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Local pay determination formed a key plank in the Conservative government's attempt to restructure industrial relations in the NHS, and to 'reassert managerial control' of the paybill at local (trust) level. This paper reports the findings of a national survey of Unison lead negotiators, complemented by case study interviews and documentary research, on the processes and outcomes of local pay determination, and its impact on industrial relations at both national and local levels. The paper strongly refutes recent suggestions that local pay leads to 'improved' industrial relations and greater pay equity. Moreover, and contrary to claims that Staff Side organizations are 'too weak' to challenge 'new managerial strategies', the study's findings show that the search for managerial control remains, as always, a contested terrain.  相似文献   

It is commonly assumed, particularly within the human resource management literature, that decentralized bargaining, performance-related pay and individualized wage-setting arrangements represent a further extension of the internal labour market and a source of efficiency gains in production. Drawing on new data on company pay policies, this paper advances an alternative interpretation of recent innovations in pay and bargaining. It is argued that moves to fragment bargaining and reward systems threaten to undermine the organizational principles of internal labour markets and may, therefore, raise the costs of managing the employment relationship.  相似文献   

Despite the existence of effective equal pay legislation in the UK since 1975 aimed at eradicating pay discrimination, women are still in receipt of only 79.5 per cent of the hourly earnings received by men (EOR 1994b). Whitehouse (1992) claims that a centralized collective bargaining model is more likely to lead to equality for women in the labour market than a liberalized individualistic model. The model was tested at an aggregated level for 13 OECD countries. This article provides a case study which charts a trade union claim for equal pay over a period often years (1984–94), which may be seen as an examination of the Whitehouse proposition at a disaggregated level. The paper highlights the barriers to equality bargaining and analyses the case study to identify the criteria necessary for achieving equality.  相似文献   

产业组织理论中关于规制合谋的研究分为芝加哥学派和图卢兹学派,研究结果均表明,规制机构与被规制企业之间的合谋行为降低了规制效率.降低了社会福利水平。文章主要研究中国当前规制分权化背景下的地方规制机构与被规制企业之间的合谋问题,并且用计量方法对规制的效果进行了检验.结果表明规制分权化没有显著的正面效应,即规制低效率。因此,规制分权化产生的合谋导致了规制低效率.而解决问题的关键是机制设计。  相似文献   

This study examines how factor point systems have treated state government jobs, which are held disproportionately by women, minorities, and union members. The findings indicate that female jobs may gain from comparable worth pay proposals, but the gains are dissipated in actual pay; unionized and minority workers tend to lose both proposed and actual pay; and the dispersion of points and pay is narrowed for jobs covered by collective bargaining agreements  相似文献   

Directors’ pay and corporate governance continue to generate public outrage and calls for reform. Our meta‐regression analysis of all comparable UK pay‐for‐performance estimates finds little, if any, meaningful association between directors’ pay and corporate performance. However, there is evidence of the effectiveness of past “comply‐or‐explain” rules, especially the Cadbury Report. Unfortunately, the effects of past reform efforts tend to erode over time. This study also explores differences between pay–performance estimates, finding that these are largely explained by how pay and performance are measured by a given study.  相似文献   

我国目前政府会计体系仍沿用原来的预算会计管理体系,随着我国市场经济环境的变化和财政管理体制改革的深入发展,原有的预算会计模式越来越不适应现实的需要。本文按照政府会计改革的目标要求,简要分析在现今现行预算会计核算体系存在的问题,提出在现阶段应确立以收付实现制为主体、以权责发生制为适当补充的原则,逐步实现收付实现制向权责发生制的过渡,最终建立一套适应社会主义市场经济体制要求、适合我国国情且与国际接轨的政府会计体系。  相似文献   

中亚地区及与周边国家电力联网发展展望   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
罗金山  韩丰  李隽 《电力技术经济》2008,20(6):18-22,33
经济全球化使得能源资源的跨国优化配置成为必需。中亚地区能源资源非常丰富,各国之间电力联网是实现地区跨国资源优化配置的有效手段。在深入分析中亚各国能源基本情况、能源资源分布特点、电力工业现状的基础上,对中亚地区未来电力需求进行了预测,提出了中亚地区各国及与周边国家电力联网的初步构想。  相似文献   

