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Accountants may be inadequate moral reasoners (Armstrong, 1987; Ponemon, 1992). Accounting ethics education research has suggested several approaches to improving the moral reasoning of accounting students (Langenderfer & Rockness, 1989; Ponemon & Glazer, 1990). This study uses independent samples of 91 auditing students and 207 auditors to evaluate whether demographic variables traditionally associated with higher levels of moral reasoning in other populations are associated with auditing students' and auditors' moral reasoning. Age and education, demographics traditionally associated with moral reasoning, were nonsignificant for both samples. Moral reasoning scores increased through the third-year staff level, and decreased from the senior through the partner levels. Women, subjects with higher grade point averages, and those who had taken ethics courses demonstrated higher levels of moral reasoning in both samples. The results indicate that accounting educators can influence the moral reasoning of the profession by recruiting and retaining bright students, particularly women, and by designing ethics education interventions that will help accounting students incorporate more than simply rules in making ethical decisions.  相似文献   

和谐社会建设与美德伦理、人民幸福安康息息相关。美德是民主法治的内在灵魂;美德是实现公平正义的前提;诚信友爱是美德的具体体现;美德作为行动的力量,是人和社会充满活力的源泉;美德是社会安定有序的主要的德性支撑力量;幸福生活是和谐社会构建的价值目标。所以,要实现社会的和谐,就必须加强美德伦理建设,就必须努力提高人民群众的幸福程度。  相似文献   

和谐社会建设与美德伦理、人民幸福安康息息相关。美德是民主法治的内在灵魂;美德是实现公平正义的前提;诚信友爱是美德的具体体现;美德作为行动的力量,是人和社会充满活力的源泉;美德是社会安定有序的主要的德性支撑力量;幸福生活是和谐社会构建的价值目标。所以,要实现社会的和谐,就必须加强美德伦理建设,就必须努力提高人民群众的幸福程度。  相似文献   

This paper is a case study, and instructor's guide, of a moral dilemma faced by a chartered accountant. It is a contribution to the growing interest in business ethics exhibited by universities and business schools around the world. Reasons offered in support of a particular course of action are analysed using Kohlberg's Theory of Moral Development.

If I were teaching a course in ethics, I would teach Kohlberg's moral-development theory as the grist for the moral mill. (Thomas Lickona 1980, p.121)  相似文献   

In his paper, Cushing (Cushing, B.E., (1999). Economics analysis of accountants’ ethical standards: The case of audit opinion shopping. Journal of Accounting and Public Policy 18 (4/5)) argues for an increasing role of “laissez-faire” approaches to professional accounting ethics. To formally present his argument, Cushing (1999) employs a classic auditor–client dispute over a financial reporting issue; the dispute’s resolution is framed within a prisoner’s dilemma game. Three increasingly sophisticated models are used to examine both strict (explicit rules and monitoring) and laissez-faire (moral training and leadership) approaches to induce ethical auditor play within the prisoner’s dilemma game.My comments are an effort to consider if Cushing's (1999) arguments for a laissez-faire approach are practicable. To do this I first relate Cushing's (1999) arguments to the theoretical attributes of a profession. Second, I extend his arguments to include ethical disposition. Two bases of ethical disposition are discussed, moral reasoning theory and the persona of individuals. I conclude that a movement toward a laissez-faire approach to ethics is a strategy the profession should not ignore.  相似文献   

Costly crisis prevention has positive external effects, which leads to free-riding of governments on each other's efforts. “Ordinary” IMF loans aggravate existing externalities, reinforcing the under-investment problem. We consider the reform proposals of the “Meltzer commission” in both loan and insurance models and show how the IMF can eliminate country moral. The efficiency-ensuring loan policy accounts for given externalities and involves effort-contingent discounts on interests or the extension of credit volume. Similar results hold for the insurance framework. Ex ante participation requires that smaller countries be “subsidized” by large ones, or that IMF policy consider distributional aspects in addition to efficiency.  相似文献   

会计职业道德教育的内涵分析与模型研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
梁水源 《会计研究》2006,(11):30-36
本文通过介绍和应用桑恩道德决策综合模型,来论述会计职业道德发展和品行问题。道德发展由反应灵敏度和习惯性推理组成;品行包括两个因素:道德动机和道德特征。最后提出了会计职业道德教育进一步研究的方向。  相似文献   

