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马朝良 《技术经济》2019,38(12):42-50
产业升级和产业链现代化的核心是以企业为主体的技术创新升级,产业链上下游各环节企业协同创新,才能实现产业技术升级和产业链现代化,因此研究产业链上下游企业的协同创新问题具有现实意义。本文通过建立存在一个上游企业和一个下游企业的产业链模型,分析产业链上下游企业协同创新的四种情况,并通过Matlab分析四种情况下上下游企业和产业链利润与企业创新风险的关系。研究发现,在一定的创新风险范围内,上下游企业协同创新可以给产业链带来更高的利润,且上游企业的创新效应要高于下游企业,政府应积极支持上游原材料供应商技术创新,进而实现关键技术突破和产业链现代化。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to determine whether organizational strategies in various manufacturing industries are complementary with innovation. In particular, our interest is to discover which organizational strategies are complementary with major innovations (world-first and Canada-first). Knowledge of complementarity should pave the way for creating sustainable competitive advantage because the use of a complex strategy may be difficult to imitate. In other words, competitive advantage increases as the complexity of the strategy increases (i.e. because the number of strategy combinations follows a power law), which acts as a barrier to potential imitators (Rivkin, J.W. (2000) Imitation of Complex Strategies. Management Science, 46(6), 824–844.).

Because of the static nature of our results (productivity and profit are for 1997), their interpretation can only be tentative. Thus, our research is really a first step along the road to understanding the (potential) importance of complementarities among firm strategies. Caveats aside, managers may want to compare their own firm’s emphasis on particular strategies against what is empirically determined to be complementary with innovation and high-performance within their industry. The frequency of complementary pairs that involve innovation range from 40 to 50% depending on whether we are talking about profit, productivity, or strategies. This result is important—as it means that innovation outcomes are statistically significant for both increased productivity and increased profit. Furthermore, innovation was found to be complementary with many organizational strategies. The complementary strategies across industries were quite different, but this was expected to occur.  相似文献   

非正规部门快速发展在缓解中国就业压力、满足低端需求和促进经济增长的同时,对中国制造业企业经营带来了很大影响。基于2012年世界银行营商环境调查数据,分析非正规部门灰色竞争对中国制造业企业创新活动的影响。研究发现:非正规部门灰色竞争显著增加企业研发投入倾向和研发投入强度;灰色竞争与企业产品创新活动有显著正相关关系,但未发现与企业流程创新活动有显著关系;制造业中高新技术企业创新活动受非正规部门灰色竞争的影响相对较弱。用工具变量控制内生性后,以上结论依然成立。为了应对非正规部门的灰色竞争,制造业企业应不断强化研发投入,通过模仿创新和微创新的方式加速产品更新升级,以区分于非正规部门的产品。  相似文献   

通过建立数学模型并实证检验了集群竞争环境对集群企业合作、技术创新的影响。结果显示集群企业之间的竞争与集群的创新存在一种倒U型的非线性关系,这种关系存在直接和间接效应,其中集群企业的合作关系充当了间接效应的中介变量。当集群企业之间的竞争程度达到一定的水平并且不会出现恶性竞争时,集群的竞争环境对集群企业的合作具有促进作用,进而也提高了集群的创新绩效。  相似文献   

创新往往以市场扩散失败而告终,但当前研究常常围绕成功的创新扩散展开。创新扩散存在多层意义,而不仅仅体现在扩散数量上。在Bass扩散模型的基础上,构造考虑竞争与负面口碑影响的多状态创新扩散模型,利用系统动力学方法探讨不同情境下的创新扩散。仿真结果显示,竞争与负面口碑将从数量和价值角度影响创新扩散过程与结果;同时,作为一种复杂系统,影响因素在类别与品牌层面上的效果并不一致。  相似文献   

产业技术创新战略联盟是合作研发的组织模式之一,承载着产业发展的目标,通过合作研发取得产业共性技术,并在联盟和全行业中扩散,最终实现产业竞争力的提升。产业共性技术的复杂性和准公共品性质、联盟合作创新的困境,决定了政府支持产业技术创新战略联盟的必要性。产业技术创新战略联盟有多种类型,政府应针对不同类型的联盟提供不同的支持。在明确产业技术创新战略联盟的内涵及性质的基础上,按照3个维度对其进行了分类,并借鉴国外经验给出了当前我国政府提供政策支持的建议。  相似文献   

衰退产业中企业创新战略选择   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
衰退产业是一种越来越普遍的产业形态。产业创新是衰退产业中企业的生存选择。衰退产业创新有三种基本战略,即进攻型创新战略、防御型创新战略和模仿与依赖型创新战略。  相似文献   

