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这些年长久从来不变。这些年长久一直在变。从长春到北京,总部在变,组织架构在变,岗位人员在变,业务流程在变,管理方式在变,运作体系在变,18年来长久永远在变。但是,长久因汽车物流而生,随中国汽车产业繁荣而发展。恪守"至诚、志专、致远"的核心价值观,  相似文献   

我和几位文化界的同龄人在一起吃饭,闲谈中提到10岁左右,各自在做什么?生长在北京、杭州等大都市的朋友说,他们在少年宫参加合唱队,在什刹海学滑冰,在西湖边写生。而我呢,是在山野里放牛、砍柴。  相似文献   

正资源型城市转型是一道世界难题。难在哪里?难在产业更替、结构调整、资源重组、城市再生!世界上很多城市,即使在发达国家也有某些资源型城市就倒在这个门槛下。资源型城市转型是一道世界难题。难在哪里?难在产业更替、结构调整、资源重组、城市再生!世界上很多城市.即使在发达国家也有某些资源型城市就倒在这个门槛下。  相似文献   

王岳川 《中国企业家》2008,(18):117-117
如今都市最时髦的词汇可能就数“升级”了:电脑在升级,病毒也升级;邮箱在升级,垃圾邮件也升级;游戏在升级,黑客也在升级;消费主义在升级,恐怖主义也在升级;身体在时尚升级(暴走、LOMO、街舞、文身),精神却在降级(疯病、自杀率、酗酒、下半身写作);上学读书学费在升级,大学教学质量却在降级;留学热在升级,海归却在贬值中降级;生活方式在多元升级,精神生态却在颓败降级……  相似文献   

生活在九衡,总有些理由值得品味与骄傲,因为在这里,每一处细节都经过精心而又自然的设计,他们的美好感受,驱动着九衡成为一个时代的经典代言。这样的住宅,与其说在规划建筑,不如说在规划人性生活理想;与其说在营造细节,不如说在营造居住者舒适的生活体验。  相似文献   

2013年的春节才过,人们感慨不已地说,在常用的几千个汉字当中,最热门的汉字其实就一个字:涨。什么都在涨。火车票要涨价,电要涨价,煤要涨价,水要涨价,油在涨价,肉在涨价,蛋在涨价,粮在涨价,菜在涨价。连空气中都弥漫着一种刺鼻的涨价的味道。在所有上涨的物价上,最让老百姓无望的是房价疯涨,连外国人都担心,中国的房地产泡沫会使全球经济崩溃。可能给老百姓带来希望和财富的股市却在跌,银行的存款继续在负利率中缩水。中国经济到底怎么了?  相似文献   

<正>上苍厚爱燕丽泽要在美地创造美丽的生活。所以,在器丽泽.在那些存活了100多年的森林环抱中,在候鸟追寻8000里生活的纯净之地.在那些在树丛下骼默流  相似文献   

从东芝笔记本事件、松下手机召回事件,再到近期索尼数码相机事件,无论是市场商誉还是产品质量,那些曾经在中国出尽风头的日本电器正在遭遇着危机。市场的任何风吹草动都可能牵动企业的生命神经,日本电器企业感受到了生存的艰难。在2005财年中,索尼相机在中国市场的销售额及营业收入均比上一年减少3%。在笔记本市场,东芝2005年在中国笔记本市场销售排名仅在第10名左右,且只有大约6%的市场份额。在手机市场,东芝去年已经正式注销了在中国的手机业务,三菱数源移动通信有限公司也已终止了GSM手机在中国的开发、销售。在空调市场,2005年中国空…  相似文献   

文瑾 《价值工程》2013,(33):275-276
在当代,各行各业都在飞速发展,体育运动科学技术也在不断的飞跃发展,人们已经开始在体育学中开始运用心理学。本文介绍了体育心理学在体育教学与在训练和竞技比赛中的应用,希望能够使体育心理学在体育教学与在训练和竞技比赛中的应用方面给读者以启发。  相似文献   