吴寿波 《金卡工程》2010,14(2):299-300
古往今来许多哲人岛学说都涉及过幸福问题,但其中最具有智慧和影响力的要数古希腊思想家亚里士多德的幸福论。亚里士多德认为至善是幸福,幸福是灵魂合与德性的实现活动,只有具备一定德性的人才能够获得幸福。  相似文献   

D. G. MacGregor   《Futures》2003,35(6):575-588
Humankind has begun to reap one of the most valued harvests of its scientific and technological pursuits: a significant increase in human longevity. We now live longer than ever before, due in large part to advances in medicine and health care that provide those who have the opportunity to afford them a lifespan that for many approaches or exceeds the 100-year mark. It is now within the realm of possibility that people will live lives of 125 years or more within the next century. However, our ability to increase physical longevity may have outstripped our ability to deal individually and socially with these new lives, these new existences that go well beyond what has traditionally been considered a “working life”. How well-prepared are we psychologically to cope with the meaning of a life that extends to as much as 150 years or more? In this new “age of longevity”, what are the challenges for psychology as a resource for humanity in its quest to give definition to the experience of being alive, as well as for managing the affairs of everyday life? Traditional developmental theories in psychology tend to articulate early stages of life in detail, but are generally mute on the matter of later life. Cognitive psychology has been inclined to view longevity as leading to a deterioration of mental faculties due to “aging”. This paper examines the psychological implications of increased lifespans from an optimistic perspective by reviewing current developments in research on cognition, emotion and aging. The review identifies trends in psychology that, if emphasized and strengthened, may lead to improved theoretical frameworks that cast longevity in a positive light, and that identify how people can find meaning and fulfillment throughout their whole lifespan.
“Grow old along with me! The best is yet to be, The last of life for which the first was made.” Robert Browning “Rabbi Ben Ezra”
I first encountered Browning’s works as an undergraduate, and being a pre-engineering student at the time my tendencies toward poetry were stunted to say the best. Few of the great works of literature my teachers compelled me to read at that stage of my life and development made enough of an impact to last beyond the length of the course requiring their reading. Much has changed since then and my interests in literature and what literature has to say that is of value for our lives has deepened. But Browning’s enthusiastic call to join him in aging has always been a fascination. Indeed, what could be more of a contradiction to modern attitudes about becoming elderly than to claim “the best is yet to be”? What can be more of a challenge to how we approach the relationship between being young and being old than to claim that the last of life is “for which the first was meant”? What can the possible rewards of the golden years be that transcend the glorious enthusiasms, unfettered optimisms, and just pure physical conveniences of being young? Or, was Browning simply trying to sucker us all into a fait accompli, the hopeful outcome of which is the envy of the very youth that the aged often envy so much?There is little enough envy of the aged today. I approach these years with great caution, recognizing that how I look upon those who are two decades older than myself will, in turn, condition me to see myself in those years much in the way that I see them now. “Aging” is not something anyone really wants to do. We want to, at best, “grow older”, a perspective that carries with it a more positive spin: growing wiser, growing up, or simply “growing” with all of its new-age connotations of personal enlightenment and becoming. I am not “aging”, I am “becoming at one”.The language we have adopted to talk about the time-course of life, and particularly about the years in the latter third of that course, does much to frame both how we live those years and how we anticipate them in our youth. Our expectations are ones of decline, physical debilitation and mental infirmity. We “retire”, as in withdrawal into seclusion, away from the mainstream of life and into the backwater eddy of inaction. On the shelf.Much of this view has been reinforced by how humanity has approached examining this aspect of its own time course through science. We study aging with an eye to how its effects influence the abilities of those so afflicted to perform or operate compared to those who still have a grasp on their full faculties. And, of course, we find that as people grow older, they do not approach life in the same way as do younger people.Part of our view on life comes from the very way in which science is funded: those interested in the last of life often receive their support from the National Institute on Aging, not the National Institute on The Last of Life for Which the First Was Made. Research agendas often focus on identifying sources of infirmity and potential prostheses, either physical or social, that can ease the lives of the elderly on their way toward achieving the goal of successful aging. All too often, success in aging means imposing relatively few demands on social resources or on the lives of younger people, such as family members. In our “ageist” society, elderliness is not generally equated with status and stature. Less and less, the young “listen” to the old out of deep interest in their lives and their experiences. Wisdom is the providence of the freshly matured and recently educated.The shortcomings of life in the advancing years are many and well-documented in the research literature. Memory spans decrease, information retrieval becomes less reliable, and new information is less readily assimilated. As people become older, they appear to rely more and more on automatic processing of information, quick associations and the like, rather than deliberative and conscious reasoning [1]. For the older mind, intuition is at least moderately preferred over analysis. For example, younger people tend to interpret stories analytically, focusing on details, while older people tend to focus less on a story’s details and more on its “gist” and its underlying significance to things that are important to them [2], and tend to do better at grasping and dealing with information in terms of its holistic meaning [3 and 4].The effects of these differences in information processing between young and old can be seen in practical matters of everyday life, such as decision making and judgment. Johnson [5], for example, found that older adults use simplifying decision strategies more often than younger adults. These strategies, such as noncompensatory rules that consider only the positive or the negative aspects of a decision option but not both, relieve one of the psychological burden of making complex and effortful tradeoffs, at the possible expense of efficiency and accuracy. Chasseigne et al. [6] found that as people age, they become less consistent in their use of information in making judgments and predictions; even reducing the overall information load and demands on memory does little to improve the reliability of their judgments. 1  相似文献   