利用国家知识产权局2013—2019年上市公司之间的专利合作数据,构建企业间创新"竞合"网络,提取了367家企业作为样本,将企业创新绩效分为企业内部创新绩效和对所在区域的创新贡献度两部分,从内到外探讨了企业在创新"竞合"网络中的位置对创新绩效的影响;同时分析了产业互联网对该影响的调节作用.研究结果表明,企业创新"竞合"网络的接近中心度与企业内部创新绩效和区域创新贡献度均呈正U型分布,企业创新"竞合"网络的结构洞与企业内部创新绩效和区域创新贡献度也均呈正U型分布,企业的产业互联网战略实施对以上关系的影响均呈显著的正向调节作用.  相似文献   

In this paper, we seek to analyse the role of national university systems in combination with technological and market factors as sources of industrial leadership and industry growth in science-based industries. We propose a model in which national university systems and their respective national firms and industries are considered as co-evolving. National firms compete on a worldwide level and they rely on the progress of science and the availability of scientists to innovate. As the global industry develops, firms try to mold their national university systems, but they achieve different degrees of success. Apart from highlighting the role of institutional responsiveness as a source of competitive advantage, our model points to the access to essential inputs for production, the technological and strategic characteristics of firms, the international diffusion of knowledge, and the initial distribution of market demand as key sources of leadership and industry growth. The international mobility of scientists seems to foster the emergence of industrial leadership shifts.  相似文献   

创新战略有利于企业构建新的价值链,模仿战略是对市场已有价值链的补充,现有研究主要关注创新战略,对模仿战略关注不足,实践中很多新创企业通过模仿战略实现创业成功。特别地,中国转型环境下制度不完善造成的不良竞争环境会制约创新战略,促进模仿战略。然而,实践中这两种战略对新创企业均存在积极影响,选择创新战略还是模仿战略事关新创企业创业成败。考察技术、市场环境和制度环境特征,剖析不同技术和市场环境下不良竞争对创新战略和模仿战略的调节作用。利用153份新创企业样本研究发现:创新战略和模仿战略均有利于竞争优势,但不同环境特征下作用效果存在差异。不良竞争对模仿战略的影响与技术、市场环境特征不相关;对创新战略的影响与技术、市场环境特征相关。创新战略和模仿战略并不存在孰优孰劣,是一定约束条件下新创企业战略决策的结果。  相似文献   

企业战略创新研究方法的探索性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在分析西方现代理性研究方法的局限与后现代管理挑战的基础上,针对我国企业战略研究面临的两大困境——理性缺失与不同的文化系统,提出要通过管理文化的方法来研究我国企业的战略创新。  相似文献   

In this paper, we take our theoretical point of departure inrecent work in organisational economics on systems of humanresource management (HRM) practices. We develop the argumentthat just as complementarities between new HRM practices influencefinancial performance positively, there are theoretical reasonsfor expecting them also to influence innovation performancepositively. We examine this overall hypothesis by estimatingan empirical model of innovation performance, using data froma Danish survey of 1,900 business firms. Using principal componentanalysis, we identify two HRM systems which are conducive toinnovation. In the first one, seven of our nine HRM variablesmatter (almost) equally for the ability to innovate. The secondsystem is dominated by firm-internal and firm-external training.Of the total of nine sectors that we consider, we find thatthe four manufacturing sectors correlate with the first system.Firms belonging to wholesale trade and to the ICT intensiveservice sectors tend to be associated with the second system.  相似文献   

笔者采用纳什博弈和斯坦伯格博弈结构,分别表述力量对等和力量不对等供应链中零售商和制造商的决策过程,分4种情形探讨了2个制造商在不同竞争策略下,供应链中成员的最优决策。从制造商的角度出发,着重分析在不同力量结构的供应链中制造商的竞争策略选择。研究结果表明:制造商竞争策略的选择依赖于产品的差异性及生产成本的大小。  相似文献   

以我国科技发展指导思想、规划纲要及其配套政策为基本维度,分析了建国以来我国国家创新战略的历史演变过程,揭示了我国创新战略的指导方针呈现从"自力更生、迎头赶上"向"自主创新、重点跨越、支撑发展、引领未来"转变的发展趋势,战略目标呈现从增强国家实力向生态化转变的发展趋势,实施手段呈现从单一行政手段向行政、经济、法律以及其它手段协同运用转变的发展趋势。基于我国创新战略演变的趋势分析,提出完善生态化自主创新战略的建议。  相似文献   

本文拟在三个既定前提条件下论证三个命题.三个既定前提条件是:1.中国新民主主义革命胜利、新中国和社会主义制度的建立,是马克思主义与中国实际结合的产物;2.1978年开始的改革开放和现代化建设,是在中国化的马克思主义指导下进行的;3.今后中国的改革发展还要以马克思主义为指导.要论证的三个命题是:1.马克思主义政治经济学必须创新;2.马克思主义政治经济学能够创新;3.马克思主义政治经济学创新的基本方向是:坚持实践第一,坚持把马克思主义基本原理与中国实际相结合,坚持吸收人类创造的一切文明成果.  相似文献   