不确定性和信息不对称常常被认为是医疗市场失灵和政府干预的依据,政府的过度干预又会导致医疗声誉机制的扭曲。改革现行“管办不分”的医疗卫生体制,由市场声誉取代政府行政干预,通过重复博弈建立医生与患者之间的长期稳定的关系,解决医疗卫生领域的难题。  相似文献   

This study extends prior research by separating executive remuneration into salary and annual bonus for the purpose of empirically verifying their determinants. A model is introduced to estimate the extent to which pay and its determinants are related. Based on a net sample of 90 large UK firms, salary was found to be strongly related to firm size, as opposed to annual bonus, which was modestly associated with both firm performance and size. An important discovery was that salary showed no relationship to a firm's economic performance. The inability to find any association between salary and performance suggests that each component of pay has a different set of determining factors.  相似文献   

促进竞争已成为包括OECD(经济合作与发展组织)国家在内的世界各国政府对天然气行业改革的一个明确的政策取向。OECD国家采取了供应改革,需求改革,市场结构调整和竞争法规应用四大政策支柱来构建天然气市场,促进天然气行业的竞争。近20年来,OECD国家开始了从政府干预主义向现代监管转变的探索,大部分OECD国家已在企业自我监管,政府部门直接监管和监管机构独立监管这三种不同类型的监管制度中不约而同地选择了独立监管的模式。建立独立监管机构,必须在职能界定和划分,组织结构设计,人员配备,经费获取以及内外工作程序制定等方面精心安排。OECD国家在促进天然气行业竞争及监管改革方面的经验说明:天然气行业的市场化是大势所趋;独立监管是较为成功的监管模式,不存在普遍适用的最佳模式;独立监管机构的建立和独立监管的实施必须以监管的法律体系建设为前提,依法建立监管机构,依法行使监管权力是监管得以顺利实施的重要保证。  相似文献   

文章从当前国有企业"三违"的现状入手,分析得出反"三违"工作应该注重情感因素,注重安全文化建设,管理者应不断提高自身素质。  相似文献   

政府与中央银行之间存在着典型的委托代理关系,政府作为委托人,将专业化的货币操控权委托给中央银行,通过中央银行对这一权力的运用来实现对宏观经济的调控。在我国中央银行的独立性不高,这种委托代理关系显现得更加明显。政府与中央银行之间的利益博弈不清晰,就会导致中央银行对外发送的政策信息缺乏代表性,使微观主体无法辨别声音来源,进而影响中央银行的声誉和货币政策有效性。本文旨在构建委托代理模型来详细分析这种关系,并给出相应政策建议。  相似文献   

中间扩散型制度改革是我国在市场经济发展过程中产生的一种特有的制度改革,其特点是随着政府放权让利战略的实施,各地方政府同时成为追求利益最大化的组织,所以成为地方企业制度创新的推动者以及经济发展的代言人,很大程度的推进了我国社会主义经济的发展。  相似文献   

The substantial changes that are taking place in the organization of the UK public sector are transforming traditional patterns of industrial relations based on centralized and institutionalized collective bargaining. Whether the trade unions can successfully respond to this process will be of prime importance for the future development of industrial relations in the public sector. The paper considers recent evidence of the impact of decentralization on union organization in four hospital units. The research findings suggest that there is a growth in union activity as a result of the process of decentralization, but that the effectiveness of unions is likely to vary considerably between hospitals.  相似文献   

本文分别构建了政府补贴下,供应链上企业单独减排、供应商对制造商碳减排成本进行分担、供应商和零售商均对制造商碳减排成本进行分担3种减排模型,求解得到不同减排模式下,包括成本分担率和单位减排量在内的供应链最优决策。研究发现,政府补贴率的提升反而使成本分担率降低。通过博弈分析及算例验证得出:在供应链上三方企业联合减排下,即供应商和零售商都对制造商的碳减排研发提供资金支持时,单位产品的减排量及各企业利润达到最大,仅供应商对制造商碳减排成本分担时次之, 供应链上企业单独减排时最小, 但仅供应商一方对制造商的碳减排成本进行分担时的成本分担率,比其与零售商同时分担时的要大。这些结论为政府确立合适的补贴方案及供应链上企业减排策略的制定提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

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