当今社会,对社会公德的呼声越来越高,这给德育工作带来了新的课题。本文立足于现实所需,对如何加强德育中的社会公德意识,提出要从"解放思想、师德建设、弘扬传统、实践体验"四个方面给以应对。  相似文献   

Expanding global markets have resulted in renewed concern with accountability by transnational corporations and other economic agents. Reflections on economic accountability, however, often inadequately theorize necessary ethical presuppositions regarding the moral status of economic collectivities, including the scope of the moral community and the good that this community seeks. This essay addresses these ethical considerations. Taking as my starting point Schweiker's [Schweiker, W. (1993). Accounting for ourselves: accounting practice and the disclosure of ethics. Accounting Organizations and Society, 18(2/3), 231–252] claim that economic entities are properly accountable to a wider scope of good than their own by virtue of the accounts that accountants render of such entities, I argue that the discourse in terms of which the accounts are rendered serves to negate the very relation of obligation from which this accountability derives. Specifically, I argue that the discourse of neoclassical economics that informs accounting practice constructs the identity of the accountable entity such that it is obligated to pursue only its own good. Consequently, extant accounting practices are inadequate to meet the demands for accountability that are legitimately entailed by the act of rendering an account. I explore the implications of this conclusion for understanding economic accountability and related social accounting practices, and I propose the ethics of Emmanuel Levinas to establish a broader accountability on the part of economic entities.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the issue of ethics in modern business thought from the perspective of the father of modern economics Adam Smith using both An Inquiry Into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations and The Theory of Moral Sentiments. The foundation of modern business thought is represented by the Chicago/Austrian School of economic thought using Milton Friedman as a basis and examples from the popular business press and from the work of accounting scholars to illustrate the pervasiveness of this idea of market solutions to ethical problems.It is contended that modern business theory, as represented by this neoclassical economic paradigm, has established a moral code for business based on efficiency of outcome and the assumed link of efficiency to self-interested behavior. The result is markets as the arbitrators of ethical outcomes, and profit maximization as the ultimate moral code.  相似文献   

文章条分缕析了勤俭美德的历史渊源及传统内涵,提出了在高等教育的课程中,勤俭美德的现代性转换问题,并将当代大学生勤俭德育的内涵分成三个部分,即勤俭成才、不为物累、止而不过。结合这些内容,阐述了当代高等教育中勤俭德育的道德实践模式:将知识美德与道德实践相融合,通过知行合一的方式加深学生的问题意识与道德践履。  相似文献   


Ethical instruction is critical in accounting education. However, does accounting ethics teaching actually instil core ethical values or simply catalogue how students should act when confronted with typical accounting ethical dilemmas? This study extends current literature by distinguishing between moral/ethical and legal/ethical matters and then re-evaluating the effectiveness of ethics training. A cohort of final-year accounting students with significant ethical training evaluated ethical scenarios. Half were moral (non-legal) and half contained legal as well as moral components. After further ethical instruction they re-evaluated the scenarios. Ethical attitudes towards legal/moral issues improved, but attitudes towards moral-only issues did not. This questions previous studies which purport to demonstrate the effectiveness of ethical instruction and queries the benefits of accounting ethics education. Are fundamental ethical principles being ignored in an effort to prevent more obvious accounting wrongdoings? Accounting ethics training needs to be reassessed if true ethical improvement is to be achieved.  相似文献   