问:购买彩票与购买垃圾股的区别在哪里? 答:在第一种情况下,你是在帮助社区游泳池融资。 在第二种情况下,你是在帮助股票投机商的家庭游泳池融资。  相似文献   

The BRICS countries in general, and China and India in particular, are now widely regarded as the areas of the world likely to challenge the economic leadership of the United States (US) and the European Union (EU). A large part of this challenge will come from rapid technological catch‐up by China and India. Yet, despite a recent rise in interest, there is limited knowledge about how and where innovation takes place in these two leading emerging countries and to what extent the Chinese and Indian territorial systems of innovation differ from those in the EU or the US. In this article we explore the geography of innovation in China and India, concentrating on understanding key territorial‐level innovation trends by country, region and technology field, using the US and the EU as benchmarks. We find significant contrasts between the geography of innovation in China and India and that of the US and the EU. First, the degree of concentration of innovative activities in both countries is extremely high. Levels of agglomeration of innovation in the coastal provinces of China, as well as in Delhi and the South of India, significantly exceed the levels of agglomeration found in the USA and the EU. Secondly, China has witnessed a more rapid increase in the degree of concentration of innovation than India. We posit that the differences in the geography of innovation between, on the one hand, China and India and, on the other hand, between these countries and the developed world are rooted in different institutional settings, different systems of innovation and different national innovation strategies.  相似文献   

邓战满  谢露  曾震  唐瑶  李毅  刘新辉  汤宇 《价值工程》2014,(28):306-307
利用湖南省1980-2010年雷暴日数据、2008-2013年闪电数据,分析了湖南省雷暴和闪电变化特征。结果表明:湖南省属于雷暴多发区,年平均雷暴日数分布呈南高北低的趋势,沿雪峰山有个相对高值区,平均雷暴日数在30d到70d之间。湖南省6年的年平均闪电条数35万余条,雷电高发时段为4-9月,其中7月是全年闪电活动最密集的月份。春季(3-5月)闪电逐时分布呈现双峰型,高峰值出现在02时、17时,夏季(6-8月)闪电多集中在下午15-17时,秋季(9月)高峰期集中在15-16时。湖南省闪电密度分布和闪电强度分布,高值区均在娄底、郴州,全省闪电主要强度分布在20-80kA。  相似文献   

文章对国内外6个地区棉花样品中的残留脱叶剂噻苯隆进行分析。通过结合噻苯隆的液相光谱视图和改变溶剂洗脱体系确认棉花样品中的噻苯隆,并对不同地区棉花样品中噻苯隆残留量差异进行了详细分析。结果表明,我国新疆和美国某地产棉花中噻苯隆残留量分别为0.47mg/kg和0.51mg/kg,而我国陕西、湖北和巴西、埃及部分地区产棉花中噻苯隆残留量低于检出限。因此,为加强环境保护,减少棉花中的有毒有害物质,应尽快制定棉花中残留脱叶剂噻苯隆的限量标准。  相似文献   

陈思源 《城市发展研究》2011,18(11):110-114
社会管理和公共服务是现代城市的两大基本职能.保障城市公共安全,实施防灾减灾是城市履行管理与服务职能的重要内容.首先,综述国际城市防灾减灾的合作和研究的主要进展;其次,基于城市生态经济系统特征,探讨城市灾害系统的结构功能和形成机制,分析中国城市灾害风险的特征;再次,提出中国城市防灾减灾体系的建设战略,包括:确立城市安全发...  相似文献   

物联网技术在军事物流中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
任杰  王强  翟俊伟 《物流科技》2011,34(11):90-92
在世界新军事革命的时代背景下,把物联网理念与技术应用于军事物流,有利于提升我军后勤保障能力,也必将是未来军事物流的发展趋势。作者简要介绍了物联网技术在军事物流体系中的应用,并对目前应用中存在的问题进行了总结,最后提出了解决的措施与方法。  相似文献   

