R&D intensity at firms adds another important dimension to the size and value effects in describing stock returns, especially for small high-tech firms. A trading strategy that double sorts on R&D intensity and size or book-to-market ratio outperforms a simple small-minus-big (SMB) or high-minus-low (HML) strategy in producing higher and more significant portfolio returns. The most profitable schemes involve triple sorts by size, BM, and R&D intensity: the payoffs of buying high-BM/R&D-Active portfolio and selling low-BM/R&D-Inactive portfolio in the small-size/high-tech group and that of buying high-tech/high-BM and selling low-tech/low-BM in the small-size/R&D-active group generate a return of more than 2% on a monthly basis. Our results are robust to alternative classification method of assigning stocks in portfolios.  相似文献   

We form portfolios based on firm book-to-market equity ratios and apply stochastic dominance tests. Value (high book-to-market) portfolios dominate low book-to-market portfolios. Thus, value stocks are not rationally priced by the market and the book-to-market ratio is not an efficiently priced proxy for equity risk. We also find that the superior performance of value stocks is not due to the January effect.  相似文献   

Previously reported momentum profits may not be available to individual investors who have more trading constraints. Therefore, I examine the profitability of momentum strategies with international iShares and US sector exchange-traded funds (ETFs) traded on the NYSE. The index ETFs provide individual investors easy access to international stock markets and US sectors for asset allocations. Using cross-sectional momentum strategies, in contrast to prior research, I find that momentum profits are insignificant for the late 1990s–2014 period. Few country and industry ETFs yield positive results using time series momentum, and the overall performance is worse than the buy-and-hold strategy. Time series momentum offers significant profits during the 2008 global financial crisis, but the profits decline sharply for the post-crisis period.  相似文献   

We examine the long-run performance of initial public offerings (IPOs) using the idea of stochastic dominance. The analysis is a first attempt using a non-event study methodology to evaluate long-horizon performance. We find that there is no first-order stochastic dominance relation between the IPO portfolio and the benchmark of a broad index or a portfolio including either small size or low book-to-market stocks. However, those benchmarks second-order stochastically dominate the IPO portfolio. When using a portfolio including both small size and low book-to-market stocks as benchmark, there is a clear dominance of the IPO portfolio over the benchmark for both orders. Our findings generally imply that the question of assessing portfolio performance between IPO firms and benchmark portfolios depends critically on the specific construction or the cumulative distribution function of the benchmark portfolios. The empirical results also potentially explain the extent of sample dependent results in the literature.  相似文献   

许东海 《价值工程》2013,(14):205-207
本文证实我国股市的投资者们长期存在对股票历史业绩的反应过度现象。我们发现历史上拥有最高收益率的股票在之后业绩都表现不佳。其主要原因是我国股市的投资者们在做投资选择时都遵循一条简单的规则:即在其他条件都相同的情况下,选择拥有最高的历史收益率的股票进行投资。集中投资使拥有最高的历史收益率的股票被过高评价,导致其后来的业绩表现要比那些拥有较低历史收益率的股票差。我们称之为"最大值效应"。通过使用Fama and Macbeth(1973)横断面回归分析方法,我们确认了"最大值效应"要比CAPM理论,Blitz and Pim van Vliet(2007)发现的"波动性效应"等更为有效地解释我国股市横断面股票收益率。  相似文献   

Based on shared analyst coverage, we are the first to document the common-analyst momentum (CAM) effect in China. Empirically, we show that average returns of common-analyst peer firms have strong predictive power for future focal firm returns. Moreover, the CAM effect is stronger than other cross-asset momentum (XAM) effects. Interestingly but differently, the CAM cannot unify other XAM effects as the U.S. market does. Exploiting the underlying mechanism, we find that common-analyst-connected firms are fundamentally similar. Further, the CAM effect is stronger when inter-firm linkages are stronger when the information processing task is more complex and on earnings announcement dates. We conclude that sluggish analyst forecasting and investors’ attention constraint could contribute to the stronger CAM effect, and our results support the hypothesis that slow information diffusion generates the CAM effect.  相似文献   