“Conservatism” is a widely accepted accounting convention in the industrialized world, but it has long been slated and prohibited in China under the orthodox ideological influences. To date, the conservatism convention has not been fully adopted or implemented in Chinese accounting although the Chinese government has made substantial efforts to reform its accounting system to bridge the gaps between the accounting practices in China and other industrialized countries in recent years. This study has, through a wide range questionnaire survey, empirically investigated the applicability of the conservatism accounting convention in China. We found that the survey respondents (consisted of business accountants, management, government officials, bank loan officers, investment analysts and auditors), in general, held no negative attitudes against the conservatism convention under the changing business environment in the country. There is clear evidence that various interested parties of business accounting would support an expanded adoption of “conservatism” in Chinese accounting. The study findings will facilitate a proper assessment of the future development of accounting standards and practices in China.  相似文献   

This paper briefly examines the contributions that postmodern (critical) research has made to the historical accounting literature and the opportunities that this new body of literature has created for traditional historical researchers. I suggest that the “new history” that has rendered the “familiar strange” has provided new understanding of our discipline that should be welcomed by all historians. The paper briefly examines two areas, the emergence of double entry bookkeeping and cost accounting, to demonstrate the new insights that critical historians have provided to what has been considered a settled agenda. I conclude by noting that the diversity critical research has added to the accounting history research should be celebrated, but caution that we not engage in the modernist strategy of trying to find a “certified path to knowledge.” Accounting history will be enhanced if our community adopts the values–tolerance, willingness to listen, and respect for alternative views–ithat have enabled researchers in other disciplines to flourish.  相似文献   

内在约束机制视角下的医疗道德风险防范探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
关于医疗保险中的道德风险规制,许多专家和学者都提出了许多自己的想法,但纵观这些方法,发现都是从外在机制入手,对医疗保险道德风险规制。本文首先介绍了什么是医疗保险道德风险及其表现形式;然后总结了其他专家防范道德风险的思路,提出与外在机制相对应的内在机制道德内在约束机制建设;最后,阐述了防范道德风险的内在约束机制——医德教育体系的逻辑建构。  相似文献   

Practice rights legislation in Canada continues to be contested 50 years after its first enactment. In Ontario, one of the earliest provinces to enact restrictive legislation, the challenges have focused on how the legislation has been implemented rather than on whether or not public accounting should be regulated. To better understand the contested issues in this field, we examine the process undertaken by the Public Accountants Council of Ontario to implement the Public Accountancy Act of 1950. Our analysis is based on the first 15 years of the minutes of the meetings of the Public Accountants Council for Ontario, augmented by other archival sources such as court cases, newspaper clippings, correspondence and reports. Our intent is to document the process and “logic of appropriateness” used by the Council to construct its identity and stake out its “regulatory space” in the face of the ambiguity of the law and pressure from interest groups. We also identify the contradictions that were institutionalized in this field resulting in repeated challenges to the Council. We conclude by relating the historical insights from this analysis to the continuing challenges to practice rights legislation in Ontario.  相似文献   

In this study we model a cost center manager's decision about how to achieve a required level of output. The spending plan that the manager adopts is expected to result in successful performance, but at an uncertain cost. The uncertainty associated with the spending plan is inversely related to the expected cost. The analysis presented in this article suggests that a manager who exhibits Safety-First behavior and wishes to avoid large budget deviations is more likely to exceed what he or she perceives to be the overspending limit rather than the underspending limit. That manager will tend to incur costs in excess of the budget. This mathematical result has an intuitive appeal; a manager is willing to pay a certain “risk premium” to avoid the risk of large budget deviations and accompanying adverse consequences. This result has implications for both performance evaluation and budget setting, particularly in the public sector. Under the circumstances that we describe, using budgets in evaluating managerial performance may be misleading. Another application of our study relates to the “budget creep” phenomenon and how, under particular circumstances, its size can be reduced.  相似文献   

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