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崇圣寺是我国著名寺院,该寺的圣观音信仰在云南地区一直非常盛行.该寺不仅香火旺盛,还是我国宗教朝圣游的热点地区.到崇圣寺朝圣已经成为许多云南人的一种生活方式.该寺作为云南地区佛教文化中心,已经成为海内外无数佛教信徒和普通百姓的关注焦点.崇圣寺的宗教研究对认识人类的宗教行为及其宗教本质有着重要的学术价值.为了更好地揭示这种宗教现象的深刻内涵,需要以该寺圣观音信仰作为考察切入点,综合运用宗教学,心理学等方法,这也对加强宗教事务管理,引导宗教与社会主义社会相适应具有重大的社会意义.  相似文献   

项目一一、项目名称:度假区中心区综合开发二、项目概况:该区位于度假区中心,与大理古城、大理崇圣寺三塔相连,规划占地面积300公顷,交通便利、基础设施配套、环境幽雅,有较好的区位优势和开发条件。该区是集旅游购物、度假康乐、商务会议、文教科研、商业金融、休闲疗养等功能于一体的现代化、国际型、生态化、外向型的具有鲜明个性的多功能综合区。现区内已建有的项目有:台商投资的四星级亚星大饭店、省旅游总公司投资的民俗一条街、昆明园成公司投资的大理南诏文化城、国防科工委投资建设的大理职业大学等项目。三、投资规模:…  相似文献   

大理三月好风光,蝴蝶泉边好梳妆。农历三月的云南大理风光确实是如诗如画、醉心迷人的。蓝蓝的洱海上白帆片片,绿绿的坝子里歌声荡漾,高高的苍山顶雪光闪闪;五彩缤纷的蝴蝶翩翩飞舞,倒映在清清的泉水里;山茶、杜鹃、迎春花姹紫嫣红,争奇斗艳,盛开在山野、路边、公园、庭院。正是在这样美好的季节里,川流不息的人群涌到苍山中和峰下去赶三月街。看过电影《五朵金花》的人,都不会忘记银幕上三月街真实而生动的盛况:在古城大理西门外苍山脚下的旷野里,在高耸入云、雄伟壮丽的唐代崇圣寺三  相似文献   

沈阳市八王寺汽水厂是中国民族工业最早建立的饮料生产厂家之一,说起这家老字号,得先从有关八王寺和清泉井的一段历史掌故谈起。八王寺最早称大法寺,是沈城一座有名的古刹,其址在城北三华里处,它之所以易名,与清初的一位王爷有关。  相似文献   

张建杰 《发展》2013,(10):32-32,34
一、围绕文物古迹保护,提升文化遗产新内涵武山县文物古迹众多,历史遗存丰富,境内现有文物点469处,其中有水帘洞、木梯寺、狼叫屲等全国重点文物保护单位3处,省级文物保护单位7处,水帘洞·拉梢寺摩崖大佛为世界第一佛教摩崖浮雕。保护好、挖掘好、利用好这些资源,就要坚持把历史传承与创新发展相结合,做到在文化遗产保护传承中开发利用。一是坚持保护开发并重。先后对水帘洞、拉梢寺、木梯寺等文化遗址进行了恢复性维修保护,建立健全了文物保护管理和景区管理机构,进一步加强和规范了文物古迹的保护管理和开发利用。深入开展历史文物普查,建立了文物古迹资源数据库,坚持保护第一的原则,加快水帘洞·拉梢寺  相似文献   

1 甘南州夏河县拉卜楞镇位于甘肃、青海、四川三省交界处,是历史上安多藏区宗教、政治、文化、商贸活动中心之一.平均海拔3500米,境内多高山草原,全年平均气温为-0.4℃~0.3℃,是典型的高原性气候,冷季长、暖季短.辖区内坐落着藏传佛教格鲁派六大宗主寺之一的拉卜楞寺,又有信奉莲花生大师的红教寺(宁玛派),还有尼姑寺院、清真寺、关帝庙等不同信仰的宗教场所.镇域范围内居住有藏、回、保安、东乡、撒拉、蒙古、满、土、壮、维吾尔等15个少数民族,藏、蒙古、土、满等民族信仰藏传佛教;回、撒拉、东乡、保安、维吾尔等民族信仰伊斯兰教;汉族分别信仰藏传佛教、道教和基督教.  相似文献   