构建产业技术创新战略联盟(以下简称产业联盟),是加强产学研结合,促进创新体系建设的重大战略举措。从产业联盟的内涵和特征入手,在阐明产业联盟的构建原则、发达国家促进产业联盟发展的举措,以及我国产业联盟发展存在的主要问题的基础上,提出了我国产业联盟构建的政策取向。  相似文献   

Monoculture versus diversity in competition economics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Economics rightfully represents the major basis for competitionpolicy. Next to generating knowledge about competition and itswelfare effects, the currently popular ‘more-economicapproach’ is charged with a number of additional hopesand expectations. While this article highlights the benefitsof economics-based competition policy, it takes a cautious stancetowards excessive expectations, in particular regarding theidea that a monocultural, ‘unified’ competitiontheory as an exact, objective and unerring scientific approachto antitrust could make normative assessment and generalisationssuperfluous. Diversity in competition economics is advocatedin two ways. First, competition economics is empirically characterisedby a considerable pluralism of theories and policy paradigms.Second, it is demonstrated that this diversity of theories istheoretically beneficial for future scientific progress. Asno ultimate competition theory can ever be expected., the ‘more-economicapproach’ must be extended in order to embrace diversity.  相似文献   

This study attempts to explore how an industry evolves over time based on a case study of the motorcycle industry in Japan from 1948 to 1964. Using individual firm data, we estimate the determinants of technology improvement and firm growth separately for different development phases, after controlling for the probability of firm survival. We find that the industrys rapid growth in the early phase can be explained by massive entry and the imitation of simple technologies, whereas sustained growth in later phases can be explained by innovations and subsequent imitations, as well as the exit of inefficient firms.JEL Classification: O14, L10, L62, N65 Correspondence to: Tetsushi SonobeWe are grateful to Kotaro Horiuchi, Shunji Tanaka, Katsuaki Nishino, Michael Kevane, Uwe Cantner, and two anonymous referees for their helpful comments and suggestions.  相似文献   

We describe here a generic approach to innovation dynamics based on an integrated framework for inventions and innovations applied via a platform equation and model across the industrial technology life cycle. We test the model for metals and other materials, and demonstrate that this model correctly describes the production activity for several materials and energy conversion technologies.Innovation activity patterns are shown for several oxides, metals, oil and wind energy and its derivatives. The metals Cu, Al, W, Mo and Pb are particularly studied for the amount produced over time. The total activity for the metals encompasses both the invention and innovation stage for a particular metal. Four major stages and two sub stages are identified for the discovery (invention) and subsequent growth regimes (i.e. the innovation stage). The pattern equation appears to clearly capture all these stages for the metals studied — work is ongoing for similar analyses of energy and other materials. Although the metals studied existed over differing periods (e.g. copper greater than 200 years whereas aluminum, just over 100 years), one single pattern equation appears to capture all the major trends. The use of the model is also shown for productivity analysis, especially for the condition of radical innovation (very rapid growth). For sustained radical innovation, namely, when the output of the produced material per unit time, keeps on increasing with time, there are various factors which may influence growth. For the conditions where thermal activation and plant size are the dominant variables, their impact on the growth may be examined in the context of the pattern equation. A preliminary analysis of oxide production activity also appears to follow this same innovation model.The results suggest a fertile field of future research extending the initial platform equation model to include R&D, Patents, and Performance, as well as Sales, as innovation activity. Further, the model shows promise in combination with the ARI methodology model for analysis and assessment of existing and future industrial technology life cycles involving material, process, product, software and service innovations.  相似文献   

Many countries seek to foster the commercial exploitation of science-based research results through selective policy instruments. Typically, these instruments involve processes of follow-up data collection where the results of ex ante and ex post assessments are systematically recorded. Yet, several factors – such as the presence of multiple objectives, predominance of qualitative data and missing observations – may complicate the use of such data for adjusting the management practices of these instruments. With the aim of addressing these challenges, we adopt Robust Portfolio Modeling1 (RPM) as an evaluation framework to the analysis of longitudinal data: specifically, we (i) determine subsets of outperforming and underperforming projects through the development of an explicit multicriteria model for ex post evaluation, and (ii) carry out comparative analyses between these subsets, in order to identify which ex ante interventions and contextual characteristics may have contributed to later performance. We also report experiences from the application of RPM-evaluation to a Finnish innovation program and outline extensions of this approach that provide further decision support to the managers of innovation programs.  相似文献   

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