In this article, we construct mixed-frequency individual stock sentiment using MIDAS model. We first investigate the influence power of mixed-frequency individual stock sentiment on excess returns. The results indicate that the higher the frequency of individual stock sentiment is, the better it explains the variation of excess returns, that mixed-frequency individual stock sentiment, especially mixed high-frequency sentiment, exerts greater influence on excess returns than the same frequency one and that the mixed-frequency sentiment has a stronger explanatory power to the variation of excess returns than size factor, book-to-market factor, profitability factor and investment factor do. Then, we study the predictive content of mixed-frequency individual stock sentiment. The results show that the higher the frequency of individual stock sentiment is, the better the forecast performs. Moreover, by comparing the corresponding statistics in influence and predictive power models, we find that the influence power of mixed-frequency individual stock sentiment is more significant than its predictive power.  相似文献   

研究短期内机构投资者行为与不同规模公司股价的相互影响.在机构投资者对股价的影响方面,阐释并论证了机构持股比例增量与当日股价的正相关关系,指出机构对大盘股的影响强于对小盘股的影响.机构资金流入(流出)的定性信息本身对股价上升(下降)有额外的促进作用;相对于撤资而言,股价对机构的注资行为更敏感;而对小盘股,该不对称性更加明显.此外,当日收益率和前三天内的机构资金流入存在负相关关系,且该种负关系在大盘股中的表现比在小盘股中更为明显.在股价对机构投资者行为的反馈作用方面,以实证结果阐明了股价上升(下降)的信息本身可对机构行为有缓冲作用,且该作用对小盘股影响大于对大盘股的影响.研究显示,在短期内机构更倾向于动量交易,这在小盘股中尤为明显.三天前收益率对当日机构行为的影响颇为明显,且与一天前的收益率的影响力相当;相对而言,两天前收益率对机构行为的影响不甚明显.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine two different investing attitudes, being conservative sentiment which mitigates the momentum effect and, alternatively, the optimistic sentiment which strengthens such an effect. Where the stock market index levels close near a previous peak level, the impact of the index on momentum profits can assist in identifying such sentiments. In this study, we investigate the price and price-size momentum strategies in Taiwan of short formation periods of less than a month. The results indicate that investors adopt optimistic attitudes towards the 5-day and 20-day highs in the market index, whereas a conservative attitude is adopted at the 52-week high. Using the quantile regression model, the results indicate that the momentum effect is mitigated when the stock index price is relatively high for higher momentum profits. On the other hand, the momentum effect is strengthened when the stock index price is relatively high for lower momentum profits. However, the high point of the stock index is not found to have any impact on the price-B/M momentum effect.  相似文献   

The present paper examines the association between average stock returns and average book returns and addresses the question as to whether there are common size and book-to-market factors in earnings and returns. The results of the empirical research, conducted in the Athens Stock Exchange, suggest that when the sample firms are grouped into size, book-to-market portfolios stock returns properly reflect differences in the evolution of accounting profitability. Moreover, it is found that the return on investment (ROI) measure contains size and book-to-market factors analogous to the mimic risk factors inherent in stock returns, in the sense that they capture information missed by ROI.  相似文献   

We propose a momentum-determined indicator-switching (MDIS) strategy, simple and effective, to improve the predictability of stock returns, which can effectively select predictors. Empirical results indicate that the stock return forecasts generated by the MDIS strategy are statistically and economically significant. And we find that super long-term momentum of predictability (SMoP) exists in predictive factors. That is, in a long period of time in the past, the best predictor among a series of factors has best prediction ability in the future. We also design restricted momentum-determined indicator-switching (RMDIS) strategy when considering economic constrain. It is robust for the prediction performance of this strategy using a series of extension and robustness test. Success of the RMDIS strategy is also seen in using technical indicators to forecast stock returns.  相似文献   