<正>苍山洱海,大理南诏,昔日的白族聚居地如今早已成为著名的旅游胜地。游客们看三塔,游洱海,在大理古城徜徉,于双廊老街发呆,碧水蓝天与高原明净的空气使远道而来的人们卸下了生活的担子,有机会听一听自己内心的声音,灵魂得以静下来休憩。然而,那些在这片土地  相似文献   

历史上,南诏和大理国均曾与周边各国保持着密切联系。南诏前期正值缅甸有个骠国,大理国时期是缅甸蒲甘王朝统治时期。南诏、大理国与缅甸的骠国、蒲甘王朝之间曾有不少恩恩怨怨。对这段往事加以回顾和研究,具有一定的历史意义。  相似文献   

去大理是因为大理古城的诱惑! 大理古城楼高两层,雕梁画栋,气势雄伟,彰显着大理古国曾经的王者之风和霸者之气。古城的城墙是由糯米汁和土砖筑成,历经千年风雨,风吹雨打,依然屹立,像一位耄耋老者,向游人述说它曾经的辉煌。城墙上丛生着枯黄的草,在阳光下呈现毛茸茸的金色。透过丛丛的草看古老的黑瓦,仿佛是看久远的日子。  相似文献   

陈明超 《走向世界》2011,(24):62-63
1921年,日本僧人常盘大定和关野贞来到济南,对黄石崖、神通寺和玉函山等处的佛教遗迹进行了考察。其中,由朗公法师始建于前秦皇始元年(551年)的神通寺,是山东最早的寺院。它历经风雨沧桑至今,一寺之内竞有5处全国重点文物保护单位,其问的厚重历史远非一篇小文所能尽述。笔者在此撷取常盘大定等人的片羽光影,简述古寺的一些旧闻。  相似文献   

在低碳经济时代,特别是《京都协议书》实施后,人们越来越关注国际气候协议的制定、实施及其稳定性。由于国际气候协议的参与者是具有主权的国家,不存在一个作为第三方的跨国机构执行协议,因此每个国家都可能存在"搭便车"的激励动机。在此情况下,如何设计国际气候协议,国际气候协议的稳定性是怎样的,如何确保国际气候协议的实施等问题,一直是近二十年研究的热点问题。本文概括了国际气候协议中所面临的主要问题,对国际气候治理机制进行了经济学分析,进一步阐述了国际气候协议的稳定性。  相似文献   

China's food security has been facing several challenges, which are likely to be worsened due to climate change. The purpose of this paper is to provide an evidence on the impacts of climate change on China's agriculture, with particular attention to the market and trade responses. Using projected crop yield changes for China and its' main trading partners under changing climate, we employ an agricultural partial equilibrium model (CAPSiM) and a linked national and global equilibrium model (CAPSiM-GTAP) to assess the impacts on food production, price, trade and self-sufficiency of China. Our results show that climate change will have significant effects on crop production though with large differences among crops. Under the worst climate change scenario RCP 8.5, wheat yield in China is projected to decline by 9.4% by 2050, which is the biggest yield reduction among the crops. However, the market can also respond to the climate change, as farmers can change inputs in response to reduced yields and rising prices. As a result, production losses for most crops are dampened. For example, wheat production loss under RCP8.5 reduces to only 4.3% due to market response. The adverse impacts on crop production will be further reduced after accounting for the trade response as farmers adjust production to much higher prices in the more severely affected countries. The paper concludes that we need to learn more from farmers who optimize their production decisions in response to the market and trade signals during climate change. A major policy implication is that policymakers need to mainstream the market and trade responses into national plans for climate adaptation.  相似文献   

齐美东 《特区经济》2010,(12):299-301
气候变化对人类社会的生存和发展带来严重挑战。未来气候变暖的趋势加剧,中国是最易受气候变化不利因素影响的国家,正经历气候变化带来的一系列问题。中国努力建设生态文明,为应对气候变化的不利影响进行了不懈努力。  相似文献   