王玲玲 《价值工程》2011,30(20):114-115
预算外资金是我国特有的财政概念,是在财政管理体制改革和发展过程中逐步形成的,在历史各个时期都为国家经济建设和社会事业发展起到重要作用。但由于受传统经济以及市场经济的共同影响,近几年来预算外资金管理中出现很多问题,并且有些问题已经发展到非常严重的程度,造成了政府财政财力的过度分散,政府公共分配秩序的混乱等。因此随着改革开放的不断深入,预算外资金的不断扩大,越应采取相应的措施,引导和强化预算外资金的管理,使之能为促进社会各项事业的发展和改善人民的生活起到积极的作用。  相似文献   

The Sydney housing market peaked in 2003. The period 2001–2006 is, therefore, of particular interest since it captures a boom and bust in the housing market. We compute hedonic, repeat-sales and median price indexes for five regions in Sydney over this period. While the three approaches are in broad agreement regarding the timing of the turning point in the housing market, some important differences also emerge. In particular, we find evidence of sample selection bias in our hedonic and repeat-sales data sets (with the former focusing more on better quality dwellings and the latter more on lower quality dwellings). These sample selection biases could in turn cause bias (in opposite directions) in our hedonic and repeat-sales indexes. Median indexes may likewise be biased as a result of an apparent decline in the average quality of dwellings sold in the latter part of the sample. We also find evidence of convergence in prices across regions during the boom and divergence in the subsequent bust.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to provide an overview on the state of research in the field in human resource management (HRM) issues in multinational corporations (MNCs) in and from China. We integrate previous studies from multiple disciplines to articulate the contextual importance of research on this topic, and suggest overarching themes to expand the field of research. HRM research in the intercultural, interinstitutional context of MNCs in and from China has the potential to provide contextualized insights for longstanding debates in the field such as HRM standardization versus localization and convergence versus divergence and contextual factors behind these patterns. To this end, we call for future research to center on the changing cultural, institutional, technological, and globalization context in understanding HRM and industrial relations issues in these MNCs. Practically, knowledge in this area can help global managers and top management teams in multinational organizations navigate various context complexity, foster more productive coordination and cooperation across borders, and gain legitimacy and MNCs in and from China additional competitive edge in the global marketplace.  相似文献   

刘乔 《价值工程》2012,31(18):42-43
随着我国社会经济的快速发展,城市对水的需求量增加,随之而来的水污染、浪费等问题的程度也在进一步加重,进而城郊地区也就面临着更严峻的水资源和水污染形势。针对这种现状,许多不同层面的学者对此进行了广泛研究。本文通过对城郊地区的水环境现状进行概括和探讨,讨论出现行管理体制和法律制度所存在的直接原因,提出了城郊地区水环境管理的改革方法。城郊地区是城市发展的最具有前景的区域,当下城郊地区水环境的现状十分不容乐观,所面临的水资源和水环境的问题更为普遍和严峻,城郊地区水环境所面临的复杂形势对加强城郊地区水环境管理、现行条列的改革提出了亟待解决的问题。  相似文献   

The Hungarian economy was based on central planning for several decades and in comparison with the dominance of the great organizations that consisted of many smaller units, the role of small-sized enterprises was marginal. The change in the political climate involved recognition of and belief in entrepreneurship and the new legal system increased the opportunity for setting up new enterprises established on private and joint capital. Nevertheless, the changes in the organizational system of companies within the national economy appear to concentrate in time and territory in Northern Hungary. Increasing unemployment inspires the start of numerous enterprises even when the experience of entrepreneurship is missing and, in addition, the inclination towards it. This may result in difficulties and danger and a study of North Hungarian small businesses is therefore useful.

The aim of this research is to examine the position of SMEs in the North Hungarian industrial area, concentrating on questions that can not be answered by means of traditional statistics. Data were collected by surveying questionnaires. The questions referred to the development of SMEs in North Hungary.

Finally, the elements in the economic environment that may hinder or help successful operation of the enterprises were analysed. With the experience gained by our investigation we would like to help in the reinforcement of SMEs working in Northern Hungary.  相似文献   

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