We examine the short term stock price performance of firms that acquire or sell technology rights. We find significant positive announcement-period abnormal returns to the acquirers and sellers. However, the price increases reverse during the subsequent twenty trading days. These quick fortune reversals cannot be attributed to methodology; they prevail in the late 1970s through the 2000s, in bear and bull stock markets, and in both high and low technology industries. Upon splitting the sample into two subsamples comprised each of stocks with either pre-announcement price run-up or decline; we find that the abnormal return reversal is confined to the latter subsample. Stocks that witness price run-up prior to the announcement do not reverse to original prices but lose the momentum right after the announcement-period. We believe this is caused by the combination effect of the momentum prior to-and the impact of the announcement.  相似文献   

Boards have an important role in ensuring that investors’ interests are protected. Our paper first examines whether the independence of a firm's board affects information asymmetry among investors. We provide evidence that greater board independence leads to lower information asymmetry. Next, we provide evidence that more voluntary disclosure and greater analyst coverage are two underlying mechanisms via which greater board independence reduces information asymmetry. Of the two mechanisms, we find that analyst coverage is more significant in influencing how board independence affects information asymmetry. Overall, our paper contributes to a better understanding of the effect of board independence on information asymmetry.  相似文献   

With the implementation of NASD Rule 2711 in 2002, each brokerage firm is now required to publicly disseminate the distribution of stock ratings in each research report. Hence, this paper investigates the relationship between the percentage of buy recommendations and probability of deciding to downgrade or drop coverage of stocks. Our findings suggest that the percentage of buy recommendations can enhance the probability of deciding to downgrade stock ratings and drop coverage of stocks. Furthermore, we find that analysts tend to revise their recommendations downward to hold instead of an unfavorable level. In addition, we find the market tends to heed downgrade decisions of analysts with a higher percentage of buy ratings. This finding is consistent with Barber, Lehavy, McNichols, and Trueman (2006) by applying data at the broker level.This study further investigates the changing dynamic in buy ratio of analysts by partitioning pre and post regulatory reform period. We show that analysts are more likely to revise their ratings to hold and less likely to revise their ratings to sell; in particular after post regulatory reform. Moreover, we observe one key coefficient in the post-Rule period with superior performance in contrast to the pre-Rule period. Compared to the results in the pre-Rule period, the results show that analysts are more likely to revise their ratings to hold and less likely to revise ratings to sell, and more likely to drop coverage of stocks in the post-Rule period. Overall, our findings suggest that the implementation of Rule 2711 will contribute to reduce analysts’ optimistic stock ratings.  相似文献   

We attempt to determine whether characteristics found to be effective indicators of individual stock price performance are effective indicators of exchange traded fund (ETF) price performance. Specifically, we test the performance of investing strategies based on separately categorizing ETFs into deciles according to size, trading volume, and momentum. When analyzing the entire sample, we find that the indicators can effectively signal differences in future performance. However, the indicators appear to be indirect proxies for the types of ETFs (broad-based, sector, or international). When we isolate each type of ETF, the indicators are not as effective. The indicators are not as useful for signaling unusual stock price performance of ETFs as they have been for individual stocks. We attribute the distinctly different results found here for ETFs to the unusual characteristics of ETFs that distinguish them from individual stocks. Investing strategies that rely on these indicators for selecting individual stocks may be indirectly driven by stock-specific fundamentals. However, fundamentals are not as meaningful for stock indexes (represented by ETFs) as for individual stocks.
Thanh NgoEmail:

规模效应是指公司规模与收益率之间存在的反向关系,即小规模公司较大公司而言有着更高的收益率。本文从上海证券市场随机抽取60只股票作为数据样本,对其从2007年1月到2009年6月之间的公司数据进行实证研究,得出上海股市存在着规模效应这一结论。  相似文献   

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