This paper provides evidence on the economic impact of climate change on agriculture in the Central Highlands of Afghanistan by exploring the climate sensitivity of crop net revenue per unit of land. A Ricardian model and a novel 2017 dataset for 1502 farmers in three central provinces along with 34 years of weather information are used to study the impact of variations in seasonal precipitation and annual temperature. The findings suggest a significant and nonlinear effect of climate factors on crop net revenue. The impact of seasonal precipitation is found to vary across space and time. The effect of increased annual temperature is found to be generally positive and significant—both statistically and economically. The predicted impact of future climate change is largely beneficial, mainly due to warming.  相似文献   

组织气候是西方组织研究领域的一个热点问题,而行政组织气候是行政组织研究中一个重要的方法.本文介绍了行政组织气候的定义,行政组织气候调查的方法及如何培养良好行政组织气候.  相似文献   

Climate change has become a major national, regional and international problem cutting across developed and developing countries alike. Within the developing world, the effects of climate change have been devastating; this has caused enormous human suffering. The Southern African Development Community (SADC), a regional economic block of 15 countries, has been badly ravaged by the vagaries of climate change. The urban areas in particular appear to have been very badly impacted as flooding, drought, pollution and deforestation have become endemic. The impacts of climate change have triggered human suffering of immense magnitude, especially in areas occupied by the marginalised. This article is based on desk research and, using qualitative analysis, examines the impact of climate change on SADC countries, considers initiatives that the regional block has in place in efforts to mitigate the human suffering experienced as a consequence of the negative impact of climate change and, finally, considers a way forward.  相似文献   

It is widely accepted that energy use contributes to climate change. However, climate change can also affect energy demand. There is ample proof in the literature that a feedback phenomenon exists. However, empirical evidence of its mechanism and operation in different contexts is missing. As China is the largest consumer of electricity worldwide, a detailed study of its energy consumption patterns would be insightful. Moreover, how the increasing income of Chinese residents affects the climate sensitivity of electricity demand is particularly relevant. Using data from 278 cities in China over the period 2005 to 2015, this study applies a newly developed technique, partially linear functional-coefficient panel data model, which enables disclosure of the role of income levels. The results indicate that climate change significantly stimulates residential electricity consumption in hot weather rather than in cold weather. Additionally, the level of income affects climate sensitivity. Specifically, an increase in income initially increases the marginal effect of cooling degree days (days on which building cooling is desired) on electricity consumption, but the curve of the marginal increment becomes flat as income growth increases further.  相似文献   

Tourism is a key sector for most southern African economies endowed with unique natural capital, and the industry is increasingly being used for socio-economic development and diversification of national economies in the region. However, it has become clearly evident that the natural capital upon which the sector depends is highly vulnerable to climate change. This has created urgent governmental needs to take action through policy formulation and implementation. The paper uses in-depth interviews to determine Botswana policy-makers’ perceptions of climate change and tourism with the aim of determining policy needs and constraints. The results reveal that the policy-makers do see climate change as a concern requiring urgent establishment of relevant policy. However, they foresee inadequate information as well as uncertainties surrounding the impacts of climate change on the natural capital. This may hamper the formulation and effective implementation of such a policy.  相似文献   

我国以负责任的态度积极投身应对气候变化国际合作。借助国际组织平台,引进了国际资金和先进技术、开展多边合作。与发达国家建立政策对话和交流机制,引进先进气候友好技术和成功经验,并一起推动面向其他发展中国家的气候变化国际合作。建立了南南合作机制和中国气候变化南南合作基金,为广大发展中国家应对气候变化提供资金、技术、产品等支持。在应对气候变化问题上,我国正逐步成为全球公共物品的提供者。  相似文献   

This study investigates the potential impact of climate change and armed conflict on inequality in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). The system-GMM for a panel of 35 SSA countries is employed using annual data from 1997 to 2018. The empirical results indicate that armed conflict and climate are major drivers of inequality in SSA. The direct impact of the two determinants is more than the indirect impact. Also, the impact of armed conflict is more than the climate change. The coefficients of population growth, output growth, unemployment, natural rent, exchange rate and inflation rate are significant positive predictors of inequality in the SSA. The study advocates for a multidisciplinary inclusive growth strategy that prioritises the climate change reversal, de-escalation of armed conflict, population control, reduction of the unemployment rate and increasing informal sector productivity, to promote inclusive growth and reduce inequality. However, sequencing the policy targets relative to the magnitude of their impact on inequality is extremely crucial.  相似文献   

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