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Theoretically, one rationale for central clearing counterparties is the mitigation of inefficiencies associated with distressed asset sales. With novel archival data, I empirically study the first event in economic history during which a CCP successfully played this role: the global wool crisis of 1900. In the leading wool futures market in France, an inefficient equilibrium with fire sales and cascading defaults could be avoided due to price support provided by surviving CCP members. Cooperation to achieve price support–which is nowadays the main element of CCP auctions–could arise due to family relationships and cultural proximity between traders.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of central clearing on the credit default swap (CDS) market using a sample of voluntarily cleared single-name contracts. Consistent with central clearing reducing counterparty risk, CDS spreads increase around the commencement of central clearing and are lower than settlement spreads published by the central clearinghouse. Furthermore, the relation between CDS spreads and dealer credit risk weakens after central clearing begins, suggesting a lowering of systemic risk. These findings are robust to controls for frictions in both CDS and bond markets. Finally, matched sample analysis reveals that the increased post-trade transparency following central clearing is associated with an improvement in liquidity and trading activity.  相似文献   

In Crépey (Math. Finance 25:23–50, 2015), a basic reduced-form counterparty risk modelling approach was introduced under a standard immersion hypothesis between a reference filtration and the filtration progressively enlarged by the default times of the two parties. This basic setup, with a related continuity assumption on some of the data at the first default time of the two parties, is too restrictive for wrong-way and gap risk applications, such as counterparty risk on credit derivatives. This paper introduces an extension of the basic approach, implements it through marked default times and applies it to counterparty risk on credit derivatives.  相似文献   

Bankruptcy, Counterparty Risk, and Contagion   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper provides a unifying framework for the modeling ofvarious types of credit risks such as contagion effects. Weargue that Markov chains can efficiently be used to tackle theseproblems. However, our approach is not limited to pricing problemswith contagion. On the theoretical side, we derive pricing formulasfor three building blocks that are generalizations of contingentclaims studied in Lando (1998). These claims can be thoughtof as atoms forming the basis for all credit risk payments.Furthermore, we demonstrate that, in general, all contingentclaims exposed to credit risk satisfy a system of partial differentialequations. This is the key result to calculate prices of creditrisk claims explicitly and efficiently.  相似文献   

Counterparty credit risk has become one of the highest-profile risks facing participants in the financial markets. Despite this, relatively little is known about how counterparty credit risk is actually priced. We examine this issue using an extensive proprietary data set of contemporaneous CDS transaction prices and quotes by 14 different CDS dealers selling credit protection on the same underlying firm. This unique cross-sectional data set allows us to identify directly how dealers' credit risk affects the prices of these controversial credit derivatives. We find that counterparty credit risk is priced in the CDS market. The magnitude of the effect, however, is vanishingly small and is consistent with a market structure in which participants require collateralization of swap liabilities by counterparties.  相似文献   

This study develops a structural framework to value insurers’ contingent capital with counterparty risk (CR) and overcomes the problem of price endogeneity (PE) in the valuation model. Our results on the focal contingent capital instrument – catastrophe equity put option (CatEPut) – indicate that prices can be significantly overestimated without considering CR and be significantly underestimated without considering PE. This study also examines how CatEPuts affect the buyer’s probability of default (PD). Our results show that buying a CatEPut lowers the PD for high-risk insurers, but not necessarily so for low-risk insurers; however, without taking CR and PE into account, one may significantly overestimate the credit enhancement provided by the CatEPuts.  相似文献   

The Global Financial Crisis initiated a period of market turbulence and increased counterparty risk for financial institutions. Even though the Dodd–Frank Act is likely to exempt interbank foreign exchange trading from a central counterparty mandate, market participants have the option to trade currency futures on existing futures markets which standardize counterparty risks. Evidence for the period 2005–11 indicates that the market share of currency futures trading has grown relative to the pre-crisis period. This shift may be the result of a perceived increase in counterparty risk among banks, as well as changes in relative trading costs or changes in other institutional factors.  相似文献   

It is well established that annuities can fully diversify idiosyncratic mortality risks. However, survival rates at the cohort level are changing, raising the question what is the scope of annuities in the presence of aggregate mortality risk? In an overlapping generations setting, we show that risk free annuities exist, but offer a return below the (fair) certainty equivalent return, and agents do not fully annuitize their savings. Higher aggregate mortality risk increases savings and thus the mean level of the capital stock. This lowers the mean rate of return on capital, the survival premium on annuities and the share of individual savings in annuities.  相似文献   

In this paper, I propose that technological innovations increase expected stock returns and premiums at the aggregate level. I use aggregate patent data and research and development (R&D) data to measure technological innovations in the U.S., and find that patent shocks and R&D shocks have positive and distinct predictive power for U.S. market returns and premiums. Similar patterns are also found in international data including other G7 countries, China, and India. These findings are consistent with previous empirical studies based on firm-level data, and call for further theoretical explanations.  相似文献   

《Finance Research Letters》2014,11(3):303-317
We test whether innovations in aggregate risk, interpolated from a vector autoregressive system that contains the Chen et al. (1986) five factors as in Petkova (2006), are common factors in cross-sectional stock returns. We provide direct evidence that innovation in industrial production growth, a classical business-cycle variable that summarizes the state of the economy, is associated with the cross-sectional return predictability of individual stocks. We conclude that the role of innovation in aggregate risk is not random, and furthermore that it provides guidance concerning an important source of nonfinancial market-based risk in asset returns.  相似文献   

In this research, we investigate the impact of stochastic volatility and interest rates on counterparty credit risk (CCR) for FX derivatives. To achieve this we analyse two real-life cases in which the market conditions are different, namely during the 2008 credit crisis where risks are high and a period after the crisis in 2014, where volatility levels are low. The Heston model is extended by adding two Hull–White components which are calibrated to fit the EURUSD volatility surfaces. We then present future exposure profiles and credit value adjustments (CVAs) for plain vanilla cross-currency swaps (CCYS), barrier and American options and compare the different results when Heston-Hull–White-Hull–White or Black–Scholes dynamics are assumed. It is observed that the stochastic volatility has a significant impact on all the derivatives. For CCYS, some of the impact can be reduced by allowing for time-dependent variance. We further confirmed that Barrier options exposure and CVA is highly sensitive to volatility dynamics and that American options’ risk dynamics are significantly affected by the uncertainty in the interest rates.  相似文献   

Long-term earnings losses for displaced workers are large and counter-cyclical. Similarly, the skewness of earnings growth rates is strongly pro-cyclical. This paper presents an incomplete markets business cycle model in which idiosyncratic risk varies over time in accordance with these empirical findings. These dynamics of idiosyncratic risk give rise to a cyclical precautionary savings motive that substantially raises the volatility of aggregate consumption growth. According to the model, idiosyncratic risk spiked during the Great Recession, leading to a substantial decline in aggregate consumption.  相似文献   

Long-run productivity risk – shocks to the growth rate of productivity – offers an alternative to microfrictions explanations of aggregate investment non-linearities, in particular the heteroscedasticity of investment rate. Additionally, consistent with the data, these shocks imply that investment rate is history dependent (rising through expansions), its growth is positively autocorrelated, and it is positively correlated with output growth at various leads and lags. A standard model with shocks to the level of productivity either predicts opposite investment behavior or fails to quantitatively capture these features in the data.  相似文献   

Corporate bond mutual funds increased their selling of credit protection in the credit default swaps (CDS) market during the 2007–2008 financial crisis. This trading activity was primarily in multi-name CDS, greater among larger and established funds, and directed toward counterparty dealers in financial distress. Funds that sold credit protection during the crisis experienced greater credit market risk and superior post-crisis performance, consistent with higher expected returns from liquidity provision. Funds using Lehman Brothers as a counterparty experienced abnormal outflows and returns of –2% immediately following Lehman's bankruptcy, suggesting that funds’ opportunistic trading in CDS exposed investors to counterparty risk.  相似文献   

Review of Derivatives Research - This paper investigates the effects of the spot underlying commodity price, stochastic convenience yield, interest rate and counterparty credit risk on the pricing...  相似文献   

Counterparty Risk and the Pricing of Defaultable Securities   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
Motivated by recent financial crises in East Asia and the United States where the downfall of a small number of firms had an economy-wide impact, this paper generalizes existing reduced-form models to include default intensities dependent on the default of a counterparty. In this model, firms have correlated defaults due not only to an exposure to common risk factors, but also to firm-specific risks that are termed "counterparty risks." Numerical examples illustrate the effect of counterparty risk on the pricing of defaultable bonds and credit derivatives such as default swaps.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a model-independent measure of aggregate idiosyncratic risk, which does not require estimation of market betas or correlations and is based on the concept of gain from portfolio diversification. The statistical results and graphical analyses provide strong evidence that there are significant level and trend differences between the average idiosyncratic volatility measures of Campbell et al. [Campbell, J.Y., Lettau, M., Malkiel, B.G., and Xu, Y., 2001, Have individual stocks become more volatile? An empirical exploration of idiosyncratic risk, Journal of Finance 56, 1–43.] and the new methodology. Although both approaches indicate a noticeable increase in the firm-level idiosyncratic risk, the volatility measure of CLMX is greater and has a stronger upward trend than the new idiosyncratic volatility measure. For both measures of idiosyncratic risk, the upward trend is found to be stronger for smaller, lower-priced, and younger firms. The analytical and empirical results show that the significant upward trend in the differences of the two idiosyncratic volatility measures is related to the increase in the cross-sectional dispersion of the volatility of individual stocks.  相似文献   

This study develops a structural pricing model based on the Black 76 formula for the evaluation of the credit value adjustment (CVA) of OTC traded caps and floors, which is mandated as an integral part of Basel III. The proposed structural pricing model improves the existing structural pricing models for vulnerable European options by allowing payments to be made after the exercise of the options. Five crucial determinants of caps’ and floors’ CVAs are identified by the proposed structural model, they are: the cap’s/floor’s tenor, the writer’s total asset value, the correlation between the cap’s/floor’s underlying and the writer’s total asset value, the volatility of the writer’s total asset value, and the writer’s aggregate liabilities. Numerical examples are given to demonstrate the effects of the crucial parameters. Compared to the market practice of CVA calculation based on reduced-form models, the five crucial parameters are the unique features of the proposed structural model.  相似文献   

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